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Ambrose was finally shaken from his thoughts, only someone like the Headmaster could have done something like that so easily. He shot to his feet, without even thinking about it. The Headmaster commanded respect wherever he went, even if he wasn't has intense as he usually was, there would always be a certain atmosphere around him. Except this time it was different, Ambrose knew the reason. He felt the comforting pull of the Headmaster, this time his voice and smile felt like a soft blanket, pulling away the layers and revealing Ambrose's true self.

Perhaps any other time Ambrose would be completely entranced, but he couldn't stop thinking about Caleb's unnerving smile as he unleashed the beast from inside him. "I'm glad Caleb isn't going to die..." He admitted softly, maintaining the Headmaster's gaze, almost afraid to look away. "And I have a lot of feelings, especially since Caleb told me what you two really are." He hissed, glaring up at the the Headmaster despite the fact his knees shook. He paused, making sure no one was in earshot. "And I have a feeling that you're hiding more then just that. Especially with this thing we're fighting." Fists clenching, Ambrose steeled himself for the Headmaster's response.

Jeremy was sitting next to Alex, listening to the two girls converse about the situation. The fact was, Jeremy was the first one of the group to get back with a blade. During that time he was approached by a slender classmate, introducing himself as Morgan. Morgan revealed he knew the location of the final knife they needed, and would only give the location in exchange for some kind of reward. Jeremy had been trying to figure the entire time how he would share this news with the rest of the group, and then of course Ambrose and Caleb crashed back in with some new crazy drama.

Jeremy cleared his throat, getting up and catching the attention of everyone else. He explained in terms as simple as he could. A moment of silence passed before the room erupted into arguments and yelling, everyone having a different idea on how to handle the situation. Jeremy wanted to give into Morgan, Alex was completely on the fence, and Sam wanted to teach Morgan a lesson.

"Guys, shut up!" Finally Jeremy snapped, getting the room to calm down. "We can't even make a decision until Caleb and Ambrose are back." He paused, "We might even need to inform the Headmaster... Although I would rather not to..." His voice trailed off, and resumed his seat next to Alex.

He stared down at Caleb's limp body, wondering if they would have to conitinue on without him. He didn't even realize how much it hurt to face that reality until now. He was snapped out of his thoughts as Sam and Ariana spoke up. Ambrose nodded and shaily pulled himself up, Ariana picking up Caleb's and Ambrose pulling Caleb up by his shoulders. Ambrose couldn't bring himself to check around the library to see if everyone else was successful. He felt overwhelmingly sick.

Ariana and Ambrose staggered over to the infirmary with Caleb in tow, as soon as they got there the school doctor jumped up and helped him to a bed and got to work. In a couple minutes a few helping hands joined. Ambrose and Ariana sat in a small waiting room, and after a couple hours a nurse came out to inform them Caleb was making progress. He wasn't out of the woods but they had some of the best healers working on him. Ariana took care of the details, coming up with a simple but believable backstory. Ambrose sat silently, eyes fixed on the ground. Once they were alone Ariana tried to talk to him, asking what happened. But Ambrose said nothing, still shaking silently, trying to process everything in his head.

Eventually Ariana left to tell everyone else in the library about Caleb's condition and try to get in touch the headmaster. Ambrose had a feeling though that he already knew. Ambrose stayed in his seat motionless for hours, it didn't feel right to stay there but it felt worse to just go hide in his dorm room. He didn't know where to go from here.
Ambrose peeked into the box for one last look at the knife before tucking it under his arm. Finally, they could take a breath before going back to face their real problem. It all seemed so far away in this lost village, everything was calm in this moment. Ambrose couldn't bring himself to think about Codal and the staff, he could only focus on the next step. Which was traveling back to the academy. "Right. Good, lets go." He took a deep breath and waited for Caleb to get up from the tree.

A moment passed, and Ambrose thought maybe he was too exhausted. He approached Caleb, "Hey..?" His breath caught in his throat when he first spotted the blood. It was coming from a gash on Caleb's side. "Oh god." he dropped down trying to stop the bleeding by putting pressure on the wounds. "Shit shit shit shit..." Panicking as the blood kept seeping through his fingers.

Frantically Ambrose performed the spell for travelling back to the academy. Ambrose quickly turned back to Caleb's limp body, gathering up what he can to carry him through the portal. The two tumbled through with a heavy thud. Ambrose scrambled up and set the box on the library table. Ambrose, breathing heavily as he tried once again to stop the bleeding by applying pressure. "Caleb! Wake up!" He cried out, praying that someone else had returned and able to help.
Ambrose stiffened and look between the two. Codal paused and laughed at Caleb's weak attempt at a threat. "You couldn't punch a leaf at the state you're in." His yellow eyes glinted in amusement. His attention turned back to Ambrose as he moved closer to him and the staff. "Now, sweet thing, hand it over." Ambrose tensed up instinctively and shuffled back a view steps. His hesitation made Codal's face twist into a terrifying mask of rage before returning back to his normal features.

"Fine. Let me show you what you two need so badly." Codal snapped his fingers and suddenly they weren't by the ruins of a temple. They were in a completely different part of the rain forest. They stood in a clearing, that looked like it could have been a part of civilization. It was beautiful, cottages that had been reclaimed by nature. Codal retrieved a engraved box, unlatching it up and opening it to reveal the knife they had come so far for. "Here. This is absolutely necessary to your survival-" He snapped the lid shut, "But you won't get it unless I get that staff."

Ambrose swallowed thickly and gave one last glance to Caleb before turning back to Codal. He handed over the staff, a shaky sigh escaping his lips as he did so. Codal's grin grew impossibly large as he marveled at the object in his hands. The diamond=like stone at the top rapidly changed colors, before being stained a deep red, as if it had been corrupted. "Good boy." Codal tossed the box to Ambrose, who barely caught it.

"Our deal has been fulfilled, you're free to leave. I suggest you do it soon." Codal winked at Ambrose before disappearing right in front of their eyes. Ambrose let out a breath in relief and clutched the box to his chest. His knees shook as he turned to Caleb. he was ashmed of his decision, even if it was the only one they could have took. He couldn't look Caleb in the eyes as he spoke to him. "Can you make it back to the academy?"
Ambrose wiped the sweat from his brow and wactedh Caleb carefully. He didn't understand what was happening to him, but it was clear he was getting very sick very fast. He followed's Calebs gaze to the staff grasped in his hand. At first the currents it sent through him were overwhelming, almost painful but the longer he held it, the more used he got used to the feeling of magic flowing through him. "I know. This thing could do a lot of damage..." His voice trailed off as he pictured Codal's sharp grin in his head.

"No. I remember how to do it." He shook his head and held up his free hand. First a flat palm, then close the pinky and ring finger. Murmur the chant quietly then push your palm out and draw a straight line downwards. Amrbose walked through all the steps in his head and as he did the a wooden staircase appeared from the lip of cliff down into the foliage below.

Letting out a sigh of relief, He tested the first step gingerly. It seemed pretty stable to him and started down the rest. Ambrose gestured for Caleb to follow him as he started down the staircase. It didn't take them long to completely descend to the bottom. Ambrose stepped off into the under brush and glanced around. As soon as his foot touched the solid ground a shiver ran up his spine.

Codal stepped out from the shadows, grinning wider then ever and yellow eyes looking the staff up and down. "Glad to see you two made it out." He paused and sneered at Caleb, noting his weakened state. "Hand over the staff sweet thing, and I'll get you the knife you so desire." Codal's voice was velvet, and he took a confident step towards Ambrose, a clawed hand reaching out.
Ambrose let out a yelp of surprise as he was scooped off his feet, though he wasn't opposed to the fact he didn't ahve to run anymore. The sunlight was blinding as they emerged from the temple. Ambrose didn't even notice the change in Caleb until he turned to face the beast behind them.

His breath caught in his throat as he watched Caleb create the seal, and creature being successfully trapped by the ruined temple. Ambrose shook from the shock of the whole situation, speechless that they even made it out alive.

Caleb collapsed in front of Ambrose, he flinched away from him before realizing he was back to his old self again. Although he quickly notice the blood running from Caleb's mouth. Definitely not a good sign. "Right. Yeah, here's the staff." He held it up slightly, AMbrose pulled himself to his feet and looked around them. It appeared they exited to the backside of the temple, and stood on the edge of a large cliff. "Can you keep going?" He asked Caleb as he turned back towards him. "We need to find a way off the temple grounds to get this to Codal."

The light Ambrose had spotted earlier was still so faint, the orbs of light Caleb produced made the passageway clear, but the end was still not in sight quite yet. Despite him and Caleb sprinting as fast they could. At this point the rumbling was nearly deafening, yet Ambrose could only hear his heart wildly thumping in his chest. He gripped the staff in his hand tight to cause pain, growing used to the shocks of energy it sent up his spine.

In the back of his mind he could hear the beast behind them roar and thumping in pursuit. But Caleb's voice cut through everything. Ambrose couldn't precisely understand what Caleb meant at first. As they panted and sprinted the gigantic creature crunched the bones beneath it's feet and was gradually catching up.

"No! I can't do the rest of this by myself!" He spat out, partially enraged by Caleb's suggestion. He tightened his grip on Caleb's hand and tried to pick up the pace. Finally, the end of the passageway came into view, sunlight shining through. Though still a long way, hope sparked inside of Ambrose and pushing through the burning in his chest he tried to keep up his sprinting.

"We're so close, we can at least make it out!" He exclaimed, trying to ignore the fact that the beast had gained considerable distance on them. He felt the vibrations from each step the creature took. And with each step, it came closer. It was clear that at this rate, they would be caught before they could even get out of the temple.
I think I just expressed interest in your other RP as well LOL but I've been craving D&D type stuff A LOT! If you're still doing this shoot me a PM!
Hey guys, I'm looking for 1x1s (or even small groups!) again as I'm trying to slowly get back into RPs after a long break.
I love developing characters, worlds, and relationships in my RPs!
I consider myself a high casual writer and expect somewhere around the same from my partner, I can stretch myself to advanced in some cases though.
I'm only looking for 18+ writing partners because I'm only interested in adult themes such as violence, language, romance, etc
Also, although I'm down for romance type RPs, I want PLOT to be the main focus! (no romance is fine as well)
I do greatly prefer dark/intense/dramatic type RPs as well, although slice of life with a twist or something sounds good too

Romance rules:

-ALL characters 18+
-MxM or FxF only, I can play both genders but I'm mainly interested in MxM
-I'm not into really intense fetishes, I'm okay with dark romances or whatever but like... watersports/intense torturing/etc

The genre's I'm currently interested in:

-School settings
-Horror stuff

We can do universes set from media like Elder Scrolls, Fallout, Dragon age, Walking Dead, Westworld Etc! But I only want to play with OCs, no canon characters. (I'm super into D&D type stuff right now too!!)
However I'm super interested in communicating and coming up with plot together! Totally down to just wing it too though!

-I'm very laid-back, just keep me updated
-Let me know if you're not interested in the material/ want to change it up
- I'm on summer break so I can post 1-2 a day usually
-I'm pretty friendly! We can chat outside of RP in discord or whatever too ^_^
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