Avatar of CMDR Melander
  • Last Seen: 11 mos ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 56 (0.02 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. CMDR Melander 8 yrs ago


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5 yrs ago
Current Making a CS is the best part of an RP - CHANGE MY MIND
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7 yrs ago
If it has horns, hooves and a smile I'm into it.
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7 yrs ago
"Hey, you play a lot of kobolds."
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7 yrs ago
Pat my head and tell me I'm good at RP please.


I really like roleplaying. Medieval fantasy is a favourite, but I also have deep roots in Sci-Fi. Big into LOTR, Forgotten Realms, 40k, Star Wars, Mass Effect, and a bunch of other things I can't call off the top of my head as I write this. I also play a lot of video games, feel free to add me. (steamcommunity.com/id/CMDR_Melander).

Played on a bunch of different online communities for RP games, WoW, Neverwinter Nights (still active for so many years!), and then other forums, and RL pen and paper. I also write bad poetry in my spare time. Rip it to shreds and make me cry so I can get better. (allpoetry.com/Mayfly)

Most Recent Posts

DO you see the road, she says!
Do you see the end?
Do you see our destination,
Up around the bend?

What of pave and promised beds?
Do you see them too?
The crows within their murder,
With caws upon a cue?

One would spell misfortune,
A pair the other way,
Three will keep you healthy,
And four, with wealth, have sway,

Five will bring a sickness,
To rot you inside out,
And six cry bloody murder,
In all their noisy shouts.

Came her rhyming reply to Ninty. She didn't actually answer her question though, which in her own mind was cute, she thought it was a better response than simply just telling her 'No' and that she was just sort of milling behind Timothy and trying her darndest to not get left in his dust. The smile Brann had flashed her in that quick moment still had her beaming. She walked with an easy bounce in her hooves, even as the elven merchant ahead of them continued to draw the ire of the party. Syfa thought herself rather forgiving with people like that, especially in his position, leading a bunch of hardened adventurers wasn't going to be stress-free. Maybe he'd actually forgotten where they were meant to be going, she mulled the thought over for a while. Still, it wasn't like she could catch up with him and ask. At least, not without getting winded on the run up toward him, and she was happy at her steady bouncing pace.

She looked toward the sky for a bit, the view ahead had bored her when she realized it was much the same. She spied the crows in their trees, counting them up to see which omen they were a portent for, when she was satisfied, she stared upward and shared the same view of blue that Samuel had been enjoying. A natural romantic, in every sense of the word. She decided it wasn't really her lot in this group to worry over where they were going, or why they hadn't reached it yet. In her previous mercenary company all she had to worry about was the flow of her poetry, the sound of her songs and the punch of her jokes. She saw no reason to change the winning formula.

Stopping to give a lazy stretch, she noticed Brann had caught up to her and Ninty, and flashed a smile his way. She just wanted to ruffle his hair but mustered enough willpower to refrain from embarrassing him (or herself) for little reason than a whim. "I like jesters, personally. All the little bells they wear are just darling, aren't they?" Her smile was infectious, and she was obviously trying her best to spread it to the curmudgeon elf and the dashing spellsword.
Are we allowed to post 'out of turn'? I want to reply to Ninty but I'm unsure on where we're actually going so I don't want to clutter the IC with small posts ^^'

"ANOTHER village in your eye,
Between a stretch of cloud,
There across a painted sky,
Feel a heartbeat sound.

It's in your boots,
It's in your step,
It's in the craggy rocks,
Towards the hills,
Towards the gates,
Towards the clouded docks.

Do you see them sailing?
The boats o'er the sky?
Do you see them failing?
And falling as they fly?"

Syfa was having a good day. She hummed to herself inbetween her whispered half-poems and kept up a steady march as the pleasant sound of her hooves clacking on the rocks punctuated every move she made. What wonderful company this time around! So varied and so pretty. She couldn't help but stare at the lot of them, when they weren't looking and sometimes when they were, catching a moment of eyes locking before flashing a smile. The noblewoman was her favourite. She always looked so graceful when she walked, and picturesque in her attire - but the holyman had a certain charm about him as well, prayers were as beautiful as poetry in their own right, and then Brann had a good look about him, he was a real adventurer, a kindred spirit, but Cassian had that lovely tone of voice, the orc had that muscle and a good taste in alcohol-

All the people in the group were pretty good, she concluded.

She watched as the rest of the retinue lugged about their packs, and she was glad for a moment, her wooden equipment weighed a lot less, and being the transient, nomadic person that she was she carried very little on her anyway. Though as the people marching sometimes passed her with the rolls of rope and metal cooking pots and pans, she sometimes wondered if they saw her as naive or underprepared. She lost the spring in her step as she walked, turning something into a trudge along as she did so.

She opened up her flask, taking a sip of the water that tasted so very faintly of the stream they'd passed by a day ago. She thought of trees and flowers and all the whispers the forest made when they had marched through. Glancing up along the rocky road, her heels a spring - she bounced along up toward Brann, walking until she was in front of him, then turning around, walking backwards for a moment as she wordlessly handed her flask to him in something of a spin before heading off toward the front, the fore. A better view was promised to her there.
Sorry if I'm taking a few liberties (especially with her race), but here's my submission.

Calib, Raven and Thalia

The cocky seventeen year old walked his way into the club, he looked older than he was and identification was kind of a moot point in a supernatural town where some people were older than standardised identification, people who weren't truly citizens, in anycase, a Lamia and a demon were some of the more normal people in the line to Tenebris. Walking in, the music filtered through his head and down through his feet as the rhythmic thrum instantly got him into the clubbing mood. His eye was caught by a cute elf in a booth drunkenly singing, and the Ice Queen as she cleared a path through the club. "Hey, Raven, reckon I'm gonna take a shot at Lavender over there, what do you think?" He was smiling with excitement.

The atmosphere followed the tune of what was to be expected in a gothic club. The dim lights, the darkly clad patrons, vampires, a spellcaster sticking out like a sore thumb, it nailed every trope. "Make sure she won't give ya' blue balls! Cause'...y'know...ice..." Raven giggled in response, motioning towards the Witch. "N' if that fails, you have the Fanger by the bar, n' Sunshine over yonder." The Lamia finished, narrowing in on the mentioned women. "I'm gonna' have a look aroun' n' gather some enem-..friends." Raven nodded delightfully, offering his friend a toothy grin before swiping his eyes across the interior. Lamia didn't quite have the same level of night vision as other vampires, given their attunement to daylight, though it was enough to offer view of what was on the menu. Most of the club followed the same theme, either dancing or drinking, but what caught his eyes was something else entirely. Arm wrestling. What appeared to be a demon went up against an ogre in a test of strength, their muscles rippling from the feat with sweat pouring down their foreheads. Two half empty glasses of alcohol stood on the table, untouched since the match had begun, and nearly shook in response to their contest. "I am so in!" Raven exclaimed to no one in particular, probably reaching no one but Calib with his words.

He smiled to himself at his excited Binder; they had very different definitions of fun. With a friendly pat on the back that reassured he'd find him later, he split off on his way, making quick, graceful and very subtle strides over to 'Lavender', casually sneaking a hand and taking a wallet from some very drunk, but happy patron, as if he was just reaching into his own pocket. He looked over the leather, and deciding it was better than his, ditched the cards (apart from the library card) and put it into his pocket, taking a near-enough full drink on the way, just before landing at the bar, as Venus went to serve someone else. He regarded 'Lavender' with a smile, trying to speak just above the noise of the club. "Hey, if I said I liked your clothes would you hold it against me?" He tried his best, but good looking witches were definitely his bane, and the cracks would show in his usually cool smile.

Thalia didn't bother to turn when she was spoken to, "Would you hold it against me if I froze you to the bar?" She questioned, pursing her full lips that had taken on a shade a deathly blue with the use of her gifts. The lad speaking to her was quite a bit taller than she was, but then again most people tended to be. It wasn't until after she'd taken another sip of her drink and exhaled a breath so cold it created snowflakes even in the warmth of the club that she turned to actually look at who was speaking. She couldn't immediately pin his ancestry and though it intrigued her it wouldn't be very long before Jensen realized that someone was holding her up and came to investigate. That generally didn't end well. The young witch called out with her magic to the staff that belonged to her coven and the large dog that lay just outside the club. It wasn't a few moments later that panicked squalling could be heard from just next to the doors as the creature made its way to her. He'd been a gift from Jensen and though he wasn't technically supposed to be in the club there wasn't really anyone who would speak about it. Thalia smiled fondly at the creature when he reached her, butting his enormous head into her hand for some affection. Her slender hand came up just in time to catch the hurdling worn willow staff before it hit either of them. "I'm going upstairs." Was the only thing the witch offered before she headed off in the direction of the tall staircase, not looking to see if he dared to follow her. She had a feeling he wouldn't be able to resist.

"Kinda depends really on whether or not you'd stay with me while I was frozen." He said, still trying his best to be charmingly disarming as he remembered to drink, relaxing a little after, though the state of the pale blue lips, the visibly cold air on the warm and the face that regarded him was a potent combination to make the descendant of Raum squirm a little bit. Nevertheless, he stayed, watching a dog its way through to them, though refrained from petting it as 'Lavender' did. Dogs didn't usually get on with him, they usually guarded things he wanted to get into, like private property. He sat in a bit of awkward (for him) silence before the witch made her intentions clear. "Mind if I come with you?" Came his response, and the lack of an answer wasn't a good enough condemnation of a 'yes' for Calib to stop trying. He brushed back some hair over his horns and made sure to look as good as possible, maybe even fussing a little in his nervousness before he stood up, daring very much to follow the bewitching figure.

Calib and Raven

Claire was at the door first, she had an odd sixth sense about these sorts of things and as soon as Raven had touched the door, she swung it open with a bright smile, carrying a bowl and mixing something that would've been cookie dough if she was a regular housewife. She wasn't, and to think the mixture in the bowl was would've been nothing short of delusion. "Raven, - My, what happened to your clothes? Nevermind that, there's a fresh pair on your bed. Wake up Calib while you're at it, he'd sleep through Gehenna given half a chance." She said, barely giving the Lamia time to respond. "Oh, and welcome home, dear!" She said, as a quick afterthought.

"Thanks, Mrs. Raum!" Raven returned, stepping into the house before looking down at the attires he wore. They really were torn up. That troll had done a number on him, that was for sure. "Heh, I've gotta' stop tearin' up the clothes ya' give me. Bad street kid habits, y'know?" The boy managed a soft giggle before closing the door behind him and continued through the house. As for Calib, he almost made the Lamia appear a saint at times. True, Raven got into trouble quite frequently, but Calib actively sought it out. Speaking of which, the trouble Raven tended to get into was usually because of Calib.

She smiled to the Lamia. "Nothing I can't mend, and Claire's fine, dear." She said, mixing the oddly delicious/horrific mixture as she strolled back into the kitchen. Making his way to the bedroom he was borrowing from the Raum family, Raven slipped out of his rags and into a new pair of clothes. They would hold...for a while. At the very least, Raven could pay for it, given his earnings, though he was certain of Mrs. Raum's refusal. She'd never take a cent from him. "Caaaaalib!" Raven called out, peeking into the opposite room to see his demonic friend soundly asleep.

Calib was dressed in a comfy tanktop, some shorts and might as well have been catatonic. The only part of him that moved was the slow swishing of his spaded-tail. He gave a soft "Mmh~" of a groan out as he stirred, though found the bed as binding as silver, decidedly staying in it, even though he knew Raven was still watching him.

"C'mon, Lazy-Tail!" The Lamia continued, dropping down on Calib's office chair by the computer. "Wanna' go to that club everyone's talkin' about? Tene..something. Eh, Tene..braaay..?" Scratching the back of his head, Raven gently spun around in the chair, thinking it over as his attention shifted from Calib and towards his own thoughts. "Tenebris..? Fuck it, it was something gothic n' whatnot!" Stopping the chair from spinning further, Raven's eyes landed on the demon, his head tilting slightly. "Like a little lamb." The Lamia giggled.

"Tenebris, yeah." He groaned again and pushed himself up out of bed. He stretched and showed off his lean figure to no one in particular, cracking his back with a satisfying click as he sighed out. Of all the virtues he might've had, Calib didn't have modesty as one of them. He freely got changed in front of his Binder, donning the casual shirt, jeans and hoodie that made up his usual look. From supernatural demon to regular teenager in three pieces of clothing.

"Wonder what kinda' crap goes on in there." Raven added, leaning back against the chair. "I heard a lotta' vamps hang out there. Ugh, I bet there's a buncha' couch drinkin' goin' on." Couch drinking was a term used by many Lamia to refer to the night club lives of vampires, where mortals or other beings throw themselves at the vampiric creature to have their blood drained. It tended to be a rather sexual experience for many, but the vampire's ever constant glamouring probably helped. Needless to say, the act itself rubbed Raven all the wrong ways. "Y'might find a cute demonette!" He continued, chuckling as he visualized the scene. "They're called succubi, right? I've heard they're all sortsa' trouble."

"Oh you've got no idea. The girl at the bar? I think her name is Venus, I've been trying for her for ages, she's a vamp 'n' all. Succubi aren't my type though, too giggly you know? Plus, dunno how big they are into other demons, since there's no soul in it for them." While he spoke, he walked about the room grabbing various things, bobby pins, a swiss-army knife, his wallet, a fake wallet and finally, his phone. "Tenebris is alright though, music's alright and there's plenty of easy marks since everyone's drunk and dancing. Plus, plenty of pretty people."

"Hah! Always on the prowl, aren't ya'?" Raven giggled, refering to how Calib considered drunk people easy marks. He wasn't wrong. "Out to get a vamp lady?" The Lamia pondered, tapping his chin. "Ya' gotta' find out which Bloodline she belongs to." He continued, dropping down from the chair. "If ya' do that, ya' can find her Bloodline Compulsion. If she's a Daeva, you're in luck! If she's a..uh..nah, if she was a Nosferatu you'd know."
"Dunno if I can work that into a chat up line. Wait, wait, try this one..." He took a few moments to compose himself. "Baby, are you a vampire? Because I'm big into neck-romancing" He flashed a smile at his awful joke before taking the lead. "Suppose we could head over. You're buying, right Rocky?" He brushed his hair out of his face with a hand and head down the stairs with the Lamia close behind.

"Gotta' earn my keep somehow!" Raven offered, skipping behind the demon as they left his room. "Also, neck romance? Dude..." The Lamia attempted to stifle his laughter but couldn't quite manage the feat. "That is just so bad!" Raven burst out, shaking his head. "If she'll give you a drink for that, you know you're barkin' up the wrong tree, bro'!" Turning his eyes towards Claire, Raven raised his hand in a wave, followed by a bright smile. "Thanks for the change of clothes, Mrs. Ra-...er..Claire!"

"I think it's good, lay off." He said defensively, obviously proud of his awful chat-up line. "It's one of those ones that are so bad they're good, girls like it when you're kind of corny." He strolled out the door without a second thought. Claire, however, looked over to the Lamia and her delinquent son. "Out of bed and out the house, what would we do without you, Raven?" She gave him a winning smile and went back to tending the multitude of plants the living room grove contained.

I am @Shard's friend and I am interested in this!
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