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Excellent, I shall begin working on a character.
I have a few ideas I could spin for this, consider me interested for sure.
Rolan kept half an eye, and a full ear to listen, as more people trickled in and chimed in. Fleuri was quick to remove his armor, and if the city was as peaceful as it was stated to be that should not be a problem. At the very least, the fellow knight had the forethought to keep a blade on him just in case. But, perhaps mildly surprisingly, more people began coming in to add to the number of people crowding the library. First was the loverboy, who was surprisingly not dogging his love interest, though he didn't say that part out loud. He shrugged idly at the mention of light reading, a half smirk on his face as he responded casually enough, not even glancing up from the books.

"Some modest preparation before we depart, though it seems Florian has decided to offer a tour of the city, which I do plan to accept when Fleuri is done disrobing."

Fionn also decided to join the growing group that would be touring the city. Strength in numbers, safety too, even if Florian had stated the city was quite safe, doubly so in the company of the Mirror Knight. He wouldn't be going unarmed, however, and when the changes of clothes were brought in he politely declined to change. He was much more comfortable in his leather armor and cloak, and as the group prepared to make way, he slung his crossbow in a carry similar to a hunter, leaning into an old habit to avert too many questions. Unlikely as they were, with Florian leading the way into Talderia proper. Florian proved to be a deft, skilled host, attention and conversation dancing between the various knights present with natural ease, though Rolan focused any inquiries on practical considerations instead of more fanciful concerns. Apparently the nobility was mostly just idling around the castle, since there was no kingdom to rule. That did make him consider what good the nobility even was, broadly speaking, given it didn't strike him as too different than normal.

"I assume that Prince Erion would wish to meet the currently present as well, then?"

@Raineh Daze@The Otter@Crimson Paladin@VahkiDane
"I haven't forgotten what a person looks like, broadly speaking, I just tend to forget things are cleaner here. Never was much of a city person, out in the country was far preferrable."

Adjusting the clasp on his cloak, he made sure everything on hand was in good shape to head out and see the sights. Of course, he had no intention of changing or leaving any of his gear behind. Never knew when things would become problematic, and when you would need your gear. Even if death lacked penalty, he was not in the mood to be testing that unless he had to. He died plenty enough in the first dream for his liking. Besides, despite being 'just people', effectively every problem he ever had, does, or will deal with was because of people, so that didn't exactly instill confidence, though he wouldn't show that of course.

"I'll stay here until we are ready to depart for the city. The maps might be worth less than I would have liked, but I am sure I can find something of value while waiting."

Rolan turned back towards the scattered maps on the table, tidying up a bit before starting to dig through more practical books. If the east was anything, broadly speaking, like it was in the waking world than he could look into what would be useful for survival and living off the land in said climate. He didn't assume the luxury of always operating out of Candaeln, especially if they, as a group, were going to be marching 'off the map', as it were, so being able to forage and identify anything of value survival wise would be useful. Living out in the woods as a single person wasn't the trickiest, providing for a warband would be....harder. Better to be prepared early, and supplement anything they took with them with forage on the march.

Rolan furrowed his brow when it was mentioned that they tour the city of Talderia. The city was in good order? Things were prior to the city sinking into the ground and becoming an eternal monster producing hole in the ground, and hearing that the dead legend knights, at least the Mirror Knight, had no idea of any of this sort of punched a hole in the theory that had been developing. Still, if the city was a resource and not a hurdle, well, all the better to get a grasp on what it could provide. "Considering my current theories hold about as much water as an paper sieve, a tour of Talderia would be a good first step."

Allowing the attention to shift to Fleuri, using the chance to gather more information. The Mirror Knight knew Fleuri, that implied the dream fights that, apparently, they had collectively had were remembered by the dead legends. That meant, should he cross paths with Parvan again, well, he would have to actually hold a conversation and trade blows and barbs. That was a concern he would need to mull over at a later time, as it was reiterated that the Mirror Knight had offered a tour of Talderia. Knowing the city before its fall, before its tragedy, could prove to be rather useful. The suggestion to remove one's armor almost brought a scoff from Rolan. One advantage to not prancing around in heavy armor all the time made it easy to shift from combat to patrol, to even wandering around during periods of downtime, without too much need to change things up that much. Still, another Rose would be very welcome, especially if Fleuri already had a rapport of sorts with the Mirror Knight.

"Commentary on attire aside, it is probably a smart idea to not wander off without at least someone else from our merry little band of those hand picked for additional training. Safety in numbers, as they say."

@Crimson Paladin @Raineh Daze
Rolan glanced when someone he didn't immediately recognize asked him about his confusion over the maps. Once he registered the....outfit that the individual was wearing, he quickly was able to put two and two together. Florian, the Mirror Knight, with a Hundi hanging off his arm that was probably Raya? He wasn't going to ask, frankly, it was all too vague for his liking already. Guessing after notoriously androgynous individuals wouldn't get him anywhere, not that it mattered to him frankly, he nodded after a moment's thought. "Putting it nicely, yes. I was hoping to spot something that would make sense for a destination other than Talderia, but that doesn't seem to be the case."

Sure, Cyrus had mentioned the other legend knights of old were around, but if Rolan had to admit, he wouldn't have expected one to simply waltz in and start talking shop like they were old allies. Rolan would never admit it, but he knew when he was out of his league, and no matter what the Witch-Knight went on about, he knew when he was out of his element. But no point in admitting that, none at all, and he was questioned on whether he was looking for specifics or general layouts, before being given an offer to be shown around. "Initially, I was looking to see what could be exploited, but given the maps are, well, useless beyond a few consistent details, general lay of the land was the second plan. I need to do some scouting before reporting back to the knight-captain, so I won't turn down someone more familiar with the way this place is laid out offering a tour."

Rolan hadn't missed the slight change in the phrasing of being shown around, but if Cyrus had been truthful, the legend knights had all agreed to help out. He didn't know how long they were supposed to take for getting out of this place, and from the sound of it time didn't progress the same here as it did elsewhere. While pondering the realm, a thought crossed his mind. Had the legend knights used the exact same training to prepare themselves when they didn't have the luxury of time to train. It wasn't like he ever had the time to dig through Candaeln's library back in the modern Thaln, then again, he never had the reason to. Now he did, once they were out of here, to use as much time as he could there to educate himself on, well, quite a few topics now. "Correct me if I am wrong, but the Witch-Knight seemed to be familiar enough with this whole arrangement, enough so that one might even think she's done this before."

@Raineh Daze
"Right, good to see some things remain constant. You know where to find me when we are ready to march."

Rolan was quick to make for the library once it was pointed out that there were indeed plenty of maps to be found there. He hadn't considered that, frankly, given he wasn't certain anything beyond what they could see existed, let alone was detailed enough for inspection. But finding the library was not hard, heading through the appropriate door and making his way there in relatively short order. He didn't know for how long they would be at this particular Candaeln before marching on the brilliant marble city. That was the most confusing landmark of all, quite frankly, nothing of the sort existed in the real world. Not anymore, at any rate, but that was neither here nor there. Gods willing he would find a map that would help clarify matters. Sure enough, once he was in the library it did not take much digging to turn up several maps, laying them all out on a clear table and starting to go over them, locating Candaeln relatively easily. Of course, that was the only thing that was going to be easy about any of this as it was about to turn out.

"...Right, so if this is Candaeln, this direction should be.... No, wait, hang on that doesn't quite align right. Not that it should, this isn't the real world, but significant landmarks don't just up and warp like that..."

Rolan's voice quietly trailed off, already muttering under his breath as he paused, and started aligning the maps to compare side by side instead of simply referencing back and forth. None of of this made any damn sense. Besides a landmark or two, none of the maps agreed at all on the broader scope of the land at all. There was also the fact that, according to every single one of these maps, that gleaming citadel city of white marble was Talderia?! Nonsense, that place wasn't a grand edifice of architecture, it was a blasted hole in the ground that spewed abominations and swallowed fools. Someone had tried to hire him to go look for someone who had been fool enough to go into that wretched hole, and he couldn't have left town much faster if he had tried. The talk of that sinkhole was never good, even when discussing what could be found there, and that was leaving out every problem that ever spawned from that place. One could dedicate an entire knightly order to containing and cordoning the place off, and it still wouldn't be enough on its own. That hole of a ruin couldn't possibly have been a towering edifice of architectural wonder, could it?

Even ignoring all that, if Rolan was a betting man, his coin would be on one simple fact. The ruination of Talderia would be waiting for them in that splendid view that they had seen returning to ground, and they had no other options in where to go, or even to attempt to go around it. The maps couldn't agree on where anything was except their destination, some of them even scrawling an entire region vaguely as 'Akitsushima?'. He had been hoping the maps would provide, well, something of an answer. He was left with a hell of a lot of questions and the unfortunate fact he had confidently identified their destination. He couldn't just go wandering back quite yet, and begun digging through the library for any information he could find that would prove useful, routinely returning to the table full of maps and other documents, his constant confidence even more of a mask than usual. The more information he had on how this particular space worked, the better, and when the time came he was sure someone would come looking for him. Or he would hear violence, and know it was time to get moving. Not like they had a particular rush to get into right now or anything, by the Witch-Knight's own words, they would return but a few minutes at worst past when they had been pulled here.
Oh no, this again.

Rolan would have started quite vocally complaining, despite his usual airs of confidence and collected self, if it wasn't for the fact his whole hearted griping quite literally caught in his throat as the young, icy eyed girl began to speak. Things started making some semblance of sense as she elaborated on recent events. Handpicked Roses, cast into a dream sequence of training that condensed what could not be done in real life over the span of a night's sleep. He begrudgingly had to concede it made good sense to take advantage of a period of time that most times could not be used, even if, personally speaking, spending what was assumed to be a nightmare sequence fighting increasingly impossible foes alone. Apparently they had all passed her initial evaluation, though some tidbits of information given away lingered in his head as he glossed over the less important babbling.

Tyaethe was already skilled enough to not be dragged into this, a fair statement on its own, but what was more notable was not subjecting her to this, not being so cruel as to do so. That gave this place more reality, a more grounded understanding, of the past most likely, warped as it no doubt was for this contest. He'd have to prod the more learned of them, the Captain maybe, about the past, might give them an edge to look into what had happened before. Second, a blonde set of twins were quite literally tossed in their general direction, with a broom, and mention of a 'little sister' thinking her apprentice needed some more experience, and they needed more magic. That...Rolan would not comment on, even if he could mouth off like he wanted to right now. Magic was foreign to him, anything he did alchemically was firmly grounded in nature, but there were far too many questions about the....blondes dumped into their metaphorical laps to really muse on that any further.

What he most certainly did not appreciate was being dropped rather unceremoniously through the clouds and downwards. While his gut and sense of balance screamed bloody murder at him, Rolan focused the reasonable part of his brain on what he could see as they descended. Brilliant marble white city, empty green plains in every other direction, and of course the city was squarely in the way of their escape. Escaping was far too simple, and it would be pointless to assume he could just range ahead and slip out unscathed. More problematically, there was no promises that if one of them made it out, that it meant all of them made it out. That meant someone had to stay behind to make sure no one got stuck before being last to leave, and knowing how the last dream sequence of a training session went? No way there was a golden archway, complimentary snacks, and a fond pat on the back before shuffling back to what was real. Or, well, he assumed was real. For all he knew this was multiple layers deep and they had been blatantly lied to. Not like any of them was given the luxury of asking questions.

"Well, this answers what I was going to do, asking around about a certain dream that is. Leaves far too much unanswered, mind you..." The Knight-Captain looked unsteady, making a general statement about needing to move out. Well, yes, Rolan supposed that they had no other luxury besides moving forward. Not like wandering off in any of the other vaguely defined directions would do them any good at this point in time. He didn't know how long they had before hunger and exhaustion set in, assuming they did at all beyond combat exertions, which meant he would be keeping a sharp eye out for supplies. Game, fresh water, the sort of things a war party living off the land might need. It kept his mind grounded and not wandering too much, since there was little time allowed for any sort of questioning or gathering of thoughts as they marched, a most peculiar sight arose.

Candaeln, the Iron Rose base of operations, technically his home too. Not the same one mind, lacked a lot of what one expected to see laying around, and he had to hazard a guess that this was a past, simpler version of the place. The comment on cruelty towards a long lived vampire rang in his head again, and he began running the geography of the kingdom through his head again, working off memory right now. If this was Candaeln, of a sorts, then they could look at the current, modern age to guess at what this place held. Rolan was utterly convinced this was an amalgamation of the past right now, though his train of thought was interrupted by the sight of another legendary figure. Another dead one, mind, but here stood Cyrus the Hammer, as if he hadn't been dead many generations over by now. Right, he was kind of getting tired of legends walking out of the past to 'train' the present, but he didn't exactly get a say in the matter did he?

"Right, living legends all over again. Anyone got a map, I have a theory that I need to check. There have been too many tidbits of information that I think are going to add up to something peculiar. Or I am a completely wrong, who knows." Rolan wanted to compare what they had seen coming down, coupled with being in Candaeln, with the current state of things. That might just give them an inkling of what they were dealing with, or at least could hazard a safe guess. Even a slight bit of planning ahead meant a damn sight more than gawking at a man who could probably carry the assembled Roses without breaking a sweat, and break any number of them nearly as easily, and he would save that gawking for when he wasn't in the middle of trying to escape another damn dream. He didn't even remember going to sleep this time, which was what would have really annoyed him if he dwelled on it for too long.
Alright, with the Master sorted, its Servant time.

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