Avatar of DaltonSezHi
  • Last Seen: 5 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: DaltonSezHi
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 52 (0.01 / day)
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    1. DaltonSezHi 10 yrs ago


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I posted that I would do something and then band practice happened I am trash sometimes expect something tonight
I'll try to work on something tomorrow. Been a long day. x_x
Finally posted another IC! ^.^
After giving his mother a kiss on the cheek and convincing her that No, he didn't need any help getting there, he was 16, he headed out the door and walked down the street to the high school, taking in the scenery of the city. Businessmen shuffled along on legs often unused while sitting at a desk and suitcases held in hands with fingers worn by typing, making Tetsuo grin to himself a bit; He would never end up like those guys, that was for sure. Suddenly realizing that the sun was really hot today, and so he hurried down the street a little faster, glad that he lived only a few blocks from Satoru High.

The school looked the same as ever, but shined up and polished for the opening day and the new students. Tetsuo walked with his hands in his pockets towards the school, and grinned at some of the people he recognized from last year, waving at the people he was more familiar with. Noticing that the class schedules were once again on the notice board, he pulled out his phone and took a picture of the schedule that corresponded to him, looking it over and giving a satisfied, “Hm.”

Tetsuo saw that Nanase Suzu, who he recognized as student council president and from the art club, was standing next to some odd student he didn't recognize who was awkwardly shifting their weight on their feet, obviously unsure of what to do. Well, he doesn't seem to be at ease here. Better go help him, too.

“Ya know, Nanase, maybe someone less imposing should greet our new student,” he said, nudging the girl playfully. Said new student was standing with a scared look in his face. Pulling out his acting chops (even if he wasn't really acting that much here), he tried to bring out a voice more calming and soothing. “Hey, there. You seem kind of new here. Do you need any help with anything?”
It's cool. I know that I can get that way, too.

Also, I need to start on my next IC post...
IC is up. ^.^
Tetsuo Amaya stood in the front window of his apartment in Hirameki, the rain pouring down from the sky. The TV was on, as it usually was, and he heard the man on the TV speak evenly about the disappearances that have been happening. He looked back out the window, worrying about his mother. He didn't know what he would do if she were to go missing; Tetsuo had already lost one parent (although, admittedly, losing his father wasn't that big of a loss) and he didn't know what he would do if he would have to be alone. He had his friends, but it would still be a huge blow. Maybe I should go out and look for her...

He was about to head for the door when he saw her walking through the rain to their house, umbrella and groceries in hand. Tetsuo grabbed his own red one and ran outside to her, opening it and standing under it. She saw her son as he left the house, which made a smile spread across her face. He really was too sweet, always helping out around the house whenever she needed it. It probably stemmed from the fact that he always wanted to help his mother when his father was still around, he just never got the chance to. Her son walked up to her and quickly tried to get the groceries out of his mother's hands, but she tried to keep them. "I'll be taking those up," he said.

"You do realize that I'm able to handle groceries, right?"

"Course, course," he sighed, putting on an air of disappointment. "I just thought I would be able to help my poor old mother, but if you want to leave me so lost in the world, with absolutely nothing to do," he let out a sigh, "Then go ahead. I certainly can't stop you."

She gave him a playful head bop and finally gave him the groceries. "You're crazy."

He thought about it for a moment as they headed towards the house. "Perhaps, but that just means that I'm far more unique than everyone else."

As the pair arrived at the door he opened it for his mother, who graciously went inside. The comforting, warm building was in stark contrast to the cold and wet outside, something that Tetsuo appreciated while he was setting down the groceries. "That should do it."

"What's in there anyway?" he pondered, getting out a pencil he always kept in his pocket and twirling it around.

"School supplies."

He sighed and leaned back, balancing the pencil on top of his nose. It fell to the side and he caught it, but looked dissatisfied. "Don't remind me."

"Oh, please, you love school."

"I love my clubs and my classmates," he corrected her, "the rest is alright to bad." He honestly didn't mean that completely; he actually really loved his science class, but he wouldn't admit that to anyone but his teacher. He had an artistic image to keep up.

"Well, you'll live."

He put the back of his head against his head. "I'm not sure. I think I'm feeling something coming on. Something deadly."

She snorted. "Right. Look, go get those supplies all put away into your bag. I'm going to start dinner."

Tetsuo begrudgingly went up to his room.

After a particularly good meal, Tetsuo was feeling a bit beat. It had been a long, productive day of lying around sketching. He was upstairs getting ready for bed when he heard footsteps coming from the downstairs. His mother knocked on the door as he yelled out, "It's open!" while he grabbed clothes to lay out for tomorrow. It was a recent thing he had started doing. He honestly thought it was a really smart decision he had made; it took less than two minutes and saved him a lot of time in the morning. His mother entered and he turned to face her. "Hey."

"Hi. Look, I have to leave before you should get up for school. Are you gonna be alright?"

He shook his head and made a "no big deal" gesture. "Course. I'll just set an alarm."

"Alright. I'm going to bed. Love you," his mother said, turning to go before Tetsuo shouted out, "Wait...!"

She gave a short laugh and spun back around with a smile on her face almost like she expected that. "What is it?"

"Did...did you hear about the kidnappings?"

Tetsuo's mother looked puzzled. "Yeah, why wouldn't I have? It's all over the radio and the TV."

"I know, I know," he said, biting his lip. He shifted his feet and looked unusually serious. "I've just got a bad vibe about those. Don't know why, really, I just do. So." He took a deep breath and clapped his hands together contemplatively. "Just...be careful. Especially with you walking to and from work and all of that."

"Honey, I'm fine," she said, looking surprised that he even brought it up. "I don't walk in an area with a ridiculous amount of crime or anything. Don't worry about it." She strolled over to Tetsuo and gave him a reassuring kiss on the cheek. "It'll be alright."

He grinned, thankful that she was able to calm him down so easily. "Thanks." He glanced at the clock. "You should probably head to bed. It's getting late."

"Right. Good night. Love you."

"Love you too," he said as she walked out and closed the door behind her.

He finished packing his clothes and finally was able to collapse on his bed and think for a bit, lifting his palm to the air and glancing at the ring on his finger. New school year, huh...? Better make it a good one. He rolled over and closed his eyes.

As he drifted off to sleep, he thought, Should certainly be interesting.
I'm working on my first IC post, should be done by tonight or tomorrow.
That sounds like a good idea.
Name: Tetsuo Amaya

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Birthday/Birthplace/Nationality: January 6/ Kyoto, Japan / Japanese

Clubs/Extracurricular activities: Drama, Art Club

Occupation: Student

Weapon: Lance (Non-Thrown, Thrusting and Swiping Attacks)

He has vibrant green eyes and long brown hair that he combs over to one side in a swoop. He's around 5"8, and is decently skinny. Usually, a grin is plastered across his clear face.

While he's at school, Tetsuo wears a simple coat and T-Shirt with jeans. He wears a silver ring given to him by his mother.

Battle is a different story. Tetsuo throws on a brown trench coat in favor of his normal coat, and puts his ring somewhere safe to cover up his hand with white, fingerless gloves. He also makes a point of changing into black pants. He also seems to be more confident when he's fighting, even more so than he usually is.

Personality: Tetsuo is energetic, outgoing, and confident. This confidence is part of the reason that he's able to do drama. He's also very creative, and his talents in art showcase this. Many people have complemented him on the originality of his paintings (though not the quality of them), and he takes pride in what he does. On the subject of the drama club, people often make mention (not to his face, mind you) of his over-the-top theatrical behavior, even outside of the theater. He over-exaggerates, gets fired up at certain issues, and is very passionate with things and people he loves.

As a result, in battle he is loud, overconfident, and makes decisions very quickly and sometimes irrationally. He yells a lot (sometimes even calling out his attacks), and on occasion uses this to his advantage, distracting enemies so that his allies can get the upper hand with a well-placed attack.

Backstory: For the first 10 years of his life, Tetsuo lived with an abusive father in a broken household. His mother was often not home, because she didn't want to come home to her husband, leaving Tetsuo to take some of the un-dealt pain from him. He doesn't talk about this a lot, so not much is known.

After his father left, he was able to break out of his shell, taking his mother along with him slowly but gradually. He started getting involved in school activities and became a lot more sociable. Tetsuo grew into the personality that he had to keep hidden within himself for years, and became the person he is today. He doesn't really like to talk about the past, and says that the him from birth to age 10 was an entirely different person.

Likes: Drama Club, Drawing, Music, Being Happy, Showing People What He Can Do, Italian Foods
Dislikes: Hatred, Pain, Being Alone, Abusive Parents, People Who Blame Their Problems On Others, Dirty Dishes

Persona: Qilin

Arcana: Sun
Agi - Deals light Fire damage to one foe.
Single Shot - Deals light Physical damage to one foe.
Revolution - Greatly increases probability of Critical hits for 3 turns. Universal.
Strengths/Weaknesses: Strong against Ice, Weak against Dark.
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