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    1. dreamshell 10 yrs ago


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Hmm, a very impressive outline for what could be a pretty schlocky idea if done poorly. I commend you. Definitely calls to mind several things; Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter, Vampire: The Masquerade, 30 Days of Night, Mike Mignola's Baltimore and the Fright Night remake, maybe? Hopefully a bit of Red Dead Redemption, Deadwood and/or Hell on Wheels, too.

I'm definitely interested. \m/
This sounds like a ball. :D I'm a fan of pretty much everything you mentioned/linked to: The Three Musketeers, A Count of Monte Cristo, A Tale of Two Cities, Prince of Persia, Assassin's Creed, Empire: Total War, the various historical eras and cultures—everything! The prospect of playing in a world inspired by it all is very enticing indeed, so I pretty much can't pass this up.

I would echo FernStone's question about the permissibility of multiple characters; if approved, this would make arranging deaths more feasible and we could tell the story from many different fronts and wildly varying viewpoints.

Since the issue of patriarchy was brought up, would it be possible to play a female character who poses as a man in order to enter the army (or what-have-you)? Historically, this has happened many times over and has also occurred frequently in fiction, such as in Shakespeare. Relatedly, this has also gone the other way: Take 'Le Chevalier d'Eon,' who was a real person, as well as the name of a very good anime set in a magical French Revolution. ;)

Also, could you give us some idea as to the culture & relations of the other nations (Vectis, etc.)?

Just FYI, my availability over the next several weekends is highly mutable, so best to assume I'll be unable to participate during those times (though I may occasionally luck out). Otherwise, I'm free.
-Added the character sheets of my POVs
-Added Ser Osseon, my Lothston Kingsguard, as a posthumous character
-Added Ser Emrys Rivers, who's serving Phoebas' house
I don't want to overreach and I'm going to leave the rest of the houses alone, but if there turn out to be any minor positions, say, in King's Landing that need filling before we start, I'll happily volunteer.

I'm also looking for any ideas about what family to make the late Lord Manfred's wife hail from, as I'm considering the possibility their children are now wards of that house in light of Manfred's earlier support of the Blackfyres. That said, the rebellion happened long enough ago that such a situation might no longer be necessary. Then again, Theon Greyjoy makes a different case. Just mulling over my options. Lothston wards seem like a good potential way of A) getting a(nother) POV somewhere outside of Harrenhal and B) starting conflict.
This is what A Wiki of Ice and Fire says about the Starks around this time;

"Around 213AC, House Stark faced a difficult succession. Several Lords of Winterfell had perished fighting wars in the North against rebellious Skagosi, the wildling king Raymun Redbeard and other threats, leaving Beron Stark as the lord of the house. As he too lay slowly succumbing to wounds he received fighting Dagon Greyjoy and his ironborn, his wife and four other recent Stark widows struggled over who would succeed him. There were a number of potential heirs, with some ten Stark children about."

So if we're playing a few years prior, it seems the Starks are probably in the thick of some Skagosi-stompin' and dealing with another King-Beyond-the-Wall. But with ten or more potential heirs to Lord Beron, it's certainly possible a few are spread out.
House Lothston of Harrenhal

"On Wings Of Night"

"Ah, and what a castle it is. Cavernous halls and ruined towers, ghosts and draughts, ruinous to heat, impossible to garrison . . . and there’s that small matter of a curse.” - Petyr Baelish

Harrenhal is the largest castle in the Seven Kingdoms and is the seat of House Lothston in the Riverlands, on the north shore of the Gods Eye lake. Since the War of Conquest, however, it has become a dark and ruinous place.

The castle has five towers of dizzying size, with equally monstrous curtain walls. The walls are incredibly thick and its rooms are built on a scale that would be more comfortable for giants than humans. The castle's holdings are some of the richest in Westeros, claiming vast tracts of green fertile land.

Harrenhal covers three times as much ground as Winterfell and its buildings are so much larger that they can scarcely be compared. Its stables can house a thousand horses, its godswood covers twenty acres, and its kitchens are as large as Winterfell's Great Hall. When it was built it could have potentially garrisoned a million men.

However, much of Harrenhal has far gone into decay and many places in the castle have not been entered in decades. Bats infest the tops of some of the towers.

The Lothstons acquired Harrenhal when House Strong became extinct. They have cultivated a bad reputation over the years; Lucas Lothston and his son Manfryd were renowned for their black deeds, while the late Lord Manfred Lothston betrayed Daemon Blackfyre in the recently quashed Blackfyre Rebellion. Lady Danelle, sometimes called "the Mad," acts as the head of Harrenhal since his death and it is whispered by some smallfolk that she sends giant bats out to capture children for her cookpots, as well that she bathes in blood and feasts on flesh. Jon Lothston spends his days at sea, engaged in dubious business aboard his merchantman, the Sea-Bat, or else pursuing comely new brides, who seem to mysteriously die or vanish with alarming frequency. Ser Osseon, the thirdborn son, lived most of his life in King's Landing, becoming a knight of the Kingsguard until his elder brother's support of the Blackfyres earned him a beheading. Jeyne, the youngest of Manfred's siblings, is largely unremarkable save that she was the eighth of King Aegon IV Targaryen's mistresses. Since his death, she has kept herself confined to the Widow's Tower.

Sworn Houses:
House Lychester
House Whent
House Wode

Members of the House:

  • {Lord Manfred Lothston, killed following the Blackfyre Rebellion}

  • {Lady Alyce of House Arryn, his wife, died of a summer fever}

  • Benfred & Janyce Lothston, their children of ten & eight years, heirs of Harrenhal & wards of the Eyrie

  • Jon Lothston, her elder but footloose brother, captain of the merchantman Sea-Bat & man of infamous repute

  • {Lady Darla of House Frey, his previous wife, fell from her horse}

  • Domeric Lothston, their son, a tender pageboy of five years

  • {Ser Osseon Lothston, a knight of the Kingsguard, lost his head at King's Landing during the Blackfyre Rebellion}

  • Jeyne Lothston, youngest of the Lothston siblings, a former mistress of Aegon IV & mother of Byron, now a recluse

  • Byron Rivers, called Crookback, unknown bastard of Aegon IV & sellsail captain of the ??? (TBD)

(Character sheets:)
Not sure how exactly I'll make them interact with the rest of Westeros to any degree, but I've taken quite a liking to the Lothstons of Harrenhal. Like every Gothic horror story you can think of in one family! >=D

I imagine the house will be run by Lady Danelle and I'm considering a wayward brother inspired by both Blackbeard and Bluebeard, as well as an unknown additional bastard of Aegon the Unworthy's by Jeyne Lothston who takes after his uncle and went a-sailin' to Essos and lands beyond.
Definitely interested. I've wanted to play this a couple times over whenever I saw it on the old forums, but things always looked so far along. Maybe now I can get in on it from the ground floor. ;)

Well, you sort of answered one element of what I was asking about, but I'm afraid I still have no concrete idea of what's going on and what I should be expecting/writing for a PC. =\
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