Avatar of Eleventhfret
  • Last Seen: 5 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 184 (0.06 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Eleventhfret 9 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

8 yrs ago
Current I love creators who inspire me. Be it writers, painters, or musicians. Being inspired is a power, a light to scare away the shadows of depression and anxiety.
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8 yrs ago
This is the sooouuund of my soul.
8 yrs ago
"I'll clean the house after this chapter." Four chapters later. "...Shit."
8 yrs ago
Storm Front is the best thing to have ever happened to me. Such a tasteful use of magic, Jim Butcher's sexy ass writing style, I'm in love.
8 yrs ago
Kiss them for me always make me feel nostalgic. Maybe because my mom blasted it in my tweenie years. Same with any song on Siamese Dream.
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Sup mortals? How's it hanging?!

Facts: I like food, music, and good smelling hair. I disappeared, I'm back. For good. I never sleep, timezones mean nothing to me. Girrafes are the shiz. I'm a weeb. I play rhythm and lead guitar, bass, and drums, and i sing. All self taught.

Stuff; Royale is an amazing band, they make yachtmetal. My cat has the spirit of a grizzly. Karl Pilkington is a genius. One Punch Man is hype as hemlock yo! That's all. Go sleep now

Most Recent Posts

I'm looking for a small group, 3-4 people to start a roleplay about a band with musical instruments, living in a small apartment, trying to save their town from the nearly everyday monster attacks, pay rent on time, and have as much fun as possible while doing it. Lemme know if that sounds interesting.
Yeah, gimme 20 mins@TheWindel
"I don't know why it would..." Harley eyed Solanne curiously for a moment before shrugging. Harley looked back at his tail, grinning boyishly as he made it swish and whip around. "I can show you how it works." Harley said with a mischievous, perverted lick of the lips. He was sure he'd get punched for it, but it was worth it in his demented little brain. Harley looked at the tree that was providing his shade, grabbing a leaf idly from it and picking it apart piece by piece as he spoke, "Hey, sugartits, wanna go for a walk?"
Harley squinted, glaring at her quietly for a brief moment before nodding, and with a sudden (insert appropriate sound effect here)!!!, he teleported to Hazel's room. He got a throbbing headache shortly thereafter, incredibly surprised that he teleported exactly where he wanted to from so far away. He probably wouldn't be able to do much long-distance teleporting for a while, but his other magic was still stronger than ever. Harley's eyes widened when he realized how he was able to teleport so precisely, and he almost shouted out, but instead flashed a wink at Hazel and said, "Have fun you two." Then disappeared in a whirl of smoke, reappearing next to the other redhead, Solanne. "Hey there, how's it going Sugarlips?" He asked the woman casually with a crooked smile, tail waving slowly back and forth.
I think Lion and Raven should fight to the death. Also Rabbit had a sex change, because transgender robots.
Kurapika, I THINK he was a mage, it's been years
"Great, that's exactly what I wanted to hear. Hey, unless some monster requires slaying, I've got a day planned." Harley indeed had a day planned, however, it was very secret, and he wanted to catch up with the others soon, after all, they were his teammates. Even though Solomon sucked ass, and Ama was a bitch, he mainly wanted to go talk to Solanne. "So, wanna be getting back soon, then? Or we could hang out here and have a bit of fun? Let the fire of passion burn?" He offered casually, flashing Hazel a wink.Crap, What if she accepts but accidentally burns everything? Or burns me for suggesting? Too late, I guess. He leaned over whispering softly into her ear, deciding not to assume the worst. "Nobody has to know.." in an almost sing-song tone.
Anybody else reminded of the mage from Hunter x Hunter when thinking of Ama?
Dude, I just wanna rip her guts. Honestly, don't we all?
JEEZ, it's 3:31 AM, and I'm just sitting lying here, typing.

Also, is Mari not deliciously depraved?
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