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  • Old Guild Username: xxDFA
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Claire furrowed her brow. "No powers?" she murmured under her breath, confusion in her frosty blue eyes as she glanced at Garrett. "Then there must be another reason you were brought here..." She shook her head. Then her eyes lit up as a thought crossed her mind. "But he said we can leave if we chose too. Just have to be careful in case the mad scientist calls." She deeply pondered the decision before standing up and looking around at the others. A lot of them had attachments to the world outside it seemed, some didn't. Claire didn't intend to be a lab experiment either.

"We were brought here against our will." She said out loud, gazing at Mr. Ravello. "I don't any part of this and I'm pretty sure I can defend myself if the time comes that he happens to find me. I wish to acquire my belongings and leave."
No worries >w< just a project

I'll have a post up in a bit
Any one here have any experience with modding champ sound files? Been working on a project and I'm almost done but I can't seem to inject some files into Riven's voice over file and it works so far but...was wondering if anyone had some experience with the .wem files and the numeric values in their filenames lol. Example if Riven's "The time for talk is over" line is assigned to "0001.wem" then you may use a custom mp3 such as any line from an anime, convert into .wem and then inject it into the .wpk voiceover file as "0001.wem" Buttttt there's no resource that I can find anywhere that gives a list of quotes assigned according to the .wem's.

Did that make any sense? ._.
Work lol...I'll get around to a post whenever I can (more than likely tomorrow afternoon though)
Hey, hey!
yarrggghh forgot the mention in the IC. @Ambra Posted.

She stood next to Garrett, ready to catch him if he so happened to show signs of fainting. Claire tapped her foot anxiously, looking around at the other people who had been brought here. It seemed as if they had all been brought here agianst their will and it then dawned on Claire that these people were at the small celebration at the diner.
The man's words had left her mind-blown and almost shocked. This scenario just seemed so vast in scale and she would dismiss it as ramblings of a madman if not for one thing. Her powers, as well as the fact that she couldn't blow away the reinforced steel door in the room they placed her in.

Questions flooded the air as well as in her mind. Claire listened to the rest of the group. She remained quiet, wondering what the man would say next or how he would answer all of these questions.
"I wonder...maybe the guy chasing us was closeby and wanted to strike at the diner while we were all there. Maybe that's why we were taken away so swiftly...What do you think?" She muttered her thoughts out loud to Garrett. "And I wonder why you were poisoned so severely too?"
Gregory spoke up, revealing his Bard powers. A meep...? Nope, don't remember seeing one! she shook her head.

I'll post tonight
In a galaxy, far, far away...

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