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    1. clasicspyro3 10 yrs ago


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acepted only read rules in OOC and post secret phrase
Jacque's brow raised slightly as he stared at the insignia on Priscilla's hand. He knew of the Slayers, having even worked with one once to help stop a necromancer that had attempted to achieve lichdom. Jacque fondly recalled the argument that the Slayer had started with the Paladin of the past group when the battle was over, as the paladin wanted to take the necromancer before his church to face judgement, while the slayer simply wanted to part the necromancer's head from his shoulders. He pushed the memory away in favor of thinking about Priscilla's question, "A swamp dragon, eh?". Jacque absentmindedly reached up and tugged on one of the braids in his hair, a habit he'd developed that he only did when in deep thought. The fauna of the forest had indeed been acting strange lately, Jacque recalled that in the last three weeks alone he'd spotted several ospreys, otters, mangrove monitors and even a crab or two moving through the forest. At the time he'd just chalked it up as a novel, yet not quite worrisome occurrence, after all, water sources like swamps dried up all the time, and perhaps what spurred their travel was a drought. Now that Jacque thought about it however, he'd recalled that they didn't move with the purposeful yet discreet movements of an animal in an unfamiliar land in search of a home. The creatures that had entered the forest were frantic; they had been moving as if they were being pursued, always checking their surroundings with rapid, jerky head movements, as if they expected at any second to be pounced upon and devoured and compensated by trying to se everywhere at once. Jacque released the braid and cleared his throat, "Now that I think about it, the wild life here have been acting strange. I've been seeing a lot of creatures around here that I used to only see in a mangrove swamp to the south of the island. They weren't moving like they were migrating, it seemed like they were fleeing for their lives.".
James couldn't help but laugh. "That sounds like him. He tends to not let any other animals on his territory that he claims." He looked at Priscilla. "I can lead you to him. I know his scent," he said, sprouting his draconic wings.
"I could help in the battle if you want my help, after all cleansing the world of evil is a personal goal of mine."
Name: Zecurst Yazern Xerces Nickname(optional):Ze Age:500 Gender: Male Powers: Control over fire, flight, essence drain, regeneration, strength increases the more he feeds on blood, extreme longevity, Can sense the essence of others so always knows where people are (he is very hard to sneak up on) Species: Half dragon half vampire Appearance(s): Crush:None Personality: Kindhearted, fights against his demonic half trying to do good in the world only feeds on animals and evil beings History(optional):His mother is a purple dragon and his father is a vampire that uses his vampiric powers for good they soon fell in love resulting in Ze’s birth Mother Father
Character template: Name: Nickname(optional): Age: Gender: Powers: Species: Appearance(s) Crush:None Personality: History(optional):
Rules: 1) No OOC fights 2) All characters must have dragon heritage 3) Be active enough to know what is happening 4) Absolutely no godmoding 5) No rules on Grammar as long as post are readable and make sense 6) Rules may change if I deem necessary 7) Post "Dragons 4ever" so I know rules were read 8) MOST IMPORTANTLY: HAVE FUN!!!
What about dragon-shifters?
I have a species of dragon-like people called dracons. Maybe that will work.
Can you provide a pic?
Anyone interested in a RP where all the characters are dragons or have parents or grandparents that are dragons. Non-dragon family can be any race also cannon characters that fit requirements are allowed as long as I know where they come from or you give me a link to learn about them romance is allowed and encouraged as long as it is kept PG-13 TAKE THE REST TO PM I will play one of my personal OCs an possibly a few cannon characters as long as they aren't taken by someone else that is interested
Priscilla shook her head and continued to survey her surrounding for the origin of the beam of magical energy and the one who shot it. Though it didn't land near her or detonate close, she could feel that the beam itself and its origin were less than benevolent. It was something of a sixth sense she had, and she knew for herself that is was never wrong. Upon finding no one, she huffed and sheathed her weapons once more with a wary glance at her environment. Back on the beach, more people had appeared as if by... magic. She could only ask herself if she was honestly that surprised as another being with draconic features had appeared and was doling out its own set of worldly knowledge. She walked over again to confirm what she had heard.
"And not all dragons and Dragonspawn are evil, after all I'm not nor is my mother or even my father and he has the blood of vampires and demons. Your race has nothing to do with your alignment everyone has a choice to be good or evil. I've even seen demons as kind as anyone could be and angels more corrupt than anyone could imagine."
"Don't know when you popped up, but I thought I said worked will all sorts. Didn't say that the dragon-folk were evil, just said that we hunt evil."
"Actually, Orcs are always evil. They're too feral. They rely only on their instincts, so they are considered evil because all they do is kill, pillage, eat, and rape."
Priscilla scoffed and shook her head with a chuckle. "You ever met an Orc that wasn't part of a war-party? They're gentler than most, and very spiritual. Every race has its bastards and its normal people. Sounds like you've only seen the Orc bastards. One of my closest friends is an Orc, and a priest. Healer and a diplomat." She crossed her arms and sighed into the distance, as if reminiscing, her face decorated with a sad twist of her mouth.
"Oi! You folks alright?"
The mention of age from the both of them had flown over her head, and was pushed completely out when she heard a voice that sounded a bit older and more mature. She wheeled around and looked to the tree-line to see a towering beast of a man emerging from the brush. Eager to speak with someone who seemed a bit more grounded and a bit more human, she raised a mailed arm and waved slightly. "What ho, and all that! What news does the day bring, brother? Are you lost as well?"
"I'm pretty much a nomad traveling around and helping and defending those who need help or defending as long as none of it goes against my morals or against my faith in Bahamut the god of all good people with even a little dragon blood in their veins"
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