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Burthstone said
Heh, I remember that quest. However, while normally I'm inclined towards the arcane, the most magical thing that could possibly happen in this RP would be meeting an Akin'Is, which is most likely NOT going to happen. (And BTW, I have updated the gods/goddesses section.)

I updated my CS. I haven't bothered with the arcane yet, it hasn't struck my interest much. Molag Bal's quest gets on my nerves sometimes because if you tell him that you see 'An Altar' you have to rescue the guy from a HUGE forsworn camp, but if you say you see 'A Rusted Mace' you only have to go to a small forsworn camp which consists of only two forsworn. I wish you could interact with the Altar more though, performing rituals would be a nice add on. Namira's quest was pretty awesome too since you get to become her champion, dunno why but I seem to always be attracted towards the EVIL side of things eventhough I've been raised quite the opposite lol
Burthstone said
Heh, I played Skyrim for a bit, but I never got entirely into the RPG aspect of it, just played it for the mechanics, story, and quests. Might go back and play it more. I plan on adding one or two more gods/goddesses today some time, one of which being Avos, god of fear.

I find quests fun until I get one that I can't beat and it ends up ticking me off. If you want to try getting the Mace of Molag Bal you need to go to Markarth, talk to the guy that gives you the note in the shrine of Talos, and when you go back out there should be a guy standing by a door that asks you if you've seen anyone go into it. Ask him if he needs help and you'll go in with him. Ya gotta kill him after Molag Bal speaks to you. Then when you go to his shrine you get a quest from him. Complete it and you'll get his mace. Its pretty cool looking lol plus it fills soul gems. Avos might end up being my character's god xD fear is fun to toy with
Polyphemus said
I guess it'd be worthwhile to start work on an OOC.

Burthstone said
Thanks, you should see my graphic organizer for Halycon.That is, after this RP, of course.Also, I forgot a couple things in the OP post >.<First two things: Character apps. I forgot the "Personality" and "Role" sections.Second thing: Divitians are considered "Of age" at fifty Divitian years (Ten human years) EXCEPT for Insects, as they only live to be 50/10. I will edit the OP soon to reflect my forgetfulness. As for the gods things, it's a matter of names for me, I can so the realms of control fairly easily however. Not too much you have to change ^-^'

I edited mine ^-^

Most of my characters that I make worship evil-like gods so thats why I haven't decided yet. In Skyrim my characters worship Molag Bal, Namira, or Malacath. Molag Bal is the Daedric god of Domination, Namira is the Daedric goddess of decay (I prefer to call her the goddess of cannibalism because you gain the ability to feed from corpses to up your health in the game), and Malacath is the Daedric god of the bloody curse and sworn oath. I love Skyrim xD
Name: Niivari Vi'saad
Nickname: *Doesn't have one yet*
Gender: Female
Age: 18 human years
Subspecies: Lizard (Namibian Gecko)
Physical Description: Stands around 5'7" has markings Like this and since she can't blink she licks her eyes to keep them moist and to get any water off of her face. Wears a black crop top and black shorts, doesn't bother wearing shoes.
Goddess/God: Avos
Background: Niivari never was the 'good kid' when she was little. She'd always find herself stealing something small from anyone who didn't suspect a thing. As years went by she found herself beginning to steal bigger objects, either for herself, or for someone else that would pay her for it. Due to not wanting to be caught if someone saw her, she practices running and climbing almost everyday, also slipping in some parkour in here and there just for fun, she doesn't need to practice swimming much because her hands and feet are already webbed. Most people can often find her parkouring almost anywhere when she isn't training herself. When she does rest people can find her underneath a shadow or in a dark place while she cools off.
Personality: Niivari can be really fun and energetic, but thats just her 'cover up' for what she's really like. Underneath all that playfulness is her sly, micheivous, and possibly dangerous self. Most don't see this side of her however, those who do are usually the ones who assist her with stealing or the ones that 'hired' her to get the object they want or need. (more will be shown in the IC)
Role: *shrugs* I dunno really, all I can say is that Niivari is a theif (I've been playing Skyrim ALOT and I usually go with a theif way-of-life lol)
Thats all I could think of for now and I FRIKKIN love how much thought you put into all this lol
I think I might be a lizard lol I had a dream about a blue poisonous lizard last night actually o-O
Sounds epic, I'm interested
o-o this sounds pretty epic, I am definately interested. Not sure what I might be yet though
Name: Rhoda Vatucles
Age: 19
Species: Siren (bird type)
Powers: She can use her songs to cause emotions. (fear, love, sadness, excitement, ect. ect.) Her songs can also put people in a trance if she wishes (they can break out of it but it usually takes alot of effort from a friend or ally thats has earplugs in or something to block out her voice). When she screams it often causes people to become lightheaded and possibly pass out. Can talk to birds and see in the dark. And of course she can naturally fly using her wings.
Bio: When Rhoda was young she was fascinated with mythology and witchcraft. She never liked anything that had anything to do with 'reality'. Later in life she learned that her great grandmother was a witch. Knowing that she was of witchblood she began searching for spells. While searching she found one that would enable her to become a creature that matched up to herself. Excited and eager she secretly did the spell when her parents weren't in the house. As months followed she noticed that there were two bumps on her back awfully close to her shoulder blades, and they were really sore. Her hair had also began to thin out and her eyes were changing color. Afraid that her parents would notice what was happening to her she fled from home. While wandering she met a group of other females that said that they would let her stay with them. They took her to what looked like an abandoned hotel, windows boarded up, bricks cracked and worn down by weather, and vines beginning to grow up it. Assuming that they too were runaways she followed them into the building. After a few days of living with them and getting comfortable they revealed that they weren't human and that they could see what she was turning into. Curious she asked them what they were and what she was. They explained that they were all Sirens, and that she too was turning into one. Not all of them were the same type though, one was mermaid-like, another looked nearly human but her eyes were a give-away, and a different one had more earth-like attributes. She, on the other hand, was turning into a bird type of Siren. Upon reaching full transformation she had gained yellow feathers on most of her body, big yellow wings, striking yellow eyes, her nose became more beak-like, and she learned how to manipulate emotions and slight hypnosis through her voice using songs. She also gained the ability to communicate with birds and see in the dark. The group of girls gave her the name Rhoda Vatucles as a way of welcoming her to her new life. Needing to socialize with others, her 'sisters', as she now calls them, sent her to Supernatural HighSchool to learn more and yeah socialize. Eventhough she didn't want to xD
Additional info: Just because she's a Siren doesn't mean she's going to be all sunshiney and try to seduce people lol. Tends to space-out and daydream...A LOT. Has a liking towards coffins, graveyards, bats, crows, the Grim Reaper (he's frikkin awesome), sharp teeth, rain, thunderstorms, the dark, evil clowns (yes I like evil clowns lol it freaks my friends out sometimes xD), and various other creepy and gloomy-like things. Don't try feeding her Bird Seed, you'll get a headache that lasts for months o-o ... I think thats it ^-^
Holy crap that took a while xD
I'm interested! I actually live in Missouri xD but I don't live up in KC, I'm in a hicktown lolz
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