Avatar of Dagoth
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    1. Dagoth 8 yrs ago


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Seeing as my sheet makes lots of references to Choedal, and they aren't in the roster, let me know if somebody else plans to claim over them. Being a smaller nation (county) my relationship with my neighbor is very important. That said, if it ends up being unclaimed, I can simply say that the land of the former-kingdom of Cheodal collapsed and balkanized (of which I would be a single, important state) or that the neighboring land is administered by the church. If it ends up being unclaimed, let me know which of these is preferable, or feel free to throw out other ideas.

Also, i've noticed people are saying to go ahead and get started. Are we just playing chicken with the first post?
@Aristo Hey sorry to be insistent, but I noticed you were responding to others and not me, just didn't want to be overlooked. Again, my proposed nation is in the characters tab already (didn't know where else to put it, didn't want to clutter everything up here). If you could just acknowledge that you are aware of it and let me know if anything needs correcting, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks in advance.
Hello everyone! I rarely use this forum (I will though, if I can find a good and stable RP) but this RP caught my eye. I posted a nation in the characters tab. Feel free to let me know if something needs changing or move it if need be (or remove it if it doesn't fit at all, again just let me know). I apologize for formatting, I'm not really sure how to correctly work all that. I look forward to working with you all in the future.
Nation Name: County of Qaelun

The flag is said to have been derived from a poison induced vision of the first lord wake. It is said to represent an eye looking forth from the darkness and unknown, the black and purple respectively.
Nation Overview
The County of Qaelun exists in the Xedmire vale, a flooded marsh to the northeast of Choedal. It is a hard and depressing land, characterized by a festering stagnation. Here, the mad-earl reigns. Day-to day affairs are managed by his steward, Gallo Canto, a southern noble and longtime friend. Sir Canto is a veteran of early skirmishes of against the Timluks (wherein he met Lord Wake), and the county is left in capable hands should Choedal take to war as a means of keeping Qaelun suppressed, or in the event of Timluk attack. That said, Sir Canto not alone at court. Also of import is Bishop Anfonz Rigo, the court chaplain and head of the religion in the region. He is a paramount scholar of the faith, though a shy and reclusive man himself. His scholarly interpretations have variously been labeled “revolutionary” and “heretical” by proponents and opponents alike. That said, he has always recanted out-of-line teachings when pressed by mother church. He gets along well with the Steward-regent Sir Canto, and they regularly enjoy each other’s company. Other notable figures are Lady Joyce Wake, wife of the earl. She is seen as something of a socialite. She hedonistically and unashamedly engages in all manners of indulgence. Drugs, drink, art, literature, sex, lavish food, fashion. All the happiness that wealth can buy. In years past, she has been more discrete, but with her lord-husband not in his right mind, she has less fear of repercussions. She has created quite the social circle around herself at court, though she faces outside censure. She is mother to one son, the young Walter Wake. Little Walter is a lad of twelve years, and is pampered under his mother’s direct tutelage, grooming him to rule and assume the regency in his father’s stead once he comes of age. Though her poisonous influence on him runs deep, the boy does still retain some of his father’s character, as well as a few tidbits picked up from the more honourable men at court. He is not a lost cause entirely. But the mother is not wholly concerned with her family. Though she engages openly with many men, her favored consort is the “court mage.” She installed this man through her own workings at court, in the early days of Earl Vyncent’s madness. The man claimed to have magic that could cure the man’s madness. Indeed, he spends long hours poring over his books and rarely speaks to anyone save Lady Joyce. By all accounts, he is an eerie and enigmatic man with a subtle and subdued air of power about him. The last figure of note is the ambassador from Choedal. Following the assertion for indepencdence, a knight from the capital of Choedal was sent to treat with the earl and resolve the matter. This knight has yet to arrive, though this paragon of chivalry is due any day now. Only time will tell who this knight is and what impact they will have on the realm.

The Xedmire is a hazardous place. The snowmelt from the Xeddish Mountains runs down into the vale and floods yearly, perpetuating the muck and mire. The region is very much a wetland, and any of the settlements are found on the rim of the county, where they can make use of the stone of the mountains as a solid foundation. Still, wildlife thrives here. The marsh is cold and wet, home to many vermin species. Disease is rampant, as well as toxic wildlife. Beyond this, some reptilian species are able to survive here despite the cold. The most notable is bog-dragon, a large reptilian beast that spends most of its time in the water. It has a large, snapping jaw, and a ridged back. This beast is feared by many in the region. In terms of flora, hydrophilic plants that can weather the temperatures thrive here. Many of these wild plants bear fruit, as a means of insulating their seed through the harsher winters. In terms of crops, the terrain is used to advantage. A strange grain known as rice was brought across the deserts and acquired by trade with the timluks, and it is farmed in the flooded ground, where they actually seem to thrive. This has become very popular here. There is a common phenomenon is the swamps. Strange dancing lights are occasionally seen, said to be the souls of those lost to the mire. These spirits are known as wisps, and these lights are their manifestations, and are so called “will-o-the-wisps”. The capital is Xedshire, located in the northern center of the region and it is the seat of House Wake. The other two settlements of proper size are Passwall, barony and seat of House Gylle, and Stockingham, seat of House Mesalt. Passwall is located to the west, at the mouth of the vale, and Stockingham is located in the south center of the region, somewhat toward the west as well. Also of note is Wywood Abbey, the most important site of the church within the realm.
Qaelun has long been regarded as a backwater. The wetland terrain makes serious infrastructure difficult to build, as evidenced by the sunken ruins of Imperial garrisons from their foolhardy attempts to tame these lands long ago. Under Imperial occupation, Qaelun was of little use. It existed on the fringes of the Empire, and was ultimately abandoned when it was realized the land was not profitable. Likewise, the native people resisted conquest, asserting their independence through violent means. Following the dissolution of the empire, Qaelun would finally see occupation. Choedal, the neighboring land would ultimately annex them after a brief and bloody war. This occupation would not be permanent, as in recent years it has re-asserted its independence under the current ruler, Earl Vyncent Wake. Unfortunately, the years of the use of toxic drugs has driven the earl to dementia in his old age. This could not come at a worse time, as the declaration of independence was issued only recently. Some say that this was an early act of his madness.
As a whole, the people here are fiercely independent and isolationist. In the past, occupation of the county has been tentative by the empire, and the neighboring kingdoms. The people of this land do not take kindly to outsiders, preferring to eke out a meager living on their own merits than to lean on others for support. The peasantry is very much impoverished. Life is hard here, surviving the festering stagnation of the quagmire. The common man is employed almost invariably in the key industries of resource production. Few “middle class” people exist, and those are almost invariably those who have found ways to innovate in ways related to the core industries. The lower classes are a sour and somber folk, as the trials and travails of daily life weigh heavily on them. They often turn to their work, and most importantly their faith for comfort. The nobility is another matter. In their finely appointed keeps of stone, ornate decorum is in vogue. Indeed, the common fashion of dress is rich in frills and lace, as the nobility pride themselves in not having to interact with the muck and mire, and keeping such impractical attire neat and clean is evidence of this privilege. They indulge in various psychoactive drugs derived from the toxic wildlife of the region. This has spurred a recent art movement that is popularly patronized by the nobility, based on hallucinatory images. Bright colors and impossibly complex designs are the flavor of the day. The native Kaissavan-wine is a point of pride as well, and is much beloved by the nobles here as well. Religion is notably less important to them, as heterodox and sometimes even heretical doctrines are circulated here. They are relatively faithful, but often swayed by divergent interpretation of scripture.
The region is rich in a few key resources. The land is one large peat-bog. This resource is often harnessed, and when not in use for crude heating purposes of the native populace, it is exported in copious amounts to more industrialized nations who can make use of it for manufacturing and as an energy source. Some have even found a way to process this into a more refined form, creating an oily substance that is very efficient as an inflammatory agent. Baseline levels of mining is done, though use of metal is avoided when possible, due to the abundance of water in the area and the tendency to rust. Stone is quarried from the mountains on an as-needed basis, as moving large amounts of stone trough a bog is impractical. Rice is farmed in abundance in this region, as the flooded landscape is very accommodating to this. The fruit of the Kaissava tree, a wild fruit-bearing tree that is native to the marshes, is fermented into an alcoholic beverage similar to wine that is very popular with southern nobility. The wood of this tree is often harvested as well, as the wood is particularly soft. Because of this it is often pulped for paper. Due to the moisture of the region, however, this is done almost exclusively for export purposes, as paper products that are not well protected tend to deteriorate here.
The military of Qaelun is largely disorganized. The heavy plate-and-mail designs of old were never popular here, as moving about in the marsh while wearing these are exceedingly difficult. Light armour is favored by soldiers, and sometimes forgone altogether. Spears are a popular weapon here, as wood is plentiful enough to allow this, and metal is only needed in small amounts, as well as spears having uses as an improvised walking aid steering method for rafts in the more flooded areas. Archery is popular as well, as is the use of reed-based weaponry known as blowguns. Arrows and darts are often poisoned, as the virulent toxins and diseases here can easily be weaponized. Mounts are often forgone as well, for obvious reasons. Stealth is the modus operandi of the military in the Xedmire region, guerilla warfare being the means by which the realm is protected. Qaelun is very much isolationist, and does not march to war outside their lands (typically), which is likely good for them, as their tactics are unlikely to be successful elsewhere. However, it is important to note that the pitch and peat of the region is weaponized. Firebombs are not uncommon, especially in large-scale battle. 

Made some subtle tweaks to things here. Most people probably won't notice unless they've read closely, but just letting you all know.
Not sure if this belongs here, or in the Spam section, But I'll optimistically post it here and it can be moved as needed.

I recently started a Youtube channel that might interest you folks. It features video games and virtual table top games (I have a D&D 3.5 podcast-y video that I'm slowly uploading. Admittedly, more video games than Virtual Tabletops right now, but even those have a bent towards this sort of thing anyhow (RPG style games, currently deeply invested in Darkest Dungeon and a bit of Hearthstone). As I said, since the subject matter seems up your alley, I thought I'd do a little advertising here, even though I haven't really been that active here (Last game I joined fell through shortly after start, haven't seen anything in particular grab me yet.) Anyway, if this sounds like something to interest you, I feel free to like videos and subscribe to the channel to keep up with the flow of content. Possibility of strwaming in the future (via twitch) and will certainly see some more virtual tabletop content at some point (as soon as we can get our act together!). Thank you!

Youtube Link:

You have committed a thought crime, Dagoth.

Just make sure the real Emperor is dead, and we'll get along fine...01110100 01110010 01100001 01101001 01110100 01101111 01110010 .
Posted to the IC. Feel free to interact with the Technocracy if you like, trying to ease into it myself.
Deep Space- Coronation, Regulator-Class Battleship
*FOOTNOTE: 01001100 01101111 01101110 01100111 00100000 01001100 01101001 01110110 01100101 00100000 01000101 01101101 01110000 01110010 01100101 01110011 01110011 00100000 01001011 01100001 01101100 01111010 01100101 01110010 01101001 01100001 01101110 *
Deckmaster Argyll re-read the information on his datapad and waved over the nearest underofficer. “Communications are still offline…” He left the sentence hanging like the executioners axe over the head of an innocent man. The accusation was clear. “S-sir, we’ve been working around the c-clock to put the comms back in working order. It isn’t a systems problem, I c-can’t fi-” the officer stopped his stammering when he saw Argyll flick the orange tab on the side of his datapad. Argyll’s voice rasped ominously in the empty bridge of the ship. “I’m aware of that. It’s a mechanical failure. Simple malfunction. Care to explain the footnote on my datapad, underofficer?” The young man’s face drained of color. A perceptive man like Argyll might also notice that his hands were shaking slightly. “It’s binary… just another one of V.I.C.E.R.O.I.’s loyalty subroutines, right?” Argyll frowned. “Can’t you read binary?! ‘Long live Empress Kalzerian’ is what the message says. Now tell me son, how is it that she’s empress unless Fashti has been proclaimed dead?” The young man nodded, understanding his meaning perfectly. “While our comms were down, V.I.C.E.R.O.I has been processing events going on. He’s up to date.” Argyll smiled. “Exactly. V.I.C.E.R.O.I!” The datapad’s screen was wiped clean and replaced with V.I.C.E.R.O.I’S avatar. “Good morning Deckmaster! The atomic clock built into my servers registers the time as 0200. You have 108 unread messages!” The simple face of the AI’s avatar animated a smile in welcome. “108?! Settle in son, we’ve got a lot of reading to do…”

Waystation A-14, The Rubicon Fringe
Drogan Asuul stood in the main hangar of the waystation, surrounded by an entourage of R-96 security droids. After nearly ten minutes of waiting, the intercoms finally transmitted the all-clear for the refugee ships to open and release their passengers. Ships of every make and model were present. Almost exclusively civilian ships. Asuul closed his eyes for a minute, communing with V.I.C.E.R.O.I to scan the ships’ identifications numbers and process them all simultaneously. From all corners of the empire seeking refuge. But mostly Almata. Drogan plugged one of the numerous cables that were worked into the fabric of his synthweave habit into the nearby intercom, broadcasting his voice to the multitudes of frightened refugees. “My fellow Arcturians! Welcome to Rubicon! I am speak for the Emperor in this sector, and know that by the grace of Fashti, you are safe here. You have suffered many hardships to come here, but they are now at an end! Here, you will be processed and assigned a place within our organization. Together, we will provide for your needs and work to restore what you have lost in these dark times. Please refer yourselves to the terminals located in the next room, and allow V.I.C.E.R.O.I to oversee your admission. You will be on legal record as documented immigrants into the Rubicon system. I don’t know how rulers are carrying themselves in the core territories, but we still follow the laws here. These lands belong to the Empire and its citizens. Conduct yourselves in a manner as befits that station. Nothing has changed.” Drogan glanced around the crowd, at their grim expressions and resolute faces. Though he had long ago replaced his eyes with more efficient artificial scanners, he met their gaze. Though he knew machines better than people, he could read their faces. Everything has changed. The Technocrat swept out of the room, accompanied by his bodyguard. Working his way through the narrow corridors of the station, he found himself in the command post before long. There arrayed before him were more of his R-96 droids at attention around a conference table, where sat three other men, and a robot whose head had been replaced with a monitor. As Drogan took his seat, the screen on the robot buzzed to life, displaying V.I.C.E.R.O.I’S avatar. Asuul looked around at the assembled personages before him. A man in the dark uniform of a naval officer, a man in gilded garb, and an imposing power armored soldier.
“Now that we are all here, we can begin our discussion.” Drogan smiled as he stared at those in attendance. “I have my additional labor force. Once they’ve been allocated-” “Full allocation will take approximately 6.1338 days” the AI cut in. Drogan dismissed the statement with a wave of his hand. “After they’ve been assigned to work, my shipyards should be at full production capacity. Expect a production rate of no less than three regulator-class ships per day. This in addition to my current standing force of 87 similar such ships already in attendance-” “Production rate after assignment process will yield an average 3.20 ships per day. Current fleet totals when limited to vessels fitting the parameters of regulator-class include 88 as of .00009 seconds ago.” The group assembled let the AI’s interruption sink in. Another ship had been produced in the half-hour that Drogan had been away on other business. Drogan Asuul cleared his throat. “As you can see, Admiral Odom, my production facilities move swiftly. Rubicon is not a stronghold, but we will have all the ships you could need if you but give us the time.” The officer shifted in his seat. “What about crewmen? You don’t have any soldiers here. All the ships in the galaxy are worthless without trained crews to fly the damned things!” The Technocrat laughed derisively. “Entirely automated. My AI’s programming is built into all of the ships, as well as autonomous integrity stabilizers, flight controls, and weapons systems, should they become disconnected in some unthinkable way. The ships lack manual controls of all kinds.” The admiral radiated unease, but said nothing as Asuul turned to the nobleman in the rich clothing. “Lord Valdesh, I’ve sent a team to Almata to search for our magnificent Emperor. The Coronation is en route as we speak. It is crewed by loyal men and will return with confirmed news of our glorious leader one way or another. We will have our answer. In the meantime…” Drogan turns his attention to the last man at the table, a power armored soldier that towers over the others seated by nearly a foot. “You are with the Empress-regent Kalzerian. I am preparing my fleets and forces for the Alasaiian System. You question my loyalty to Lady Kalzerian. Know that I am loyal to the Empire, whoever rules it. I am loyal to the Imperial line, to the rightful ruler. I admire your “Coldfyre Imperium” as you call it for the order it is maintaining, but until I have a confirmed report on the fate of Fashti, you do not have my support. I expect the Coronation to return at the end of the week. At that time my forces will mobilize to the Alasaiian system at Admiral Odom’s request, to do them will of our ruler. Whomever that may be. You now know my strengths and my plans. Take that to your Lady, along with my best regards.” The assembled men stood and were escorted from the room by the R-96 units. Except for Drogan. Asuul closed his eyes once more and focused on using his neural implants to access The Uplink. V.I.C.E.R.O.I- fabricate conflicting reports of Fashti’s confirmed demise and upload them into the databanks of the Coronation. Disable their comms and orchestrate a series of low-risk mechanical failures. The AI processed the command. As you wish, master. May I ask why? Drogan responded audibly. “To buy us some time.” I fully expect Fashti to be alive and hunted by Kalzerian. I have other ways to search for him. This would at least slow Argyll’s return and provide a reasonable excuse for not mobilizing against the superior forces of the Coldfyres until our production capabilities make us a valid threat. I’ve no intention of throwing my lot in with a pretender while our true emperor yet lives.
I think he was referring more to Almata itself, having factions pull out, stay, or come in as their agendas demand and having the response to the sacking set up the relations more solidly.

Okay, so just setting up Almata as contested territory. I can work with that if need be. May be a tad awkward for factions who have no real designs on Almata though (Invaders, those wishing to set up independent states, etc.)
One way of doing that could be setting these factions as they reach or pull out from Almata of they have stakes in it. It gives the idea that people are trying to escape the carnage or try and take the spoils of war for themselves to take the empire.

So, similar to how Germany was carved up at the end of WW2? Forming spheres of influence on the remains of the imperial territories? In that case i'd say a map would be pretty handy to have, even if just a rough approximation.
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