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    1. DawningAurora 7 yrs ago
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Like clockwork, Misa woke up and began her standard morning routine. She made her bed, showered, then got dressed. She stepped out of her room and was greeted by Buki who was standing guard.

“Good morning Miss Ysuki,” Buki greeted.

Misa gave her companion a nod before heading out. First thing on the agenda was the gym. Buki was an exceptional support AI but was lacking in the combat department. She had updated his learning algorithms, but since it was not her field of expertise, it was slow, to say the least. When not using her tactical suit, Buki was piloting it. She needed him to be competent in combat, so she has been sparing with him to help his database and abilities. 74 hours in, and he has shown little improvement. Maybe today is the day something clicks.

It only took a few minutes for Misa to reach the gym. She had taken great care to pick a room that was close to every facility. Efficiency is key after all. Once she arrived, Misa went to the sectioned off area for the heavy assault members of the squad filled with special equipment, but she mainly used it as an arena. “Buki, we are working on hand to hand to hand combat. You have 4 hours to try and bring me to the ground. No firearms. Everything else is valid,” Misa said as she set a timer.


Misa immediately rushed the large suit and slipped under him with ease. With a bit of leverage, she grabbed Buki’s head and dragged him down to the ground.

Misa lets out a long sigh then said, “again”

This time she faked him out and kicked his optics before tripping him.




After 4 hours of no noticeable progress, Misa decided that was enough for the morning. She had other tasks to complete that day. Marching the walk of failure, she headed to the kitchen to make everyone lunch. She never revealed that she was the one doing the cooking, and food would just appear on the table or in the fridge comes meal time. Needless to say, it was a role she enjoyed playing. It was better for keeping up her appearance within the group.

Lunch quickly came and passed. Then for the rest of the afternoon, Misa tinkered with Buki before it was time for dinner. She set a pot of Curry on the stove before having a seat in the rec room. It was a nice and open space but could use some plants to break up the concrete. Thought the massive industrial kitchen was much appreciated.

Misa made herself a cup of tea and some dangos before sitting down at the sofa table. She set a mat on the floor before sitting down on her knees. It would have been a nice and relaxing night if not for the loud and obnoxious laughter of a certain man.

Misa did her best to ignore Xander’s loudness, but he did make her think about the team and what a dysfunctional group they were. Dysfunctional in the social sense as she was sure everyone here is extremely skilled. But there are those that she would keep at arm's length like Grayson and Yinmei. Then there are her fellow Heavies like Jamie and Laura who are a bit too loud for her taste but it was not unbearable. Xander is Xander. She cannot fault the man for being loud but there is a time and place. And then there is Mateo, they are too alike making her dislike him by default.

Misa looked up for the first time when she heard Skye arrive. “Good evening Captain. I believe we’re having curry for dinner.” Misa watched as Skye picked up her instrument and began playing a nice tune. Skye was a woman of many talents, to her surprise. She expected the captain of a squad like Raven to be some emotionless military grunt who only spouted orders.

Misa's eyes twitch slightly when Xander addressed Skye as 'mum'. It was CLEARLY disrespectful, and there were countless other titles he could have used and yet he did not. Though a twitch of the eye was all one could notice as she kept her face perfectly still.
I just realized Misa is the oldest one here being 36...

I was hoping to take the female heavy assault character if that's still open
I can see it @Zanavy, can’t say Albert will be very helpful in a straight up fight. He’ll probably be at home taking care of the children and making everyone dinner.
Albert is great with children. I do not know what you mean @Zanavy

Interaction: @Zanavy

Albert listened intently to the conversation around him but didn’t comment on much. The old angel in him did feel sorrow for the innocents that were killed. He was once in charge of finding and punishing such crimes, but not anymore. His old beliefs are nothing more than a fading amber inside of him. Though that didn’t mean he wouldn’t help. These outcasts were dangerous and would be a bother for him down the line.

Many questions were proposed and ideas were shared. Most were curious about the person named Bob, which was quite a strange name for an immensely powerful being. It didn’t match any of the deities he knew of. Could it be an alias or a forgotten god? “Detective, could you tell me how long they have been trapped and their estimated kill count? Innocent souls often have 2 uses, to fuel magic or to summon something. So if we know how many souls have been reaped, we could estimate their power or end goal,” Albert asked.

When the question of skills was proposed, Albert gladly shared what he could do. It wasn’t like one could use his powers correctly if they copied his abilities. “I am able to write contracts that have a wide arrange of effects. But it’s ruled by an equivalent exchange. One can’t obtain power without giving something in return. And Cain, do be careful. You could erase yourself with my ability.” Albert imagines he can bind the outcast to the city if the detective were somehow killed, but he refrains from mentioning that. It was too much of a hassle for him to write up a contract of that level. It wouldn’t need a page or two but hundreds for it to work. He wanted to help the innocent, but not at the expense of several sleepless weeks.

Albert turned and gave Penny a saddened gaze when she asked about protections for her family. He thought about it for a moment but eventually spoke up, “Setepenre, I own a small bed and breakfast just outside the city. It is protected from even the gods themself. You and your family are welcome to move in. If you do, I can also extend its protection for when you need leave cause if you have work or your kids have school.”

Albert was silent for a moment before continuing, “everyone here is welcome as well if you need a place to stay while we work on this case.”

CS / Interactions:

Albert was watching the fire flicker within the hearth as a storm ranged outside of his Bed and Breakfast. He had a cigar in his mouth and a quill in his hand. It was an item older than civilization itself and has written countless documents which changed the world. Recently he found himself fidgeting with it whenever he needed to think. Someone who went by the name ‘The Detective’ arrived at his B&B the day prior and invited him to a meeting. He was still unsure if he should go as it had been decades since he saw the outside world. Of course, he has watched its development from this very armchair but has yet to see it in person. From what he was told, this meeting was to discuss a group called ‘The Outcast’ who have been causing havoc within this city. He didn't gain much from helping, but their arrival did correspond to a steep decline in the travelers that frequent his B&B. Was it a correlation? He could not tell.

“What do you think? About the time I leave this dusty place?” Albert asked the house, who responded with a flare of hearth causing some of its amber to jump out and attack him. He gave a boisterous laugh before brushing off the smoldering ambers. “Aight Aight I’m sorry I called you dusty.” Albert smiled at the house before standing up. This B&B has been his companion for thousands of years, so it is not surprising that it has grown tired of his tasteless jokes. He is sure that the house would be glad to rid of him, if only for a short while.

“Please prepare a coat and umbrella for me,” he spoke before the lights in the house flickered. He left the B&B to do its things while he gathered a few more trinkets. First was a small compass he procured from China over a millennium ago. It barrow power from the same contract that hid the B&B. Anyone without immense magical abilities would not be able to see him while it is on his person. And if they did see him, he would only appear as a lowly mortal. Next was a fresh cigar. He would never leave home without one. And lastly, a pocket watch that allowed him to summon some of the authorizes he had while within the B&B.

With everything in hand, Albert quickly changed his tie and suit jacket before heading out. He also gave the house some instructions to not accept any visitors and to keep the hearth warm for when he returned. With that, he left his cozy home for the first time in decades. That sense of adventure and excitement once again filled him. He had forgotten what it felt like to be young again.

The next hour or so was spent looking around the city, trying out foods, and seeing how culture has changed in the past few decades. Maybe he could learn a thing or two to accommodate the newer generations. WiFi seems to be a common commodity nowadays, but he didn’t know where to start with implementing it. The B&B was very particular with how it functions, one needed to write contracts and exceptions to allow new things like wifi to work. The barrier kept most of that from entering by default. To write such a contract, he needed to have an in-depth understanding of the subject. He was never much of a scholar and the thought of learning about wifi bored him to no end. Maybe he could get someone else to do it for him.

Making his way through the city, Albert arrived at the hotel just before the meeting time. It was quite daunting to enter such a building. It was massive, much bigger than any man-made building he has seen, other than the Pyramids, but then again, it wasn't a fair comparison as the Pyramids were partially unfinished when he arrived in Egypt. Not wanting to waste any more time, he entered and found his way to the meeting room without anyone noticing.

When he arrived, he was taken back by the scene before him. The first thing that caught his eye was the Angel. Despite being hidden, he could clearly see her translucent wings and a large sword. He assumed she was a fallen angel but not in the same vein as him. He gave up everything, including his wings, when he fell from heaven, she did not and looks as if she was banished instead. The next thing that caught his attention was the human woman and something else. He could not tell what the black haired man was, but he was clearly not human. Quite the group of people that arrived so far.

Albert approached the group before taking his hat off, holding it to his chest, and giving a little bow while saying, “Good morning everyone. I hope I am not too late.”
Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail

Hello everyone! I was wondering if y'all are still looking for another player to play sloth?

@Pascal @LadyAnnaLee
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