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So are we just doing the bunch of strangers meet up in a tavern thing, or do some of our characters already know each other/know of each other?
@The Mighty Hero
Oh, cool.

I was a bit hesitant to chime in on the earlier discussion of using Discord/Skype because I wasn't sure I was even in the game. In any event, I'm fine with all of that stuff myself.

Also if nobody else just really wants it and its not too much of an eye strain for folks, I'll go with Red for Arius' speech text... if for no other reason than red is really simple for me to remember.

"The cheese is old and moldy. Where is the bathroom?", is reading speech text in this color going to cause anyone eye strain or anything?
Was I accepted to play in this game? I feel like maybe I missed that somewhere...
The crafting system in 5e is lacking indeed, but I think that's because the item system itself is very sparse.
I mean I was at a loss at what to buy with gold as you can't purchase/craft magic items. And some spell components are overpriced for their effects I guess. Spell Scrolls would have been nice to have, or a least some minor magical items like eternal chalk or the immovable rod.

UA has downtime magic item buying and creation rules now.
We can buy uncommon magic items with starting gold, that's pretty huge. Some of the uncommon magic items are ridiculous values at 500gp, compared to other things.
@The Grey Dust
I did not see you were doing Knowledge Domain cleric. In that case, I'm going to drop Identify and the 100gp pearl needed to be able cast it. There is practically never much of a reason for two party members to have that spell, and you're character would always have it by default since its a Domain spell for them.

Minor aside about your query to Mighty Hero, as a cleric you don't need to buy any rituals, you automatically know all the spells you're capable of casting based on your cleric level (clerics and druids don't have limited spells known). Any cleric spell of 3rd level or lower with the ritual tag is fair game for you to cast as a ritual instead of using a spell slot, so long as you either chose to prepare the spell that day or its a domain spell for you (and thus considered prepared regardless). You don't have to pay to know how to cast any of them as a ritual. Unless your talking about learning non-cleric rituals (like Contact Other Plane or Find Familiar). Generally, you need the Ritualist feat for that.
Okay since this still says apply status, I made a Hexblade Patron/Pact of the Blade Warlock. Sort of half-inspired by the old Final Fantasy Mystic Knight job class.

"Otherworldly Patron: Hexblade" is UA, as are the invocations "Improved Pact Weapon" and "Eldritch Smite".

@The Mighty Hero
Since you mentioned wanting 4 players and seem to already have 6, is it safe to assume this game is now closed to new interest?
I'm going to go ahead and bow out.

Best wishes to all and I hope your holidays went well.
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