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    1. CodeMana 10 yrs ago


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Axel said
Yes it does and Kido 64 and above is only accessible to lieutenants and higher.

then what was that mastery thing someone mentioned ?
Axel said
What seated position are you in?

does that have anything to say ? 5th seat
So its point spending time !

Im now seated (X)
I pick mastery in kido (X)
I have 40 points, so lets do some major math

54. Haien (2 points)
58. Tenran (2 points)
63. Raikōhō (2 points)
73. Sōren Sōkatsui (2,5 points)
88. Hiryugekizokushintenraiho (2,5 points)
Hado = 11 points

58. Kakushitsuijaku (2 points)
61. Rikujōkōrō (2 points)
62. Hyapporankan (2 points)
63. Sajo Sabaku (2,5 points)
73. Tozanshō (2,5 points)
75. Gochūtekkan (2,5 points)
77. Tenteikūra (2,5 points)
Bakudo=16 points

Used 11+16 = 27. Still left 40-27 = 13

If I managed to screw this up, pleas do tell me
Phobos said
"I wanted to speak to you about a very important manner" Viole stood up, taking a break from his paper work to look out his window behind him "Emilo, you may not remember it but you saved Shoskes life on the mission and was willing to give your life to complete it" At first, it would sound like Viole was complementing Emilo, which he partially was. Viole turned back to Emilo "But do not do such a thing again. In reality, Squad 4 may be on the bottom of the hierarchy in the Gotei 13, but it is by far one of the most important squads there is. Your goal isn't to fight, but to assist those fighting. I know you are young, so there will be those times where you will want to fight. Although I can order you not go, I think it is best to leave it up to you. When the time comes to it, you will have to decide. Fight or heal. I have faith that you will always choose correct, just follow your gut" He said, with a smileViole turned back away from Emilo, looking back out the window "It's beautiful isn't it...the SEIREITEI...Emilo. You are the first to know, but my time here is only limited. I don't know how much longer I have left, but I know death will soon be coming for me. That is why I selected you, Emilo, to be my protege. The training will be incredibly hard. You may even die. But...if you make it, you will be the perfect candidate to take the next seat of Captain of Squad 4 and perhaps my title, Grand Kido Chief" Viole turned back to Emilo, with a sad expression in his eyes but retaining a smile "You have a week to let me know, until then" He reached inside his drawer and pulled out an armband, holding it out to Emilo "I am promoting you to the 5th Seat of Squad 4. Now you will be the one ordering your fellow members" He said, letting out a slight chuckle. "You are now dismissed"

Emilo straightened himself up and tried to look at least decent even if he was burning the very last of his energy. He looked out the window past the captain to see if there was anything in particular, but there was nothing. Emilo found himself questioning how the captain knew what had happened out on the mission, how he could possibly know something about Emilo that Emilo himself didn't. He could not put his finger on if he was getting yelled at or complimented, but decided to take it as well as he could. "Captain, I can not tell you what I did on that mission, everything went blank all of a sudden. I wish I could explain, but I can't." he searched his head for anything that would have lead him to feel like sacrificing himself was a good idea, but nothing came up and it was a bit painful tying to remember it. His eyes meet Viole's and Emilo sharpened his listening. It was a grand speech, but in the end all he could answer was "I will try my best to choose right, sir"

"Yes, it is beautiful." he had to agree, but the part following shocked him. Viole was going to die ? why ? and why did Viole feel that Emilo could fill his post ? Balling his fists Emilo kept listening, trying not to interrupt. The mans eyes and lips did not agree with each other and Emilo left out a soft sigh as he looked at his captain. "I...I'm sorry, sir. I will try my best" as he saw Viole grab an armband Emilo's heart stopped, he froze and only movment he seemed to be able to make was grabbing the armband. "Thank you...thank you so much. You will (possibly) not regret this" and with a final smile Emilo left the room, still in a daze of lack of energy and happiness.

He walked slowly towards his quarters, but that day he feel asleep with a smile on his face.
Phobos said
*clears throat* Ahem strip twister

did anyone mention games, lack of clothes and a spinning piece of plastic ? sounds fun
Phobos said
Viole was sitting in his office, working on his paperwork. It had been a long time since he have been outside. It wasn't that he couldn't, it was because he didn't want to. He took a break, looking inside one of his drawers and pulling out a book, prepared to read it. He then heard Emilo speak outside his door. Viole smiled "The person whom I wanted to speak to, please come inside my office Emilo"

Emilo slowly opened the door a bit more and walked inside, closing the door behind him. He looked at his captain for a moment and saw the smile "What did you want sir ?" Inside he was shivering, hoping that he wasn't about to get yelled at for messing up the mission. "want me to do something ?"
Phobos said
*tears up* You've made me so proud x) go to the captains office if you wanna be seated ^.^

I will hold you by that sir
After going for what seemed like forever Emilo felt so drained he almost collapsed. He saw one last person get sent his way and he groaned slightly before he tried to heal the wounds. His hands light up for a fraction of a moment and then seemed to stop fading just as quickly as it had show up. He was exhausted and knew he could not keep going like this forever, but he had to fix at least this guy, he could not let them down. Closing his eyes he pored every part he had left into one last surge and it seemed to work, he could see the faint glow even with closed eyes and he just hoped that he wasn't imagining things. It lasted for a good minute before a nurse grabbed his shoulder and asked in an annoyed, but worried tone "What are you doing ????" Emilo could not phantom what she was talking about until she pulled him away from the wounded man and at once Emilo felt a warm liquid run down his right arm.

A big open wound was located just over his elbow, it was deep, looked painful and was bleeding quite a lot. He groaned a bit as the nurse started to poke around inside it, trying her very best to make the bleeding stop as fast as she could. She managed to close it and wrap it up fairly quickly and in the corner of his eye Emilo saw the man he was healing get transported out. "Hey...he is hurt" he tried to get to his feet, but the nurse pushed him back down and told him "He is fine, you healed him and...somehow ended up hurt" she finished her job and ordered Emilo to get some rest.

Making his way out of the room Emilo looked back and saw that everything was still going, people got healed, nurses got tired and everything seemed so...peaceful. He smiled softly as he started to walk. He walked by his captains door and saw it was slightly open. He approached it and knocked it "Im..im going to my quarters now captain, sorry about the mission"
rusty4297 said
*crosses his eyes while continuing to glare so that he can glare at both of them at once**shakes his head at CodeMana* Sorry, lit it on fire while you were still holding it... might want to drop it...

You sir...you might have something even my healing cant fix * worries heavily about this guys mental health when he makes up burning signs*
rusty4297 said
*sets your sign on fire as well* Oh, yeah, I see it now... just such a beautiful fire... *glares at him*

I never put down a sign....you just set more fire to your own * chuckles softly*
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