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    1. drewccapp 10 yrs ago


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First the sudden appearance of a small stranger appearing out of nowhere and taking a hold of the Soul of Krogan, and second the sudden rage and fury of Kistal. Allanon had a lot to be aware of. Allanon stepped out of the way as Chihiro lunged to grab the soul gem. He was good at multitasking, but this could prove to be more of a challenge than he could handle. He was barely able to avoid being knocked over by Chihiro and her sudden burst of speed. As someone with no ability to magically boost himself, he simply stood no chance in this situation.

Magic was something he had to be prepared for. Something he could disrupt if he was paying attention. He had many strategies to deal with magic, but only when it was a preemptive measure. The speed at which the strange one appeared was something he could barely register. He even doubted Chihiro could keep up with it even with her newly boosted speed.

"Excellent, Kistal," Allanon responded looking over towards his comrade barely able to keep from showing his bewilderment. "One step at a time. We have another problem on our hands at the moment. Help us protect the Soul of Krogan."

He had a feeling this strange one came from a completely different problem than the Calabris. Just how many people were after the Soul of Krogan? If they could wrest if from the hands of this new thief how would they be able to prevent it from being taken by someone else? Where could they hide it?


Above the conflict happening in the ruin on the cliff Allanon, Kistal, and Bidzil scaled stood Kallen. He observed the chaos below with a frown on his face. He had come to scout out the ruins before raiding with a hired party, and what he saw today disappointed him. He had expected the bandits, but had not expected one of them to have somehow merged with the Soul of Krogan. Even less had he planned for the Ambassador, and he thought he had been meticulous about tracking Calabris operations. At least it was defeated by what appeared to be a party of heroes?

Kallen had hoped to attempt to synchronize with the Soul of Krogan. From what he gathered from his research it chose its possessor. Although, obviously it could be coerced through magical means. He had no interest in dealing with any backlash that could result from that. Now he had no interest in the Soul for a completely different reason. There was too much attention on it from too many powerful forces. He was not prepared to deal with being hunted by his family, not after being so careful. He looked different from his "death" ten years ago, so any family member wouldn't recognize him upon seeing him, but if the Soul was being coveted by the Family they would find out if he had it. Of that he was certain.

"Maybe I shouldn't have considering looking for such a high profile artifact," Kallen muttered to himself.

The Eye of Avarice was an obscure one that had long been forgotten except by the most studied historian. He personally had one of the only texts describing it. "Yes... yes... only obscure, little-known, and hard-to-find artifacts from now on."

He stopped talking to observe the events unfolding below. At this point they were none of his business, but they were a curiosity, and something he might be able to learn from.
Name: Kallen Peregris

Age: 28

Race: Human


Personality: Kallen is cold and calculating inside, however he presents himself as a friendly people’s person. While he views people as tools, and he could care less about their lives; he also has a strong preference to win over loyalty. He is ambitious and decisive. He has an absolute fascination with history. He always repays his debts.

Bio: Kallen was born a distant cousin of the Calabris Family’s leader. He was raised to live as a ruler. A dominator of lesser beings. He was desensitized quickly to the pain of other beings. He was being groomed to compete to be the head of his branch of the family. He spent a lot of time in the Portean Library and his family’s library reading history books, specifically those about the lives of great leaders. Eventually, he simply read because he enjoyed reading about history. The lessons he learned were extremely valuable.

The greatest lesson he learned was how leaders, heroic or tyrannical, inspired loyalty among their closest followers. The great founder of the Calabris family was one such leader. As he grew up, Kallen watched the current leadership and started to grow distant from his family. He was disillusioned with their performance. Certainly, fear was an excellent way to dominate, but there would come a time when revolution would overthrow the empire the Calabris family built up. From what he could tell they were seeking power for power’s sake. He was interested in power, but he was not yet sure for what reason.

On his coming of age celebration the competition to take over this branch family of the Calabris family was decided, and in spite of his best efforts Kallen failed. He was left for dead by his competing brother: Petrus. He had failed before, but this defeat left him burning in fury and missing his left eye. Petrus had stabbed his eye with a dagger, and Kallen had just barely been able to protect himself from further damage, but he lost consciousness due to the pain, and Kallen imagined Petrus thought he had killed him.

He spent the next two years seeking out a replacement for his eye using his knowledge of history, and building a team to seek out ruins. He searched for a magical Grusk eye known as the Eye of Avarice. All other riches were to be distributed to the other members and in the case of death to their families. At the end of the venture, about three of the five members of his team survived their hunt, but he successfully achieved his new eye, and the members achieved their wealth. After going their separate ways, Kallen maintained contact with the survivors to use them in the future.

Kallen was unprepared for the cost he would pay to use the Eye, and continued wearing his eyepatch to protect him from mana fatigue. He spent until he turned 28 working endlessly on tracking Calabris operations, training as a wizard to increase his mana capacity, and searching for items of power to accumulate for the moment he would take his revenge upon his brother and his ultimate goal of taking over the Calabris family.

Hand Crossbow: While not incredible at dealing a lot of damage, this weapon is an incredible poison delivery tool, and an excellent weapon for assassination.

Cockatrice Venom: Kallen has ten doses of Cockatrice Venom that will cause petrification to any living target it strikes within a minute or two depending on the size of the target. The processing of this venom is extremely dangerous making it very expensive and difficult to come across.

Wormwood Chest: This chest is made of living enchanted wormwood. It moves under its own power as dozens of little feet move it along with surprising swiftness. The chest is fiercely loyal to its owner and only upon the owner’s death or a written contract exchanging ownership can remove it from Kallen’s service.

Collection of History Texts: These texts have been collected over the years steadily by Kallen since his near death experience. He places greater value on these books than anyone’s life. His chest is packed with these books.

Wizard’s Staff: This simple ivory staff serves as a focus for the channeling of mana for Kallen’s spells. It makes for a decent weapon as well.

Eye of Avarice: The Eye of Avarice is an ancient magical eye that grants the holder the ability to see the greatest desire of those they set their sights on. Channeling mana through the eye can increase the urge to act upon their desire, and with enough exposure can temporarily cause them to only be able to think and act on that desire. The passive effect of the Eye is always in effect, and constantly drains mana at a steady pace. Covering the Eye prevents this drain.

Control Magic: The pool of magic that Kallen has knowledge of is very much focused on support and manipulation of the battlefield. Very few directly impact individuals on the battle opting for manipulating terrain and obfuscating information. He feels that if a mage is to be a leader they should control the battlefield rather than create massive fireballs and conjure lighting to tear into enemies.

Soften: This spell reverses the effects of petrification. It is also used to soften otherwise hard objects. The harder the object the more mana is used in the process of softening. One cubic meter is the standard space in which the spell has an effect, but more mana can allow for a larger area. A smaller area will reduce the mana cost.

Counterspell: This is Kallen’s signature spell. The greatest amount of effort in his time spent with learning magic was with this spell. It did not help him during his greatest defeat as his brother knew not to use magic against him. Normally, it renders mana back to its natural state nullifying the effect of a cast spell at the cost of equivalent mana, but Kallen learned that if he timed his counterspell properly he could cause backlash similar to an improperly cast weaker version of the spell and accelerate mana fatigue.

Extra notes:
Allanon looked upon Chihiro with sympathy. He knew all too well the burden of honoring the soul of loved ones. As far as working with literal souls he had no clue where to start. "I am afraid I know little of the ways of magic or souls. I am simply a swordmaster past his prime looking to fulfill the last wish of my dead wife." He scanned the ruins looking for a clue into how to perhaps return the soul to its proper place. "I believe the answer may be hidden somewhere within this ruin. It may simply be as simple as returning this... vessel to the location the soul rested."

He then un-clipped his wife's sword from his belt and showed it to Chihiro. The peace-bound sword was in a white sheath mirroring the black of his own sword. The twin sword built by the best weaponsmith Allanon knew, and enchanted with simple enhancement and repair magic. "When it comes to honoring and protecting the memory of a loved one I know all too well the burden. It is a constant battle. There will be those out there that would work to corrupt your vision either on purpose or by accident. Ultimately, it is up to you and your own efforts." He looked at Malkhad's body. "I know not if the power that is 'Krogan's Soul' is actually his soul, or simply the essence of his power. I know not how one can protect this essence when there are many powers out there that would be willing to seize it and control it for their own ends. It is entirely up to you how you remember your friend, but you know he is no despot."

Allanon returned his wife's sword to its location on his belt. "I suppose we should get started."
Listener did not react to Fluke's response at all. She was her own kind of crazy, and she had her fun with it. As Ruskalii approached she could see he was no evil man. Just one in great pain. His sudden statement caught her off guard, and she almost went on the defensive in response. She was pretty certain that he completely believed what he stated. That kind of conviction if paired with the right kind of person could be a true leader for good or evil.

She giggled at that thought. "So, I have three days to live! I wonder what I can do with that kind of freedom? Well, there are a lot of ways to live. Just as many as there are to die. I wonder, how do you want to live? How do you want to die?" She then shifted her tone from playful to serious. "I can tell you have a great amount of love for your people. After all, what kind of person is willing to commit social suicide for their peers? We live in a stable time. Who wants to hear a message of doom? Would you listen to your own message in the way you've delivered it today?"

Listener remembered a time when her mother told her never to talk philosophy with a madman, and yet here she was. A smile curled up her lip as she remembered at the same time she never truly listened to her parents. She always moved to the beat of her own drum.
Allanon panted as he cleaned off his dagger. As his adrenaline petered off he felt fatigue wearing on him. How long had he been fighting? Even for someone used to marathon battles now that he was past his prime, Allanon could tell his endurance was beginning to fall. He knew the time would come eventually. There was a reason many assassins and warriors were retired by his age. At least those that did not use magic to enhance their abilities. Still, for someone his age he still had far more endurance than the average warrior.

He took a deep breath and exhaled as he waited for the lava to cool down. After steadying his breath he smiled as he looked at Chihiro. "Well fought, Inquisitor. He went down easier than expected. I imagine that was thanks to you." He had never seen a naga before, and so he had no idea what she was capable of.

Allanon turned his head for long enough to assess the situation around him. He noticed Kistal had defeated the puppet, and Bidzil and the girl were still safe. "Looks like all is clear. Let's rescue the prisoners." He paused as he looked at the cooling ground. "Well... it looks like I may have to wait a little bit first." He chuckled. Crossing over the still hot ground would prove to be a lot more dangerous now that he was beginning to experience his drop in adrenaline.

He looked at the ladder as fire scorched up it. Even if it were still in any condition to be used he likely would not be able to pole vault back. Now that the battle had wound down and the bandit leader was slain any surviving bandits would likely have no will to fight the overpowering force that ripped through them and killed their leader. He wanted to go a bit quicker, but at this point slowing down would be okay. He was not alone, and the others were more than capable of freeing the prisoners of the bandits. Hopefully, the girl he came to rescue and bring back to her father in Portea was alive and well.
Hmmm... I'm going to have to think about my response here. That is an interesting statement he just made. I am intrigued.
Late? No you posted precisely when you meant to.

Listener totally is down to verbally spar with Fluke.
Listener giggled at Fluke's attitude. She was reminded of a boy she played with in her travels with her parents. He was rude just like Fluke, but it was because he couldn't be honest with his feelings. "Oh, I'm not that far." She kept a lighthearted and playful tone.

"Hey, how about a little reconnaissance, ah?" Fluke hollered, swinging his feet in the air. "Looks like Ruskali's kinda fed up with yelling at everybody right now, he might head home and he can't do that until we're done. Or else maybe he knows something he hasn't shouted to everyone in a ten-mile radius. Or help Listener with her wooden leg! Where'd Iris go?! She got eaten I bet. All ten feet of her. Whoever's backing up Cedar better get your guns out. Who's going around the other way?!"

"Y'know," Listener commented. "Fluke, you really need to step up your smack talk game. Unless you're trying to be cute. It's okay though, I'll play with good ol' Ruski. You can keep up your color commentary. You're great at it."

She was totally fine with taking jabs back at Fluke with a playful tone. She got herself into a position to intercept Ruskalii. She already had a few ideas on how to interact with the sad madman.
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