Avatar of Daft Monarch
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    1. Daft Monarch 8 yrs ago


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Made minor changes to my post to reflect the distance.
@LadyRunicI probably should have shot that smile at Gwen then. I was on top of one of the last (if not the very last) wagon, which is where I misunderstood Lath to be nearby, following somewhere behind.
@LadyRunicAnd for what it's worth, in case you missed it, May did flash a friendly smile at Lathranian. She is the unhappy stranger. :P
@LadyRunicIt was, sorry for not being clear. I used @13org's post as a reference, with Agarwaen walking away from Old. The tall person is Agarwaen, naturally. =P I'm not sure how May doesn't know he's an elf at the moment (though I suppose she has never seen one, only heard of), so been attributing any ignorance of personnel to being busy busy busy elsewhere.
Trying to figure out 2+ weeks of meeting people in one post was hard. o.O That post was a damned sight longer before the great cull. :P
Sitting atop a covered wagon near the back of the caravan, looking out over all the busy people all in a row, May hummed a happy tune to herself, very much content with her current circumstance. Leaving Bree it had been no time at all before the caravan had taken her farther than she’d ever travelled before, much to her delight.

With nothing much of anything in particular to do, May did what she does best and went out to learn about the people she was travelling with, choosing to start at the front and work back. With so many interesting people to get through and a lot of time invested in talking with each she’d only reached the back of the group that day, and still had a few more people she was eager to meet properly.

Moving her arms behind her and leaning back on them, May spent some time observing the members of the caravan from her vantage point, as she had done almost every day since they’d started the trip. It was a nice way to get to know everyone at once, in a limited way, and served as a much better way of relaxing than napping in her opinion. The small resting smile on her face grew larger as she watched a small group of young children (all still taller than her) getting up to shenanigans with wooden play swords, but it briefly slipped into a slight frown as her gaze fell on that noisy, rather horrid group of men that had been veritable pests the whole entire way. The hobbit had greeted them once, only to have a tall man with mean eyes (Darcyn she later learned) crack an awfully bad short joke at her expense, followed by the groups mocking laughter, much to her indifference. With a huff she’d turned around and simply decided they weren’t worth her time, and that was that. They didn’t really bother her much afterwards.

That thought reminding her, May turned her head to look over her shoulder at the lonely figure far behind, the one that seemed to attract Darcyn’s heckling more often than anyone else. Still quiet, still hooded, May had no idea what to think of them, which only made her even more curious. But, they didn't look like they were looking for a friend, and, at least for now, the hobbit was more eager to find out when they’d be making camp than approach her. Days and days of the same routine was wearing away at her spirit, tonight she just had to to go out and do something.

Deciding to head up the trail in search of Giles Wigby (to whom she’d warmed up quickly) in search of an answer, May stood up atop the wagon and revelled in a heroic stretch before taking a deep breath and beginning her sprightly descent. Flashing a big, warm, genuine smile to the far off unhappy stranger in the vain hope they might see it, May dashed away on her business. She didn’t manage to get very far however before running past the tallest person she had ever met walking the way she’d come, his unusual height and wonderfully strange armour distracting her utterly as she zipped past.

Head turned towards him fully, even as she ran, the small hobbit barrelled straight into a dense mass of muscle and hair, practically losing herself in a thick beard before taking two steps back. She did a quick bottom to top glance before meeting his gaze. This was the one dwarf in the group she hadn’t managed to greet properly yet, though she’d observed him and he seemed like a friendly enough fellow. As good a time as any I guess! she thought, her original mission forgotten.

“Oh, uh, I’m sorry I bumped you, uh, Sir. I got distracted! Do you know who that tall ma…” she got out before gathering her wits and remembering her manners. She restarted. “Hello, um, Sir” she greeted him, holding out her hand to him and maintaining eye contact. “My name is May Littlefoot, it’s really, really nice to meet you at last, I’ve been meaning to say hello properly, but there’s just so many people to get through! Can I ask your name?"
@LadyRunicA few days or approaching the end of the first day after leaving Bree?
@LadyRunicHow long has the caravan been travelling since leaving Bree?

Night folks! Or maybe, happy late afternoon. I dunno. NIGHT!
@LadyRunicAlso, wasn't there a Ranger in the works? Or accepted? Have they dropped out or just not post in char thread?
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