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Hyallo, Fallen & Rtron, long time no see! How has the Guild been treating you two?
So in the Skype chat I decided I want to experiment with an insane character and I made up my mind on what her mental instabilities will be. Also I decided that it's a she :P
Multiple personalities, one side being a high-functioning sociopath and the other being a punk-style psychopath (Really don't know what I could clinically phrase the kind of female in-your-face punk character I'm looking for with the more 'outgoing' side so that's how I'm putting it.) The latter will be constantly looking for a thrill even if it puts her or someone else in danger and doesn't pay enough attention to realize her duality, the former will be BEYOND wordy, as in a paragraph for each piece of dialogue if I can pull it off as I imagine it and will actually use her intelligence most of the time, thus considering the multiple personalities an obvious part of her life.

Now the only question I have for myself is whether she's kicked from, currently occupied as, or has never been a student of the Academy. And the reason why I say all my thoughts on the matter so outwardly is because I want to gain some interest from your characters for potential interactions which will help me decide on the previous question. Plus the more collaboration the better.

Also I'm realizing that this group has the big players from Blood as well as one from Zhymos so the roleplayer composition here is utterly fantastic.
Sry I haven't been poking around as of late. I might as well get to reading, huh?
Why Toaw, why must you say such kind, reassuring words like that while you stare at me with that creepy little hunchback grin of yours? Should I be thankful or frightened?

And that means thank you, hopefully I can bring myself to expand on that. It might be difficult since I'm not really an expert on the subject. But I should probably make sure she doesn't act like a full-on jockhead since that wouldn't make that fantasy bit make too much sense.
Well, it's your RP and since it's not out you have all the time in the world to perfect it, which I genuinely hope you do. So yeah, there's no pressure really on the RPG side of things for ya.
How's that workin out, btw? I haven't heard about it in a little while :P
Well before I talk about your rebuttals I have to apologize about how I regarded your CS. It was less of an assessment and more like unreasonable chiding. That is unfair for you because I can see that you mean well and because most of the reasons why I have trouble with the CS is because of the idea of this RP. It is an idea that grants you freedom as it takes it away. The latter being shown in that you say you are having difficulty working with a character you know nothing about. I have to say that this is certainly a much different way to look at an RP and perhaps I'm not leading you all in the way I should to make your difficulties less difficult. Because of that, I believe we should work together so the RP doesn't take a severely wrong turn. My behavior today hasn't really allowed you to do much teamwork though, and for that I am sorry. And I certainly didn't mean to give the impression that I wanted you to leave.

To the rest of you as well, I've gotten busier since I started this RP. At about the same time as the OOC opened, actually. Because of that the idea of tying in all of your current and future characters with the MC is really stressing me out. If you could lend me some assistance on that matter I would be very grateful. I know that's pretty much my only job right now but I've lost so much inspiration and I don't know why.

Well then, back to the subject matter.

-Expanding on her would be nice considering that we would have to work alongside her but I guess you have already provided enough information to that end. To be honest, that wasn't a very important critique.

-Thank you for that one.

-I can appreciate that logic, actually, but perhaps trickster wouldn't be the best way to describe it. I feel like trickster is a different mentality then what you might be going for here. If you were to think through the kind of mentality of someone who is jealous of another, perhaps you may come to the conclusion that they feel like the other is a thief of sorts. In this case, MC thinking Nora is stealing her success. You probably have a different take on that but I still feel like trickster has a more destructive mentality behind it.

HOWEVER, it would be very easy to make the trickster idea more believable if you added a specific of some sort. Perhaps say, Nora partakes in mischief to relieve stress so she can perform better in whatever task she wishes to optimize. Even if the mischief has no harm to anyone a sibling rivalry would make her representation a bit more malevolent. That way her goal of becoming a Pediatrician isn't made any less believable AND it gives her a little quirk that makes her seem less perfect to me. Any tie-in between the Nora and Kelnorah whatsoever, no matter how flimsy would be just fine. Especially since the jealousy involved would make a flimsy tie much stronger.

-I should probably hurry up on my end for that, seeing as how I can easily change the MC on the fly before the IC happens and putting her out there would probably help you all out immensely with character drawing.

-Yes, and you should continue to think that way. Now that I am not acting like a dirtbag (Or tired in the case of your PM previously) I can say it's fine to tinker with the MC a bit. I don't have too much to work with personality wise so that would be fine, I could have a little sliver of a foundation to build on later ^^


I just realized I haven't talked about MC much. I was considering the idea of MC sympathizing with the various homosexual and bisexual characters without being either herself. Would it be believable for her to be so because she is a huge tomboy? She has trouble conforming a societal representation of a woman, or just with society in itself (The second could explain her engrossment in fantasy). And I'm already running out of words... But yeah, if you have ideas that change that, replace it or update it, please tell me.
Zordon: Most of the problems I have with your character can be summed up with 'Nora is a Mary Sue'. Perhaps you did not allot yourself enough time to think on possible drawbacks, weaknesses, ect that she may have but as it stands she's 'perfect'.

Kelnorah is similar, having no real drawbacks, except she is characterized as someone who messes with people for the sake of it. This does not fit with Nora in any way. Sure, you could reason that maybe MC is making her out to be a baddie because she's not too fond of her sister, but that would be a very conscious move on her part. Kelnorah is part of MCs subconscious, the very same that's trying to get her to mature. Also there's the minor problem I have with how vague her personality is.

I'd also like for you to focus on the interactions between Nora and MC in Nora's Bio as apposed to mentioning too much about their parents. Someone else is going to write for the parents and it would be unfair to mention their behavior. I know in PM I said the same about MC but on second thought I can be more lenient about that since she's just as much your character as she is everyone else's. The parents are going to be PCs though so please focus on Nora and MC in that bio.

Sorry if I focused on the negative but that's how I do my assessments. It's more effective when I'm assessing my own work :/
Sadly I won't be able to read up on your CS yet since I'm going to bed now (And it sounds like thunder... So stuff gets unplugged soon...) I have enough time to tell Xalt that MC doesn't get named until MC's sheet is made. Consider it a symbolic thing, but I'll edit your CS once she's out to include MC's name. And also that Toaw's version of what I was saying is awesome and I'm gonna go with that.
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