Avatar of DivineIntervention93
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    1. DivineIntervention93 10 yrs ago


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Hello to all. I am Henry, and I have returned.

It's been a while, but I came back in hopes of keeping my creative juices going. Yes I am a roleplayer as well (A bit rusty though...if I was ever any good at it to begin with).

The following are of my hobbies:
  • Gaming/Collecting
  • Writing/Roleplaying
  • Music/Compsoing
  • Movies/Television/Youtube
  • Occasional Jogging and exercising (I do my best to work out)
  • Work/School

Feel free to hit me up with anything like concerns and such, if you have an rp idea and want help, or if I pose a question and can get some feedback or help myself. Either way, I'll be available as much as possilbe.


My occasional free time is also playing video games, so if you want to talk and game with me, add me on my Playstation account


For anyone who wants to chat while we do an rp or discuss progression, I'm available on Discord as well

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The woman that was unfamiliar to Mr. Noonan had explained herself and the situation that was being held, informing him that she had the papers ready to be signed for the completion of Avery’s transfer.

“Ok…yeah, alright,” said Mr. Noonan, confused for a moment but then fully understanding what had to be done. It all seemed to happen fast for some reason, but the man didn’t really want to argue about it. Instead he took the paper from the social worker after pointing out where he was to sign for confirmation.

Roland watched as Mr. Noonan had looked at the sheet of paper in front of him, holding it up so that he could see what he was doing. As he kept focus, Roland decided to see what the man had brought him in the bag handed to him a couple of minutes ago, knowing that was food but hoping it was something at least edible and tasty as well.

“It’s all happening pretty fast, isn’t it?” questioned Mr. Noonan as he wrote down his signature onto the line, “I leave one minute and right when I get back, I’m already signing papers and such. You people don’t horse around, do you?”

As he finished placing his signature on the file, he handed it back to the woman, placing the pen he had to sign with back into his shirt pocket.
Hi. Sorry I haven't been able to reply or anything, but I'm back and ready to continue.
Coming to find out that it was a social worker on the case of Avery getting to move in with Roland at the Noonan’s home, he was a bit surprised at first due to the transaction of information already being taken care of so fast and already having papers to sign for Avery to go ahead and be placed into someone else’s home. He didn’t really think much more of it, only knowing that it was very good news and that the problem was being taken care of immediately.

The woman had mentioned that she was in wait for Mr. Noonan to come back so that he may sign the papers she had ready in order for the placement to be complete, that way Avery could live with them and have no worries anymore on dealing with an actual stable home, minus the abusive parent as well. Roland decided to speak for Mr. Noonan, mainly because he wasn’t back yet.

“He‘ll be here,” he said the woman, “Don’t know when exactly, but yeah. He’ll be back.”

It was taking a good while for Mr. Noonan to get back for some odd reason, but Roland also knew that he was a very talkative person as well, hence where Steven’s gets it from, so he could be have a conversation with someone and forgot he had to get back here with something to eat.

A minute later, the social woman had noticed how dark the room was, finding that the shades from the window were closed yet not knowing the reason of why. As she tried to open them, a nurse came in and yelled telling her not to, Roland watching as it happened. The nurse explained to the woman of the press constantly trying to get a hold of Avery with questions and photos to make headlines all over town with, then going over to Avery to check up on her again, putting her to sleep as well.

As she left, Roland followed up onto the topic about the press trying to get inside.

“They were here before I got here,” spoke up Roland, “The news people outside, they’ve been trying everything to get in. It’s really getting out of hand.”

Soon afterwards, Mr. Noonan came in with some food he was carrying in a bag.

“Sorry bout the wait,” he said, “Got caught into a long talk with someone at the cafeteria. Hopefully this will be worth the wait.”

As he handed the bag over to Roland, he looked over to find the social worker woman, questioned as to why she was there.

“Is something wrong?” asked Mr. Noonan.
Roland tried his best to keep focus on the movie and stay awake so that he could eat when Steven’s father came back with some food, but instead his eyes had began to fade a little from the relaxation and comfort he was in from the chair he was laying on.

A few minutes later, Roland had awoken, realizing that he had fell asleep, in amidst to find Avery and some other woman who presence had arisen into his sight. He questioned himself for a moment as the woman sat in a chair across from, also noticing that Avery wasn’t saying anything either, so it seemed they had both discussed something while he was asleep.

“W-what’s going on?” said a confused Roland.
Avery replied to the question that was asked by Roland, answering that she wasn’t certain either of what the program was, but attracted her attention due to the fact the movie had to deal with cooking.

“Oh,” said Roland, not knowing of what else to say.

Afterwards, Avery continued on how the only time she got to watch television was back at his house, stating that her father was nothing more than a tv hog and how he wouldn’t let her see or watch anything. Roland didn’t really have anything to say because of the weary feeling he kept having, so instead just stared at the television, trying to watch the movie with tiresome eyes.

Then, Avery asked if the television was of a bother to Roland, insisting that she would turn it completely off so that he could rest. It was nice to see that she was being considerate, but he didn’t want to ruin her enjoyment just so he could rest.

“Oh, no,” replied Roland to Avery’s question, “You don’t have to. Leave it on and continue watching it. Besides, food will be here in a few for me anyway, so I don’t have no choice but to stay awake.”

All of a sudden, a nurse had came in so that she could take more blood from Avery, and while doing so, Roland tried best to keep focus on the television.
Avery hearing his question, Roland listened to her as she explained to him on how she did not mind eating the food given to her whatsoever, refreshing his memory on how she had starved beforehand. She had also added that Mr. Noonan could pick whatever he wanted near the cafeteria the hospital had appetizing, or at least looked good enough to eat, so hopefully he would pick something good, or at least Roland hoped so.

“Yeah,” said Roland, “I don’t know though.”

Once he finished, Avery kept the conversation going by telling him of how nice the hospital was, unlike her last one stating on how cheap it presented itself, stating also that the food was better here than the other place.

“Maybe,” said Roland once more, “Hopefully Mr. Noonan will get something good for us……I mean, me and him, to eat.”

After finishing the food topic, Roland decided to relax himself, turning his head back to the front, staring down at the end of the chair he was laying in. All of a sudden, he heard a television come on, along with a constant sound on remote buttons being pressed. He turned over once more to see Avery was flipping channels, trying to find something to watch to let the time fly by. Finding a movie that caught her attention, she kept it on the channel playing the program.

Roland looked over at the television for a moment, uncertain as to what they were watching. Instead of keeping quiet and enjoying the movie, he questioned what it was in particular the both of them were viewing.

“Hmm” said Roland, “Never seen this before. Do you know what it is?”
Avery answered Mr. Noonan’s question of offering with a refusal, stating that one of the nurses would come in and bring her something to eat from the hospitals cafeteria, also implanting the idea for the man to try and eat something from there as well. Then after, a nurse came in to give Avery her food on a tray, handing it to her and stating it’ll help her gain her weight back. After doing so, the nurse had left the room, Avery then stating that she was good to go in terms of food.

“Well, alright then. I‘ll be back in a couple of minutes,” said Mr. Noonan as he left the room, leaving Roland and Avery there by themselves.

Once he left, Roland leaned back into the chair, attempting to get comfortable once again. As he laid on it, he turned his head over to Avery to see what she was doing, curious because of also knowing on how bad hospital food is as well.

“Wonder if the food here is any good,” said Roland to Avery, “I’ve heard nothing but bad things about it.”
Don't feel bad. I've been pretty busy as well, so.....yeah.
After Mr. Noonan finished, giving a positive answer by telling Avery that she can stay with them, the girl replied with a thank you, following up by stating on what help she could be around their house, like cleaning and cooking so that it would be like paying her way to live with them.

“I wouldn’t expect that of you,” said Mr. Noonan to Avery, “But I think it would help the missus out a little bit.”

“We need to make arrangements and stuff sir, you know?” said Roland, butting in the conversation with a situation for solving, “Like where would she sleep and all of that.”

“Oh trust me, I know” replied Mr. Noonan, “We will get to the bottom of it. Maybe have a family meeting or something so we can get it figured out.”

All of a sudden, Roland stomach had started growling, forgetting that he didn’t eat anything before they left. Once Mr. Noonan heard it loud and clear, he asked the boy a question.

“Wow Roland,” he said, “Must be starving, huh?”

“Huh?” said Roland, looking as if he was a little embarrassed by the loud rumble his stomach had made, “Oh…..uh…..yeah I g-guess so.”

“Tell you what,” stated Mr. Noonan to both Roland and Avery, “I’ll go find a vending machine or something and grab us something to eat ok?”

“That’s fine I guess,” said Roland, “You want me to go?”

“You stay here with Avery, I can do it by myself,” said Mr. Noonan, then walking towards the door and opening it to exit, but before going he had one more question. “Roland, anything specific you want?”

“Anything is fine right now sir,” replied Roland

“Ok then,” he said, then turning his attention to Avery, “What about you Avery? Anything in particular?”
Mr. Noonan and Roland listened to Avery after the man gave his answer, hearing her asking if it was ok and talking about of her being a troublesome responsibility, also mentioning about the press being nosy and nerve wrecking as they were now. Once she was finished, Mr. Noonan replied.

“I’m not very worried about all of those people out there,” said Mr. Noonan to Avery, “I can figure something out about them somehow, so that isn’t a problem.”

“She thinks she’ll be a problem staying with us though,” said Roland, getting into the conversation, “Like when she stayed at the house a couple of nights ago.”

“I don’t see how,” said Mr. Noonan, “Me and Mrs. Noonan did the same thing for you Roland when your parents decided to move out of town, and to this day, you aren’t a hassle to us. With Avery there, it won’t be any different.”

Roland leaned up a little from the chair, scratching the back of his head and spoke up about the topic of conversation. “You see Avery?” he said looking over to Avery, “You won’t be any trouble. You can live with us and begin a new life and everything else. You won’t have to worry about a thing.”

“He’s right,” said Mr. Noonan to Avery as well, following up to what Roland said, “We will keep you safe and out of harm.”
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