Avatar of choraki
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 126 (0.04 / day)
  • VMs: 4
  • Username history
    1. choraki 9 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

3 yrs ago
Current So, being mentally in a very bad place additional to not finding anyone with the same RP interests, even though I've put such a crazy amount of effort into world building is really disheartening. sigh
3 yrs ago
Man, lately the hate I receive for what I want to RP really is obnoxious and actually putting me off from RPing all together pretty well. Sigh.
3 yrs ago
I haven't looked into Village yet, but 7 was... ew. ;-; I want my RE4. :C
1 like
3 yrs ago
Hey, if you give me an RE/Biohazard RP, I'll give you a Naruto rp :eyes:
3 yrs ago
When you crave certain RP plots so much but no one wants to do them with you so you're just... *sad writer noises*


User has no bio, yet

Most Recent Posts

Aidan's gonna be a prime suspect.
Also, accepted.

Oh, he's used to it!
@DriveEMOut Still a good chance!

/Edit: Having dinner now, so the CS will be posted later! Sorry!
Oh, nice! Is one of us going to receive a PM saying that we're the killer?
Interested as well, will also make a CS shortly!

Really looking for some Jurassic Park/World stuff right now~!
@Zerofighter PM!

And bump~
» Elizabeth
» Liz
» Female
» Human
» American
» Heterosexual
» Unwinding after a long day at work is Liz's favourite activity. She loves to make herself a quick meal -- mostly one she doesn't need to cook herself --
» Being a nurse in an emergency unit, Elizabeth is used to stressful and demanding situations. She can perform under immense pressure, is clever, and wonderfully skilled in the field of medicine and first aid.
Past / Biography:
» OC
Items / Weapons:

[-appearance / faceclaim in a spoiler-]

Also: BUMP~
» Aaron McFare
» n/a
» 30 years
» Male
» Human
» British
» Bisexual
» 178cm / 5'8''
» 71kg / 156lbs
» The favourite hobbies of Aaron are probably reading scientific books, studying his own little plant cells from Pandora, and sleeping. He loves sleeping like nothing else. His bed is definitely his favourite place to be, and if anyone lets him, he could very well sleep for twelve hours straight. However, he rarely does that, and therefore mostly resumes to a good cup of tea and a bit of research in his own fields of knowledge.
Going on missions with his avatar is also a huge pleasure of him, even if he rarely does it. He is mostly used as a technician, repairing software problems at the outer base stations when there is no other way to solve them otherwise. He never really gets into contact with any original Na'vi and he is quite grateful for that. He prefers his avatar over a body suit mostly because he can freely work with his body in that shape.
» A huge dislike of Aaron is definitely social events. Whilst he does well conversing with his colleagues and discussion solutions for different problems with them, he is not a diplomatic person. Should he be chosen to be a moderator of a critical situation, he would most probably fail and cause everything to go to hell. Whilst he enjoys staying in his little group of nerdy scientists, he is probably the most antisocial person on the whole base once he is confronted with any 'real soldiers' out there. Even if he does manage to advise them rather well once they seek his help. It is all probably just an act of his to stay in this job rather than being fired because of a few 'attitude failures'...
» The qualities of him do definitely lay in his mathematical, analytical and technical skills. His great range of knowledge also does a lot for his reputation. Whenever he faces a problem in his field of work, he usually solves it within hours, or a day at most. He is unusually well with adjusting to new working environments and he is quick in understanding new parameters of, for example, tools he is supposed to work with.
» Aaron's weaknesses are mostly only to be found in his physical shape or his abilities to keep people entertained. He is a friendly person per se, but he is extraordinarily bad in keeping up a conversation. He doesn't like being thrown into social events, therefore, and mostly retreats into the safety of his working tools in his laboratory. When it comes down to pass a fitness test, as it's mostly required in his current job parameters, he nonetheless only manages at the very least. He is not a very good fighter or runner, only climbing might be a fair skill of his. He mostly resorts to standing in the back and trying to provide a somewhat good fighting tactic. If he is to be confronted with an enemy and he manages to take them down, it is most probably just a shot of luck. He would probably die painfully if he was to be left alone in the open field.
» Aaron is basically a very comfortable colleague and friend. He usually acts reserved, but never insulting or accusing. Therefore, it takes quite much to anger him at all. If he gets eventually pushed past his limits, though, he mostly turns into the personified sarcasm. Some people would even say, he loves cynical comments whenever someone annoys him more than they should. And if he has any argument going on with another person, he can also be very vindictive, even if he keeps that on a solely personal base. Meaning, neither his work, nor the affecting person's other relations will be involved. Once someone has managed to get into his good favours, though, he will definitely sacrifice anything for his morals and beliefs. Anything but his life, though. He is not a fan of being a martyr, actually.
» Analysis
» Adaption
» Technical and botanical knowledge
» Problem solver
» Aaron's school carrier was very smooth and rather boring. No big problems, he mostly stood out of any real trouble, and passed with an acceptable grade. The following studies were basically the same level of boring. His whole life up to the point at which he would apply at the RDA for a job as an IT specialist and analyst was in fact just a whole wave of absolute boredom. He had no girlfriend so far, even if he had the one or another intimate moment every now and then. He mostly dedicated his life to studying and gaining a wider range of knowledge, because that was his main interest. As soon as he was accepted into the RDA and was shipped to the alien planet Pandora, he had continued with that lifestyle. Had worked hard and kept his nose out of any trouble, had studied and slept peacefully in his dorm. Any social event he mostly avoided, and unless he was forced to supervise any critical operations in terms of software, he would retreat into his sweet, little laboratory.
» James Cameron's Avatar (Game)
Items / Weapons:
» Pistol (Grand Power K100)
» Notebook and pen
» Small pouch for collecting samples
» Pocketknife

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