Avatar of Drakeonis
  • Last Seen: 3 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Drakeonis
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1554 (0.41 / day)
  • VMs: 0
  • Username history
    1. Drakeonis 10 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses

7 yrs ago
Current They're marathoning Power Rangers on Twitch. I'm geeking out so hard rn!
7 yrs ago
So I might be killed by a tornado. It's pretty lit in this basement tho
7 yrs ago
@The Spectre I fail to see how that is any different. You just described all the things people do with their racist "jokes." Sounds pretty hypocritical to me.
1 like
7 yrs ago
Does the "Grow a thicker skin." thing not apply to talking shit about people voting for a different candidate?
7 yrs ago
No it wasn't directed at anyone I was speaking genrally.


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Name: Titus "Tye" Alexander
Age: 15
Gender: Male

Personality: Tye has a rather prickly personality. For all intents and purposes, he's usually a nice enough guy despite being very low energy usually. He constantly complains when faced with anything he considers tedious even though he goes with the flow anyway. This and his usual penchant for taking people for what they initially show him tend to make appear very insensitive. This is no more present than his interactions with some of his Digimon partners. HAL acts like a machine rather than "a living being" compared the rest of Tye's partners so he treats him like one. He is in a similar situation with Rex who acts mostly like a soldier so he treats him like one.

He acts the exact opposite when he takes on his "Violet Emperor" persona. When faced with a competitive "win-or-lose" situation (usually battles, but could be anything competitive), he becomes focused and tactical, very unlike his usual aloof self, in order to win.

Born the baby of the well-off Alexander family basically led to him being ignored by his parents and 6 older siblings and shunned by his peers growing up. Feeling isolated he turned to online gaming for a sense of belonging and over the years grew quite a reputation on the online PVP scene under his handle "Violet Emperor." His infamy as the "Emperor" helped him cope with his family situation and even earned him a few friends from the experience.

He doesn't know exactly how he got to the Digital World and hasn't interacted with it in cpacity before but for some reason feels nostalgic about it.

Team: Gatomon "Gabi", Hagurumon "HAL", Keramon "Voodoo", FanBeemon "Rex", Labramon "Pluto"
D-Bracer Color: Dark Violet with stone gray outlines
Notes: -As noted by his handle, Tye's favourite colour is purple.
-He has an Oral Fixation that he accidently developed through his gaming, meaning he always needs something in his mouth. He usually supplements this with his favourite grape suckers or gum.
-Adding onto that he has a ridiculous sweet tooth, he almost always has some form of sweet on him.
-His online persona "Violet Emperor" is pretty well-known in gaming outlets.

Name: Titus "Tye" Alexander
Age: 15
Gender: Male

Personality: Tye has a rather prickly personality. For all intents and purposes, he's usually a nice enough guy despite being very low energy usually. He constantly complains when faced with anything he considers tedious even though he goes with the flow anyway. This and his usual penchant for taking people for what they initially show him tend to make appear very insensitive. This is no more present than his interactions with some of his Digimon partners. HAL acts like a machine rather than "a living being" compared the rest of Tye's partners so he treats him like one. He is in a similar situation with Rex who acts mostly like a soldier so he treats him like one.

He acts the exact opposite when he takes on his "Violet Emperor" persona. When faced with a competitive "win-or-lose" situation (usually battles, but could be anything competitive), he becomes focused and tactical, very unlike his usual aloof self, in order to win.

Backstory: Born the baby of the well-off Alexander family basically led to him being ignored by his parents and 6 older siblings and shunned by his peers growing up. Feeling isolated he turned to online gaming for a sense of belonging and over the years grew quite a reputation on the online PVP scene under his handle "Violet Emperor." His infamy as the "Emperor" helped him cope with his family situation and even earned him a few friends from the experience.

He doesn't know exactly how he got to the Digital World and hasn't interacted with it in cpacity before but for some reason feels nostalgic about it.

Team: Gatomon "Gabi", Hagurumon "HAL", Keramon "Voodoo", FanBeemon "Rex", Labramon "Pluto"
D-Bracer Color: Dark Violet with stone gray outlines
Notes: -As noted by his handle, Tye's favourite colour is purple.
-He has an Oral Fixation that he accidently developed through his gaming, meaning he always needs something in his mouth. He usually supplements this with his favourite grape suckers or gum.
-Adding onto that he has a ridiculous sweet tooth, he almost always has some form of sweet on him.
-His online persona "Violet Emperor" is pretty well-known in gaming outlets.

My character is still incoming, I'm just feeling reeeeallly lazy on actually finishing it.
Neat. Thanks for clearing all that up for me! Did you have to drag Leomon like that though? XD I'll have my character up either tonight or tommorrow.
Interested and currently working on a character, a couple of questions, though.
1. If Ban-TYO is active does that take Bantyoleomon of the list for acceptable partners?
2. To what extent are alternate forms acceptable? In my case, I kinda want to use Blackgatomon's line for Mervamon but she's only listed as an alternate form for Minervamon rather than a digiolution from her. I also kinda wanted to use Madleomon as a sort of a dark digivolution for a leomon line even though he isn't technically listed as such in any sort of offical line and is a None level. Would something like that be okay?
3. If I did end up using a leomon line would it be okay to have him stay in his champion form even though he's not that small. Just think it would be easier instead of three Elecmon running around
4. Would doing something like having both Gatomon lines be cool or would that be monopolising? Don't want to step on any toes.
Name: Salim "Seth" Monroe

Age: 23


Personality: Salim is a kind and friendly individual. He's always willing to see the good in people and is very observant and tentative to their problems and concerns. Still, he's very harsh and sometimes even cruel to the people he deems "bad" and isn't afraid of doing anything hard if it comes down to it.

Relationship: None recently.

History: A regular, average guy before the apocalypse hit he was a junior in college, working at a pretty popular local bar. He grew interested in watching all the different kind of people who came in night after night. When the walkers hit, he decided to hold up in the bar, deciding the building would be pretty defensible for the time being and expected the whole thing to blow over rather quickly. Unfortunately, that's turned out not to be the case.

Weapons: A Mossberg 890 Shotgun, A machete, and a desert eagle

Are you traveling with anyone: Not presently.

Extra Info:
@BookGirl1993 I'll post tomorrow. I kinda want to make a different character if that's cool?
My mistake. I straight up forgot I made one.

I'm still interested but I'm kinda stuck waiting for Menoitios.
Could someone do me the favor of filling me in on what's happened while I wait for Menoitios to post?
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