Avatar of EnergyWhale
  • Last Seen: 9 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 71 (0.02 / day)
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    1. EnergyWhale 9 yrs ago


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I am useless at everything. Blah blah. I roleplay in my spare time because my real life sucks and fantasy worlds offer me the chance to not be that someone who sods everything up the moose hole. I'm friendly, though. Usually. So I got that going for me. Also, you ever noticed how like, drinking coffee is very similar to drinking beer? The more you drink of it, the more you end up going to the toilet like every 60 seconds? Odd that. If I had a team of scientists, I'd very much order them to go and study the wikipedia page on caffeine to figure out this god damned rubix cube of nonsense. Is it rubix? or rubics? I'll have them find the wikipedia page for that too.

Most Recent Posts

I've posted my character, I hope I'm not too late
The benefit of basing this on a cruise ship, is that new characters can pop out of anywhere, at any time. There's so many rooms on those bloody things after all. Accepted!
Jimmy nodded at Diana and smiled awkwardly. "Yup, he's dead alright," he said with a grunt. "He's the fourth I've had to send to the promised land in this last half hour." Jimmy bent down to pick up the broken mop handle, and then moved over to the counter and picked up the fillet knife. His mind was working along the lines of full on survival, and whatever gentle human being he may have been for the last 57 years of his life, had dissipated with the drop of a microwave. He'd killed four people - FOUR. Everything about that fact was so surreal that Jimmy's body was just pumping him full of adrenaline, which kept him from dwelling on it for too long. "I don't know what's going on, sweet heart," Jimmy said slyly, in between looking through an assortment of draws and cupboards. "People just started going crazy and attacking each other." Jimmy punched the air, and pulled out a roll of duct tape from behind a stack of plates. "There was talk of a nasty bug on board, this morning. I don't know if that's got anything to do with it; seems unlikely though." Jimmy wrapped the fillet knife to the end of the mop handle with the duct tape, layering it several times and tightly. Once he was done, he threw the roll of tape to one side and started slicing at the air with his impromptu spear. "This'll do," he said aloud to himself, before remembering he had company. He turned to Diana, "so, I don't suppose you have a plan do you? Was thinking of making a go at the bridge myself. If anyone knows what to do, its the captain. Hell, he's probably already sent out a distress call. Maybe the cavalry is already on its way."
Apologizing in advance for posting IC before my character has been accepted but going to sleep soon so wanted to get a post in beforehand.
You... you bastard. Your actions are unforgivable. Someone hold this joker down whilst I apply a tire iron to his face! Joking of course, come back. Everything is fine, and Ryu Hawkins is an accepto.
right then while I am pending approval from the thread creator, if I get in, who would like their character to run into a slightly confused and very pissed off Irish man to start off their night?
Callahan is accepted.
you gotta love those moments when you leave to play a few video games and theres 24+ new posts on that 1 rp
That's life in the free lane, baby.
Woah o.o not even gone for a day and there's 24 IC already
I know. Everyone fantasises, perhaps sometimes sexually, about being trapped on a cruise ship full of homicidal maniacs. All I've done is capitalised on this market trend.
The crazy turned, swinging the curtain pole at the woman. Jimmy saw his chance to have another whack at bringing the bastard down, and looked around for options. A knife was on the counter, but it was small, used for de-scaling fish. There was also an egg beater, hanging up on the wall next to him, but it was wooden and he was unsure if it'd get the job done. Then he saw the microwave. An industrial sized, professional cooking micro-oven of a beast. Jimmy used it to warm up the frozen food they had stored enmasse - Sheldon's Sushi Bar may have advertised fresh ingredients, but the reality was very different. Seizing the opportunity, he threw his shoulder into the back of the lunatic, causing the man to sprawl to the floor. Then, turning quickly, he grabbed the microwave - all 50 kilos of it - and held it over the crazy's head. "Say good night," Jimmy said smugly, admiring his rapid comment making improvements. He dropped the microwave, and it crushed the crazy's head into a wide reaching gory messy of skull shards and brain fragments. Jimmy stood for a few seconds, admiring the mess, and breathing heavily. Eventually, he came to notice the woman, and gave her a friendly nod. "Jimmy Jameson," he said, holding out his hand. "A real pleasure."
Jimmy dropped the mop handle and reached for the curtain pole arcing towards him through the air. He didn't know who the pretty petite thing was, and right now, he didn't care. She'd bought him the two seconds his brain needed to kick itself into the correct gear. "Hey, fuck face," Jimmy grumbled, summoning up a killer instinct he didn't know he had. "It's about time you ate something long and hard!" Not the smoothest line to go in with. Jimmy went in swinging the curtain pole left and right, first smacking a wall mounted counter and dislodging it from its fixings, and then striking the lunatic across the face. The young man growled, and stumbled back a few paces. Jimmy didn't let up, and he swung a third time, hitting the lunatic's right shoulder and making an audible crack. Then the lunatic's left hand grabbed the curtain pole, and pulled it clean out of Jimmy's hands. "Fucked now, aren't ya?" the young man sneered, snapping his teeth in a rhythmic motion. "Bad boy, very bad boy. You made daddy's face bleed." Jimmy looked around for something to use, cursing his stupidity for letting his attacker so easily grab his weapon. His eyes caught the young woman's, who had been standing there rather useless the whole time, and he gave her a pleading glance.
Jimmy and Diana are partying in the sushi bar kitchen. I know that much. My advice is to look for clues in the posts of others. They normally refer to actions your character is engaged in, or hearing noises that they've made etc.
Jimmy listened to the man's footsteps as they traversed the bar, crunching nosily on broken glass. "COMEEEEEEEEEE OUT HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEREEEEEEEEEEEEEEE," the man screamed, losing himself to another fit of laughter. Jimmy closed his eyes. If he could stay quiet, maybe the man would go away, and he'd be okay. Then his radio crackled to life. It was Sierra - a cleaning maid he'd known since the Hippo's maiden voyage. He was immediately greatful that someone was still sane in this mess, and he didn't feel so alone anymore. Then his gut turned to liquid, as he realised the radio had done the fine job of giving away his position. He hadn't heard the man approach in all of his excitement, but he knew he was very close. The hairs on the back of his neck stood up as he almost felt the lunatic's eyes boring into the back of his skull. Jimmy looked up slowly, and saw the cut and bloodied wide eyed face of a young man staring back at him. "Hello," Jimmy said, trying to smile. "I'm not one of them. Please don't hurt me." The young man's grin widened to reveal teeth full of blood and possibly flesh. "Oh I wont hurt you," he said, snickering. "I'LL KILL YOU!" Jimmy moved just quick enough to avoid a stake knife going into his face, and rolled forwards. Standing up, he turned to see that his attacker had scaled the counter and was walking slowly towards him, slicing the air with his steak knife in a figure-of-eight motion. "Please man," Jimmy said, holding up his hands to show he was defenceless. "I haven't done anything. Why are you doing this?" "BECAUSE!" The man laughed. "BECAUSE IT FEELS LIKE HEAVEN!" He broke into another laughing fit, doubling over to catch his breath. The door to the kitchen squeaked, and the crazy turned abruptly to see who had made the noise. Jimmy grabbed a nearby mop. That's right. A mop. Not the two dozen cooking instruments stacked neatly on the nearby wall and counter, but a mop. He swung his plastic and woollen Excalibur at the young man as hard as he could, and felt the weapon snap instantly upon impact. The young man recoiled, his head forced to one side, but if it hurt he didn't show it.
So are we commanding the action of our parts, or is the GM running the crazie people? Just asking so if I need to do something, I can quickly edit my post.
As much as I'd love to be some kind of dungeon master, I think you're all grown up enough to control the crazies on a local level.
That's the longest free post I've ever done.
Indeed, double the length of the set word limit ;) But I think we'll let it slide, being an intro post and all. Speaking of the word limit, I can increase it if you guys want. I just didn't fancey coming back to 6 1000 word posts - I know this is the free section, but I bet some of you keyboard savages are just waiting for the chance to write me a novella. :P
There was no reply on his radio, and after several minutes of staring stupidly at it, Jimmy's survivor instincts finally decided to kick in. He clambered up to his full meagure height, and peered over the stainless steel kitchen counters and out into the bar. The sight was chaos. Over turned cheers and tables, bodies slumped left and right with pools of blood, smashed glass and red smears over the windows. No one made a sound, so he assumed they were all dead, and despite the odd scream some distance off, everything was quiet. Jimmy's first thoughts were to board up the windows with the tables and chairs, and secure the doors. However, he realised the effort to do all that by himself would probably be fatal - the amount of racket he'd make would draw more crazy people to him, if there were any more of them. Though, the intermittent screams told him there probably was. Quickly, he ran through a few ideas of where to go. The life boats? No, everyone and their dog would be there, which probably meant more crazies. Security? Same problem. The bridge? The double glass doors to Sheldon's Sushi bar suddenly swung open, and Jimmy ducked beneath the counter. He hoped that whoever entered was sane, but he was taking no chances. A fillet knife lay in front of him, and he quickly leant forwards to grab it. "Comeeeeeee OUT," boomed a man's voice, startling Jimmy into dropping the blade. "Coome out, come out, where EVER you are!" The stranger started laughing manically, and Jimmy heard the sound of cutlery crashing to the ground. "COME OUT YOU LITTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTLE RAT!" Naturally, Jimmy remained perfectly still and counted the seconds before the lunatic found him.
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