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    1. enkas 10 yrs ago


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In The Hive 10 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Sorry for being an annoying nagger, but are you guys still alive?
In The Hive 10 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Guys and gals, let's please not kill this RP D:
In The Hive 10 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Ignasius rose from a bed in a tavern. He and the son of the doctor Arlo had reached the city last night and stayed in the inn, as the library was closed at the time.So the man rose up, as he put on the clothes that his friend gave him the other day. He strapped on the belt and adjusted the scabbard of his blade. He looked at the sleeping young man in the bed nearby and woke him up. Together they ate breakfast in downstairs and soon after that, they headed to the library. Ignasius smiled as he saw a familiar face and greeted him.
"Hello, Hartam"
The man, who had a bald head, and a big gray beard froze and then moments after that his face lit up, bursting into a loud laughter and getting close to give Ignasius a tight bear hug, to which the slightly younger man responded with a slight groan, as he wound hasn't really healed yet. He coughed a bit, and Hartam released him, with a rather apologetic expression on his face.
"Bloody hell, Ignasius, how long has it been? Seven years since we last met?"
"Aye, too long, my friend, too long"

Hartam nodded as he looked at the young man nearby.

"Hmm, he looks familiar"
"This is Wesley, Arlo's eldest."

The young man nodded, and Hartam did so as well, before speaking again.

"I see, a pleasure to meet you, Wesley. Anyways, I do not always get such old reunions. There must be a reason of why have you come."

Ignasius nodded

"Aye. I need your help. You still study dragon lore and language, don't you?"
"Indeed, but what is this about?"
"Well, a group of dragons were chased out of their home. I am not sure how, but the poachers were at work in that. I helped the dragons in driving those murderers back, but unfortunately I do not know how to communicate with them. I am too old to learn anything, but I wish you to travel with me."

Hartam stood there, and smiled

"Bloody hell, all my life I have been studying dragons, and never got to see a live one. I wouldn't pass up the opportunity to talk with some"

Ignasius smiled and nodded.

"Good, then prepare for journey, we will have to set out soon and we'll go through Arlo's farm again. At least that's where a dragon was last seen. Hopefully we'll find them faster than the slayers would."

And so, Hartam gathered his traveling gear, a leather robe with a hood, and a bastard sword on his hip. After an hour or so, the three men set out....
Still here.
In The Hive 10 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Yup, would be great!
In The Hive 10 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Anyone still there? D:
In The Hive 10 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
C'mon, it only looked big because of the spaces XD
In The Hive 10 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Very lazy and MEH post.
In The Hive 10 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Ignasius was snapped out of the unconsciousness be the sharp pain going through his back. He screamed loudly. And started moving. After that, he heard a rather familiar voice.

"Damn it, he's awake. Milton, Wesley, hold his arms! Vanja, get him some moonshine! Ignasius, calm down, you are going to be okay. I need you to stay calm and trust me"

Ignasius trusted the man, even if he couldn't remember who's voice was that, but it wasn't as easy as he was being cut open while awake. He heard another voice.

"Bloody hell, father, this man is strong"

"I know, I already sliced and stitched him a few times. Alright, I'll hold it off for now. Ignasius needs some alcohol to dull his senses. Vanja, where is that booze?!"

He heard a female voice following.

"Coming, Arlo"

Arlo... Arlo Mattoney, a field surgeon that was has saved his and other knights lives more than any warrior. He saw a woman approach him with a bottle and a glass. He drunk a bit of it, which was strong and disgusting... And even after drinking a single glass he felt quite drunk. Ignasius sighed and opened his mouth

"Bloody hell, Arlo, how have you found me?"

"Let's talk about this after that thing is out of your lung, shall we?"

"Right, can I get another glass?"

After these words Arlo's wife once again filled a glass and poured down the man's throat. Ignasius coughed a bit, painfully too, and nodded.

"Do it."

And so, after an hour of screaming that turned into a hoarse groaning... After an hour of cutting and stitching, the both bolts were taken out. Ignasius now was bandaged and laid in bed....
When he woke up he only remembered the last things of the night in a heavy blur. He still ached, but at least now he could breathe freely. The man saw the door open as Arlo came in. He was a short haired man, and with a bushy mustache under his chin.

"Well Ignasius, how are you feeling?"

"No longer half dead.. Thanks to you, Arlo. How did you find me?"

"A strange story, really... A girl in our village found your body in the fields. She told that a dragon brought you but nobody really believed her.... Do you remember how you got injured?"

Ignasius sighed and spoke.

"Well, by a crossbow bolt. But no doubt you already know that... Apparantly I tried to protect a bunch of dragons from a band of slayers.... As far as I understood the latter scattered"

"Hmm... I am not a one to judge... But why did you charge in? Did you thought that you'd be able to defeat them?"

"No.. But I hoped I'd by the dragons some time. I've seen them up-close, Arlo. Majestic.... And menacing. And apparantly one of them played a part in saving my life... Say, any idea how far it is to Silverrun?"

"About a day's walk... Probably you should double that for your condition. Why do you want to go there?"

"You remember Hartam?"

"Of course... He was one of the most educaded warriors I've ever met. He's a schollar now, isn't he?"

"Indeed... And he had great interest in dragons. I remember him even researching their language during his free time. So I suppose I'll go to him for help in communicating with those majestic creatures..."

Arlo looked sceptic. He sighed and then nodded.

"If you think that is wise. I'll lend you a horse, and I will send my son with you to keep you safe. I also suggest you to leave the armour for weight reasons... You can pick something lighter from my wardrobe."

Ignasius nodded

"You have always been a great help, old friend. Hopefully we may meet again."

The man took a linen shirt, a pear of leather pants and a leather west. After he put that all on, he took a hooded cloak, once again thanking Arlo.

About fifteen minutes later, as well as Arlo's son Wesley were on their way towards the city of Silverrun.
Sean was just standing in the middle of the social room, rather keeping his distance from a lot of other people. He was munching on an interesting tasting stew, of which even the cooks probably didn't know what they put there. Besides the mystery stew he also had a glass of beer. It tasted different. And while he did like the sweetness of fermented berries and fruits, this was also pretty great. So the man just stood until his plate and his bottle was empty. While it was enough food for him, he still wanted some beer, and as he checked through his pockets he found at least three more tokens. Sean looked for more, and in one of his pockets he found a note. He didn't remember writing anything. So he raised the thing to his eyes and stared at the paper for at least ten minutes. "When in the place of booze and chow, be sure to find the lady doctor". It took another five minutes for him to recycle what he just read. The only lady doctor he ever met was the kind one, known as Mina. He placed the note in his pocket and walked to the bar, placing the collected tokens on the table and taking the beer for that, without really thinking whether or not he is going to need more.

Sean looked through the room until he noticed Mina. He didn't know why, but he decided to follow the instructions on the piece of paper, and he went to the table stood there for several minutes rather awkwardly and then opened his mouth:


Sean just stood there, feeling how his cheeks are lighting up, as he rarely approaches even the people he knows. He couldn't think of anything more to say, so he just waited for a response.
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