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In The castle 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Erik watched as Nadia squandered off, followed by her father. "Insufferable old brute." He muttered beneath his breath just out of the king's earshot, before turning to the prince. He gave a forced chuckle, but shoke his head in disapproval. "What in the hell were you thinking?" His voice lacked the soft edge that it would've had with Princess Nadia. An only child to the Duke, Erik had grown to see the royal children more as siblings, than anything else; however, as they'd grown he'd seem to often struggle to understand Prince Alexi -- their conflicting views on royal responsibility, the differing manner in which they carried themselves, but most of all Erik resented the way Prince Alexi made him feel whenever the two of them were in more formal settings... As if Erik was a lesser version of Alexi... A royal disappointment.

"Truly, I figured you more tactful. Didn't anything you read in your books tell you that silence is more telling, than even a poorly constructed lie." He stared at Prince Alexi for a second longer, before shaking his head and walking back to the castle to gather himself before lunch. "I may be a 'drunken half wit,'" Erik called over his shoulder, "but, at least I know that the power to any throne is derived from the mastery of deception."
In The castle 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Erik took the kitchen hand's remarks with a minor sense of accomplishment, until the slight in her voice made it apparent her true feelings -- the boy had always been slow to pick up on social cues when he thought he was being flattered. However, he took no offense. In fact, the smug smirk on his face had turned into a warm smile as he watched the girl walk off. "Any other noble would have your head," he called after her, a laugh ringing in his voice. Her

He watched the girl walk out of site, before turning on his heel and making his way to the royal garden deciding that the scent of the flowers and shrubbery would help to settle his hangover. Yet, when he arrived, he was surprised to see the king and his two royal cousins. He took a second to observe the conversation dynamic, it not taking long for it to register that some wrong had been done.

He slowly paced forward, giving him time to listen to topic, before stepping to his younger cousin Nadia's side.

"Uncle." He stated, making his best attempt at bowing, though his lack of attention in his etiquette classes showed in his lack of effort behind the gesture.

"You'll have to forgive them. I went out last night with some of the stablehands... And I lost my bearings." He stated, presenting the information with as somber of a face as he could muster. "I sent one of the servants back to tell Prince Alexi that if I didnt show at the Royal breakfast this morn to come find me and make sure I got back safely. I told him not to bring any guards or servants... As I didnt want to bring any attention to the matter." Erik finished with an apologetic tone in his voice. "I should've gotten word to him that I'd made it back safely; however, I just wasn't feeling myself this morning. They only meant to do right by me, sir."

Only half of what came from his mouth was true, but Erik had the accquired a reputation for even worser things. He'd prided himself on handling his liquor, so he'd never be put in a situation when he was dependent upon someone else to make it home; however, he'd take a blow to his ego because he was never a proponent of the king's strict governing with his children.
If there's still a spot open because someone dropped, I'm interested.
In The castle 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Erik looked the girl over, his nature being more impulsive and hotheaded, but action required energy that the boy just didn't have at the moment. He took a breath, allowing the air to escape slowly from his nose as he made his best attempt to swallow down his natural reaction.

"I missed the Royal Breakfast, love, and seeing as its your duty to make sure that the nobles have had their fill, I'd kindly suggest you hand me that loaf back." He stated as he stretched out his hand, giving the girl a smug smirk. "And before you critique myself, I'd suggest a wash... You smell of pig."
In The castle 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Erik woke up to a throbbing in his head and the bittersweet taste of wine still on his breath, despite the buckets he'd filled last night whenever he'd had more than his fair share of the poison. "Round three." He muttered, as he set up and readied himself for the day -- the first two attempts this morning had barely resulted in him shifting his weight amongst the sheets, before a bout of nausea rushed over him.

He was quick to dress, especially since he'd probably scared off the few servants assigned to him; dressing always seemed to be prolonged when someone was doing all the work for you. Upon finishing, he stopped before a mirror taking in his reflection with a tightening of his lips... there was no hiding his adventures from the night before as his face was flushed and his hair was in a disheveled mess; but, he counted his losses, pouring and finishing a glass of wine to bring peace to his unsettled stomach. It was a trick he'd discovered: when the drunkenness of the night before gave you grief in the morning, rather than fighting it, appease the beast with more booze.

He made his way down the steps to the kitchen snagging a loaf of bread to the sound of some nagging kitchen wench. He simply gave her a flick of his hand as a dismissal, as he made his way to the front of the castle for a breathe of fresh air. His bowels were already churning again from all the movement of the morning, so he stationed himself at a distance from the crowd gathered around a serf.

He looked on, his mind in another place as he nibbled on his bread and focused the rest of his willpower on trying to keep the food down.
In The castle 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay

Erik Dorian Volkonsky


Duke, Royalty


Erik is of royal blood, son to the king's brother; however, the young lad lacks the social grace and sense of earnesty that comes with royal responsibility. While, he's made several trips throughout his childhood to sit on his uncle's court, he was always ushered away usually after no more than a month's stay because his taste for mischief and his tendency to drag his royal cousins alongside rarely seated well with the king for extended periods of time.

Now in his teenage years, Erik has abandoned little of his youthfulness, though in recent months his ailing father's health has took a turn for the worst. Just before sending Erik off to court yet again, His father gave him an ultimatium: adhere and maintain the dignity of a royal or cede his title and claim as the next Duke.

Other: didn't know if it'd make sense to make a younger prince, so I made a duke. He'd be a cousin of the royal princes and princesses. He's part of the kings court, so he'd live in the castle.
I'd definitely be interested. Love family plots
In The 100 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay

Liam Roy


Liam learned at a young age the power of a smile, offering up the little bit of contagious happiness to every person he'd met; however, as the years have elapsed and struggle has taken root,Liam has found it more difficult to be his former self. He's come to present a hardened, guarded exterior vying for conversation with purpose over small-talk, as well having become vocally critical of anything he's grown to disagree with as he's learned that silence often times leaves you with nothing but regret and resentment.

Criminal Offense:
Theft, Possession of Stolen Medical Supply.

He was too young when she got sick -- not too young to remember, but too young to grasp the entirety of her illness. He never understood that his mother's disease was terminal, until he saw the risk that his father was willing to take for the woman he loved. And though, Liam has always possessed a strong sense of morality, he's always struggled with the idea of his father being killed for a crime of theft that was committed simply to keep his mother alive.

It was that system of morals that Liam wrestled with and continues to wrestle with even though he's followed in his father's footsteps -- though, hardly entirely by his own choice. It was harmless conversations at first, he thought he was entertaining Loren's crazy talk about continuing the mission that had gotten their father floated; however, conversation turned into action and he joined along for the ride only because he didn't trust Loren to quit when enough was enough. It started with medicine for his mother, but none of it ever lasted long enough. He'd attempt to comfort her pain and growing discomfort with warm smiles and simply being there for her when Loren was gone. But, Liam began to learn that smiles only provide so much solace and he began to resent their situation, his father's choice that left him with this burden to bear, and his sister's abandonment of him and his mother.

As Loren gained a sense of exhilaration out of the stealing, Liam used it purely for the purpose of making sure that his mother didn't suffer anymore than she already had. His mother didn't deserve to see her kids separating, so Liam put on the smile with Loren and continued making runs with her if only to make it appear that they were as close as they had been as kids; however, when fate caught up with the pair of twins, Liam's tolerance for his sister's self-serving habits diminished, his resentment for her getting them locked away accompanying his thoughts as much as the final image of his mother left to die alone without her family surrounding her.

Loren Roy, Twin Sister

Is it hella cool that I'm getting my CS this late or nah?

In The 100 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
I'm joining as well.
Hey, I'm interested. Would anyone want their character to have a brother? I could do younger or older.
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