Avatar of Dion


Recent Statuses

7 days ago
Current i'm confused, how did americans feel last weekend
7 days ago
im not american
8 days ago
lets return to the days of discord warfare, roleplayerguild terrorist groups and 200 hidden channels in our discords because we're worried about spies
8 days ago
miss the days that i was the one causing these problems with giant PM bombs because i had nothing better to do but i'm 28, have a job and also have my depression under control now. sorry guys
11 days ago
I'm gonna be real I think liking feet is in fact less weird than that but if that is what works for you


Just an Aragorn looking for his Arwen

Most Recent Posts

@Vox I apologize, believe I missed the deadline here, had a sudden work surge and (without shame) filled whatever free time I had left with mindless videogames.
Just want to re-state my interest and will work on a CS probably today. :-)
@Vox want us to drop our CS's in this thread?
My old Dutch Mount & Blade fandom RPs...
@LegendBegins thank you, I just had to do it to em.
God of War 2018, the one Fabricant mentioned, the latest one.
I feel like if my experience as Capt. Marvel is people shitting on me/the character/the movie for reasons out of my control (i.e. shoddy writing) I'd probably also feel like "who even wants me to play this role anymore," but I guess that's just me.

God of War is an incredible game and I don't really know anyone that thought it was 'just OK'?
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