Avatar of DudeTheRabbit
  • Last Seen: 6 mos ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 32 (0.01 / day)
  • VMs: 0
  • Username history
    1. DudeTheRabbit 9 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

8 yrs ago
Current Welp, it's officially 2016 over here. Happy New Years, folks.
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8 yrs ago
Don't you just love it when you get writer's block halfway through writing a sheet? FML
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9 yrs ago
Nobody's going to give a damn, you have to go out and take it.


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Most Recent Posts

Totally interested. I'll try to get a Character Sheet up and running in a jiffy.
In Yo! 9 yrs ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
How's it going, folks? Name's Rabbit and as you can see, I'm new here. Already read the rules and all that, so no need to worry about little ol' me doing anything wrong or weird. Oh and before I go any further, I must point out the fact that English is not my First language, so excuse me if I make any mistakes in this post or all the other posts to come. Now with that out of the way, let me tell you guys and gals a little bit about myself:

I'm basically just your average 14 y/o kid from a country somewhere in Southeast Asia. I enjoy writing, listening to obscure indie music, playing vidya games and browsing the internet for the dankest of memes. Most people consider me to be very mature for my age, so that's a plus. I'm a friendly enough guy who's willing to socialize with just about anyone.

Now, for the serious part: Though religion is usually looked down upon in the Interwebz, I'd like to point out the fact that I'm a pretty devout Muslim. For this reason alone, I tend to avoid religious debates and religious discussions in general because I usually get a lot of flak for just being a Muslim. I'd like to point this out so that people who dislike (or just outright hate) Muslims can avoid me from early on. I'm really hoping that the none of the good people of RPGuild are like that :)

As for my RPing history, I first started Forum Role-playing about 4 years ago when I was still very young and when the horrors of the internet has yet to corrupt me. My first RP was an Elder Scrolls RP which I joined without any knowledge on how to actually RP properly. Fortunately for me, the people there were very kind and they taught me a lot about RPing and writing in general. I'm pretty flexible when it comes to RPs and I'm pretty much down for just about any type of RP, though I am particularly fond of post-apocalyptic, Sci-fi, Fantasy and Medieval RPs. My English is still very much far away from being perfect, but I tend to write several paragraphs per post. My posting frequency is still somewhat sporadic so please excuse me if I suddenly disappear for a few days without posting. I never abandon RPs, but my infrequent posting has caused one or two RPs to slow down considerably. Do keep that in mind when considering whether or not you want to let me join RPs. I don't want to disappoint you folks.

Anyways, that's pretty much it. Sorry for the somewhat boring Intro, but I hope all that would inform you all of everything you need to know about me. Feel free to ask me anything if you got a question, though. Looking forward to RPing and socializing with you all!

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