Avatar of deerling
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  • Posts: 84 (0.03 / day)
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    1. deerling 7 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current pm me if you want to chat, talk about bands, or just role-play privately!
7 yrs ago
Anyone like bands like Bring Me The Horizon, Motionless In White, Black Veil Brides? I'd love to chat with you!
7 yrs ago
Looking for some new roleplays. I prefer supernatural/superpower roleplays


нι love, welcoмe тo мy page. мy naмe'ѕ deerlιng, вυт ғeel ғree тo coмe υp wιтн a nιcĸnaмe ғor мe. ι've only recenтly joιned тнe gυιld. ι've joιned тнree ѕυpernaтυral/ѕυperpower role-playѕ ѕo ғar. ι aм 19 (yeaн ι'м yoυng), and ι'м aвove мy ѕтaтe average ғor englιѕн. ι'м plannιng тo вecoмe a тaттoo arтιѕт wнen ι reacн 20. ι love тo draw. yoυ can conтacт on ғaceвooĸ, ι woυld love тo cнaт wιтн yoυ!

My Roleplays:
Mutant Mission: https://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/164071-mutant-mission/ic

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yeah, i'm also relating to that. but at least we get to see it here!
*awkward laugh*
meanwhile i'm over here being a failure at being human.

Okay, your post is hilarious once again. That is probably me with anything in life. It should become a gif to be honest.
I'm so sorry for Ivory's awkward post ;-; She just doesn't like people and she's really shy.
Ivory glanced back at James. "I-I don't know, I hope so. I-I was gonna teach her to draw while we were at l-lunch. I-Is it okay if I-I stick with you? I-I mean I don't w-want to be a b-bother but I don't k-know where to g-go..." She shyly asked James. She really didn't know where to go. She had been following Cecilia around all day, and she was comfortable with her. She smiled thinking of her friend, but frowned when she heard all the voices. "M-maybe not, I-I think I-i'm just going to w-wait for C-cecilia here,
t-there's a lot of people i-in there..."
She told James, before running back to where she left her sketchbook and bag.

Ivory would sketch to calm herself down and relax. She decided to do that while waiting for Cecilia. She quietly opened the notebook and grabbed a pencil from her bag, and began sketching.
"O-okay.." Ivory made her way over to her bag, grabbing it. She placed it on the bench and pulled out a sketchbook. "T-this has them all, Bu-" She stopped mid-sentence, hearing the bell ring, causing Ivory to jump in surprise. She glanced around nervously, watching everybody move. "W-what's happening? W-Where's everybody going?" She asked James, quietly glancing around quickly.
She stepped back and shyly shook her head. "L-lots of people say I am, b-but I don't really t-think so." She responded quietly. "I have some drawings in m-my bag, d-do you want to s-see them?" Ivory shyly asked James, pointing to her bag beside the table. Hearing the bell ring, Ivory jumped in surpirse. She glanced around nervously, watching everybody move. "W-what's happening? W-Where's everybody going?" She asked James, quietly glancing around quickly.
If you want to add it, I'd be really happy to look at it. It happens to me too sometimes, xD
She wondered over with James, returning the smile while walking over. Her eyes grew wide as she looked at it. "W-wow! T-this looks like I-it belongs in a m-muesum! W-way better then w-what I did, t-to be honest." Ivory told him, examining it, from to the shading to the lighting. She was so impressed, the Void had far more artistic talent then she'd ever seen before. "I-it's so realistic to, w-wow..." She stared in awe at it.
Maybe you can add him hearing the voices of everyone and walking to the artistic activity instead, and when the bell rings have him go get food?
It's okay, just wanted to tell you, because everyone is currently at the drawing/artistic activity.
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