Avatar of Elorwin
  • Last Seen: 7 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Elorwin
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 137 (0.04 / day)
  • VMs: 0
  • Username history
    1. Elorwin 10 yrs ago


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Fey gazed up at the dark structure that stood across from the lake, the lights from its windows twinkling like miniature stars, Hogwarts castle stood tall and proud against the even darker sky. All around her people bustled around, shouts of friends too each other and the racket of a schools worth of owls, cats and toads created a frantic din. Strolling agilely through the crowd Fey carried her barn owl, Duskan, in his cage over to the carriages. She had lost her friends in the scrum but it didn’t worry her, they would find each other at the great hall.

Shivering slightly as a cruel breeze swept down from the mountains that surrounded the castle, Fey reached the carriages and jumped into a free one. It didn’t stay free for very long as three Gryffindor’s also clambered in and the carriage started its rickety ride up to the castle. Fey made a casual motion sweeping her long hair back from her face and took the opportunity to glance around at her carriage mates, they were all in her year, she recognised their faces from some of her classes but they were not on speaking terms. The tension between the two houses was still there, simmering beneath the surface. Fey contemplated that it was actually worse, especially for Slytherin’s, since the fall of he who must not be named, Slytherin’s had been branded as traitors to the free wizarding world. Gryffindor house had been projected into glory as the house of the boy who lived, the one who had saved them all.

“You know, I don’t see why they even let Slytherin’s into the school. We all know they are gutless bunch of dark arts loving freaks. Do you know that some of them are still pure blood, I’m surprised they aren’t inbreed by now.” The girl speaking had dark brown hair and cold eyes which slid onto Fey in her green tinted uniform and then back to her friends as they sounded a chorus of mocking laughter. Fey felt cold all over as her cheeks burned fiercely on her pale skin but she kept her silence and turned her face back to the window, gazing out into the darkness.

They finally reached the entrance hall and Fey leaped out as soon as they stopped, almost running up the steps, the girls cruel barbs still ringing in her ears. Finally making it into the warmth and light of the stone castle Fey breathed a sigh of relief, back home at last. Leaving Duskan in the corner with the other pets she made a small clicking noise at him, which he returned and smiling for the first time since the train Fey caught her name being called from across the room as her friends called over to her.

Name: Fey Adelaide

House: Slytherin

Year: 4

Subjects: All basics, Care of magical creatures, ancient runes and muggle studies.

Blood status: Pure

Hair colour: Pale honey

Eyes: Cornflower blue



It is the Hogwarts of 2015. Harry Potters oldest son is at Hogwarts. Proffesor McGonagall is headmistress and most of the staff are still present, Neville is the Herbology professor, Slughorn is still potions master but this year there is a new defence against the dark arts professor, Proffessor Artemis Fletcher, the first female DA professor since Umbridge.

Hogwarts itself has changed very slightly as after the battle of Hogwarts much of the castle needed to be rebuilt, it combines much of the old with touches of new in the castle.

Hi there, welcome to my thread. Please I would be grateful if you would read what I'm looking for to make sure we will work together.

- Just to add in here I only ever play Female characters as my main player. I am more than up to controlling any NPC's.

I have been out of rping for almost a year now, I moved house six months ago and the stress of it seems to have sapped my muse. I miss rping a lot though and I am looking for a partner to help me get back into the swing of it. I do work full time so I cant post everyday but I will aim for at least once a week.

I write to the advanced level see sample (Open to see):

Things I like to rp, this isn't everything, just a taster:

Mass effect - (Only someone wanting to play Garrus to my F Shep, I want to explore their relationship)


Animal based (Wolf, lion etc)

Romance plots (As in romance is part of the plot not just there for the sake of it)



Lots of animes

+ Many many more things. I am always happy to see if we can work something out, so please either reply here or pm me and we can discuss ideas.

So to sum up:

Person I am looking for:

- Preferably someone who plays advanced level.

- Decent spelling and grammar

- Someone who can write about 2-3 good sized paragraphs.

- Someone who likes posting in the forum as I don't like pm rps.

- Lastly someone who is friendly and understand that we are real people who normally have busy lives and jobs to go to and who doesn't stress if a post takes a little longer.

What I am like:

- I am a slow roleplayer, it may take me 2 weeks to post sometimes. BUT I never abandon a rp, I won't just let it die, I can keep it going even with long wait times. As lets face it we are all real people, who have jobs and home life.

- I will write at least 2-3 paragraphs with depth and description.

- I write in word docs first to keep mistakes to a minimum

- I like to get to know the person I am rping, so if you're looking for a friend as well as a partner I'm your gal ^^

- As above will only play Female characters as my main role.

Please Pm me if interested
Thanks :D
Well I have been gone a while but I am back and looking for players
Artemis could not help the visible shudder at the abbreviation of her name to … Arti, she did not like that and needed to nip that in the bud before it became permanent. Turning around to face him she caught the brief relay of emotions run across his face, the foremost seemed to be reluctance and for a moment she assumed she had over stepped the mark, they had only just met after all. But then he smiled and gave a chuckle and accepted her invite, even asking about the origins of the event. This made her quite sad for a moment or two, this was normal for ponies, everyone knew the holidays of the sun but Luna, Luna was still coming back into her own. However this was one of the first steps, a thousand years was a long time to overturn things.

“It’s a bit of both to be honest; it was a celebration held every year back before the princess was banished. But it was not held during that thousand year period, I believe Princess Celestia couldn’t face the reminder. However since her return we have been trying to bring back the old holidays and traditions that once honoured Luna, it’s a slow process, it takes a while to bring back what has been almost lost.” She paused mid flow, realising that she could go on about Luna more than most ponies would appreciate. “However speaking of things that are lost, Arti … as a nickname, let’s not go there, I don’t have fond memories of that name.”
Flicking her mane out behind her Artemis smiled and made a graceful pirouette and turned away from the room.

“Come on then, time waits for no mare and I have plenty of things to get sorted before the party.” Within a moment Bri was trotting alongside her and using the map and their vague sense of direction they were soon back outside on the streets of Canterlot. The rain and thunder had cleared away but it was still overcast and oppressive but Artemis knew the sky would be cleared by the Pegasi for tonight’s festivities; there was nothing worse than trying to watch a moon rise on a cloudy night. “Right I’ve got to run now;” she pointed a hoof at him “You come along to the palace at 7:30 this evening, I will add you to the guest list.” Trotting a few steps away she paused and called back over her shoulder. “And remember it’s a Masque party, so you’ll need a costume.”

With that she was gone, trotting down the street with a spring in her step all the way back to palace, there was much to do and prepare before tonight. There was the catering to organise, the flowers to arrange, banners to hang, musicians, guards and overall the Princess needed to be kept abreast of everything that was going on. However she was extremely happy, for the first time in forever she would have a friend there.
bump - see first post:

I am only looking for a partner for a Lord of the rings role play found here: http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/59646/posts/ic my partner dropped out on me as they had taken on too much. It is set in a sort of AU Middle Earth, our Middle Earth will be mostly the same but with an even deeper mistrust of other races, in fact the only thing they hate more is orcs and goblins and only in the very greatest of extremes when they are both under threat would they ever work together.

- With this I need a partner looking to play a male with the possibility of adding a romance twist further down the line. My ex-partner was looking to play Aragorn, again a AU version. I am playing an Elf, the character sheet is already up in the OOC. Please PM me if your are interested, but I am only looking for a partner for this rp at the moment."
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