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<Snipped quote by Digizel>

Alright, here's the deal: At the end of each turn, players just need to let me know what they want to do, and I'll give them the lowdown on what test they need to roll. Simple stuff! Sure, some rolls are straightforward, like survival for finding food or diplomacy for making friends, but usually, I'll be the one calling the shots on rolls. Now, if two players want to roll for the same thing, they should try to hash it out and come to an agreement. Can't decide? No worries, I'll step in and make the call, usually going with whoever had the idea first. But hey, there might be times when it makes sense for more than one player to roll the same test, and if that's the case, I'll give you the heads-up.

Ah okay, gotcha. This all makes sense to me~

Also, now that that first post is made, do you want those of us whose characters are finished and posted to go ahead and make our opening posts, or is there more to come first?
<Snipped quote by Euphoria>

I can't find anything about subclasses on the wiki or the Pathbuilder character sheet. Assistance is requested.


Subclasses are not really referred to as "subclasses" officially in PF2e from what I can tell. You can usually tell what a subclass is by looking at whatever unique choice you make for that class. In other words, something that's not a General, Class, Ancestry or Skill Feat, but something else entirely.

In the case of Ranger, at Level 1, there was an option to pick something called a "Hunter's Edge." I had three options: Flurry, Outwit and Precision. This was my "Subclass" so to speak.

In the case of Fighter, though, it doesn't look like they actually have any. Monks either.
Okay, I've posted my character profile~

I will say that in terms of triggering subjects, I have nothing in mind for myself. However, I will respect the wishes of others and will follow everyone else's limits.

My one question on the Session 0 section: When it comes to announcing dice rolls, how do we want to do that? Like, what is the specific process? Do we just make a request for the roll in the OOC section, wait for permission from the GM, and then roll it here on RPG, then also post the result here?

And what about situations where one person asks to make a check, and somebody else chimes in, wanting to make the same check (assuming it's within reason, of course)? Does everybody roll and post their results before anything gets announced or is there another way this will be handled?

Name: Saur
Ancestry: Kobold
Heritage: Spellscale Kobold
Class: Ranger
Subclass: Flurry Edge

Personality: Saur maintains a stoic, formal demeanor as much as he can, sticking to a more pragmatic and realistic view of any given situation. However, despite his best efforts to keep himself in check and maintain this demeanor, this is all naught but a facade. Beneath the surface, his patience sometimes runs thin remarkably quickly, especially when it comes to a flaring anger. He stands a very proud individual; proud of where he comes from, who he is, and what he is capable of. Insulting any of these things is the quickest way to get him to snap and lose his temper; he has even been known to respond violently if he deems the slight against him bad enough. This leads to him being largely manipulatable in social situations.

Despite his temper, he is a very altruistic individual at heart. He strongly believes in his own code of ethics, the primary facet of which is to defend innocent civilians above all else. He believes that only those willing to cause harm should be the ones that come to harm. Even when he lashes out in anger, he usually does not do anything to actually harm the source of his rage unless he believes they truly deserve it...or at least that they can take it. Despite this altruism, however, he is very pragmatic, preferring to make sure everybody keeps their expectations realistic. While he strives to protect as many civilians as he can, he knows that in reality, it is not possible to save them all, and he is not going to be easily convinced to engage in any "suicide missions."

Appearance: Standing at 2'5", this small Kobold has bright, crimson scales, save for the softer scales from the bottom of his jaw and down his stomach to the tip of his tail, which are a paler, more yellow coloration. He bears three horns upon his head: two on the top of his head pointed backward, with another, smaller horn at the tip of his snout. He wears simple, but expertly crafted leather armor, partially stained with minute amounts of dried blood along the bottom of his chest piece and on his leggings. Due to his preference for having greater precision with his movements, he doesn't have any footwear since he believes they prevent his claws from doing their job at aiding in traversal.

Besides his clothes, he always carries a fancy-looking, hand-carved bow across his shoulders, the string hanging from his chest with the limbs and grip across his back with a wooden shield hooked protectively over it, still within easy grabbing range, and along the right side of his waist is a short, sheathed blade.

Saur's Character Sheet
Ah, so I have another character creation question: What about inventory? How do we determine what we're starting with, if you don't mind my asking? I assume this is probably more something to be answered in the near future when the campaign is closer to getting off the ground, but getting my character sheet finished ASAP is what I like to do when it comes to games, so I figured I'd ask. xD

I apologize if this is a default thing in Pathfinder or not, like I said, I'm new to this and coming from D&D, where there are options.
Ah so here's a question for you! While I'm making my character, I realized I should ask how important environmental survival is going to be in this campaign? I know that a lot of DM's will make their games kind of disregard survival elements like needing to forage on the road or manage food and water and such for the sake of simplicity.

I'm considering those kinds of things for my character idea, and I just want to make sure I don't pick something that'd become largely pointless in the campaign. xD
Ooh, check it out, people I'm familiar with~ xD

This would make four players exactly so far, if everybody can be accepted and works out~
@Digizel You can contact me through DMs, I guess it would be better! And so far, loving your ideas!

Gotcha, will do! Though I do have an extra question now that I see the new information and given it a good read.... Did you use a program to make that map of yours, or did you make it yourself? Because it looks pretty good~
@Digizel Awesome to hear your enthusiasm! I'm totally cool with newcomers since I'm a bit of a rookie GM myself. While I've dabbled in leading DnD campaigns, this venture into Pathfinder is a first for me. What are your thoughts on the plot I've shared so far? Any sparks of inspiration for a character bubbling up in your mind?

Thanks, glad to hear it~ I was thinking that, since I'm new to the system, I should consider trying to take a character I'm already familiar with and changing their story (and CS, obviously xP) to fit him properly within the new setting. And a couple things do come to mind as I read over the new information on the various cities and whatnot.

My favorite race has always been kobolds, especially since an adventuring Kobold feels rarer just because you're so used to the idea of them working in clutches and other bigger groups, so that's what I'm thinking of using here.

How much would you want me to vocalize my ideas here, or would you rather backstory concepts and stuff be kept to DMs for the time being so other players can learn more about the other characters as they journey together? I'm open to either method, personally.
Ooh, for once I'm actually around when one of these is getting set up. Greetings! My name's Digizel, but I go by Digi~ =3

First thing to mention is that I've never played Pathfinder. But I know some of my friends have started to take to it after the whole Wizards debacle. I always loved D&D 5e, but I think it's time I broadened my horizons a bit. I figure a PBP campaign may be an easier way to learn it, since time pressure will be significantly lessened. Better to have a week to look at what I can do or say than have to come up with it on the spot while I'm still learning~ xD

If having a new player is okay for you, you can certainly consider me interested. Like I said, I've been looking for a reason to learn P2e.
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