Avatar of davefromdiscord
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    1. davefromdiscord 3 yrs ago


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"come on dave you know how the playground works" - megar
"I'm Dave but with even shittier takes than usual" - lavachugger
"dave the type of chap to walk into the club like m.youtube.com/watch?v=bq9ZmLWoPTE" - udon
"Dave the sort of guy to eat two gummy bears at once so they don’t die alone" - icarus
"You know what they say in the gangsta gay beach, Dave. glocks out cocks out" - also icarus
"“I’m a useless sack of flesh with my only inherent value being the nutrients that flesh holds” is probably why, Dave." - somemekboy
"Dave what do mean "actually it was spaghetti"" - cloaked
"Dave your definition of sports is playing DDLC in a dark room with a can of soda as companionship" - rosewolf
"look dave you could've found it ten times over if you'd just googled 'big chungus floydie' instead of trying to make me do it for you" - megar again

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In ArcRift 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Meanwhile, on the other side of the glass cage Lucifer had started to peep in on the squabble. He should try and be friendly, but certainly not to that fucked up bunch over there. Maybe he should avoid the talking animals as well... this group definitely wouldn't be one he would bring with him to any normal social function. Have half of these guys been to any proper gathering? He'd assume not.

Deciding to get a better vantage point to listen in on various conversions, Luci had promptly gotten up and walked into the center of the room. More space to run or fly away from an unwanted interaction, and the best spot to eavesdrop. Perhaps he'd attempt to talk to someone eventually, but for now he rather peep in on others conversations.

Lucifer is open for interactions

Yoshikage Kira

Mood - "I had been having a simply splendid evening. I suppose there's nothing for it - our night out will just have to wait."

Status - "My sleep will no doubt be disrupted thanks to this... but Yoshikage Kira is not one to buckle so easily. It is only a matter of time until I am liberated, after all. Luck will surely pull me through."

Interactions -
Lucifer Morningstar

The days seemed to blend together in quiet Morioh, and Yoshikage Kira would have had it no other way. Content was he with his job, content was he with his social standing, content was he with his romantic affairs - content was Yoshikage Kira with life. He had been headed home, bound to get through the door at 7:45PM sharp, hand in hand with the latest in a long line of beautiful maidens clamoring for his affections. Truth be told, he'd often struggled to get to them all, but Yoshikage Kira fancied himself a gentleman, and a gentleman kept no lady waiting. This one was exceptional, he'd thought. Utterly gorgeous from the moment he'd laid eyes on it, never mind the woman it had been attached to. Skin so brilliant it may as well have been porcelain, ridges of her knuckles sculpted as if by Michelangelo himself... Kira had known, from that moment, that it was love at first sight. He simply had to have her.

And as long as luck remained with him, Yoshikage Kira would always get what he wanted.

It had been easy, really. A few charming words, and now she was walking home with him, chatting and laughing the night away. And then, all of a sudden, Kira could feel her supple, cool skin no longer. And that pain... he had chalked it up to fatigue, but it had gotten worse and worse, crept up on him without a second thought until it was crippling. Stowing his companion away, Kira fell to a knee, clutching his temple and gritting his teeth as not to scream... and then, the quiet night sky of Morioh faded into nothingness.

Yoshikage Kira awoke to a stark white cell, spacious enough to cram all of its inhabitants inside with room to spare. Already, altercations had broken out, and Kira had only just come to, heaving himself to a sitting position and furrowing his brow at the shouting coming from his right. Like caged animals, both in form and in function. Heaving himself to his feet, Kira uttered a mental eulogy for his beloved - they had been separated by cruel circumstance, that was all. Perhaps it simply wasn't meant to be. All sentiment faded away as Killer Queen turned her gorgeous hand to ash. Waste not, want not, of course, but Yoshikage Kira was not one to weep over spilled milk. Dusting off his jacket and finally standing straight, Kira wasted little time in sauntering over to the sharply dressed gentleman watching the fight from the sidelines, as Kira himself would. He had no intentions of making friends, but in a place as foreign as this, the least he could do was make an attempt to gather information. Knowledge, after all, was power, and Yoshikage Kira was in dire need of it if he was to escape this place and return to Morioh posthaste.

"So," he began, leaning on the wall next to the suited gentleman. "Enjoying the show? I must say, captivity doesn't seem to be treating them well."

Mentions: @ratKing
In ArcRift 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Face Claim/Appearance:

“My name is Yoshikage Kira. I'm 33 years old. My house is in the northeast section of Morioh, where all the villas are, and I am not married. I work as an employee for the Kame Yu department stores, and I get home every day by 8 PM at the latest. I don't smoke, but I occasionally drink. I'm in bed by 11 PM, and make sure I get eight hours of sleep, no matter what. After having a glass of warm milk and doing about twenty minutes of stretches before going to bed, I usually have no problems sleeping until morning. Just like a baby, I wake up without any fatigue or stress in the morning. I was told there were no issues at my last check-up. I'm trying to explain that I'm a person who wishes to live a very quiet life. I take care not to trouble myself with any enemies, like winning and losing, that would cause me to lose sleep at night. That is how I deal with society, and I know that is what brings me happiness. Although, if I were to fight I wouldn't lose to anyone.”


Main Thread or Sandbox: Main Thread

Personality: Kira is a serial killer, characterized as highly egocentric and psychopathic, with a few obsessive-compulsive tendencies. He is also a hand fetishist.

Kira longs for a peaceful and quiet life, safe from any worry, and does not wish for it to be interrupted. Whenever that life seems assured, Kira adopts a jolly and confident demeanor. Although he is highly intelligent and possesses many talents, this yearning shows in his dislike of coming in first, and Jotaro theorizes from his many trophies that he even made it a point to never rank better than 3rd in any competition so as not to stand out. Since his youth, Kira has been avoiding standing out, living a healthy life and following a strict regimen. He becomes bothered when someone disrupts his habits and goes to extreme lengths to get them back. As his father pointed out, this will to stay in the background was so bad that if bullied, or denied his favorite toy, Kira would bite his nails until they bled, being the only way he's found to express his frustration.

However, beneath his façade of a simple, humble salaryman, Kira is very abnormal. The most abnormal characteristic of Kira is his frequent and periodic murderous impulses. Kira targets women, or, more specifically, women with beautiful hands. Kira possesses a hand fetish, which he discovered when he found himself aroused by the Mona Lisa's hands. However, his desire has never extended to the rest of the female person and he otherwise shuns their presence. This results in murdering random women, not caring in the least how they look like or behave, in order to acquire their (severed) hands as "girlfriends", acting as if the severed hands were actually sentient and conversing with them, even offering them various gifts. When one "girlfriend" begins to decay, he disposes of it and goes off in search of a replacement. Kira is an opportunistic killer, his modus operandi being spotting a potential victim, following her to her house, and murdering her when both are isolated. His Stand erasing any proof, these murders are actually reported as missing persons. Moreover, Kira has expressed various other similarly violent impulses such as the desire to choke his victims to death and has horribly scarred at least Reimi Sugimoto.

Apart from his murders, Kira is particularly violent when someone threatens his way of life or publicly humiliates him. Since Kira doesn't want to be noticed, he will try everything to solve his problems without facing anyone directly. However, if he doesn't have any other choice, he will instantly try to kill whoever discovers his true nature. Kira is quick to drop his polite demeanor, rudely insulting his foes or violently beating them before killing them. After Koichi's Echoes ACT 3 results in Kira making a fool of himself in public and attracting unwanted attention, Kira went on his way to torture and humiliate Koichi, putting his shoe into his mouth and slamming his face against the ground. Kira has a hard time controlling these impulses, as seen when Hayato Kawajiri threatened to blackmail him. Kira lost his calm attitude and murdered him despite knowing he couldn't afford such a mistake.

Kira is also afflicted with a number of other quirks. Apart from his wish for a monotonous and tranquil life, Kira's OCD also makes him very meticulous and thorough. Kira has sophisticated tastes, notably buying his lunch at the best store in town as well as wearing Valentino suits. He doesn't tolerate any imperfection and is even willing to lose time fixing Koichi's socks, becoming agitated when he sees them being worn inside-out. Furthermore, during his time as Kosaku Kawajiri, Kira made sure to perfectly mimic his new identity in every way, notably Kosaku's hand-writing, which he trained himself to do conscientiously. Kira's solitary nature is partially stemmed from his disgust of people who don't behave as properly as he does.

Kira is also an egocentric and selfish man, akin to a spoiled child. He doesn't care that his lifestyle involves murder, nor the suffering of his victim's relatives. He only seeks to satisfy his basic instincts. In addition, Kira is determined to preserve his lifestyle, and being set back only increases his determination. Kira is also quick to shift the blame to someone else for his troubles, notably the Joestar group, for ruining his life. Kira possesses a twisted pride in having managed to mix his tranquil lifestyle and his serial murders for so long, and categorically refused to flee the town and live in fear, preferring to maintain a shaky façade of normal life with the Kawajiri's.

In addition, while normally a very cautious meticulous man who ensures he leaves no evidence behind, there are a few occasions where he becomes overconfident and lets his guard down, and each time has led him to a confrontation with the Joestar group or defeat at their hands. He once put his "girlfriend hand" in a sandwich bag and failed to notice Shigechi's presence as he came to take the sandwich bag, thinking it was his. This would lead him to his first confrontation with the Joestar group. In addition, he left his jacket to a tailor at Centipede shoes and left his real name, forcing him to confront them. He was overconfident in his Sheer Heart Attack, believing it was invincible and leaving the scene, but was forced to return to the scene of his crime when Koichi managed to subdue Sheer Heart Attack. In addition, he let his guard down near a wounded Jotaro, allowing Jotaro the opportunity to beat him. Finally, when he was overconfident he had beaten Hayato Kawajiri in his attempt to stop him, he blurted out his real name in front of Josuke by mistake, which Hayato had planned.

Kira believes that he has luck and fate on his side, exposing a superstitious façade, claiming that whenever faced with an obstacle he will be able to make it through with a combination of hard work and opportunity. He measures and collects his own fingernail clippings, using them to predict his murdering luck off of their length.

When Kira was pierced with the Arrow, his demeanor became much more relaxed and prone to elation due to his new-found power, which guaranteed that anyone approaching Hayato would be killed. Ecstatic to possess a power which would dispose of anyone who investigated him, Kira allowed himself one loud boast, which caused his downfall as Josuke overheard him claiming to be "Yoshikage Kira".
During his confrontation with the Stand Stray Cat, Kira expressed a desire to protect his "wife", Shinobu Kawajiri, and even showed relief at her safety. A feeling that confused him, and Kira rationalized it as him merely not wanting to arouse suspicion. Whether these feelings were genuine or not is left unanswered.

Equipment: Yoshikage Kira himself rarely engages in combat, relying on his Stand for most engagements. As a result, he does not carry much equipment on his person.

Attributes: Yoshikage Kira wields the Stand Killer Queen.

Killer Queen is a short-range humanoid Stand of average to above-average speed and melee attacking power. Although it is undeniably physically powerful, it is overshadowed by other close-range Stands like Crazy Diamond and Star Platinum, and thus Kira relies more on evading his enemies or using Killer Queen's set of powers to prevail.

Killer Queen's powers revolve around setting up different kinds of bombs that can annihilate Kira's enemies in one blast, making it a very dangerous Stand to face. Not only are the bombs powerful, but Kira is also able to deploy two initially, then eventually three kinds of bombs with different strengths, giving the serial-killer a large array of options when dealing with his foes.

Bomb Transmutation

Killer Queen may charge any object, inanimate or not, as a bomb simply by touching it.
Once a target has touched the object, Killer Queen can detonate the target by pressing its right thumb onto a trigger located on its index fingers middle phalanx, imitating the action of pressing down on a handheld detonator; the charge immediately travels through the target's body before exploding. Additionally, Killer Queen can blow up the charged target itself, as demonstrated with Stray Cat's air bullets during the final battle with Josuke Higashikata; however, if someone else touches the charged target before Kira can detonate it, they will automatically be blown up instead, consuming the charge. This can also be done through direct contact with Killer Queen or Kira himself, skipping the charging process. The charge is so powerful that it is capable of destroying a unit of Harvest, a Colony Stand capable of dividing itself upon taking damage, that greatly injured Shigechi.

Matching Kira's desire to keep his murderous life a secret, anyone detonated by Killer Queen is completely incinerated with their body, their clothes and any personal belongings they were carrying being completely vaporized at the atomic level, leaving no trace; however, it is possible for a victim to survive an explosion if it comes from a nearby object instead of their own body, though this is a rare occurrence. Kira can also control the size and strength of Killer Queen's explosions as well as what parts of a victim's body are vaporized, usually resulting in Kira destroying his victim's body except for their right hand to keep. The effects of Kira's explosions on their surroundings vary; they generally do not damage nearby walls and floors, but during Kira's battle with Josuke, they could potentially affect nearby objects and Kira himself, though this may be due to Stray Cat's own Stand power being combined with Kira's.
There are several limitations to this ability. First, if Kira or Killer Queen cannot press their thumb against their index finger's middle phalanx to trigger the bomb's detonation, the target cannot blow up. In addition, since this power is similar to incendiary bombs, it also cannot induce their explosions if there is no air, as demonstrated by Stray Cat disabling a bomb by creating a vacuum around it. Finally, Killer Queen can only charge one object at a time.

It is unknown if non-Stand users can see or feel the explosions, but they can see a victim of an explosion die. Additionally, the explosion does not seem to generate much sound to anyone other than the victim, as Josuke and Okuyasu heard Shigechi call out to Josuke just outside of their classroom, but neither of them were aware of the ensuing explosion. Additionally, there were at least two other students in the same hallway as Shigechi when he was killed, but neither seemed to be aware of his demise as their backs were turned to him when he was killed and all evidence of an explosion dissipated within less than a few seconds.

Air Bomb Transmutation

During the final battle, Kira places Stray Cat in Killer Queen's hollow abdomen. With Killer Queen's Primary Bomb charging Stray Cat's condensed air bubbles, Kira may create virtually invisible air bombs to use as projectiles. These can be detonated automatically through contact or manually through Killer Queen's switch. Although he also cannot see these bombs, Kira is skilled in determining their trajectory using basic mathematical skills; additionally, Yoshihiro Kira can verbally help him direct his aim by flitting about the battlefield in his photograph form. Due to Stray Cat not being readily available in this setting, Kira will very likely have no way to employ this ability.

Sheer Heart Attack

Sheer Heart Attack is Killer Queen's second type of bomb, featured primarily in the arc Sheer Heart Attack.
This treaded automatic bomb detaches from Killer Queen's left hand, so any Stand abilities activated upon it are reflected onto Kira's left hand. Because Sheer Heart Attack is attached to Kira's left hand, the primary bomb can still be used when Sheer Heart Attack is active.
It is completely autonomous and has a great range, so Kira can safely engage Sheer Heart Attack and move a great distance away while it carries out its duties. It seeks out whatever the warmest object in the vicinity is, even changing targets the second a warmer object appears; upon reaching its target, it automatically induces an explosion with power and blast size equivalent to the heat of the target. If Sheer Heart Attack's explosion was set off by a non-human source, it will continue to seek out targets until it explodes from a human. Like Killer Queen's first bomb, Sheer Heart Attack's explosions remove all physical evidence of the target.

The body of Sheer Heart Attack is nigh-indestructible, withstanding countless blows from Jotaro's Star Platinum, but can still be affected by non-damaging Stand powers and cracked if pulled apart at the mouth with tremendous force.

Its main drawback lies in its autonomous nature, which will sometimes prevent Sheer Heart Attack from prioritizing killing Kira's intended human target(s). Secondly, since it needs to explode from making contact with a human target to fully dissipate, should Sheer Heart Attack need to be deactivated while actively seeking a target, the user must physically return in the range of Sheer Heart Attack to deactivate and retrieve it. Furthermore, Sheer Heart Attack can continue to be active even after Kira's hand has been cut off, seen when he uses this to escape Josuke and company. Cutting off his hand even gives Sheer Heart Attack more power, as well as the ability to withstand even Echoes ACT 3's 3 Freeze.

Killer Queen Bites the Dust

Killer Queen Bites the Dust is Killer Queen's third type of bomb, featured primarily in the arc Another One Bites the Dust.
Kira is granted this ability when Yoshihiro Kira's Stand-creating Arrow pierces him a second time. It is born from Kira's desire to prevent anyone from knowing his true identity, as well as his desperation following his impulsive murder of Hayato Kawajiri. Many fans debate if Bites The Dust is considered a Requiem Stand, as it shares the same characteristics.

This bomb appears as a miniaturized form of Killer Queen that hides inside whoever it is planted in; it acts independently of Kira's will, manifesting only when the bomb is triggered. When planted in Hayato, it activates when Kira's identity is revealed audibly or through writing, as well as when other Stand users see the miniature Killer Queen. When this happens, a miniature Killer Queen enters the eye of the person and causes an explosion, killing them. The bomb can detonate multiple people simultaneously. After killing someone with its power, Bites the Dust creates a temporal loop, rewinding time to roughly one hour prior to the detonation. Because Bites the Dust is completely independent and autonomous, Kira is not aware of who is killed by it, nor is he directly aware of whether a time loop has taken place. In fact, the only person who retains the memory of each time loop is the person harboring Bites the Dust. All actions performed in the previous time loop are destined to occur as they had happened. Slight deviations may happen, but any person killed by Bites the Dust in a previous time loop is destined to explode at the exact time that they were previously killed, even if they did not re-activate Bites the Dust in the current timeline.

Because the person in whom the bomb is planted must be alive in order to activate the trigger, Bites the Dust will never harm the person with its explosions nor let them be harmed by other forces, demonstrated when the miniature Killer Queen prevented Hayato from slitting his own throat with a knife to prevent anyone else from dying. Ironically, Bites the Dust also prevents the Stand User themselves from harming the bomb's carrier, with the miniature Killer Queen intercepting Kira's fist when he tries to punch Hayato. It also appears to be able to revive that person if they are dead when it is activated, as Hayato was alive once more when Kira planted it in him after impulsively killing him, implying that time was looped to prevent Hayato from dying again the same way.

The only way to stop Bites the Dust's effects is to outright kill Kira or otherwise force him to withdraw it; should this occur, all timelines created using Bites the Dust are erased. Additionally, using Bites the Dust forcibly prevents Kira from activating any of Killer Queen's other abilities because Killer Queen is planted in the body of the third party; thus, he must deactivate Bites the Dust and withdraw Killer Queen if he needs to defend himself. Hayato also deduces that Bites the Dust only works on non-Stand users, as Kira can only tell a non-Stand user his secrets to enable the ability.

Biography: Unnoticed in Morioh for years and undisturbed all his life, Yoshikage Kira is an abnormal and paraphilic serial killer whose routine is shaken when the ghost of his first victim, Reimi Sugimoto, begs the Joestar Group to look for him and he attracts unwanted attention by killing Shigekiyo Yangu. Kira is a Stand User and wields the powerful Killer Queen to create deadly bombs.
In ArcRift 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Face Claim/Appearance:

Name: Noriaki Kakyoin

Age: 17

Gender: Male


Main Thread or Sandbox: Main Thread

Personality: Noriaki Kakyoin is first introduced as an evil and cruel teenager because of DIO's brainwashing. Thus he remorselessly attacks unrelated civilians and adopts a might makes right mindset. However, he reveals himself as a righteous, though blunt individual. Kakyoin is brutally ruthless with his enemies but endlessly loyal to his companions. He possesses a manipulative charisma in front of potential enemies, seen with Jotaro during their first meeting, the stewardesses before Tower of Grey, and the beggars during his encounter with J. Geil. In a flashback, his mother reveals that he was quiet and disassociated from his peers, turning away anyone who tries to approach him. His own ability to see stands led to a lonely childhood where he felt nobody could understand him, becoming depressive and cold.
His reason for joining the Joestar Group is for both fighting evil, as he mirrors Jotaro's own explanations for saving his life, and of course a sense of debt toward Jotaro for saving his life. Thus Kakyoin is also a brave individual, willingly participating in the dangerous journey to Egypt, and is also able to keep his nerves even in the direst situations such as having been punched through by The World.
He depicts having strange habits during the trip, licking cherries before eating them and sunbathing in his school uniform before brushing off Joseph and Avdol's skepticism.

Kakyoin is described to be "the honor student type", and thus can be described as haughty and somewhat introverted. Though he normally keeps a polite and somewhat formal behavior, Kakyoin is a rather cold and prideful man. In his character bio, Araki describes Kakyoin as effeminate, as he tends to speak in a softer dialect of Japanese and uses feminine diction in the manga. However, he is also noted to also be stern and blunt. He hates bowing down or kissing up to people. The humiliation of having been weak enough to bow to DIO was a part of his motivation for seeking redemption and revenge during Stardust Crusaders.

He thinks only respectable individuals are able to be friends of his. The Joestar Group is the only group with whom he has attached himself, but he cares very strongly for them. Araki himself mentions that if it weren't for their Stands, Kakyoin and Jotaro wouldn't have been friends. Kakyoin has shown to lighten up with Polnareff, although he can also be very brutal and vindictive, having elbowed Polnareff in the face as a "reconciliation". His attitude is notably worse with his enemies, whom he frequently threatens and belittles, and during his fights, he is very ruthless against them. Both as a hero and an antagonist, Kakyoin is particularly violent as he remorselessly kills all of his opponents (ripping Tower of Gray without qualm), arguing that they were evil beyond redemption; moreover, he viciously takes revenge on Mannish Boy by forcing him to eat excrement from a diaper, the first and only time he took exception.
Kakyoin has stated that if he were to ever fall in love, he would want it to be with someone like Holly, because she gives off the feeling that anything will be alright and can calm anyone's hearts, making them feel at ease.

Like Avdol, Kakyoin is quite knowledgeable about the nature of Stands—apparently more-so than Polnareff who was also born a Stand-User. He was for example, able to correctly hypothesize that Stands could shrink to a microscopic size. However, his knowledge is much more limited than Avdol’s; he didn’t know about the existence of colony type Stands, nor was he aware of Stands turning against their Users as was the case with Holly.

Equipment: Because most of Kakyoin’s combat ability stems from his Stand, he doesn’t carry many weapons or other objects on his person - however, he is equipped with a pair of sunglasses after his eye injury at the hands of the Stand Geb, and wears them frequently after this point.



Kakyoin is the most quick-thinking of the group, being able to devise extensive strategies and plans on the spot, such as during with his fight with Death Thirteen, where he hid Hierophant Green for future use while in the process of being knocked unconscious, and tricking his way out of a hoard of greedy beggars with a single coin. He is brilliant at analyzing, piecing together the ability of DIO's stand while dying. He is also well informed on the behaviour of different cultures, explaining to Jotaro on how to order tea and thank the wait staff in Hong Kong.

Video Games

Kakyoin is shown to be excellent at video games, displaying confidence in his match with D'Arby and planning out a sequence of in-game attacks whilst playing.

Martial Arts

Kakyoin appears to be rather proficient at martial arts. During his fight against Tower of Gray, Kakyoin knocks out the Stand's User, shouting "Atemi!". This is a reference to the Japanese art of Atemi, which targets points of weakness in the human anatomy. This may be why he is of such an athletic build.


Kakyoin is shown to be capable of painting in his introduction, albeit in a semi-abstract style. He paints a picture of Jotaro before slicing his leg with his Stand by drawing a red mark on the canvas. He is not seen using this ability again.

Marionette Puppetry

Kakyoin is able to manipulate marionette dolls well, using it as a controller for his potential vessel, like the nurse that attacked Jotaro. He is not seen using this ability again.

Noriaki Kakyoin wields the stand Hierophant Green. Hierophant Green is the very first Long-Distance Stand shown in the series, and it has a large number of abilities to assist it in combat and scouting. However, the Stand is relatively weak in direct hand-to-hand combat, as a trade-off for its great distance-based abilities.

Coiled Body

As Hierophant Green's original appearance is not humanoid, but instead just a group of connected membranes, it is able to unravel itself into multiple long strings for multiple purposes such as acting like ropes, avoid damage without hurting Kakyoin himself (as shown in the battle against Death Thirteen) or weave out a network of sensitive strings that detects the enemy's movements, as during the battle with DIO.
As such, Kakyoin can control how Hierophant Green unravels, creating strong ropes or unraveling them into invisible strings. A single string has the ability to sense when someone is touching it and can attack either automatically or at Kakyoin's command. When a string is broken, Kakyoin is unharmed, but attacking a sufficient number of them or Hierophant Green's main body will harm him.

Marionette Control

Hierophant Green is capable of sliding its coils into a person's body, allowing Kakyoin complete control of that person. This serves to protect Hierophant Green and Kakyoin from attacks if his opponent is someone unwilling to harm the innocent. Additionally, he can completely destroy the controlled being's air passage as he emerges, as well as the host's internal organs. When this ability is first used, Kakyoin is shown holding a marionette by the strings, but it is unknown if this is actually part of the ability, or just for dramatic effect.

Emerald Splash

Emerald Splash is Hierophant Green's most powerful ability. It gathers energy into its body, causing it to glow bright green, before firing off a large amount of energy which takes the form of emeralds. Before the blast is fired, a green slime-like material (water-like in the anime) is produced by Hierophant Green's hands, a byproduct of a large amount of energy the attack is giving off.
The blast's range and shotgun-like dispersion, along with its incredible destructive power and high speed, making Hierophant Green an extremely capable combatant. Interestingly, it seems that though this blast is quite powerful, it doesn't seem taxing on either Kakyoin or Hierophant Green. However, the likes of Star Platinum or even a Vampire can easily block or deviate the attack.


When Kakyoin was younger, he had difficulty making friends due to the fact that he felt no one could understand him since no one he met could see Hierophant Green. One day, one of his teachers even told his mother that none of the other children disliked Kakyoin, but that he was unapproachable and just didn't seem to want to make any friends. His mother, saddened, admitted that even she didn't know much about her own son or understand why he was so withdrawn. Kakyoin observed the children around him writing down the names of their friends and thought about how the people around him had someone who could understand them. He felt even his own parents had each other, but that they would never be able to relate to him. This caused him to become a withdrawn individual who felt isolated from others.
About two to three months prior to the start of Part 3, Kakyoin was approached by DIO while traveling in Egypt with his family. DIO, having sensed Kakyoin's Stand powers, asked for a demonstration which led to them fighting. When Kakyoin lost, he was brainwashed into following DIO's will via buds from DIO's own cells and given the mission to kill Jotaro Kujo. Kakyoin returned to Japan around the same time as Jotaro left prison and attended the same school as Jotaro.

Stardust Crusaders (1987-1988)

Kakyoin carries out DIO's orders on his first meeting with Jotaro. He manipulates the school nurse with his Hierophant Green, using her to attack Jotaro, but Jotaro defeats him and ends up dragging him home, both considerably injured. Jotaro soon discovers that Kakyoin was under DIO's influence and uses Star Platinum to remove DIO's implant from Kakyoin's head - despite the risk that it might openly attack both of them. Kakyoin is freed from DIO's control as a result and joins Jotaro, Joseph Joestar, and Muhammad Avdol on their trip to Egypt to fight DIO.

Travelling the world

At the beginning of the trip, the group is attacked by Gray Fly, whose Tower of Gray proves to be a match even for Star Platinum. Trying to prevent the fight to take down the plane, Kakyoin knocks out Gray Fly and volunteers to fight the Stand by himself, tearing it apart with his Stand. The group is nonetheless forced to go to Hong Kong.
In Singapore, Kakyoin proves to be a useful ally, but Joseph's Hermit Purple says that he is a spy, making everyone suspicious of him. In the end, it is revealed that the spy was actually Rubber Soul posing as Kakyoin, who separated from the group for unknown reasons. Returning to the group, Jotaro then tells Kakyoin about the battle and his impersonator.
In Calcutta, Jean Pierre Polnareff is attacked by Hol Horse and J. Geil he is saved by Kakyoin and Avdol, but not before the latter is almost killed. Kakyoin proceeds to fight Hanged Man alongside Polnareff and discovers its true ability and tricks the Stand into having only one place to go: a coin. This makes Polnareff be able to finally defeat him and avenge his sister.
In the desert of Araby, the group is attacked by Arabia Fats' Sun, who proves to be even more powerful than Hierophant Green and forces Kakyoin to cancel his attack on the Stand. He bursts out in laughter after figuring out Arabia's trick. Later, Kakyoin becomes the first target of Death Thirteen and is the first to realize that Mannish Boy is a Stand user. Though the rest of the group don't believe him and come to believe he has succumbed to stress, Kakyoin is ultimately able to defeat Death 13 inside a dream by bringing Hierophant Green with him. He then teaches Mannish Boy a lesson by mixing some of the baby's own poop with the baby food.
In the Red Sea, Kakyoin participates IN the fight against High Priestess and manages to reach Egypt.

In Egypt

Soon after the group's arrival in Egypt, the group is attacked by N'Doul's Stand Geb, Kakyoin is slashed across the eyes and put out of commission for a while. While the rest of the group travels up the Nile, Kakyoin must rest in Aswan.

In Cairo

Kakyoin eventually goes to Cairo and finds a nearly dead Iggy recovering from his fight against Pet Shop. He then regroups with the heroes just before they reach DIO's mansion and is the first to face Telence T. D'Arby in a video game competition with his soul on the line. They play a racing game that Kakyoin is familiar with, and Kakyoin even uses Hierophant Green's speed and agility to accomplish complicated moves via the game controller. Ultimately, however, he loses and his soul is placed inside a small doll until Telence is defeated, at which point it is released again.

DIO's World

Later he confronts DIO and traps him inside a bound field of his Stand's tentacles. With this setup, he claims that he is able to detect and punish even the tiniest movement from DIO while being safely outside the range of his stand. However, The World's ability to stop time allows DIO to bypass the trap and deliver a fatal punch to Kakyoin through his abdomen. Before dying, he´s able to warn Joseph about the nature of DIO's ability, by using his powers on a clocktower.
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