Avatar of dee
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    1. dee 9 yrs ago


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9 yrs ago
Current Dammit, uni!
9 yrs ago
What's this? What's this? Reliable internet? *le gasp*
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9 yrs ago
A 13 page review on Le Fanu's Carmilla finished. Now I just gotta survive tomorrow and that's a whole boatload of stress off my shoulders.
9 yrs ago
Dealing with a lot of work from uni right now. Probably won't get any roleplaying done for a while. Why can't there be a major in uni about roleplay?!
9 yrs ago
Why am I craving zombie and slice of life rps right now?


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I am so sorry for the wait, everyone. If people have lost interest, I'd understand that. But yeah, I got a starter post up...
Reagan Woods

The Inner Circle was abuzz with excitement. The day was winding down, with the sun dipping low in the horizon and casting orange rays in the sky. The shops were being set up in the streets, and fireworks of varying sizes and colors sat at the center of the city.

Reagan stood among them, back resting against the wall of a cafe. It had been so long since she found herself in the Inner Circle without the threat of being met with hostility hanging over her. This used to be her domain and she used to be one of those people dancing and mingling at the top of Central Tower. She saw some of them, once or twice, pass her on the streets. They never recognized her - she supposed that they had never really paid enough attention to her to commit her face to their memory - and sometimes she was thankful. Her clothes were far from what she had grown up with. She looked every bit like an Outerner, and she still hated it. She shook her head softly at herself. If any of the Young Gods knew of her thoughts, she was sure she'd be met with a gun to her head.

With a soft sigh, she pushed herself off of the wall and wandered around the streets. She waved to some of the Young Gods she passed by, smiling at how they were enjoying the short reprieve from the usual tension that hung over Badlands like a storm cloud.

She paused in front of a stall that had just finished setting up. Its owner was an old man. Recognition sparked in both of their eyes as Reagan looked through his products. She'd stolen from him time and time again before and he's gotten her bruised and wounded. Now, she'd be paying for her purchase because no one dared to disrupt this day. Badlands Independence Day. The same three words were printed in different neon colors on bracelets, necklaces, and tees. She grabbed a couple of bills from her pocket to pay for the bracelet she's just taken and smiled softly at the way the green script seemed to dance against the cool metal.

"Happy Independence Day, Badlands," she muttered to herself.
The sun that was just peeking through the horizon found a lone motorcycle zipping past the few cars that had scattered in the freeway. It's rider, face hidden inside a black helmet with yellow stripes, had her only possessions tucked in the bag strapped to the motorcycle behind her. A duffel bag was filled with her clothes and an item from a past that she would have rather stayed forgotten. Yet there she was, on her way to a school that would supposedly give home to people like her. She was sure if her self from a year ago saw what she would be doing, she'd have jumped from a bridge. She was done. That's what she told herself so many years ago after the ungrateful people of the world turned their back on her. But look at her now.

It's all because of them, rose the bitter thought. Her family. Briar almost gagged at the word. She'd never had a family but herself, and just because some test said that she shared the same blood as those people didn't mean that she was theirs. They forced her to take up the offer. After all, who in their right minds would return to school after they had everything they could have ever wanted unless it was to escape a fate even worse?

With a sigh, Briar parked her motorcycle in the designated area - taking up two of the slots - and looked up at the looming building overhead. The place was old, and it wasn't her particular scene. In fact, she avoided places like that unless they were abandoned and being used by a couple of kids willing to share their smoke with her. But now she would be living there. Voluntarily. A frown was etched on her lips as she freed her head from the helmet and grabbed her bag. She placed the helmet on the seat of the motorcycle neatly before tapping the handlebars, an electric blue spark jumping from her skin and onto the metal. In her mind's eye, she willed the electricity to coat the vehicle and helmet. It was the most she'd make use of her powers in the last seven years, just to make sure that no one tried to steal her things, but anything more and she often found herself floundering. Hadn't those people who had contacted her said that she would be training her power here again?

"Silver linings," she muttered to herself as she shouldered the bag and headed into the building. Coming into the common room, she found that someone was already there. A man with dark hair. Other than him, the place seemed to still be tad deserted. She sat down at one of the couches present and felt in her pockets for a familiar lump. Not finding it, she scowled. Of course, she would forget to bring a pack of cigarettes with her. She assumed it was her 'mother' that had taken it from her - something about curbing her habits - and she almost wanted to drive all the way back just to give that woman a piece of her mind.

Her eyes strayed to the man and she cleared her throat. "You wouldn't happen to have some smokes and a lighter, would you?" she asked. The man didn't look like someone who'd share her vices, but she didn't really have other choices at the moment.
Here, have a character. Also, I'm imagining Shdowpine (pronounced shi-to-pin) to be in the north, connected to some land but still surrounded by sea. It snows a lot there and their tundra can be harsh, espesh for peeps not from there. They value wolves as sacred and will kill you if you hunt one of those magnificent beasts. I apologize, I just got a bit into it.

Ahh. Gotcha. Just putting it out there that my character's kingdom would be somewhat based off of Norway.
@HaleyTheRandom Would the kingdoms be based off of real countries?
I kinda have an idea for a character already (still wondering if I should make her fc Halsey or Natasha Negovanlis since they both fit my ideas) but I'd love to see someone else's cs first for reference. :>
@LadyTale thanks~ i'll hopefully get a post up soon.


name: Astrid
gender: Female
godly parents: Artemis (Greek goddess of the hunt) and Skadi (Norse goddess of winter)

sphere of control: Goddess of the hunt (shared with Krystal), childbirth, healing, and the wilderness.
personality: Optimistic | Adventurous | Benevolent | Emotional | Impatient | Tactless

sacred animal: Eagle
Can transform a living thing into an animal (including herself)
Can heal any wound (on the contrary, she can also worsen a wound)
She can control and manipulate the flora under her domain
Can converse with any form of animal she encounters
She can run at inhuman speeds

weapon(s): Artemis' bow and arrows (the arrows never miss and can kill mortals upon contact)

name: Krystal
gender: Female
godly parents: Artemis (Greek goddess of the hunt) and Skadi (Norse goddess of winter)

sphere of control: Goddess of winter, the mountains, plagues, and the hunt (shared with Astrid)
personality: Cold | Resourceful | Charismatic | Logical | Vengeful | Ruthless

sacred animal: Dogs (esp. hunting dogs)
She can generate and control ice and snow
It has been said that she can move and form mountains at will
Can transform a living thing into an animal (including herself)
Can converse with any form of animal she encounters
She has the power to inflict plagues

weapon(s): Skadi's spear

other: The twins' relationship is slowly decaying, especially after Astrid found out that Krystal killed Skadi with her own spear. As such, Krystal moved out (was kicked out) of Artemis' chamber in Mt. Olympus.
Sounds good. I probably won't be there for the grand opening, but save me a spot, will ya?
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