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Trying to start a Rainbow Six Siege RP, and I have a feeling no one will be interested. :( But check it out if you are!


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Colin Bright

Colin was standing inside the manager's office yet again. His father stood before him, a pleading look in his eye. He reached for his son's hand. Colin grabbed it, but as soon as he did, the hand decayed, his father biting his arm. Colin wrenched his arm away. "Dad?" His father growled as he transformed into the monsters that killed him. "You...Left...Me..." His voice was guttural, and somehow off. Colin was still thinking about the change in voice as his father devoured him.

8:07 AM, Downtown Washington

Colin woke up in a start, drenched with sweat. "Goddamnit." He crawled out of his sleeping bag unceremoniously, looking around the hideout he currently lived in. Ever since his father's death, he hadn't been able to stay at the warehouse. It wasn't a logical decision, but Colin could only think about his father's face when he pleaded for Colin to go. It wasn't any warehouse, but at least it was warm.

The store was barricaded with empty shelves, covering the windows and doors. Colin didn't have much to set up, other than his sleeping bag and some comics, so those were strewn unceremoniously around the store, along with his clothes. There was just enough light streaming in for visibility in the day, but when night fell it was pitch black. He stopped admiring his shelter and changed quickly into his clothes, opting for a t-shirt and some jeans. It's not like he had many other options anyways.

He grabbed his supplies, stuffing them into his backpack just as he did every day. His baseball bat was propped up by his sleeping bag, and he glanced at the dried blood caked on the blunt weapon. Colin hesitated for a second, before grabbing it all the same. He walked out through the back entrance, a heavy metal door that he doubted would give way any time soon. And with that, he began his scavenging for the day.

12:31 PM, Downtown Washington

It was a rather unfruitful attempt. He didn't find anything of use except for some new batteries. However, he soon noticed a couple of sentries. Two, wait...No three fey were standing guard of an office building. He quickly ducked out of sight, dashing into an alley. He went deep into the recesses, waiting thirty seconds for any sign of movement from the office. Once the coast was clear, he heard a roar. It was the very roar that haunted his dreams every night. The roar of the dead. The two sides clashed As he weighed which was more of a threat, he ultimately decided that he would rather the fey. It wasn't because he believed that they were easier to deal with. Not by a long shot. Colin just didn't know if he could deal with those...creatures that used to be men, women, children. Now drooling monsters, filled with bloodlust.

Colin stood watching the horde of dead face the group of fey. "C'mon. Sheer numbers doesn't always work." He said, praying that the fey would prevail with their skill. Funny how he was favoring things that contributed to the destruction of humankind, as opposed to things that contributed to the destruction of mankind, that killed his father. The fey made short work of the invaders, and Colin pumped his fist. "Yes!" He said, scooting back into the safety of the shadows. He scooped up his backpack, noticing some movement on the roof above him. He puzzled over it, carefully entering the building. The coast looked clear...Colin moved on to the stairwell, his bat at the ready as he pushed open the creaky metal door. He walked carefully up the steps, ready to fight if necessary.

Colin stopped at the top, peering through the window. As he saw a man walking towards the stairs, he fell backwards in surprise. He hadn't seen anybody else (who was living) since his dad had died. It was a nasty tumble, and he banged his arm on the railing, but he quickly recovered and was able to right himself before he hit the cold steel stairs. Colin couldn't contain his excitement, and got ready for the man to walk through. "Hey, I'm Colin. No, too informal. Hello, sir! No, too formal."

He went through this process many times before finally settling on something. As the door opened, he said what came to mind first instead. "Lovely day for the end of the world." It was only at that moment that something obvious occured to Colin. What if this guy isn't so friendly? Unfortunately, it was too late for Colin to correct his blunder, and he could only settle with raising his bat clumsily in a strange fighting pose.
Name: Colin Bright

Age: 16

Gender: Male


History: Colin’s life was a good one before it all started. He was born and raised in Washington D.C., spending his weekends at the various museums and monuments. He learned all the best restaurants, which shortcuts to take, which street was which. He even had a girlfriend, which was pretty cool. His dad raised him alone, but they never got caught up about it and never really argued or had to worry about being low on money. He made friends pretty easily, and his life was good.

His father and him lived in a medium-sized apartment in a relatively quiet area. They never really got involved in any trouble until it all hit. Colin and his dad were playing Monopoly (Colin was sick, and his father took the day off to keep his spirits up). They were getting involved, talking trash and everything. Until they heard a scream from outside in the hall of their apartment building. Colin poked his head outside, looking left and right. His dad looked outside, seeing the madness that they kept away. People were eating people.

They soon realized something was very, very wrong, and the apartment building exploded into action soon. Those who had been turned undead were attacking the living, and the living were banding together to fight them off. Colin and his father gathered their things, barricading the entrance just as the fighting spread to them. They took all the food they had, leaving through the fire escape while the undead broke their door down. They ran, making their way through the city. They traveled through many of the different armies' territories, dealing with the likes of frost giants, infernals, and fey.

Eventually they ended up back in the Undead territory, establishing another safehouse. They lived alone, scavenging when they needed too, the supplies they took back beginning to be less and less. They went too far one day, near the Undead center. Everywhere was crawling with them. They found a supermarket, feeling lucky before Colin's father was killed in a horrible accident. Now Colin wanders D.C., doing whatever it takes to survive.

Personality: Colin was a good kid before it all started. Got all A’s and B’s, turned in all his homework on time, kept a good attitude, and that partially transitioned over to the hellhole he lives in now. He focuses on the ups instead of the downs, always trying to keep everybody in good spirits. However, sometimes his facade cracks and he’ll have a breakdown. Afterwards, he’ll deny it ever happened. Colin always tries to help people out by using his brain, solving problems because it’s the only way he knows how to distract himself. He’ll crack jokes in the worst of times, but only because he doesn’t know any other way to cheer people up. He wants to believe that the world will be fixed, trying to convince himself, but always fails.

Skills and Weaknesses:

Stamina: Colin’s stamina is a remarkable thing. After being on the track team for two years of highschool, it’s grown, and he’s thankful for it. The long practices, the burning lungs, it all paid off.

Wrestling: Colin also participated in the school wrestling team. I mean, it’s not that useful, but grappling the living dead might come in handy. As if.

Baseball: Now this one’s the actual useful one. He wasn’t even all that good at it. I mean, sure, he scraped by, but he never considered it in his future. Now the baseball bat he thought he’d never look at outside of school saves his life again and again.

Firearms: Colin’s aim is not quite bad, but it’s not even close to good either. It’s just medium, leaning heavily to bad. A gun is a useful thing, but Colin can’t use it if his life depended on it.

Cooking: Colin is a mean chef. He can whip up some pretty good meals out of a couple cans of old food.

Spanish: Colin also knows a bit of Spanish, though it’s fading now that he’s out of school.

-Baseball bat, studded with nails.
-Winter coat
-Three cans of food
-One canteen, large
-Some comics
-His father’s wedding ring
-2 flares

Color Code: aba000

Other stuff: Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zLSCJmOIIJI

Sample Post: The End is a funny thing. Everybody has their own perception of it, their own theory as to how their life was going to end. Whether you're high, just wondering about an absurd future, or just bored, you formulate some perception, some strange story of how it'll all end. Colin couldn't help but wonder if someone got it right on a long day, their mind addled by fatigue.

"Hey, bud." His dad shook his shoulder, rousing him from his stupor. Colin was laying down on his cot, his blanket draped around him. Their current sanctuary was a concrete warehouse, and clearly nobody had thought to add some heating. In fact, it must have been used to store cold goods, because it was freezing constantly. But it was well fortified, and that's all that counts.

"Yeah?" Colin said, rubbing his eyes almost as if he could ignore the sleepless nights for just a little longer. "Time to find some more food." Colin grumbled. "Are we low already?" His father nodded. "I'm afraid so. We still have some cans, but..." Colin sighed. "Alright, fine." His father pointed on the map of the district they were in. "Okay, this is a supermarket so there might be some more stuff here." Colin scanned the map, looking through the various markings his dad had added. "That's kinda close to where the...dead people stay." His father nodded. "We're just gonna have to go further than usual bud."

Colin scooped up his backpack neatly, his bat contained in a makeshift sheath he had added, made of some leather and belts. "Alright, let's go." They made their way cautiously to the target, eventually hiding in an empty alley. Colin flinched as some undead shambled past the alley they resided in. His grip on the bat tightened. Once the coast was clear, they tiptoe-ran to the building, hiding behind shelves once they were in. Soon they got to work. They scanned the shelves, most empty. Soon, they had reached the near end. Stan walked down aisle 10, his father on the other side of him. “Like a ghost town in here…” His dad muttered. “At least in a ghost town your dead body doesn’t eat other people.” Colin quipped back. His dad shot him a look. “Sorry.” He said apologetically,

Colin almost cried in happiness when he saw a loaf of bread, perfectly untouched and wrapped, on the empty shelves. His dad held him back. “Wait. It might be a trap. You know what those vampire things are like. It must be dangerous.” Colin chuckled. “Dad, the only dangers in that loaf of happiness are carbs." Colin shot out his arm, grabbing the loaf. His dad’s eyes went wide. “Colin, no!” As soon as he pulled the bread away, a tripwire activated, setting off some sort of crude alarm.

Oh shit!” They both turned to see the undead already emerging from various corners of the store, way more than they had ever dealt with. Colin gripped his bat tightly. “I’m so sorry!” His dad sighed. “Little too late, bud.” They ran towards the back of the store, heading for the manager’s office. The dead slowly closed in on both sides, with father and son barely making it. They shut the door quickly, Colin’s dad shoving filing cabinets and a desk behind the door to hold them off.

Colin looked around for another exit, spotting a small vent. “Dad. In there.” His father looked at it. “I-I...I can’t fit in that, son.” Colin shrugged. “Okay, another way out then." As they assessed the area, they could only the stained walls, staring back at them. Colin’s face went pale as he realized the implications. “You can fit, that’s plenty big.” It sounded like he was trying to convince himself. Colin’s father looked at him with a resigned look. “Colin, we both know that’s not true.” Colin started crying. “Dad, please...no.” His father shook his head as the door shook harder. “Go.” He whispered quietly. “No, no, no, no. Dad you can’t do this.

His father picked him up and bundled him into the vent, Colin kicking and screaming all the way. “DAD! DON’T YOU FUCKING DARE! WE CAN MAKE IT OUT! PLEASE!” Colin’s Dad looked at him one last time, slipping off his wedding ring. “Take this.” Colin had given up pleading now, and reached out his hand, taking it in his trembling grasp. “Colin. I love you.” Colin crawled out through the vent, landing on the cold hard concrete outside of the store just as he heard the door get broken down. Tears streamed down his face, even as he laid on his cot that night, drifting into a nightmare-riddled sleep.

Name: Colin Bright

Age: 16

Gender: Male


History: Colin’s life was a good one before it all started. He was born and raised in Washington D.C., spending his weekends at the various museums and monuments. He learned all the best restaurants, which shortcuts to take, which street was which. He even had a girlfriend, which was pretty cool. His dad raised him alone, but they never got caught up about it and never really argued or had to worry about being low on money. He made friends pretty easily, and his life was good.

His father and him lived in a medium-sized apartment in a relatively quiet area. They never really got involved in any trouble until it all hit. Colin and his dad were playing Monopoly (Colin was sick, and his father took the day off to keep his spirits up). They were getting involved, talking trash and everything. Until they heard a scream from outside in the hall of their apartment building. Colin poked his head outside, looking left and right. His dad looked outside, seeing the madness that they kept away. People were eating people.

They soon realized something was very, very wrong, and the apartment building exploded into action soon. Those who had been turned undead were attacking the living, and the living were banding together to fight them off. Colin and his father gathered their things, barricading the entrance just as the fighting spread to them. They took all the food they had, leaving through the fire escape while the undead broke their door down. They ran, making their way through the city. They traveled through many of the different armies' territories, dealing with the likes of frost giants, infernals, and fey.

Eventually they ended up back in the Undead territory, establishing another safehouse. They lived alone, scavenging when they needed too, the supplies they took back beginning to be less and less. They went too far one day, near the Undead center. Everywhere was crawling with them. They found a supermarket, feeling lucky before Colin's father was killed in a horrible accident. Now Colin wanders D.C., doing whatever it takes to survive.

Personality: Colin was a good kid before it all started. Got all A’s and B’s, turned in all his homework on time, kept a good attitude, and that partially transitioned over to the hellhole he lives in now. He focuses on the ups instead of the downs, always trying to keep everybody in good spirits. However, sometimes his facade cracks and he’ll have a breakdown. Afterwards, he’ll deny it ever happened. Colin always tries to help people out by using his brain, solving problems because it’s the only way he knows how to distract himself. He’ll crack jokes in the worst of times, but only because he doesn’t know any other way to cheer people up. He wants to believe that the world will be fixed, trying to convince himself, but always fails.

Skills and Weaknesses:

Stamina: Colin’s stamina is a remarkable thing. After being on the track team for two years of highschool, it’s grown, and he’s thankful for it. The long practices, the burning lungs, it all paid off.

Wrestling: Colin also participated in the school wrestling team. I mean, it’s not that useful, but grappling the living dead might come in handy. As if.

Baseball: Now this one’s the actual useful one. He wasn’t even all that good at it. I mean, sure, he scraped by, but he never considered it in his future. Now the baseball bat he thought he’d never look at outside of school saves his life again and again.

Firearms: Colin’s aim is not quite bad, but it’s not even close to good either. It’s just medium, leaning heavily to bad. A gun is a useful thing, but Colin can’t use it if his life depended on it.

Cooking: Colin is a mean chef. He can whip up some pretty good meals out of a couple cans of old food.

Spanish: Colin also knows a bit of Spanish, though it’s fading now that he’s out of school.

-Baseball bat, studded with nails.
-Winter coat
-Three cans of food
-One canteen, large
-Some comics
-His father’s wedding ring
-2 flares

Color Code: aba000

Other stuff: Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zLSCJmOIIJI

Sample Post: The End is a funny thing. Everybody has their own perception of it, their own theory as to how their life was going to end. Whether you're high, just wondering about an absurd future, or just bored, you formulate some perception, some strange story of how it'll all end. Colin couldn't help but wonder if someone got it right on a long day, their mind addled by fatigue.

"Hey, bud." His dad shook his shoulder, rousing him from his stupor. Colin was laying down on his cot, his blanket draped around him. Their current sanctuary was a concrete warehouse, and clearly nobody had thought to add some heating. In fact, it must have been used to store cold goods, because it was freezing constantly. But it was well fortified, and that's all that counts.

"Yeah?" Colin said, rubbing his eyes almost as if he could ignore the sleepless nights for just a little longer. "Time to find some more food." Colin grumbled. "Are we low already?" His father nodded. "I'm afraid so. We still have some cans, but..." Colin sighed. "Alright, fine." His father pointed on the map of the district they were in. "Okay, this is a supermarket so there might be some more stuff here." Colin scanned the map, looking through the various markings his dad had added. "That's kinda close to where the...dead people stay." His father nodded. "We're just gonna have to go further than usual bud."

Colin scooped up his backpack neatly, his bat contained in a makeshift sheath he had added, made of some leather and belts. "Alright, let's go." They made their way cautiously to the target, eventually hiding in an empty alley. Colin flinched as some undead shambled past the alley they resided in. His grip on the bat tightened. Once the coast was clear, they tiptoe-ran to the building, hiding behind shelves once they were in. Soon they got to work. They scanned the shelves, most empty. Soon, they had reached the near end. Stan walked down aisle 10, his father on the other side of him. “Like a ghost town in here…” His dad muttered. “At least in a ghost town your dead body doesn’t eat other people.” Colin quipped back. His dad shot him a look. “Sorry.” He said apologetically,

Colin almost cried in happiness when he saw a loaf of bread, perfectly untouched and wrapped, on the empty shelves. His dad held him back. “Wait. It might be a trap. You know what those vampire things are like. It must be dangerous.” Colin chuckled. “Dad, the only dangers in that loaf of happiness are carbs." Colin shot out his arm, grabbing the loaf. His dad’s eyes went wide. “Colin, no!” As soon as he pulled the bread away, a tripwire activated, setting off some sort of crude alarm.

Oh shit!” They both turned to see the undead already emerging from various corners of the store, way more than they had ever dealt with. Colin gripped his bat tightly. “I’m so sorry!” His dad sighed. “Little too late, bud.” They ran towards the back of the store, heading for the manager’s office. The dead slowly closed in on both sides, with father and son barely making it. They shut the door quickly, Colin’s dad shoving filing cabinets and a desk behind the door to hold them off.

Colin looked around for another exit, spotting a small vent. “Dad. In there.” His father looked at it. “I-I...I can’t fit in that, son.” Colin shrugged. “Okay, another way out then." As they assessed the area, they could only the stained walls, staring back at them. Colin’s face went pale as he realized the implications. “You can fit, that’s plenty big.” It sounded like he was trying to convince himself. Colin’s father looked at him with a resigned look. “Colin, we both know that’s not true.” Colin started crying. “Dad, please...no.” His father shook his head as the door shook harder. “Go.” He whispered quietly. “No, no, no, no. Dad you can’t do this.

His father picked him up and bundled him into the vent, Colin kicking and screaming all the way. “DAD! DON’T YOU FUCKING DARE! WE CAN MAKE IT OUT! PLEASE!” Colin’s Dad looked at him one last time, slipping off his wedding ring. “Take this.” Colin had given up pleading now, and reached out his hand, taking it in his trembling grasp. “Colin. I love you.” Colin crawled out through the vent, landing on the cold hard concrete outside of the store just as he heard the door get broken down. Tears streamed down his face, even as he laid on his cot that night, drifting into a nightmare-riddled sleep.
@Andrew Blade

You know what? Screw it. I'm down now.
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