Avatar of Darach
  • Last Seen: 7 yrs ago
  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 40 (0.02 / day)
  • VMs: 0
  • Username history
    1. Darach 7 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

7 yrs ago
Current Bitch status Check... Edits posts 100 times... Admits to being bitchy also
7 yrs ago
Teluval is becoming something more then an RP. This magic is something of a new kind.
7 yrs ago
I could use this space to explain my disapproval of outstanding disregard of timing as related to RP's , but I'm too busy waiting on posts.
7 yrs ago
Can't wait to start on my first RP


I am here (I'm sure like many of you are..) to live vicariously through the words I type within this forum. I want to explore my imagination to its deepest place. Perhaps to find a person I may not have known I was? Or Simply to understand, in a deeper sense, the person I already am.

I can't give you anymore or less. Just know I am a very open person who will do anything once. Maybe even twice.

Most Recent Posts

@ZiIm kind of happy with the Stalker position honestly. Are you considering we double up on characters.
All done @Zi
Name: S. Solton

gender: Male

Age: 16

Serial #: 333

Check it out ----> http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/halo/images/1/12/Stalker_in_action.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20140311193057

Specialty: Stalker (Death in Silence)

A solo operator, he hates when people are slow to act. This doesn't stop him from working well in a group as long as he has his own set of tasks to achieve. He has an inherent need to kill and swiftly. Although this blood lust could cause him issues in the field if not controlled. Serious, but still approachable. Frank and antagonizing.

Weapon of choice: Energy Blade (calibrated into hunters blade) or Static Magnum (silenced) depends on blood lust factor
@Zi I can easily be any character.. So make me the stalker.. lets just get the show on the road!! lmao I'm not picky!!
No worries Ill be explosive
I would like to play. As long as I can be a hyuuga!
Ooo! Ooo! I want to play! Sign me up!!
Please allow me to root myself in this adventure.
I love this Idea, plus as an rpg gamer I have no idea how to operate in an fps. I am takin on the 2nd special weapons expert.

"Whos says you need a bazooka to make a big boom?"
Hello there my fellow RPer's.

I am here (I'm sure like many of you are..) to live vicariously through the words I type within this forum. I want to explore my imagination to its deepest place. Perhaps to find a person I may not have known I was? Or Simply to understand, in a deeper sense, the person I already am.

I challenge you to push my limits.

I have decent experience as a role-player. I can play off paragraphs and/or entire dissertations with ease. Fast paced one-on-one plays are my favorite, but in honesty, beauty lies in the more lengthy posts. It forces you to search for brilliance within. Genre wise, I usually dabble in Drama, Fantasy, Slice of Life, and Horror role-plays. I wouldn't mind broadening my horizons though.

Lets look back on the first time I role-played. It was a fantasy. At the time, I only believed in playing as some type of battle mage. Suffice it to say, my fire spell was used so much those four letters on my keyboard wore away. Thankfully, after a few lessons on monotony, I realized magic is what you make it. From there, roleplaying became a hobby that I can't seem to shake.

Outside my otherwise otherworldly imagination, I am an avid video game player. Yep, you guessed it! Rpg style games all the way! I also am a YouTube fanatic. Do you know how much you can actually find on there!! Then comes my love for anything living and not human. Yes that's right. Even the grossest of life is to be loved, unless its a Homo-sapien. I loathe those types.

Well, there is your introduction. If you are curious about me just ask. My response will be everything you expect, with a dash of spontaneity. BE PREPARED :)
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