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    1. Cloaked 3 yrs ago


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In ArcRift 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay


He said, repeating Fret's statement. "O- Oh, thank you."

Ralsei heard Fret introduce himself, and he felt himself ease up a bit. Fret seemed nice, something he wasn't sure he would be seeing in such a place.

"My name is Ralsei." He said with a smile. "It's nice to meet you... All of you."

It was then that Dris arrived, sharing his own greetings. Though, Ralsei turned his head at the term 'fur-beast'. It wasn't wrong, but it seemed very informal. The way Dris had scampered up also managed to startle the prince.

And then the sniffing started. Ralsei couldn't help but blush, feeling a bit uncomfortable.


"Hi... I'm Ralsei. Nice to meet you too!"

As for what Dris would smell... marshmallows. Ralsei smelled of marshmallows.

@Spooky Birb@teapartybs
In ArcRift 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Jed Olsen

Location --- Outside of the Daily Planet News Building
Mood --- Suddenly snapped out of deep thought
Status --- Healthy
Interactions --- Ellie (@Thatguyinastore)

Feeling someone walk right into his side from his left, Jed Olsen's newspaper fell out of his hand, drifting slowly to the ground as he snapped around. For just a second, his eyes seemed enraged as his surprise turned into anger, before his expression softened into that more akin to an average, slightly shaken citizen. He looked at the person who had bumped into him, a young girl, and couldn't help but notice just how filthy she was. She looked rough, to say the least, definitely not your average Metropolis high-schooler. That wasn't a bad thing though, those city girls were annoying, something he learned firsthand.

Jed stepped towards the girl, offering his hand with a smile.

"C'mon, get up, you're fine." He said, containing a laugh behind his teeth. "From the looks of things... you've been falling down a lot today."

The journalist's tone wasn't that of mockery, it was playful, like a teammate on a soccer team after his friend had gotten a mouthful of grass.
In ArcRift 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Though he had fallen asleep under the faint glow of the Dark Fountain, Ralsei awoke in a strange, cramped cage. He wasn't alone, something he both was grateful for and sad to see, as many others of all shapes and sizes woke up around him. He barely had time to adjust to his new surroundings when he heard the bat-wielding man speak up... and the fall to the ground shortly afterwards. The sight made the fur on the back of his neck stand up, and he almost felt ill upon seeing the blood pool on the floor and the man's gagging. Hesitant to stand, the young prince slowly got to his feet, taking a moment to study the faces of those around him. Humans, a monster, a... dancing robot... and even more humans. Such a sight would have been impossible to see back in his kingdom.

He wasn't in the Dark World anymore, that much was certain.

Walking over to Red Riding Hood, Date, and Negan's position, Ralsei studied the collapsed man. He was in a miserable state, and Ralsei winced at the thought of the pain this man must be feeling. All this, just for being loud? Ralsei wasn't a fan of his inappropriate remarks, sure, but seeing the state he was in, the Darkner knew what had to be done. Holding his hands together as a warm, yellow light enveloped him, Ralsei swiftly lifted his right hand into the air, the golden light dissipating in an instant. To replace the golden glow however, came a series of green sparkles over Negan's body. Negan would feel some of his pain and damage be lifted from him, a result of Ralsei's spell.

"That should help." Ralsei spoke softly with a small smile, the biggest he could muster at the moment, to whoever may be listening. "I think we should... keep our thoughts to ourselves for now."

Sitting down on the ground, Ralsei's smile struggled to stay on his face. This wasn't the first time he had been locked up, but now? He didn't have Kris, or even Susie, by his side. He was surrounded by strangers for a purpose he didn't even know of. Was this punishment? Did he do something wrong? The fear was starting to build as he took a deep breath.

"We could be here a while..." He said the group. "Let's get comfy."


Among the cast of trapped figures was a well-built man wearing clothing covered in wolf pelts. It would seem like this man was from the wild, someone who was raised by wolves and carried a fierce, primal personality.

He wasn't.

"Coulda like," He said, more annoyed than anything, pulling out a folding chair from seemingly nowhere. "Sent a card or something."

Unfolding the chair, he placed it on the ground, and...

Sat down, waiting for "Mr. Luthor" to show up.

((Mentions: @Thatguyinastore))

Open for interaction

In ArcRift 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Danny Johnson | Jed Olsen

Location --- Outside of the Daily Planet News Building
Mood --- Quiet, Relaxed
Status --- Healthy
Interactions --- None (Open)

Another chilly morning in Metropolis, and the Daily Planet's new journalist was loitering around the entrance of the building, leaning against the wall next to a set of stairs. The brown haired man, dressed in a dark grey shirt and brown jeans, had a newspaper in his hand. He had gotten this newspaper just seconds ago, and his eyes gazed across the lines. He had written a couple of sections himself, and though he had read those segments time and time again, he couldn't help but read them both again. Call it pride, but he couldn't help but notice that his own writings were leagues above those of his associates. He put heart and soul into these words, even as dull as the topics were, and even with tales of superhumans and monsters, his peers couldn't reach the level of dedication that he could.

But that's besides the point, isn't it?

He enjoyed his work, and he could hardly contain his excitement at the thought of continuing his habit of creating his own stories. However, he knew he had to wait. Planning was required, and he hadn't done enough of it. Though his satchel contained a notebook full of complex documentations of his coworker's daily routines, and his phone contained hundreds of pictures of locations of interest, he could not act too soon. The Ghostface would have to stay hidden, at least for now, and Jed Olsen would need to continue his career as nothing more than a humble journalist at the Daily Planet. Such a thing wasn't all bad, he was enjoying his time here, despite the circumstances of his entrance. Who knows, maybe fate has plans for him, he just has to wait.

He hadn't been here long, but it was long enough. He always had a way with interviews, and upon hearing of the Daily Planet, Danny knew he had to get in. One interview was all it took, and he had a job. Metropolis was a much more interesting city than anywhere he dreamed of visiting back home, and he couldn't lie, it was a nice change of pace.
In ArcRift 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Face Claim/Appearance:

Danny John | Jed Olsen (Reporter alias) | Ghostface (Killer alias)



Dead By Daylight

Main Thread or Sandbox:

Starting Location (SANDBOX ONLY):
Metropolis, Daily Planet. Danny, under the alias of Jed Olsen, has started a job as a reporter/journalist. No murders have been committed... yet.

Danny Johnson presents himself as an enthusiastic, all-American reporter who's always looking for his next big headline. He's incredibly friendly, and it's easy to like the dude after a five-minute long talk. His passion for his job is immense, and it's easy to see. He almost seems like a normal, everyday citizen...

However, this man is a killer. Stalking his victims, killing them, and then reporting on their deaths is his favorite activity, and he hasn't been caught yet. He travels the U.S. committing these murders, picking up new identities as he goes, all for the thrill of it. He truly is a force to be reckoned with.

Tactical knife, camera, matchbook, a container of cheap cologne, telephoto lens, journal, address book, map of Metropolis, chewed pen, and night vision monocular

  • Entity's Blessing- Even here, the Entity has a firm grip on Ghostface's mind, body, and soul. This grants him superhuman physical attributes, the ability to resurrect upon death, enhanced stealth, and the ability to call upon tendrils of energy to latch onto items of interest, preventing someone from using it/picking it up. For example, if someone required a knife to fend off the Ghostface, they would find the knife to be held down by strange tendrils, stopping them from wielding it.
  • The Heartbeat- Being in Ghostface's proximity while he's on the prowl causes immense panic in his targets. This is no simple primal reaction, but rather a supernatural aura that creates fear by being close.

Danny, under the alias of Jed Olsen, was a newspaper writer. However, to become famous, he started murdering many people, young and old, with people eventually realizing it's a personal motive due to the multiple stab wounds. He liked to stalk, stalking some of his victims for days. He started being known as the Ghostface.

Eventually, Danny, as Jed, produced footage of the Ghost Face breaking into a house and committing murder, effectively making a newspaper about himself. Danny then left Roseville when evidence was pointing to him. But then, the Entity took him to its realm, so he will serve and kill.

Other: Certified Florida-Man.
In ArcRift 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Face Claim/Appearance:





Main Thread or Sandbox:
Main Thread

Beowulf is a high-energy yet dimwitted wrestler who is past the height of his career.

He was once hailed as a hero, having defeated two Gigans back to back. This fight was rigged in his favor, though he had no idea of this, this was seen as a great show of his power and skill as a fighter, quickly ascending Beowulf to celebrity status. He continued his wrestling career, though soon found that he had already peaked with his Gigan battles. Still wanting to ride the wave he had created and give his loyal fans more content, he began guest starring in commercials, ads, and even got a role in a TV show as an evil wolf man.

Years later though, Beowulf faded from the public eye, now being seen as a washed up has-been. This greatly upset Beowulf, but he didn't exactly do much to combat reality, instead settling down.

Of course, the appearance of a Skull Girl caused him to leap back into action, being manipulated into doing fights under the guise of them being all for show. In reality, these were merely traps set by Double, who Beowulf managed to defeat with the help of Annie. After this, he once again returned to showbiz, returning to fame once again.

Though he's an idiot, he has a heart of gold and wants to do the right thing, putting on a grand show as he does it.


  • The Hurting- A fold-able chair that's used as a weapon.

Superhuman Attributes- Beowulf is superhuman across the board, being able to take devastating hits with no immediate damage, can hit like a truck, and keep up with fast opponents.

The Hurting- Beowulf has a special weapon, a folding chair he calls The Hurting. This chair is incredibly durable, and when used by Beowulf, can be a devastating weapon. It can also cut open portals.

Wrestling Skill- Beowulf is a trained fighter, and bases his fighting style around flashy pro wrestling moves.

Beowulf was a legendary pro wrestler who managed to kill two Gigans (legendary creatures of great power) back to back. He was looked upon as a hero... until he wasn't. His fame suffered a decline, and so the pro retired, moving into an apartment and getting out of shape. During this time, he was nostalgic about his time in the ring, and wanted to return. He even kept the severed yet sentient arm of of the first Gigan he killed, which whom he started a friendship. All he really did during this period was make a guest appearance in the TV show of his friend, Annie, called "Glorious Annie".

This all changed when a Skullgirl appeared, causing Beowulf to leap back into action in pursuit. During this time, he found out that his matches with the Gigans were rigged in his favor, creating some guilt in the back of his mind. This didn't stop him from facing Doppel and a reanimated Grendal in an epic final battle with his his friend Annie though. After that, he became a main protagonist on Annie's TV show.

Beowulf is taken after his own ending.
In ArcRift 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Face Claim/Appearance:

Name: Ralsei

Age: 16

Gender: Male


Main Thread or Sandbox: Main Thread

Personality: Ralsei is a kind soul who only wants to be surrounded by friends on thrilling adventures. His friendly demeanor and positive outlook on light is a beacon for some, but a blinding light for others. Such kindness leads Ralsei to care for other's health, and as a healer and hugger, he wants to heal your physical and mental pain at the same time. This means he's a valuable ally and powerful enemy, depending on which side of the battlefield you find yourself on. Taking on the role as a mentor is also in his skill set, despite his young age and apparent lack of experience, he stills hopes to teach whatever he can about combat, healing techniques, the environment, and laws of the land.

Despite seeming like he has everything together, Ralsei suffers from not knowing who he is. His memory is just fine, that's not it, but he spent so many years alone, knowing his purpose in life, that he has trouble finding out just who he is supposed to be and how he wants to present himself to people. He's the kind of guy who writes a rough draft of a simple text message such as "hi", purely because he doesn't know what people will think of him if he sends the 'wrong" thing.

His fatal flaw, is also, his kindness. While facing the evil King, he was very easily guilt-tripped into healing the King after he had been defeated by Ralsei and his friends, causing the King to get the jump on them, almost costing them their lives. Ralsei is very easy to manipulate, and is very susceptible to guilt.

Motivation: Ralsei has a pretty simple mindset, he wants to keep everyone alive and healthy while also going on crazy adventures.

Equipment: Ralsei uses a magic scarf as his weapon of choice. His current scarf is the Fiber Scarf, which gives a small bonus to his magic spells.


  • Pacify- A spell that forces an already-tired foe to sleep.
  • Heal Prayer- A simple healing spell. Ralsei cloaks himself in light, raises his arm (or gives a hug) and heals an ally... or foe.
  • Fluffy Guard- Ralsei creates giant balls of fluff that act as force fields.
  • Sing- Ralsei sings a sweet lullaby that will make enemies tired, making way for Pacify.
  • Dual Heal- Only usable if Ralsei's magic is given a boost. Heals all allies.

Biography: Ralsei is the prince of the once-named Empty Kingdom. He lived alone for years waiting on the two Lightners of legend (Kris and Susie) to arrive. Once they did, Ralsei joined the party, concealing his identity behind a robe (and later, hat) and helped the Delta Warriors along their way. Together, they defeated the King, and the Dark Fountain was sealed.

Next, Empty Town was renamed to Playertown, and Ralsei remained it's prince. He had subjects now, as the Darkners from the Abandoned Classroom Fountain all moved in, as their own kingdom had vanished upon being sealed. Ralsei later accompanied Kris and Susie to Cyber World, where they battled the likes of Berdly, Spamton NEO, and Queen before Kris and Susie returned home, leaving Ralsei to wait in Playertown for their next adventure.

That may be uh... interrupted.

Other: This is Ralsei taken from the end of Chapter 2, having defeated all enemies using mercy, and after fighting Spamton NEO.
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