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    1. CharmingDevil 8 yrs ago


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8 yrs ago
Current Heroes always get remembered but you know legends never die


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I'm sorry but after going to the main roleplay thread, it seems some things have changed. My original assumption was that this would be something akin to normal mundane people dying one way or another, only to wake up in a different world, possibly altered a bit but still very much human. Magical noobs so to speak. Now the premise seems kind of vague to me. Am I thinking of something completely unrelated that I read elsewhere or did you change it?

When the dragon had introduced herself as Ashwing to the eloquent man standing next to him, memories flitted through his mind of a dragon he had heard mention of before by a sister tribe of pixies he came across while in the southern deserts. Dragons were practically all but legends now so the few that still remained were known by all. Just like the pair of dragons that lived in the mountains near Nivalis, this tribe knew a dragon that claimed a nearby dormant volcano it's lair. They had called it Flare but later as Tae'o continued his travels through the human domains, he heard stories of a dragon by the name of Ashwing that were eerily similar to the dragon the pixies spoke of. Tae'o idly wondered now if these two dragons were but one and the same?

Coming out of his reverie, the pixie's pale blue eyes widened in shock when the beautiful dragon acknowledged his compliment with one of her own. "Your wings are rather radiant themselves". To think he had been complimented by a dragon! Whether she had just been trying to be nice or not didn't matter. Tae'o couldn't help the smile that stretched his face just then. Facades be damned! In his excitement and a snap! of blue-white light, Tae'o had retransformed back into his Pixie Form. The small blue orb of light danced up and around the dragon's head, tittering excitedly.

"Oh, you're too kind! My wings are nothing compared to the magnificence of yours, My Lady! Regardless, your words have made my day!"

The blue light lazily floated back down, a bit more calmly now that his remaining energy had been spent in his excitement. This time a wisp of pale blue smoke appeared until Tae'o was standing in his Human Form again. Just then an extremely excited muscular fellow all but barreled out of the inn. Seems Tae'o wasn't the only one wishing to meet a dragon. A lazy smile adorned his face as the pixie stared up at the dragon once more.

"Well, seems you have another patron wishing to gaze upon your glory. All this excitement has made me hungry and tired so I shall take my leave. It was a fantastic pleasure to make your acquaintance. I do hope our paths cross again in the future. Until then, Lady Flare."

Tae'o gave a deep bow and a polite wave to both the newcomer and the dragon before pushing open the door leading inside. Instantly his ears were bombarded with the sounds of drunken laughter and shouting, the tantalizing smell of food filtering through his senses. The diversity of the patrons inside would never rival the dragon he just met but all sorts seemed to call this town their home. Elves, orcs, lizard men, even a sylph!! How exciting! However, his stomach grumbled its command of food so Tae'o decided to take a seat at the bar, not wishing to take up a whole table to himself. Meeting everyone else would have to wait for now.

Tae'o remembered the words of the girl who had originally pointed him to this inn, that the owner offers free food and board to anyone willing to offer their services. Flagging down the bartender, Tae'o decided to test the advice by ordering a simple plate of fruit and greens. When the food was set before him, the pixie barely had a chance to open his mouth before the orc walked off to help the other patrons. No demand of coin was met. Not like Tae'o had any coin to speak of anyway. Tentatively grabbing a slice of apple and popping it into his mouth, Tae'o's suspicion instantly melted away as his taste buds thanked him. What fresh produce! Humming in delight, now content that he was filling his belly, Tae'o glanced around the tavern before he noticed a whole wall near the back that boasted bounties. So that must be where the jobs were posted. It seemed rather empty. Well, priorities first! Turning back to his food, Tae'o grabbed another apple slice, biting into the crisp sweetness with fervor.
@harinezumikouken Might I say your posts are extremely entertaining to read! Just the way you word things and Scarper's inner thought processes make me chuckle! XD
You've piqued my curiosity. I'll stake my interest for now.
So my first post ended up being a lot longer than I planned compared to everyone else's but I got kind of carried away with Tae'o's back story and didn't want to delete any of it haha my other posts probably won't be quite as beefy but I'm not making any promises ;)

I also thought I'd mention though that in my post, Tae'o is able to recognize the dragon as female since he's part of the Fae. I just figured as such, he'd be able to tell the difference between genders of magical creatures such as himself. Just let me know if this shouldn't be the case and I'll change it. I don't mind either way.

Tae’o had been flitting from town to town, village to village, for the better part of the last 3 years. His current story was the same as any wandering adventurer. Picking up odd jobs here and there just to make a decent living. Never staying in any one place for long. Honing his magic and combat skills whenever he had free time. But regardless of where he was or what he was doing, Tae’o strived for anything and everything that would grant him entertainment. Boredom was a toxic thing for pixies but more than that, Tae’o longed to take his mind off thoughts that revolved around his true purpose for wandering. To see a pixie outside of his tribe was a rare sight, rarer still to spot said pixie at all, for pixies shunned the civilized world, preferring to live out their existence in whatever untouched region of the world they called home. But as of the devastating events of 3 years ago, Tae’o no longer had a home in which to remain. Swallowing his fear of the outside world, Tae’o began his journey from the forests of Nivalis, searching for information along the way that could point him in the right direction for the men that destroyed everything he knew and held dear.

It was difficult at first. People didn’t seem to know what to think of him, this little pixie child dressed in leaves and feathers with the unnaturally colored hair and too-pale skin. Most people have never seen a pixie before but they had heard the stories. Pranksters. Mischievous cunning tricksters that played wicked pranks on anyone unwise enough to venture off the trail. They’ve heard tales of villagers and hunters who lost their way for hours, the once familiar forest becoming a labyrinth of trees and rocks, weird lights dancing on the edges of their vision only to disappear upon notice, disembodied voices tittering in an unknown language, only to finally emerge confused and dazed, having no memories of their time in the woods.

So when young Tae’o ventured into his first village it was easy to understand why people shied away from him. The ones that did talk to him quickly made up an excuse to be elsewhere. And when the first questions out of his mouth mentioned “evil magic men wearing black cloaks and golden sunrises” it was obvious that no one would trust him. After a couple months and many failed interactions, Tae’o finally came up with the conclusion that he needed to do something different if he was going to get anywhere in this strange world. He practiced tirelessly in the woods until he was able to alter his child-like appearance to something resembling a young human adult. He traded in his leaves and feathers for an outfit of black leather that he stole from a merchant in town, caught momentarily distracted by some dancing lights Tae’o conjured up. The dark attire was well made, consisting of pants and a form-fitting hooded vest, and thankfully fit. These two changes alone drastically improved his interactions with villagers he encountered. Save for the pointed ears and pair of translucent blue wings sprouting from his back, sticking out of the vest through holes he managed to cut in the leather, the humans actually treated him fairly normally. Upon first notice, he would get strange looks sent his way but otherwise they talked to him willingly enough. Tae’o eventually even learned how to use a bow and arrows from a family nice enough to give him a place to stay. He later made his own, infusing the arrows with his pixie dust and continued to practice his magic as well as his new-found skill.

Present day found him in the town of Norr. He had just arrived 20 minutes ago, tired from flying all day in his Pixie Form. Tae'o stopped on the edge of town to transform into his Humanoid Form before walking the rest of the way. He was pointed in the direction of one Strumpet Inn by a kind young woman whose eyes kept flitting from his wings to his ears and finally landing on his face with a too big smile spreading across her own.

"I hear the owner there offers free food and board to anyone willing to take a job or two. You look like a capable fellow. I'm sure she'll appreciate the help."

Tae'o smiled pleasantly and thanked her for the information, making his way in the direction she had pointed. Maybe if he took on a couple of these jobs he could gain some useful information regarding the mages he was looking for. It was as good a place as any to start.

Upon getting closer to the inn, however, a playful grin stretched his lips when none other than a dragon the size of a horse blocked the entrance with a man seemingly in conversation with said creature. He hadn't seen a dragon in years! There had been a couple of them living in the snowy mountains nearby his home forest in Nivalis but he was sure this wasn't one of them. The scales were red and black, hinting at a dragon that most likely called a much warmer area their home. Something told Tae'o that he was definitely going to enjoy his stay here in Norr, the easily excitable pixie nature within him growing restless. He had always wanted to meet a dragon! Practically bouncing on his feet, he would've sprinted the rest of the way if not for the fact that Tae'o didn't want to seem rude or immature in the presence of such a magnificent creature. Dragons were extremely prideful. So instead he casually walked the rest of the dirt pathway towards the inn and bowed deeply once he was standing next to the man.

"Pardon for interrupting your conversation, but I couldn't help but admire your beautiful scales, My Lady! They sparkle brighter than any jewel I've seen! Would either of you happen to know if this is the Strumpet Inn?"
So sorry for the inactivity. Had a busy weekend but will be working on a post for my little pixie dude today.
@BlytheChi Quick question: Are there bedrooms that the patrons can sleep in? I kinda thought there might be but wanted to make sure before I post.
Character Sheet

Name: Tae'o (pronounced tay-oh)
Age: Pixies do not age as normal races do nor does time pass normally for them. Though Tae'o has the appearance of someone in his 20's, he's at least a century old.
Gender: Male
Race: Pixie
Occupation: Rogue for Hire, odd jobs around town

Personality: Tae'o is the typical pixie; mischievous, cunning, and with an insatiable lust for fun and trouble. He'll typically make mistakes and falter during combat just to prolong the adrenaline and to make things more exciting. He's curious about everything and isn't easily intimidated, but doesn't easily trust others, especially humans. However, despite all this, Tae'o is a survivalist and strategy is his strong suit. He operates best unseen and unheard, opposed to violence unless absolutely necessary, preferring more obscure methods of dealing with foes.

Bio: Tae'o was "born" into a tribe of Moon Pixies that called the forests of Nivalis their home. He remembered dancing on the surface of the lake under the light of the full moon with his brothers and sisters and sleeping under the comforting glow of Lunar Mushrooms. However, all those memories were nothing but nostalgia now. One night during the peak of the Harvest Festival men in long black cloaks ravished the forest, somehow able to break through the barrier that kept their plane of existence hidden from the humans. Tae'o later found out that these men were powerful mages looking to harness the power of pixie dust. Tae'o was one of the lucky few that managed to escape but many of his brothers and sisters had been captured, tossed into glowing cages that buzzed ominously. From that day forward, he vowed to take revenge on the men that destroyed his home and took his tribe hostage, the insignia of a golden sunrise emblazoned on the back of their cloaks burned into his memory.

What’s in your bag: Bow and arrows infused with his pixie dust; rather than pierce his enemies with a fatal wound, his arrows are absorbed upon contact and cause effects such as paralysis, sleep, or hallucinations. Also wears a moonstone pendant around his neck as a reminder of where he came from and what he's fighting for.

Extra: Can see well in low light and can detect magic. Has very good hearing. Is at his strongest during a full moon. Can manipulate light and shadow in order to confuse his enemies or cloak himself from view.

Appearance: While in his true Pixie Form Tae'o appears as a small orb of pale blue light to those unfamiliar with the Fae. His Humanoid Form sports silver hair, blue eyes, pale skin, short pointed elf-like ears, and translucent blue wings like those of a dragonfly.

Character Sheet

Name: Tae'o (pronounced tay-oh)
Age: Pixies do not age as normal races do nor does time pass normally for them. Though Tae'o has the appearance of someone in his 20's, he's at least a century old.
Gender: Male
Race: Pixie
Occupation: Rogue

Personality: Tae'o is the typical pixie; mischievous, cunning, and with an insatiable lust for fun and trouble. He'll typically make mistakes and falter during combat just to prolong the adrenaline and to make things more exciting. He's curious about everything and isn't easily intimidated, but doesn't easily trust others, especially humans. However, despite all this, Tae'o is a survivalist and strategy is his strong suit. He operates best unseen and unheard, opposed to violence unless absolutely necessary, preferring more obscure methods of dealing with foes.

Bio: Tae'o was "born" into a tribe of Moon Pixies that called the forests of Nivalis their home. He remembered dancing on the surface of the lake under the light of the full moon with his brothers and sisters and sleeping under the comforting glow of Lunar Mushrooms. However, all those memories were nothing but nostalgia now. One night during the peak of the Harvest Festival men in long black cloaks ravished the forest, somehow able to break through the barrier that kept their plane of existence hidden from the humans. Tae'o later found out that these men were powerful mages looking to harness the power of pixie dust. Tae'o was one of the lucky few that managed to escape but many of his brothers and sisters had been captured, tossed into glowing cages that buzzed ominously. From that day forward, he vowed to take revenge on the men that destroyed his home and took his tribe hostage, the insignia of a golden sunrise emblazoned on the back of their cloaks burned into his memory.

What’s in your bag: Bow and arrows infused with his pixie dust; rather than pierce his enemies with a fatal wound, his arrows are absorbed upon contact and cause effects such as paralysis, sleep, or hallucinations. Also wears a moonstone pendant around his neck as a reminder of where he came from and what he's fighting for.

Extra: Can see well in low light and can detect magic. Has very good hearing. Is at his strongest during a full moon. Can manipulate light and shadow in order to confuse his enemies or cloak himself from view.

Appearance: While in his true Pixie Form Tae'o appears as a small orb of pale blue light to those unfamiliar with the Fae. His Humanoid Form sports silver hair, blue eyes, pale skin, short pointed elf-like ears, and translucent blue wings like those of a dragonfly.

Are you all still interested? Hoping to get this started tomorrow :)

So sorry for the wait. I had a harder time than I thought finding a picture that worked for the character I had in mind. Finishing up my CS now. Should have it to you soon.
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