Avatar of Dragonfry
  • Last Seen: 8 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 30 (0.01 / day)
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    1. Dragonfry 9 yrs ago


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So, I'm Dragonfry. Probs never gonna post my real name here, so please don't ask.

Scottish, Female, a bit grumpy, but I'd like to think I'm nice enough.

Current RPs: None atm, I just got here.

Most Recent Posts

@Scoundrel That ended up a lot longer than I thought, but hope it's ok!

Full name
Carrie Walsh



Physical appearance
Carrie is quite tall, standing at about 5'9", with a lean, muscular build and tanned skin. Her mouth seems permanently fixed into a smug smirk, as though she is in on a joke that no-one else is, an expression that contrasts unnervingly with her pale green eyes, which seem to show no expression whatsoever, completely cold. She has long blond hair, tied back into a ponytail for the sake of convenience. She has a tattoo on her right arm and shoulder, an intricate maze of celtic designs, which is the first thing most people notice about her. Her appearance, and the way she carries herself, tend to put people on guard before they know her, and often even more so after they do.

Carrie gives off the appearance of being an optimist, cheerfulness seeming only slightly dampened by her time in the ORB. This makes it fairly easy for her to befriend certain types of people, and makes her completely unbearable to others. She is supportive of others, kind, friendly, and appears on all accounts to be the type that would never hurt a fly, who would scream and run at even a hint of violence.

The optimism, however, hides another person entirely, one that is revealed once conflict emerges, or especially when she has the opportunity to take down anyone who is associated with the government. In these situations, she reveals herself as sadistic, brutal and incredibly creative in her infliction of violence. If one of her friends is hurt, she reacts to the prospect of getting a shot at them with almost childlike glee, laughing even as she sends them to their graves.

Biography/Background History
Carrie was born in a small town on the West Coast, and lived with her parents as an only child. She went to a small school, had a small group of friends, and lived a fairly idyllic life overall. At least, she did until she left to go to college in Washington D.C. Things were alright then, for a while, but she found herself overwhelmed by her studies, and dropped out after her first year. Desperate for meaning, she found herself slowly becoming involved in criminal activity.

She became more and more involved, gradually, and was caught up in a few violent incidents. These escalated time after time, until 8 years ago she finally became caught up in a drug deal and found herself out of her depth. As the deal was carried out, she became more and more on edge, noticing suspicious actions and movements by the other party, but didn't act on it or say anything, blaming it on nerves. She immediately regretted that decision when she walked out, everything seemingly having gone to plan, and found herself on the wrong end of a Taser barb and 6 years in prison.

In prison, she was constantly afraid, and rightly so. She was surrounded by people who were far, far more dangerous than her. Eventually, as was inevitable, she found herself in a confrontation, and as she was slammed into the wall by hands far stronger than hers, and a makeshift glass knife slashed across her arm, something snapped inside her, and she found herself wielding her power in a way that felt natural to her and leaving her attacker screaming on the ground even as she took the knife from their twitching hands and shoved it into their throat. She felt invincible as the guards approached her, and left several on the ground, dead or wishing they were. She continued her rampage, leaving guard after guard on the ground until she was caught by surprise by a bullet to her shoulder that sent her spiralling to the ground. She fell unconscious, and when she woke up, she was in the ORB.

Carrie's power is that of illusions. She can create illusions that fool others senses - from bringing their worst nightmares to life to an illusion of complete and utter agony, she can fool even their sense of touch, causing them to feel phantom injuries and pain where none exists. To cause an illusion of touch, she needs to make contact with the person, although once she has, she doesn't need to keep contact to maintain the illusion. Other senses she can manipulate from a distance.

Her illusions become less convincing the more she creates at once, and with distance created between her and them. Additionally, she finds certain senses harder to simulate. She has to make physical contact with someone to begin an illusion of touch such as pain, but she can simulate sight from much further away. She also suffers from intense nightmares due to her powers, which turn the horrors she creates against her and have lead to her avoiding sleep whenever possible which affects her skills and judgement.

Miscellaneous Information
She is a talented pianist. She also loves cooking, but isn't very good at it.
Interested :)

Karu strolled toward the back of the group, holding his head high to try and hide his initial nervousness. He still felt slightly ridiculous with his spear and the strange whip on his belt. Having recovered slightly, he took a look at the crowd. There was one face he recognized - The goron leader, Argon, who he'd met once at a diplomatic meeting between their people. Speaking of gorons... He tuned back to the man who spoke to them - the "Warden", just as he mentioned going to Death Mountain. Death mountain? He shuddered, thinking of the heat. His last trip to Death Mountain had been fraught with headaches, nausea and dizziness caused by the heat. He felt ill even at the idea, but didn't want to back out now. He'd be a laughing stock.

Still, he wasn't exactly happy about it. It seemed unfair to him that their abilities would be tested in an environment that was so unsuited to his strengths. What was the point of this? He looked at the so-called warden, who had far too high an opinion of himself as far as Karu was concerned, just as he turned and began to walk out of the hall. He found himself agreeing with the crazy fire-lady about the Warden, although he'd probably still keep a fair distance from her. There'd be enough fire on the mountain as it was.

He couldn't keep his mouth shut completely, though, as the Warden continued walking in a way that seemed smug and self-assured and specifically designed to annoy him.

"Seriously, what's with him? I'd be surprised if he doesn't think he could stop the darkness himself, the smug-" Karu stopped himself from continuing, barely biting back his angry words. He shook his head, and turned to follow him out of the hall, looking particularly unhappy about it.
Karu was running. It happened far too often, really, he thought, as he ducked a flying object that looked suspiciously like a cat, although he couldn't be sure. Honestly, he thought the villagers would have appreciated his help, but apparently they didn't appreciate decent food. Or maybe it was the so-called 'sacred urn' he knocked over that annoyed them. Honestly, you knock over one holy artefact and suddenly you're the bad guy. Not that it was hard to outrun them, mind you. All he had to do was make it to the river, unless these villagers could breathe underwater.

He had it all planned out. He'd reach the bridge, pause for a second, say some badass but also incredibly witty line and dive into the water. It would have worked too, if he hadn't been smacked in the face with a flying piece of paper and belly-flopped into the river with all the style of a drunken pig. He flailed around for a moment until he remembered how to breathe, and relaxed, allowing himself to flow down the river, berating himself. This wasn't something he'd want added to his legend, and certainly not something he wanted getting back to his family. What kind of prince couldn't make a dramatic exit?

He looked at the piece of paper responsible for this whole mess. He was about to throw it away when he noticed the words 'Heroes Wanted!' and decided to give it a closer look. He skimmed over it. "Dark threats, save the land, ominous secret message... Sounds like what I'm looking for." He mumbled. He didn't bother questioning the "blood of heroes" bit. He was a prince after all, it made sense to him. "Where was it again?"

Checking the location, he found that it wasn't far off, so he swam along the river until he reached an area near enough to run in. He entered the hall just as a huge crowd of people ran out, and some strange guy was on the stage, looking like he'd just finished talking. Karu walked in, brushing a crab off of his shoulder and trying to ignore the fact that he was late, as well as that that several people in the room looked certifiably insane.
Still here!
I've got no problem waiting - real life can get in the way sometimes.

We had Halloween yesterday where I live though, so its over for me anyway.
I assumed it was fine to post my sheet from the interest check, seeing as it was already approved. Hope it's fine, tell me if it isn't or whatever. :)

@Crimson Raven Changed it. Using the skyward sword one.
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