Avatar of Cayden Black
  • Last Seen: 5 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Cayden Black
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 410 (0.11 / day)
  • VMs: 2
  • Username history
    1. Cayden Black 10 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

5 yrs ago
Current I walk in a blizzard of words, eyes blinded by the choices, as stories dance in the distance. Just out of reach...
5 yrs ago
Synthetic Soul, that's how I feel.
7 yrs ago
Is it 1358 yet?...
8 yrs ago
There is nothing more irritating in the morning than grabbing your cup of tea and finding it empty...
8 yrs ago
The Jobs fell through! If anyone needs me I'll be buried in my books...


I have been away for over 2 years, so I have glanced over this to attempt and update as of 2019.

I have been a role player for nearly 8 years now, preferring to do 1x1's. My genre's are normally fantasy/scifi in both medieval, modern and futuristic. Steam Punk is a world theme I have some experience in and have thoroughly enjoyed, however my knowledge for such a genre is limited at present.
When it comes to the rating I much prefer 18+ as the contents of many of my role plays involve violence, language and the occasional gore and even sexual content. I am quite happy to mix things up depending on your tastes and so long as it continues to work with the story I will be happy to try and incorporate anything you may wish into a plot.

About Me
Well the most commonly asked questions are quite simple for me. I am a 29 year old Male living in England, so for those living in the US you will find my reply times sporadic and perhaps even during times most sane people would be asleep. This can even happen if you are in Europe as I have a very deep passion for writing. When a role play just hooks me right I am quite capable of replying within the hour to any posts you make. I do some times need a breather and time to think over a response, so some posts may take a day or so.

I Make and prefer at least 2-3 paragraphs to build on stories. If you are at all interested in a role play just send me a PM and I will see if we can come up with a plot to work on.

Music for the Soul

Most Recent Posts

I love the Bohemian Princess. I feel sad for her though, like she's from a story where something weighs her down and stops her being the child she desperately desires to be =(
aaand it's GONE
Still on the hunt for partners?

If so, I'm looking at a sci fi genre similar to Mass Effect. Would you be interested?
Hmm, I usually only do scifi/fantasy and I've got a LOT of spare time so I'm in the market for new role plays. I'm happy to do one if your interested. Send me a pm if your interested =)
Any chance of more detail on what sort if rp other than the band one?
I would very much like to take you up on a sci fi story if you are interested. Been too long since I've done one of those... You happy to use pm to sort out details?
I don't suppose you are still looking?
You should try smite. I find that Moab a lot of fun myself.
In Mahz's Dev Journal 9 yrs ago Forum: News
I'm just happy everything is still operational. I've been around long enough now to know mahz and his team do their best. It's just a shame I can't buy them all drinks...
Just remember the golden rule. **_BEWARE THE ONE LEGGED MAN!!_**
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