Avatar of deadNightmare
  • Last Seen: 9 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 18 (0.01 / day)
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    1. deadNightmare 9 yrs ago


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9 yrs ago
Current Smack that, all on the floor. Smack that, give me some more. Smack that, 'till you get sore. Now turn to page Three hundred Ninety Four.
9 yrs ago
I've already lost track of what day it is and I've been sleeping until 2 PM, mission accomplished.
9 yrs ago
When school is over I'm just gonna drown myself in Homestuck
9 yrs ago
Destroy them with Lazers ⓍwⓍ
9 yrs ago
The last person that tried to roleplay with me, I ate their liver, with some fava beans, and a nice Chianti.


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Yeah I think we should start tonight if everyone's got their characters down ^_^
(Mkay I moved it ^_^)

Name: DeadWood

Pack: The Rretili

Gender: Female

Age: 2 years

Personality: DeadWood is highly observative, while watching or even talking with someone she will take note of their body language, whether it be small ear flicks or large tail whips. She is quite manipulative aswell, often making friendships just to benefit herself, she can easily fake a happy-go-lucky persona all the way to a depressed emotionally-injured persona and everything in-between. Her real dark personality often shows when in the face of life-or-death between her and another wolf. When she does find someone that is 'worth' her kindness, she will defend them no matter what, but if she is betrayed, her wrath goes beyond the anger of a mountain lion and possibly to the point of complete insanity.

Appearance: DeadWood is a Maned wolf, but a genetic mutation caused her to be born with black and white fur instead of the natural orange, white, and black (A maned wolf has the standard fox-like colored fur, basically her fur is colored like a silver fox's) She has the usual stature of a Maned wolf, long, tall, lanky, and thin. Her ears are large with black tufts at the tips. Her eyes are a yellow-green color and her claws and canines are slightly longer than normal. She is mainly built for speed, stealth, and tracking, not strength.

Other: DeadWood was out tracking an odd scent in the territory with the pack and suddenly gunshots were fired, she bolted in a random direction while the others scattered. She ended up running into a part of the forest that she had never been to, which was covered in ashes from a fire about a week ago and mainly consisted of burnt trees and thorn bushes.
Sorry I haven't been on here eversince the site first crashed, I didn't know I was supposed to post here first lol.

I was talking about the spots that got burned with fires, since all the grass and everything would be practically destroyed, I wasn't meaning the entire setting. I used a Maned wolf because it fits the stealthy aspect, I didn't know we were supposed to only stick with one species. Most of the Rps I've been in allowed odd wolf types.
Sweet, I like that we have a tough environment. It kinda reminds me of Lion King, how the Outlands had dead trees and such. Plus it adds a nice challenge to the plot
Name: DeadWood

Pack: The Rretili

Gender: Female

Age: 2 years

Personality: DeadWood is highly observative, while watching or even talking with someone she will take note of their body language, whether it be small ear flicks or large tail whips. She is quite manipulative aswell, often making friendships just to benefit herself, she can easily fake a happy-go-lucky persona all the way to a depressed emotionally-injured persona and everything in-between. Her real dark personality often shows when in the face of life-or-death between her and another wolf. When she does find someone that is 'worth' her kindness, she will defend them no matter what, but if she is betrayed, her wrath goes beyond the anger of a mountain lion and possibly to the point of complete insanity.

Appearance: DeadWood is a Maned wolf, but a genetic mutation caused her to be born with black and white fur instead of the natural orange, white, and black (A maned wolf has the standard fox-like colored fur, basically her fur is colored like a silver fox's) She has the usual stature of a Maned wolf, long, tall, lanky, and thin. Her ears are large with black tufts at the tips. Her eyes are a yellow-green color and her claws and canines are slightly longer than normal. She is mainly built for speed, stealth, and tracking, not strength.

Other: DeadWood was out tracking an odd scent in the territory with the pack and suddenly gunshots were fired, she bolted in a random direction while the others scattered. She ended up running into a part of the forest that she had never been to, which was covered in ashes from a fire about a week ago and mainly consisted of burnt trees and thorn bushes.
I am interested ^_^ I haven't been in a Wolf Rp in a while. I used to get into Wolf Rps ALL THE TIME when I was 13-15 but the website that I used completely changed, so I haven't been in one since. I like the idea of the one where we get separated from our families and have to form a pack to survive. Since there's already something bad happening we can choose how we got separated (For example: Wolf 1 got separated because a bear attacked their den, Wolf 2 got separated because they were being hunted and their family split up on accident, Wolf 3 got attacked by a Rogue wolf and lead the wolf away so it wouldn't hurt their family and got lost, blah blah blah blah blaaahh) Gotta love options lol
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