Avatar of Elite Minor


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4 days ago
Current Steve is interdimensional and multiversal (teleporting between MC dimensions and worlds and servers) so Kirby's stomach does more or less nothing
1 like
4 days ago
I'm not playing favorites here by saying Steve. I'm just going with what the maths say
4 days ago
/kill instant victory
4 days ago
4 days ago
Sorry, but compared to Steve Kirby is fodder


Heyo, I'm Elite Minor, but you can call me Elite (or Minor! lol)
I'm into both fantasy and Sci-Fi
I have pretty decent experience in roleplay.
I'll happily join in any roleplay, but nothing too weird.

Most Recent Posts

In the words of Wheatley, "Adopted fatty. Fatty fatty no parents."
Gotta try harder than that!
Robots are mean
Yet yours is not the last
Wouldst thou liketh to joineth a PM?
Hey there friendo! It is absolutely wonderful to meet ya. :3
This is probably closed, but imma post here in case it isn't
I actually have a dryad guy as a character. His name is Iphy
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