Avatar of EchoesofOld
  • Last Seen: 6 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 66 (0.02 / day)
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    1. EchoesofOld 8 yrs ago


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6 yrs ago
Current Welp. Kinda left cause all the games I joined died off. Turns out I got that real bad RP itch. So...I guess I'm back. Hi guys.
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6 yrs ago
So apparently Kryptonite by 3 Doors Down is considered classic rock now...
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6 yrs ago
So there's a Pink Floyd Laser Show coming to town. Ahm gettin hyped. :D
6 yrs ago
Hmph. So all the RP's I'm in either died or I've lost interest in. Back to the drawing board, I suppose. Anyone has any suggestions, I'm game for just about anything at the Casual-Advanced level...
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6 yrs ago
Warframe has released an update with even bigger and meaner monsters to hunt. 10/10, would hunt again.


Hi there! I'm Echoes of Old, and honored that you're choosing to waste your time in my tiny little corner of the internet.

I'm a long time RPer that got my start right here on this site WAAAY way back, dabbling in forum RPs here and there, on this site and others, before transitioning to Star Wars: The Old Republic, where I RPed primarily as Kyyrk-Xho Verros on the Ebon Hawk server (when I wasn't raiding or carrying my RPer-only friends through story content).

These days I spend most of my time working, playing Warframe, or RPing. Feel free to drop a message and say Hi, and happy writing out there!

Most Recent Posts

I figured as much, but you know what they say about assuming and all that. I'mma see if I can cobble together a CS and get that last spot yall have. I'm thinking I might base heavily off of, if not entirely recycle, an old character that never got to see the light of IC that focused around Drones and the tinkering thereof. More or less a guy that just scrapes together whatever scrap he can find to keep his lil' buddy going, and otherwise takes whatever job he can find that pays well enough for him to eat, legal or not.

EDIT: Just took a peak at the character sheets tab and saw that his MO more or less matches your character, so....yeah, gonna at least find something else to be his defining trait, if not rework that entirely. But like I said, i'll see what I can come up with.
This seems like something that might be up my alley. Though I do have to clarify, short term goal here is getting aboard the E-6? And I would assume that seats are limited, and our characters wouldn't be on the guest list?
Ashley was the first to jolt awake. He stumbled to his feet as fast as he could. He squinted out across the water, mind reeling at the sudden change in scenery. Home didn't have a beach. More to the point, he never cared for beaches. Too much sand, too much sun. He'd hardly ever go to the beach, let alone fall asleep on one. Must have been one hell of a party. No, but that wasn't it, he wasn't much the party going type either. He turned to pick up the towel he was presumably sleeping on, and noticed the jungle. New York City definitely didn't have one of those.

Then it dawned on him. He wasn't at home. The riot. He'd broken his one rule, and agreed to publicly join the resistance during the riot. He had to, his friends were getting mowed down in the streets. So how did he end up here? He looked around the beach, and noticed that he was not alone. Three girls. Two males. Couple of suitcases. He considered the scene for a moment, then trudged towards the nearest suitcase. None of this made sense. He should be dead right now, but he wasn't. Ashley picked up the suitcase, and dragged it behind him, pulling it towards the shade of the nearest tree. Then, he went back for the other two.

He thought about trying to wake the others, but decided against it. They were sure to have questions too, and Ashley wanted answers. He cracked open one of the suitcases and began digging through it. It didn't take long for him to begin piecing together the clues. The beach curved out of sight in either direction, suggesting they were on a peninsula, or an island. The suitcases were packed with supplies, meager though they might have been. This wasn't an execution, no point in leaving supplies for dead men. Waste of good supply. No, someone had intended for them to wind up here. Ashley paused, sitting down in the sand around the base of the tree, and leaning back against it to look out at the others, some still lying in the sand, others beginning to show the first signs of life. Ashley had devoted his life to writing and language. He was even passable at it. And in spite of his vast knowledge, there was no term he knew more appropriate to mutter under one's breath whilst being crushed by the unfathomable weight of reality: "Shit..."
Aw yiss. Imma get Ashley's relationship thing updated to account for Veronica then I'll make a post. Assuming I dont fall asleep before then...
Kyyrk-Xho Verros

"When the galaxy is naught but ash and ruin, we shall know peace."

Personal Information

Name: Kyyrk-Xho Verros
Age: 92 at time of death
Gender: Male
Species: Miralukan

Appearance Information

Height: 1.8 / 2.2 meters
Eye Color: N/A
Hair Color: Black

Robes and Armor


Kyyrk-Xho Verros was born to wealthy parents on Alpheridies, adoptive home-world of the Miralukan species. Little record exists of his early years, but it has been confirmed that he was inducted into the Luka Sene, tasked with the discovery and destruction of harmful relics that may seduce Miralukans to the Dark Side, before ultimately succumbing to one such relic. A spirit residing inside the relic overpowered Kyyrk's spirit, and took control of his body, driving him to murder the entire population of the city housing the relic. His wife and partner stopped him, but nearly lost her own life in the process. The Spirit's hold on Kyyrk was broken, but the damage it had dealt to his mind was irreversible.

Kyyrk was treated by the best medics the Luka Sene had to offer, but was ultimately deemed unfit for continued service. The healing process left his mind broken and amnesiac. He was moved to a small apartment on Nar Shadda, and placed under strict surveillance by the Luka Sene. He was given a new identity, and a new life. And for a time, he was happy. This did not last, however. Kyyrk became struck with wanderlust, and used his considerable earnings from work as a local Hutt's chief enforcer to explore the galaxy. The now primal instinct to hunt out threats to his own species began to resurface. But there was a sinister voice haunting his every move.

Eventually, Kyyrk's memories began to resurface, though tainted by the trauma he had sustained earlier. He began to think that he had been a father to a happy family here on Nar Shadda, but one of the relics he returned home with caused him to lose control, and slaughter his wife, and three daughters. He quickly succumbed to despair, ceasing his treasure hunting in favor of drowning himself in decadence, fathering three more children with various mothers.

One day, Kyyrk felt a calling. He was supposed to travel to Yavin Four. His close friend, and mother of two of his children, urged him to go, thinking it would help improve his state of being. So, on her insistance, Kyyrk departed for Yavin Four. This began a chain of events that would forever change Kyyrk's life. Kyyrk arrived to Yavin Four to find a cave, housing a prisoner, locked away from the galaxy for nearly three centuries. Kyyrk freed her, And took her back to civilization. Sabryna, the seemingly young yet ancient prisoner in a world entirely foreign to her, stuck close to Kyyrk, who helped care for her. In return, she began to teach him how to use the Force, which he had forgotten almost in its entirety. It did not take long for Kyyrk and Sabryna, to fall in love, conceive a child, and get married. The child, a Miralukan and Human halfbreed, was named Cortrin. Shortly after Cortrin's birth, Sabryna fell ill. Her stasis had not held her prisoner to punish her, but to heal her. Kyyrk took her back to the cave on Yavin, and said his goodbyes, promising that he would be there when she awoke.

Sadly, this was not to be. Kyyrk was gravely wounded in an accident with a landmine while on Balmorra. His iron will, and strength in the Force, was the only reason he survived. His legs had been torn off in the blast, and so Kyyrk was fitted with prosthetics. His rescuer was a Sith Pureblood, named Darth Thalak. He told Kyyrk that his strength was impressive, and that Kyyrk was to be commended for having survived where many would have died. From that day forward, Kyyrk was trained as a Sith, and quickly rose to prominence in the ranks of the Sith, despite his alien heritage. Shortly after the Rise of the Hutt Cartel on Makeb, Kyyrk was given his first mission. He was to infiltrate the ranks of a suspected band of deserters, and assess their loyalty to the Sith Empire.

The organization was a clan of Mandalorians, honor bound warriors, or so Kyyrk had heard. Their leader, Jyseria, was known to surround herself with powerful beings she could shape and mold to her will. Kyyrk gained her attention by interceding on behalf of an apprentice in a power struggle with another Sith. The ensuing fight nearly leveled the entire station, but Kyyrk ultimately proved victorious. Soon after, he was given instruction to travel to Tatooine. It was here that he met Jyseria, who agreed to take him in and train him.

He was entrusted to the care of her lover, soon to be husband, Erebus, a minor Sith Lord that was far more concerned with his wife than his new apprentice. Kyyrk, with no thanks to his new "master," flourished, taking the teachings of the Mando'ade, and incorporating them into his own beliefs as Sith. He began to push the boundaries of his new post, challenging the authority of his new "master," eventually starting a heated dispute between the two. To Jyseria's amusement, Kyyrk proved to be more confident in his identity as Sith than Erebus, going so far as to leave Erebus with things to ponder about his own worth as a Sith.

During this time, Kyyrk met a fellow apprentice named Arvalker, a Sith Pureblood entrusted to another Lord in Jyseria's entourage. The two became close over the years, and forged a bond that was unusual among Sith. Kyyrk and Arvalker trusted each other implicitly, and grew to become the clan's two greatest swordsman, only to be bested by the other. Kyyrk's adherence to his master's teachings soon bore fruit, however, and he was granted his trial to become a Sith Lord.

The now Lord Verros defeated the challenge with a disturbing degree of ease. Kyyrk sought time soon after to speak with Darth Thalak, his true master, and he was granted the title of Lord officially. Thalak stated that he had full confidence in Kyyrk to prove himself worthy of the title. In no time at all, Kyyrk was placed in charge of the Sith under Jyseria's control, in spite of a number of Darths clearly outranking him. His ruthless approach earned him few friends, however, and Jyseria even staged an uprising against him to remind him of his place. This, however, is exactly what Kyyrk wanted. With her willingness to take Sith Matters into her own hands, Kyyrk had all the evidence he needed to level an accusation against her.

Kyyrk's status as a Miralukan offered him certain advantages among the Sith. Given that his sight was based purely through the Force, he was far more difficult to deceive than other Sith, and often saw minor visions of the future. Because of this, he hardly ever lost a battle, unless it was part of some greater plan. His first true conflict was against a Sith by the name of Cornellius, who sought to dismantle Jyseria's clan, as he recognized them as the threat to the empire that they were. While Kyyrk was able to handle himself exceptionally during this nearly six-month conflict, he knew it was his first step into a wider world. A world he needed to prepare for.

Work began on the first of his hallmark weapons. A suit of armor made up of Durasteel, paired with a Cortosis weave in the chest, arms, and boots to boost his defense against lightsabers. He called this first suit the Vindicator. It was the basis of many sets to come. Soon after, Kyyrk did what precious few other Sith have done. He forged his own lightsaber. His first blade was nothing special, but it was his. And in forging it, Kyyrk realized he had never felt more alive.

As time went on, Kyyrk became the most fearsome combatant in Jyseria's clan, and was often called upon to settle disputes through honor duels on the clan's behalf. While a gross misuse of his abilities, Kyyrk said nothing, instead biding his time, and taking what his duels taught him, and improving his own ability. In time, an old lover of Jyseria's returned, expecting his position as head of the Sith to be returned to him at a moment's notice. Jyseria refused, however, enraging the elder Sith. He crossed Kyyrk at every opportunity, and lashed out whenever he was able. Eventually, he challenged Kyyrk to a duel for his position. Kyyrk agreed, on the condition that the loser would be cast from the clan, never to return. Kyyrk's opponent was so over confident that he allowed himself to be felled with a single strike.

Soon after, the Galaxy was thrown into disarray with the advent of the Revanite Crisis on Yavin Four and Rishi. Kyyrk was deployed to Rishi to monitor the planet, but did not stay at his post for long. An opportunity was given to join the main force on Yavin, which he immediately accepted. His considerable skill with a lightsaber would have been put to excellent use on the front lines, but Kyyrk declined this position, instead retiring to fight the Republic on another front. Afterwards, reports were discovered of Revanite soldiers being slaughtered by an unknown force when they attempted to take shelter in a cave entrance. Kyyrk allowed this one to survive, provided he spread the word. That cave was not to be touched, lest the same fate befall them. Kyyrk did not linger at Sabryna's cave for long, however, and no record exists of what exactly he might have said to his sleeping wife during their brief visit.

Shortly after the Revanite Crisis had been brought under control, Kyyrk was found by the Luka Sene. He had managed to evade his surveillance all those years ago, but they had found him none the less. And they were displeased with his path down the Dark Side of the Force. They tried to reason with him, bring him back to the light. But Kyyrk was not open to this suggestion, and attacked. He was mortally wounded in the struggle that ensued. So, Kyyrk set a plan in motion. He sent word to Thalak informing him of all he had learned with Jyseria, before finally succumbing to his wounds. But not before successfully transferring his consciousness to a new host.

He spent the next two months in hiding, preparing to return to the galaxy at large. Thalak visited him during this time, and told him that he was truely deserving of the title of Sith Lord, but it was not to be his for long. For after all his exploits, he had garnered the interest of a very powerful council of Sith Lords. When Kyyrk emerged from hiding, he was a greatly different person. Now standing just over seven feet tall, as well as his new body being nearly four decades younger than his original body. Kyyrk crafted a new prototype while in hiding, which he dubbed the Devastator, essentially his former suit of armor, now sized to fit his new host.

When he formally announced that he had survived his fight against the Luka Sene, he was summoned to a space station on the edge of the Dromund Kaas system. The Octarchy Council, led by Darth Katijana, wished to employ his services. Kyyrk accepted this offer, and was placed at the helm of many missions against the Republic and Revanite Remnants alike. His reputation soon began to precede him, and he was known throughout much of the Imperial Homeland. There was, however, one final test.

Darth Katijana, wishing to see the full extent of Kyyrk's prowess, ordered him to dispose of one of her more problematic rivals. Darth Adrastya, the self-proclaimed Butcher of Yavin Four. Kyyrk soon discovered that Adrastya had one fatal flaw: She was far too confident in her own ability. So, Kyyrk exploited this weakness and declared a Kaggath. An ancient Sith custom in which two Sith engage in War against each other, on a planet of the challenger's choosing. Whoever survives is declared the winner, whoever runs is sentenced to death for their cowardice.

Adrastya, while in command of a far superior force, was no match for Kyyrk. He sought her out personally, and brought the Kaggath to a swift and decisive close. In enjoying the spoils of war, he took her personal suit of armor, comprised almost entirely of the legendary Beskar metal, and forged a new suit of armor, the Behemoth. While it would not be the last suit of armor he would create, it was certainly the deadliest. Comprised of Beskar and Cortosis weave, and armed with miniature lightsaber blades mounted on the wrists. The right gauntlet, inspired by his time with the Mando'ade, carried a dart launcher, electronet launcher, and a flame thrower. The left gauntlet, a deployable buckler, with a cortosis weave strong enough to block and deflect lightsaber attacks.

Katijana summoned Kyyrk before the council, and inquired after his success. After learning that the Darth had been no match for Kyyrk, Katijana granted him a seat on the council, and a new name: Darth Voph. Voph soon came to lead the Octarchy Council's navy, and was instrumental in the evacuation of Ziost. Voph soon rose to the rank of High Councilor, though under circumstances he'd rather have avoided. It came to light that three of his fellow councilors, including the then High Councilor Katijana, expressed many heretical beliefs, and were marked for execution by the Sith Inquisitors. Katijana fled to Republic Space, where she lived out the rest of her days in hiding, and Voph was unanimously elected the new High Councilor by the surviving members of the council.

Soon after this, Voph learned that in spite of Thalak's best efforts, Jyseria had survived her execution, and was in hiding. Voph offered his assistance in locating her, which Thalak readily accepted. She was tracked to Tatooine, where Thalak fought Jyseria to a standstill, and might have won, were it not for her allies coming to her rescue. Jyseria was whisked away to her personal cruiser, where her few remaining Sith allies tended to her wounds, and used their skill with the force to hide her presence from prying eyes. Voph, in response, retired to his personal meditation chamber at his compound on Dromund Kaas. When he emerged, he shared that Jyseria was aboard a ship traveling through hyperspace towards Nar Shadda. This newfound ability of his earned Voph a new title: The Archon of Visions

Voph was soon pressed into service again, as he was attacked while on a training sortie to test the capability of his new flagship, The Agonizer. When they arrived at the destination planet of Denova, Voph discovered a full-scale invasion mounted by a foreign nation, the Zakuul Empire. Voph summoned the rest of his fleet with all haste, and initiated a counter offensive, defending Denova long enough to evacuate the planet. Once the planet was secured, Voph took his entire fleet to help battle the impending invasion of the Unknown Regions, establishing the Imperial outpost on Ilum as the line in the sand. Voph lost nearly his entire fleet, and his own flagship was crippled in the ensuing battle.

Voph called for a retreat, but without their hyper-drive, the Agonizer was dead in space. So Voph called a truce with the Republic to fend off the remaining Zakuul cruisers. While successful, the Republic would not pass an opportunity to finish off a crippled Sith Dreadnought, particularly one commanded by Darth Voph. With systems failing all over the ship, Voph retired to his meditation chamber. Reaching out with the force, he tore the Republic Crusier in two, but overextended himself badly enough to lapse into a coma that he did not wake from for nearly three weeks.

In the time he was asleep, his crew patched up the Agonzier, preparing for the long journey to the nearest planet that could offer repairs. Nearly five years travel. When the communications array was finally repaired, Voph immediately sent word to Korriban, home of the Sith Academy. He had intended to make contact with his son, Cortrin, but discovered that his son was in critical condition after an attempt on his life. Voph locked himself away in his chambers for nearly a month after learning that his son was not attacked, but instead had attempted to take his own life. Were it not for the actions of another apprentice, he might have died.

Upon his return, Voph removed his son from the academy, instead seeking to train Cortrin himself. He ordered that The Agonizer begin immediate repair and retrofit, now re-branded officially to The Desolation. The first couple months having rejoined the Empire were uneventful, and comprised primarily of Voph re-establishing contact with the Octarchy Council, and ultimately rebuilding it from the ground up upon learning of it's destruction at the hands of Zakuulan invaders. His second task was to travel with all haste to Yavin Four, where he discovered to his dismay that Sabryna was missing. He did what he could to track her whereabouts, but was unsuccessful.

One day, Voph was in the Citadel, the heart of the Imperial Government, speaking with an ally of his in the Sphere of Laws and Justice, when an all too familiar figure walked through the door. Tenma, the Vice-Minister of Sith Intelligence, and leader of the Black Gauntlet, a special forces intelligence squadron. Voph immediately recognized her as his beloved Sabryna, though the stasis on Yavin Four had destroyed her memory, which would have prevented her from recognizing him, even if he still had his original face. Voph departed shortly after, unable to bring himself to speak with her.

This, however, did not last long. Voph and Tenma became irreversibly entangled in the game of Sith Politics, and frequently spent time together at a number of social functions. Tenma even went so far as to demand private dinners with Voph, in part because of a fascination with him, in part because of an itch he caused in the back of her mind. One day, she learned that Voph had locked himself away in his compound on Dromund Kaas, mourning the loss of his dear friend and brother, the now Darth Arvalker, discovered to be dead after a skirmish with Zakuul forces. Tenma, seeking to comfort him, requested an audience, which was granted.

Voph, meanwhile, had made up his mind to turn Cortrin over to his mother's care, telling her that he had discovered an apprentice that she may take an interest in. Tenma agreed to meet the boy, and retired to her headquarters on Nar Shadda. When she met Cortrin, she could not help but shake the feeling that she knew him from somewhere, and finally inquired as to the boy's parentage. Cortrin told her that he was the youngest child of Darth Voph, and the only force-sensitive of his children, thus making him Voph's heir. Cortrin then broke the news to Tenma. She was overcome with emotion to discover that he was her long lost child, and immediately sought out Voph to confront him.

Ultimately, Voph told Tenma that he struggled with revealing himself to Tenma, as much had changed between the two of them. As a result, Voph formally dissolved the marriage between the two of them, releasing Tenma to pursue her various other lovers that she had accumulated in her time among the Sith. While the two remained on good terms in their personal lives, even going so far as to spend the occasional night together, Voph always secretly harbored feelings of betrayal, and could never bring himself to love Tenma has he once had.

Voph eventually assisted Tenma in the planned assault of the Republic planet of Alderaan, using this as a chance to survey the planet personally, and escape his duties to the Empire for a time. He eventually did return, though with ill tidings. The Republic had dispatched a military force trained to dispose of Sith against them, in retaliation for the attack on Alderaan. Voph was the first to be targeted, when the attackers crashed a Star Destroyer into his compound. Voph survived, but vanished into obscurity. For all intents and purposes, Darth Voph was dead.

In truth, Voph had discovered traces of something on Alderaan. Something disturbing. He needed time to pursue this, unhindered. He established himself as a bodyguard to Tenma, his true identity being known only to them and Cortrin. He used his position to move about the galaxy, unquestioned and unhindered, in search of his new discovery. An ancient relic known as The Key. The very same relic that had affected him decades ago. He could feel it calling to him with every step he took. When he had determined its location, he went to Tenma, recovering from a wound sustained while training Cortrin, and told her that he was leaving her service, perhaps indefinitely. Before leaving, he asked Tenma to promise him that, if required of her, she would make the right choice.

Tenma was greatly disturbed by this shift in Voph's demeanor, and immediately set out tracking him across the galaxy, eventually discovering an operative the Luka Sene had sent to recover him. Tenma captured him, and took him back to Nar Shadda with the intent to question him about Voph's whereabouts. The operative was released, and fled to Belsavis, aided by Cortrin. When Tenma arrived, she was furious, making it crystal clear to Cortrin that crossing her like that again would result in his death. Tenma was ushered in to the Luka Sene camp to speak with The Matron, the leader of this sub-sect of the Luka Sene.

The Matron revealed the extent of Voph's failings to Tenma, and why he had abandoned her to pursue the relic. In truth, it still haunted him. He had never forgiven himself for allowing it to control him as it did, and so he sought to destroy it, knowing the full danger it posed. However, it once again overpowered him, and he was completely and irrevocably under the control of the spirit that resided within. The Matron made one request of Tenma: Should he survive being separated from the relic a second time, he was to be released to her care, and never see the Sith again. Tenma was firmly against this, unwilling to cater to the beliefs of the Luka Sene, and offered no sympathy upon learning that The Matron was the very same woman that and married and saved Voph so many years ago.

This, however, did not sway The Matron, and she continued her full and unconditional support of Tenma's efforts to find and recover Voph. Ultimately, the Luka Sene discover a temple, hidden away on a planet near Ilum. A vision granted to Tenma confirms this to be the hiding place of Voph, so she immediately sends a task-force comprised of her own agents, and as many Darths as she could summon. The task force landed outside the temple, and discovered the truth of Voph's possession.

The Temple was home to an ancient Rakatan Warlord, held prisoner in a stasis device to prolong his life. Voph had been selected via The Key to become his new host. The task force engages in a lengthy duel with Voph, where he single-handedly disables most of the Sith, leaving only Tenma to face him alone. Voph, by far a more skilled swordsman than Tenma, began to easily overpower her, leaving her on the ropes for nearly the entire fight. In a last ditch attempt to save him, Tenma maneuvers herself to beside the Stasis device, and plunges her lightsaber into the chest of the Rakatan within. The shock of death revokes his hold on Voph, but only temporarily.

Tenma rushed to Voph's side, pulling him into an embrace, thinking him to be free of the curse. Voph pulls away from her, his mind reeling at the sudden return of control. Tenma begs him to remember her, and he does, quietly saying how proud he was of the Sith she'd become. Tenma suddenly realizes that they are not alone, when a red blade errupts from Voph's chest, killing him instantly. As his body falls to the floor, Cortrin is revealed to be Voph's killer.

In the days that follow his death, Voph's spirit appears to Tenma, and explains to her why Cortrin killed him. Voph was afraid that Tenma would be too weak, and too blinded by the relationship they had once had, to kill him herself. Cortrin had already succumbed to grief and despair once, and Voph wanted to ensure that Cortrin would be able to endure losing his father a second time. Voph never did reveal his true feelings to Tenma, instead letting her believe that he still loved her. Voph's first wife died shortly after the funeral, though they were denied a reunion in the afterlife. To this day, Voph's spirit remains bound to a holocron in Tenma's possession, a means to create a manifestation in this realm. Voph rarely manifests anymore, save for the times when his son calls upon him for guidance and advice...
On an unrelated note, while waiting for the guild to return, I did a bit of looking in to the conditions the kids would actually be subjected to while on the island. If your pants are far too clean and poopoo free, just remember there's a high chance the kids are sharing the island with this mofo....

And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Site Availability issues followed with him.

But in spite of that I've managed to update Ashley's CS to reflect the newcomers, and a first opinion thereof.

"C'mon, what's the worst that can happen? Not like we're gonna get exiled to a forgotten island or somethi--oh wait."

Personal Information

Name: Ashley "Ash" Wilson
Age: 22
Gender: Male

Appearance Information

Height: 6'1"
Weight: 200 Lbs (Approx)

Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Black

Physical Features:

On the skinny side, but athletic. Scar on his right cheek. Hair thick, but trimmed to rest above his ears and shirt collar. Bangs usually hang hand-brushed to the side. Hair messy at best, and being stranded on an island has not given incentive for a proper brushing. Usually carries himself upright and proud. Not terribly strong, but top notch endurance.


Ashley wears simple clothing. Two pair of jeans, two pair white t-shirts, a flannel button-up (red color), a black zip-up jacket, a pair of hiking boots, and a cheap water-proof wristwatch.

Psychological Information

Personality Traits:

Bitter | Scrounger | Sarcastic | Dreamer | Loyal

Ashley has a rather cynical view of the world, which caused his rebellion in the first place. He knows what he wants, and is willing to burn bridges to make it happen. Comes across as a bit rude to those he's unfamiliar with, and is more inclined to assist them only for personal benefit. Ashley is not entirely heartless, though. Loyal to a fault, and willing to go to great lengths for his friends. In his free time, he's far more concerned with fantasy than he is reality. as he puts it, "I deal with what is all day. I'd rather spend my nights wondering what could be." Ashley spends a fair amount of time tinkering, building, and finding parts for his contraptions in his free time, which ought translate well into trapping while on the island.


Tinkering | Storytelling | Exploring | Reading


Being told the "right" way to think | Sitting Idle | Having to Cook (not his fault he's bad at it) | Unnecessary Quarrels


Country, City:

Outside of New York City, New York


Ashley hoped to be a writer some day. But since he wasn't fond of the idea of merely writing government propaganda, he kept this trait on the down-low, looking for ways to escape to a freer world.


Ashley is good at scavenging and scrapping, as well as improvised tools. Firm believer in the idea that one can fix the world with nothing but Duct Tape, WD-40, and a Hammer. And when he doesn't have those, he follows the teachings of the 1980s concerning one "Mach-Guy-Ver"


Ashley never talks about home much. When he does, he often speaks with disdain. Didn't much care for his family's situation and would much rather be just another face in the crowd. The idea that his family even held a "position of power" in the first place was just one of the first flaws that opened his eyes to the faults of the system. He never took an active part in the uprising, instead using his skills to pass messages and help manage an underground communication network in New York.


Ashley would see Naomi as extremely useful, given her medical ability, but is wary of her argumentative streak.
Ultimately, Ashley is willing to work with Naomi, but is wary of her, as she may be a threat to keeping peace among the exiles.

Ashley firmly believes that Anse truly didn't deserve to be caught up in all this, but here he is. He might do better with a little more initiative, rather than blindly following his twin's lead, but he's not used to a life like this. Ashley would definitely see Anse as someone worth taking under his wing and help him grow accustomed to the wild new world he's been thrown into.

The heart and soul of the Rebellion. Or at least, that's what Ashley tells himself to help keep the peace. Ashley's never been fond of extremism, but desperate times and all that. All in all, Ashley prefers to keep Phil at arm's length, not being particularly drawn to her, but also not willing to let her run rampant. Hot heads like hers may spell trouble for more than just him.

Brod comes across as a run-of-the-mill tough guy to Ashley, in spite of his fondness for animals. Which, depending on severity, may be a bit of a problem. After all, Animals are quite edible. And injured ones are just easier to finish off. Following the general theme, Brod's anger issues are problematic to say the least, but Ashley frequently finds himself working with Brod to improve general quality of life around the exile's camp (building shelters, gathering materials, etc), and frequently consults with Brod's superior knowledge of the outdoors, if only so someone will know what to do should something happen to Brod.

Veronica is perhaps the only exile besides Anse that Ashley doesn't see as problematic.
Her fearfullness and unwillingness to take risks may cause issues down the road, but frankly who wouldn't be scared at a time like this? Her love of books, quiet nature, and not unattractive appearance make her an appealing companion to Ashley. As with Anse, Ashley gets the sense that she's not meant to be here, and was simply at the wrong place at the wrong time.

I'm contractually obligated to inform the class that I'm not picky about candy choices, BUT, a 3 Musketeers bar wouldn't hurt right bout now.

Relationship status with other exiles is based exclusively on a meta knowledge of both characters based on the information presented in character sheets, and may not be 100% accurate as it will take traits and habits into account that may not manifest till well after First Impressions have already been made.

Also, for folks that would like to take the same approach to the Relationships entry as I am, I've used the MediumPurple color, 9370DB.
Aight, found a picture so I'm posting the CS over to the CS tab. I'll keep it updated with first opinions on the other characters as completed sheets become available.
Bah, actually providing reference, bane of my existence... *le sigh*
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