Avatar of Darkmoon Angel


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Just got a new phone. Sorry for the absence.
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Taking up card design, anyone interested?


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Was desperately hoping someone would get the BN bug from Legacy Collection and put this type of RP up so I didn't have to do it myself. Put me in, coach.

Considering the wide variety of canon Navis, I assume we can use most of them outside of the unreasonable/main character ones?

Correct. Most of the Navis will be up for grabs. And if you’re feeling like it, you can make your own.
“In the year 20XX, the world has become interconnected through the Net, a vast computer network through which humanity has used for communication, commerce, and even crime. Within this advanced network, humans are able to interact with each other and the world through the use of their own personal computer programs, known as NetNavis. With these programs, humans are able to easily complete tasks and remove viruses from their day to day lives. Some have even taken up NetBattling, competing NetNavis against each other in friendly battles and tournaments. It is because of this network that the world has seen an era of peace through technology, but this peace is only skin deep. Within the bowels of the Net lies the Undernet, a dark and twisted expanse of the Net where every kind of shady individual calls home. Here, a group is rising, recruiting, and in some cases creating, like minded individuals for an all out assault on the Net, and then the world. The only thing stopping these network terrorists and their viruses are the NetBattlers and scientists working day and night to keep the peace.

Here in Den City, up and coming NetBattlers attend the prodigious ACDC Academy, learning the ins and outs of the Net, and competing with each other to sharpen their skills and make new friends. It is here where an unlikely group of people will be brought together through unknown circumstances, to decide the fate of the Net and even the entire world. Are you ready? Then get ready to Jack In!”

Having picked up and played through the Battle Network collection on the Switch, I got the itch to start up this little idea of an RP. An OOC is in the works and just needs some finishing touches on a few things before it’s ready to go. Anyone interested and/or has any at all questions regarding this are free to ask. :)
For misc items in the Special Armaments section, might I suggest scales based off the three great dragons in breath of the wild? They could serve as special tools that you could use to imbue your weapon with their respective dragon’s element.
I was thinking something similar to the Frozen Needle from Elden Ring would work perfectly for a Zora. Obviously a special weapon, but just an idea.
I was thinking of doing a spellblade esque Zora. Rapier + Magic. The one thing I’m curious about though, are catalysts or staves a thing for magic or are they cast from an empty hand?
A souls-style Zelda rp? Well, looks like you got your first member xD
“Well, sorry, but I need to ask you. Because you had that duel with Donte and now he’s in the infirmary and they’re not telling us why.” He let out a sigh. “Look, I don’t know anything about spirits; I’m not sure I even really believe in them, but I gotta ask. Are they dangerous? Did your spirit… do something to Donte?”

Helena glanced at Leo before thinking of what to say. Her spirit wasn’t the issue, it was her. But how does she explain it? She has the ability to potentially kill people in a duel? She mulled it over before giving a quiet sigh. “No… At least, my spirit doesn’t… I can’t say for all. But it’s not my spirit that does it, it didn’t hurt Donte… I… I did.” She finally said. ”I have… A condition I guess you could call it. I’m somehow able to… Project my cards to physically harm someone. But I can’t control it. Donte wanted a way out of interacting with his father so… We dueled and well… The rest is history… Bloody, horrible history…”

“Helena…” Chosen of the Celtic Guard appeared by her side and patted her shoulder. “It’s not your fault… If anything, Donte wanted you to do that.” He stated. ”… What would’ve happened if I killed him? What then? Nothing about what happened is ok even if he wanted it…” Realizing she was talking to thin air in Leo’s eyes she looked back at him. “Sorry… My spirit always insists on trying to cheer me up…”
@Zapdos I was thinking of some spells being combinations of different anime. Turn small objects into bombs, JoJo style. Or a gigantic middle finger of an explosion, Konosuba style. Course it’s all going to be balanced for the current setting. Maybe small mana orbs that my character launches that explode when they hit something, minor to no homing.
@Zapdos How do you feel about explosives in this setting? Handmade and/or magic.
@Zapdos More than helpful. Got a couple ideas floating around already :)
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