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Spain grinned up at France and Prussia as they both stated that they would not mind being used as a pillow for her siesta. Siestas were very important, after all. Plus, she hadn't gotten much sleep the night before either due to a "Surprise! Here's paperwork that should've been done three weeks ago but we lost it and now you got to pull an all-nighter!" situation that was pulled on her by her boss. She was pretty sure she was still running on all those energy drinks she inhaled. Dios, paperwork was boring. She was still functioning normally because of her natural high amounts of energy that the energy drinks seemed to have fueled to unbelievable proportions. They were so lucky that they didn't see her after the first three cans that she guzzled under an hour. The Spaniard winced mentally at the thought of going back to her not-so-slightly trashed house. And people say she was a disaster when drunk...

France pointed out Prussia's thinner appearance, which of course drew her attention to their albino friend. This, of course, Prussia naturally deflected by pointed out the station and started walking ahead of them. Spain glanced up at France, giving him a knowing look before shrugging. "I'll scrounge up something," she promised before bounding away after Prussia, widening her strides as well as speeding up in order to catch up to the man. Maybe she could box up some churros and send them over to Prussia to eat? Or steal some of Vatican's excess baked goods? Anything was better than nothing, but he wasn't at Vatican-level negligence yet, so she wasn't going to push the taller man for answers. He would open up when he wanted to, and she won't shove her face all up in his business unless his habits became too unhealthy.
Vatican chewed slowly on his bit of ravioli, trying to clear his mind as he ate. The others had all left, so he let himself calm down, his shoulder slumping slightly as they relaxed. He blinked up at Southern Italy as she spoke, leaning back slightly at the fork waggling at him. She was nagging him about his eating habits- again. He sighed softly. "I just don't get hungry often," he murmured, turning his gaze down as he poked another piece of ravioli with his fork. "But... thank you for the offer. I don't want to be a bother... you do so much already..." He didn't need her to take care of him while she had other, very important jobs to do. He was just a small city-state, a micronation, whatever you'd wish to call it. He was tiny and insignificant compared to North or South Italy, and he didn't want either of them to just drop whatever they were doing just to cater to him.

The charcoal-haired Italian lifted his eyes again as South asked his opinion on what she should do with the other countries. He lowered his fork slowly, his eyes downcast as he thought. "I would think...they would start to worry if you were sick...if you started to be nice all of a sudden." South was as caustic as battery acid most of the time, but she did have a soft, gentle side under the sharpened demeanor. But very few ever saw the softer side to the Southern Italian, and it would only being suspicion onto her for her sudden change in disposition. "I-I do not mean you should pick fights with them at every opportunity or that you couldn't be nice to them, it's just, I mean..." He blew out a short huff in frustration, trying to figure out how exactly to word it. He could never really express himself. "Just... be yourself?" He lifted his eyes to her, his shoulders tense again as if expecting for her to blow up at him.
Northern Italy patted Germany's arm, smiling. "I got invited to your house, and I will make you food, so there is no debt to be paid." Silly Germany trying to repay him for things he did naturally. Italy always had to feed people, or make sure they had food, both when he's a guest and a host. Food made people happy. It made him happy, so it should make other people happy based on his simple logic. It all made sense to him.

Italy noticed he had started to lag behind, so he sped up a bit, almost doing a slow jog beside the long strides of the German beside him. "Me, myself?" he asked, blinking at Germany after his question. "I've been well, I suppose. My sorella and I have disagreements, but I try to make her happy and safe, but she's always getting into the Mafia mess, and I fear she'll get seriously hurt if she keeps it up." It was the one reason why he convinced her to come here for this meeting, to keep her at his relative side to keep her safe. She was older than he, only by a little bit, but he felt the need to be her protective brother. "And then there's Vati, who barely stands being in the same room as anyone new. I was glad he didn't have a meltdown in the meeting, but I just had to get him out so he could at least try to make friends."

Italy's depressing thoughts were interrupted with Germany pointing out the station, and then mentioning the ingredients for lasagna. "Oh! You can put all sorts of things into lasagna!" he said cheerfully, his previous saddened frown at family problems erased by the joy of food. "You can put all sorts of cheeses in it, and meats- do you mind if I use some of your sausage thingies?- and then there's all sort of vegetables-" He went on with a long list of all sorts of things one could put into a lasagna, and then all the different sized dishes, and how a glass dish was better than metal and the proper temperature and time to cook it under. He continued to rattle on as he unconsciously kept up his speed to keep alongside Germany as they headed to the station, as he already forgot where they were anyway as he was too deep in the discussion of proper lasagna etiquette.
Spain rolled her eyes at France's idea of her being vertically challenged, laughing at Prussia and his struggle on vocabulary before puffing himself up like a proud peafowl. She felt so light and cheerful now, she feared she would be drifting off the ground any second. She missed this casual, teasing banter of her two best amigos of all time. They really should have weekly meet-ups or something instead of falling off the face of the Earth for months at a time. Well, mostly that was Prussia; France was just a mountain range away pretty much. Anyway, they really needed to stop this not talking thing- and stop the hair ruffling thing, as Spain aimed a swat to France's gut, only hitting air as he danced away. Fancy, dainty snot.

Their proud march off to wreak havoc was snipped at the bud when Portugal and some lady showed up. Spain grinned at Portugal. Both France and Prussia seemed to crank up their hostile rudeness at the new arrivals, which now included Denmark as she drifted to them. Spain let out a small huff when the other two suddenly seemed to just want to invade Germany's house instead, but she just shrugged it off and let Prussia loop an arm over her smaller shoulders and lead her away. She did turn partially enough to raise one hand to her ear, her thumb and little finger out in a univseral 'call-me!' sign to Portugal before facing the right way around again, wrapping an arm around Prussia's waist, as his shoulders were much too high. Her friends' happiness were worth too much to her than to drag them into the group with the others. Even though it would have been fun terrorizing them while drunk.

"As soon as we board I'm going to use one or both of you as a pillow," she stated to the pair of them. "I missed my siesta!" She pouted at the very thought of missing her precious siesta time. There was a reason why there was time lotted into everyone's schedules in her country to take a nap in the hottest hours of the day.
Wow South, I didn't know you were like that!

North can be that annoying relative that gets in the way or barges in during their mother-son time.
South is now Vati's overprotective, overly aggressive mom.
North approves.
South Italy is so going soft with Vati. She's practically mothering him now.
The Spanish woman puffed her cheeks out at Prussia as he messed up her hair- again. Really, first North, now Prussia, why did everyone had to mess up her 'do? Well, it never really was flat or styled anyway, but still!

France had finally strutted his fancy ass over and into the cuddle-puddle, giving the other two a peck on the cheek to which Spain rolled her eyes at. She'll lick his chin later or something. She felt the fingers tap against her side, and she let the Frenchman do so. Anyone else she would've castrated them, but it was France, and France was a friend and she knew that he knew her level of tolerance so it was okay. It was all teasing and poking fun anyway or quirky signs of affection- no harm in that.

"DiscĂșlpeme?" Spain huffed loudly, her vibrant green eyes glaring up at the two males. "Both of you are monstrosities of nature with your abomination of vertical prowess, thank you very much!" She stuck her tongue out at the both of them. In truth, she wasn't too touchy about her height. It just was a minor inconvenience at times, and nothing else. She was a good two heads shorter than France was, maybe even more, and Prussia had a good handful of inches above her too. So France would pick on Prussia about his height, Prussia would pick on her, and she would kick both of them in the shins to show them who was boss. It was an agreeable pecking order.

Spain perked up when Prussia mentioned of crashing at Germany's house for drinks instead of going elsewhere in Denmark. France seemed to agree as well, mentioning about train tickets. "Why not both?" Spain asked, raising an eyebrow. "We can buy one or two drinks here, annoy everyone else, and then bail ship and set sail to Germany's? That way we can cover everything on the to-do list and not worry about waking up early tomorrow!" She flashed a bright grin at them. "And I think I remember seeing a place down the road there that looked promising. The others might follow or already be there since it's so close."
Vatican blinked owlishly at South as she raised a hand, her fixing his hair distracting him for a moment from the others remaining in the room. He hadn't want to come to this place, North almost suffocating him by stuffing the hoodie over his head while dragging him out the door. The charcoal-haired man just wanted to bake today, not bring his stress levels up and his anxiety shoving his heart into his throat. The only reason why he spoke up at all during the meeting was because he wanted them to know that their citizens did not want to fight... and he didn't want to see South or North Italy be dragged into another meaningless scuffle. It physically and emotionally hurt him seeing them injured, but he would never tell them that.

And then North just...abandoned him here, with all these unknown people. He didn't blame him, Northern Italy was always wandering off and forgetting things, but still... he was scared, and had immediately turned to South as his only lifeline from completely falling into a panicked mess.

The shorter Italian male stared at South as a rare smile cracked her typical grumpy features, her words calming the churning waves of fleeting panic in his gut. Mostly. Still, the corner of his lips quirked upward for a moment, although his face was still very pale and his eyes wide and nervous as he gave the woman a tiny, jerky nod. No, South wouldn't leave him here.

Gently he turned his fingers around the seat of his chair, curling his legs closer to him as if to make himself a smaller target to notice. He watched with slight curiosity as South dug into her hand, pulling out a container with homemade ravioli. The sight of food made Vatican wonder when was the last time he had eaten. He never had been one to eat regularly, much to North's dismay. Food just didn't agree with him on most days, that's all, so there was little point in trying to force it down, and naturally he would end up forgetting to eat for days at a time.

His dark gray eyes flickered from South, to the offered fork, and to the dish that South just opened. The smell of the food made his stomach snarl like a caged tiger, causing his pale cheeks to flush lightly as he gingerly reached forward and picked up the extra fork with thin fingers. "T-thank you," he murmured softly as he carefully speard a piece, using his free hand to hover underneath the fork's precious cargo in case it fell off and brought it to his mouth.

South really did make great food...
Germany had pulled his arm out of North's grasp- the Italian frowned at that, his brow wrinkling just slightly. He brushed off his concern with a small smile. Germany just didn't like such close touches, that's all. "You're such a busybody, Germany, don't you take time off to relax?" Italy smiled at the German. He was always working so hard, never taking a break, or a vacation. Or sleep in for that matter. He was going to work himself into the ground at this rate!

The Italian's smile widened at Germany's offer and bobbed his head in agreement. "Of course! I can even cook you something if you want!" Heaven forbid if he was going to let Germany eat another one of those sausage thingies while Northern Italy was there! He needed something better, like lasagna! Oh! He could cut up the sausage things and put it into the lasagna! That would be good!
Crashing Germany's place sounds like fun.
Several loud cracks resounded from Prussia's back due to the pressure of Spain's hug. It only made her grin widen at the sound as she let the man twist around in her grasp to hug her properly. "It's been ages!" she exclaimed, tilting her head up to dig her chin into his torso in order to look up at his face properly. How long had it been exactly since they last met? A few weeks? A month? Several months? It was way too long and Spain could barely stand still now, practically vibrating as she continued to cling to Prussia.

"Oooh! You can stuff me into your suitcase again and smuggle me across the borders!" She had nothing else planned, or nothing serious that a few days in Germany wouldn't cause any problems. Spain almost laughed at the memory of the one time Prussia and France did stuff her into a large suitcase and tried to get her through the airport. The security had not been pleased.

"SĂ­, Francia is here somewhere-" Her words were cut short as- speak of the devil- France spoke up and sauntered over them. Spain twisted her head around to grin at him, removing one arm from around Prussia's waist and offered it out to the Frenchman. "Come here and join the cuddle-puddle!" she demanded, waving her hand to the man for him to hurry it up already. "And everyone's planning on going to get drinks! Well, practically everyone, so we can poke fun at your brother and steal England's cane, and other things!" Well, she wasn't sure who exactly was coming- just about everyone, really- so she could care less.

North Italy hopped down the steps, only glancing over at France as he went over to join Spain and Prussia before he caught sight of Germany's back. "Germany!" he called, almost slipping as he scurried to catch up. "Germany, wait up!" he swooped in beside the German, reaching out and looping his arm through one of the German's own, not even taking into consideration that the man might not want to be touched. Northern Italy liked touching people...

"Are you coming with everyone else for drinks?" he asked, smiling curiously at the man. "We can be friends for one evening, no?" He tugged on the man's sleeve slightly. "We can have Spagna to pay for the drinks! She offered, so she has the bill!" Wasn't that how it went? Although he doubted Spain would even consider paying for it all. She would, but not before trying to sneak out the backdoor to escape the bill.
France said a few things on similar lines to what Spain and Northern Italy spoke of, and then the meeting was over by the way Denmark dismissed them. Spain grinned as she let her chair crashed down on all fours. "Well, that means I'm out! Drinking time! See you later, Giant." She patted Russia on the arm, removed her feet off the table and stood in one swift motion before practically barreling out the door, only slowing to ruffle South Italy's hair, pull Vatican's hood down to reveal his shock of charcoal hair sticking up all over the place now due to the static of the motion, waved to Portugal, and to pucker her lips out like a fish at France. She'll get the Frenchie later, possibly with a snowball, or if there was no snow, a mudball. Oh, he'd probably get his panties in a twist over that.

She zoomed passed Germany as she went running out of the room, giving him a good-hearted slap somewhere in his lower back region for good measure. She didn't really have anything against Germany, he was kind of too serious and no humor, but he was alright, she supposed. Nevertheless she ran passed him and out the door, hitting cold air. She hopped down a few steps before spotted a familiar head of bright white hair.

"Prus!" That was all the warning she was going to give him before she went barreling into him, wrapping her arms around his waist in a back-cracking hug. Oh Dios, it had been awhile since she last saw him! She needed her weekly dose of Prussia! It must be the hair, or his attitude, or how she, Prussia, and France sometimes went out, got utterly wasted, and did crazy shenanigans that they found laughing hysterically at later on the Internet. Anyway, she barely could stand still now that she had people to drive others up the wall with.

Northern Italy let out a small, sad sigh, giving her sister a sympathetic look. She looked so eager to speak up previously too. He reached up to fix her hair instead in a sort of an apology after Spain messed it all up, but only got a few strands done before being distracted again as America's words made him sad. He didn't want people depressed! Even Germany looked like he could use a hug...

"Can you watch Vati for a bit?" he whispered to South before getting up without waiting for a reply. He drifted over to the other side of the table, patting America on the shoulder. "You can come to my place anytime if you wish, America. My doors are open to anyone and everyone." He smiled at the younger nation. Of course the discussion of where to hold the next meeting went over his head, misinterpreting everything as America being sullen.

"Oh! France! You look magnifico!" And he just jumped onto a new train of thought again, the Italian smiling happily at the Frenchman. "Your footwear look spectacular for the weather! I think I stepped into a mud puddle on the way in." He looked down at his leather shoes with a slight pout on his lips. Oh, how he missed that sly little bit of water!

"Let's not fret over this any longer, though! Are any of you going to get drinks now? Spain must be there and down a few already! Oh! Maybe I can catch up to Germany and see if he wants to join! North straightened his emerald and gold scarf as he scurried to the door, disappearing as he was distracted, yet again, by the thought of catching up to Germany.

At the seat where North Italy abandoned, Vatican turned his lost look to Southern Italy, his eyes pleading to her that she wouldn't go off and abandon him too to these unknown and frightening people.
(accidental double post for some ungodly reason. I only clicked the button once...)
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