Avatar of Diehard243
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    1. Diehard243 9 yrs ago


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Race: Human
Age: 18
Life: Unknown

Most Recent Posts

Also everyone, sorry about my recent lack of ooc or ic posts, I've been caught up in work, school, and Ramadan festivities; I'll try and write something up asap

As long as you are well not rushing yourself, friend, I shall be fine waiting.
Arsuron Explorers in Soruli Territory

The explorers followed after Naho, unsure of where exactly she was leading them. Many questioned whether or not they should be trusting these creatures. But some argue that this specimen at least seems overly trusting and borderline naive in her judgements. The others point out that they don't even know whether or not she is exhibiting friendly behavior or simply normal reactions to outsiders for her species. They only had time before them as they tried to imagine what might be ahead.

Naho led them past the various flora of the rainforest, the bright flowers and the various shades of green. Some trees were large enough to walk under, others along their way were still tiny and attempting to grow. Birds and insects fluttering about in their own grooves. There were moments where Naho stopped and went to a bush or to a hanging vine to pluck fruit from them, extending at least one of any to each her companions as they continued on their way.

A sound of thumping and musical trills began becoming apparent as the trees began getting slightly farther and farther from each other.

A clearing filled with movement came into view, drums beats creating a heartbeat which seemed to set pace for everything. The clacking of staff against staff occurring as multiple pairings seemed to be engaged in a dance-like battle, spinning and jabbing, swinging and dodging.

Soruli were sitting and sorting fruits on mats of leaves. Others were throwing vibrant colored dusts at each other and dancing among it with flowing movements. Little clusters of tiny Soruli followed select ones around to watch different things with big eyes of wonder.

Little animals moved around the edges of the clearing and to Soruli that extended hands of nuts or fruits to them.

It was a type of thrumming life that all occurred underneath a gigantic tree with hanging leaves and vines.

Naho turned to where the six explorers had been behind her to extend her taloned hand to all of this with a happy curve in her eyes.

The Ashen Hounds on the Border Between Territories

He eyed how the white one rubbed the paste along what would be where his own scar was and gently prodded a claw down into it, tilting his head. As the paste had no horrible effect against him, he pushed two fingers into the paste and padded it out over his scar, a tingling, soft feeling moving through his body as the tense flesh relaxed. He gave up a soft purring sound, his tail wagging slowly.

He looked at the white one and smiled.

<Conversation between the male and the two females>

The male nodded lightly and turned back to the bird, pointing at him, then tilting his head in a curious way.

Cor could barely contain himself from cheering in happiness as the lead displayed enjoyment. Ima and Mica looked on in approval, moving to together to join the gathering on the ground.

And as Cor took in this "smile" his excitement grew, causing him to almost bounce in place. He listened to the back and forth of the creatures, head turning slightly to take in whoever made noise and watched as a paw was extended his way.

Without thinking, Cor made a slow step forward and reached up with both taloned hands to gently hold the paw and rub his cheek against it, reproducing the purring sound the male made.

Mica and Ima got closer as he did so, picking up red fruit and extending them to the females.
How come you use italics all the time? I'm not saying it's bad, just wondering.

It is due to...Hm. I suppose I just enjoy the italics as a projection of my mental thoughts. I apologize if such is not a fitting answer that sates the curiosity, Mango.

I also apologize for my lateness in posting. Such is most certainly my own fault and I shall descend upon it now.
Here's one for the list.

The Mascuss

Their height at adulthood is about 70 feet tall. They live to be about 160 years old on average. The Mascuss appear to be fungi organisms that have the ability to use long, sticky tendrils to lure animals as a food source. How the Mascuss captures and eats its prey is still a mystery. They are nocturnal and emerge from the forests at night, waiting for something to come by and brush against its tentacles. In daylight, they slip back into the tall swampy forests and hide in the mud.

This Mascuss in its function reminds me of the "False Vines" my Soruli interact with. Perhaps a "cousin" of this creature attaches to trees in the rainforest. The False Vines are active at any time and may even have flowers or growth upon themselves to further camouflage.

False-Vines may also vary in size, some as thin as a hair, others as thick as the strongest of natural vine growths. It is unknown whether this is age or different breeds of the same base creature.

@Mihndar One hopes such make sense for the collection of created creatures you shall put together.

Here is an optional picture:

All this talk of interspecies mixing got me wondering just how exactly our various species are related so I made up this little chart of evolutionary relations just based on proximity to each other plus similarities in pictures and descriptions.

One is greatly appreciative of this chart. There had been pondering regarding whether my Soruli would even be able to have their eggs fertilized by other species since they have a bit of a "Free Love" style approach to things. This shall help greatly with future ideas.


A separate thing I ponder is:

When there is interaction between two different species aside from one's own where both end up in the same place, could such be treated as if it were happening at the same time?

To explain, the Aruson Explorers and the Ashen Hound pack will most likely end up taken to The Home Tree at this rate. May it be treated as if it were happening within the same day or so?

I can understand that being between the RPers, but I wanted to confirm with the GMs/Community as well instead of leaving it to PMs.
Explorers in Soruli Territory

The explorers were taken aback by the sudden use of voices similar to their own, but only repeating what they had said. They watched her display concerning the cracked nuts with liquid inside. It was obvious that she wanted them to take a drink from them, and so the 6 each took the three containers and sipped from them. The leader wanted to give something in turn to cement the show of friendship, and so he did the traditional thing, cut open a watermelon and handed the two pieces to the bird in the tree slowly, hoping it would be enough to convince her to come down, and maybe take her to somewhere where others could be found. The other explorers were still as much worried, but the friendliness of Naho was hopeful, and maybe her species would be interested in trade.

As they drank, Naho burst into an energetic little applause her eyes sparkling as they curved upward. As the leader cut the fruit she froze and watched with interest. This thing, green then pink within... a fruit. She was transfixed and the happiness of her success in getting them to drink drove her bend her legs around the branch and hang downward to accept the gift, holding them and staring at them in alternation.

Eyes curved in enjoyment, she nibbled onto one quickly working from one end of the slice to another. She paused as she considered the taste and cooed in appreciation before as she did the same process to the other slice.

It was then that she stared at the six beings, two finished slices of watermelon in either hand. Watching their body language and movements, forgetting her prior caution entirely as she wondered about their reason for being in such a large pack. Perhaps they needed help.

She swung her body upward, using the momentum to let the same motion have her drop from her perch. Pausing after she landed, she stood up slowly and tilted her head.

Her eyes curved upward as she made a trill of happiness and then lowered in a bow to the six of them, arms splayed outward at her sides.

She rose slowly and extended both of her hands to the lead creature, intending to lead them all to a safe place.

Welcome back, friend. One hopes you shall not be plagued again by sickness anytime soon.
By the way, can anybody remind me who left earlier? I should update the map accordingly.

Urcica: Creator of the Katyusha.
Cuddle Pot: Creator of the Yelb.
Greetings all. Who would be interested in a random occurance?

During the first night of the Soruli's awakening in the rainforest, some did run in utter terror of the night sky (for it looked like many eyes staring down at them).

Two Soruli, over the time that has passed since that first night could have possibly ran on foot toward any place really.

Who would be interested in entering a pool and determining if you've gotten them?

Do PM me if you are interested.

Yes, I am aware of the positioning of the other races. In fact, I am neighbors with the Rokthan. We share the same mountain XD

That was not quite my meaning. What I meant was that you could think about goals for your race's spread or interaction with others beyond. Say if you took a route such as the Arsuron with their trade posts. They have already created potential bonds that are to develop with time.

You hope to have a nomadic race, yes? So such seems like a good thing to consider as your race may end up learning much more from others.

Pardon if I just say what has already been thought.

Neighbors are great though, one does hope your tiny races unite in great friendship upon that shared mountain.

Awesome! Is there anything else I need to know before I post, because there's quite a lot to read.

I personally recommend looking at where/how the race's blob of influence shall be upon the most current map below (posted earlier in OOC).

Take note of some of the races you would want them meeting (PM the creators for details and plans) and keep in mind the detail you put into your posts. Sometimes I myself forget to mention developments of the race as a whole whilst describing the central character's interests and ideas.

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