Avatar of Classified
  • Last Seen: 9 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 87 (0.03 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Classified 9 yrs ago


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9 yrs ago
Current Going to be hiding in the anonymity of guest for a while only coming out of the shadows to post
9 yrs ago
Conquered a great challenge today, so proud of myself
1 like
9 yrs ago
Contemplating one of the biggest decisions of my life so far, trying not to screw up my future
9 yrs ago
If it's sunny tomorrow I promise I won't sleep the day away
9 yrs ago
I will be MIA for 5 days, don't miss me too much



I'm Classified, a nickname a earned by being so classified with my information, just my parents instilling the dangers of the internet in to me.

I used to be an avid roleplayer and wish to continue that. Although I'm afraid that, like how your habits are that of those who brought you up, I may have developed a particular roleplaying style due to the place I used to roleplay before....

My favourite types of roleplays are....fantasy, spy themed, drama and...well mostly those that contain magic.

My favourite thing about roleplays is creating the characters, I love creating Original Characters but I also like creating characters based on ones that already exist.

I tend to stay away from roleplays that are based on video games, animes, tv shows and films unless I know them really well.

Most Recent Posts

<Snipped quote by Classified>

Hmm... Class? Classy? Lassy? Your username is a bit difficult to work with nickname-wise XD

Yeah, again sorry about that XD

You can use Classified if you want but if you find it too formal or long you can call me whatever. I'm cool like that, I'm chill..I sound like an old person trying to be down with the kids
You guys don't have to refer to me as Classified, you can use a nickname if you want...better yet you can make one up, just don't be mean or crude XD

@XxFellsingxX I thought you were of the female variety but then everyone referred to you a guy and I got confused (>_<)
Aspen Archer

"Here you go! Oh, uh, if it hurts too much, you don't have to sign if you don't want to!" Kitty said making Aspen smile. She concentrated on the marker and lifted it out of Kitty's hands and brought it closer to the her cast. Aspen stopped, the pen hovering just above, she looked at the signatures already there. Choosing a clear spot Aspen concentrated on the marker as it slowly but neatly signed her name, she was careful not to write over the other names and creatures, she still had yet to find out about.

As she was about to ask she heard another voice call out to Kitty. Aspen remembered that her name was Alexis, she was kind of hard to forget."Kitty! Oh, hey, you got cast! Can I sign it?". Aspen watched as she lightly poked the cast, looking back up again she saw that Alexis was soon followed by the other guy from the tram who she remembered was named Graham,“Whoa! Those are awesome, haha! I want some...where’d you get ‘em?! And I call next! Oh, heya! Sorry about yelling at ya’ll. The name’s Graham. Nice to meetcha.”

Aspen focused on the marker again and floated it over to Alexis so she could sign Kitty's cast next. She had realised the cast had been to help her broken arm but she wondered why people signed it. There were still so many things that she didn't know or understand, Aspen had many questions to ask and things to find out but for now she had to focus on this academy and introducing herself to the other new students including Graham. "It is nice to meet you also," she replied politely. "My name is Aspen."
Aspen Archer

"Hold still, this won't hurt a bit," Dorian said making Aspen look back at him for a breif second to see him take out a pair of tweezers. She looked away again before he began to pull them out bracing herself for the pain. Won't hurt a bit? That's what they always say

Aspen felt liquid being poured onto her hand but it didn't sting, she felt the movement of the glass from her hand but that didn't hurt either. Aspen wanted to look at what was going on but decided it would be best to keep looking away until it was done. There was a few second gap between a piece of glass being pulled out and liquid being poured on her hands again, she figured it must be over. Dorian patted her hands dry and wrapped them in bandages. Aspen felt a pats on her shoulder, "All done,you'll be fine. Try to keep them clean and dry, let them heal and all that, got it? Now, go talk to your little friends, and do whatever you miserable little brats do in your free time."

Looking down at her hands she saw they were neatly covered, she tried to flex them, at first it didn't hurt but them slowly she felt the pain. Aspen looked up from her hands about to thank Dorian but he had walked away from her. "Hey! Get onto the platform, brats! Now!". She watched as Kitty and Cheol complied and walked towards her.

"Hi!" she beamed. "Aspen, right? I'm Kitty! I'm fifteen, and a teleporter! What about you? Oh, wait, do you wanna sign my cast?"

"Yes,"Aspen confirmed her name. "I'm Aspen, seventeen and a..telekinetic," She answered Kitty's second question. She looked at her 'cast' and then back at Kitty, "Do you have a pen?" She asked.

<Snipped quote by Rune_Alchemist>

Morning Rune!!! Classes have started back up again for me, so no more late night forum browsing XD

I think I have to wait for @Classified before I post again.

Just posted a small post, haven't been feeling that great so I may not post again today but Dorian is free to fix her up and leave her
Aspen Archer

Aspen watched as Dorian shrugged off his lab coat, she was a bit perplexed by his action but realised what he was doing when he said "Look, kid, Aspen. I'm not a goddamn scientist. I'm a freaking school nurse. I make a living out of patching up snot-nosed brats after they've gotten into fights. In other words, I'm here to help you.". Not a goddamn scientist, he definitely knew about her in the Esper program. "This is disinfectant. All you have to do is let me clean off your hands and bandage them up. It won't even sting. I promise. You can stay standing. You don't have to stand particularly close to me. Just… let me treat your hands, okay?"

Aspen gave in, he seemed to be quite impatient but seeing how much effort he was going through to not seem like the bad guy made her make the decision to trust him. She put her hands out towards him but turned her face away from him, she didn't want to see him pulling out the glass, she could have done it herself telekinetically but the idea made her squeamish. Plus, if he did try anything, there were people around would see and hopefully help.

Aspen's eyes wandered over to Kitty and Cheol again, when Kitty turned to her and smiled she couldn't help but return it with a small smile herself. Cheol soon looked over aswell with a smile and wave, Aspen smiled back and him but since she couldn't wave with her hands currently occupied she gave quick nod.
@Avanhelsing Really? Damn that Master Oogway ripping off other people's quotes
<Snipped quote by Classified>

Hmmm. Dorian would know about Aspen's backstory, being a teacher... debating whether or not he'd take his lab coat off and risk showing his tattoos. Hell, would that even help? XD

Earlier I had to google how to treat a broken arm. Well, now I know what I don't want to be when I grow up.

I think so since he'd need to know stuff about students like medical history and the tattoo thing might be interesting
Afternoon all :) I would say how's everyone's day been but your day is just beginning :P
Aspen Archer

Aspen felt bad that she had ignored Cheol's question but when she saw the man in the lab coat she froze in fear. The man in the lab coat appeared to be walking closer to her, she wanted to step back and run into the tunnel. Aspen, at this moment would rather face Miss Meredith than this man.

“Right, which one of you needs treating? I’m Dorian Lost. That’s ‘Mr. Dorian’ or ‘sir’ to you brats, got it? Anyway, come here, Aspen. I’m going to treat your hands, got it?”. Come here? She wasn't about to go anywhere near him, in his hand was a bottle, she couldn't see what it was but from past experience it had to be chloroform or something similar.

Aspen looked over towards Cheol wishing he had stayed by her but he had gone over to talk to Kitty. She had some strange thing over her arm that was covered with creatures. Although these creatures weren't like the two she had witnessed on the tram, these were smiling and colourful and looked like things she could recognise but with faces.

Her attention was back to Dorian who was about to begin to treat her hands. Aspen wanted to push him away, far away but she knew that she would get into trouble. Her fear began to get the better of her and she started to use her telekinesis to push him back but she didn't want to hurt him or cause a scene so she ended up pushing him back so gently that his feet would only slide back across the ground a few centimetres. It wouldn't do much but she didn't feel comfortable with him so close to her; he looked like 'they' did.

Aspen looked back over at Kitty and Cheol, he was writing something on her arm covering. She then wondered if they knew about her, the families back at home in her neighbourhood were told that she had just been adopted by the Archers but Esper program was big news and well known by superheroes and the Superhero community would be aware she'd been rescued, as would this academy but would the students know.

Dr. Isaac Archer

Isaac saw Aspen standing by the tunnel entrance but she had not yet noticed him, no, her eyes were fixed on Dorian Lost and Isaac knew exactly why. Her face was as neutral as ever and even though he couldn't read her thoughts he saw the fear in her eyes. Isaac looked down at her hands, her arms were up near her stomach and her palms faced the sky. Aspen's hands were covered in blood and what looked like glass. Isaac gasped in shock and was about to run over to her when saw Dorian walk over to her, which unsettled him but he watched Aspen and saw she did nothing but look over at the boy who was with her and the girl he was talking to. Maybe she's made friends, or intends to with those to he thought after a few moments, a small smile appeared on his face.

With Dorian taking care of her hands, Aspen not reacting too badly with him and the possibility of friends with her, Isaac left and teleported back into the academy. She may have been traumatised by what had happened and Isaac wanted to leave it as late as he could before showing himself to her as a teacher here. He wanted her to settle in before she found out as Isaac, his son and daughter-in-law were not sure how she would react to not being told. Would she feel betrayed and lied to? Isaac was not sure; they still had so much to learn about her. It wasn't like he could tell her, this academy was adamant about secrecy.
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