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    1. EsmetheGreat 10 yrs ago


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darn just missed the boat here, nonetheless will be keeping an eye on the ic since you guys seem to have a good range of characters.
With the arrival of Agimar, the hand nestled in the crook of Itones back stiffened. Itone, who had witnessed the Demons winged arrival with a fascinated but detached curiosity, rose her head to look up at Voana inquisitively, noting the hard-lipped suspicious expression on her Wifes face with a piked interest. Casting her eyes towards the Demon again, she found Agimar staring at her, an air of wariness present in his gaze before his brow raised tightly and he snapped his eyes away from her. Perplexed, Itone instead moved to look elsewhere, her eyes falling without intent on the hulking beast that had found such conflict with Thiriannas words and had addressed them without civility. Surprised was she to find the monster, 'Kyras' Vaul had addressed him as, peering back at her, that Itone hunched further into her Wifes body against her will, her hand coming to clutch at the end of the chainmail-skirt that hung between Voanas steel tassets. She registered Voana send a questioning hum down at her and, holding gaze with Kyras, shook her head slightly. After a few seconds, she felt Voanas hand leave her back and instead move to grip tightly at her waist and Itone, grateful for the reassuring gesture, relinquished her grip on the chainmail skirt and moved her eyes away from Kyras' form and instead cast it around the room, deciding simply not to rest her eyes on one person for too long. They were all strange beings, Itone had decided, familiar and almost human in some ways and quite unlike the legends and stories her kind had shared around tankards and hearth. Despite the disparity between fact and fiction however, there was still something entirely untouchable about the lot of them. Something almost otherworldly , enough that Itone had no doubts that they might find advice about her...illness amongst those gathered here. She was pulled from her quiet considerations when the sound of heavy footfall echoed around the room, and another towering being entered the fray, solid and sturdy and carrying a formidable looking War-hammer. The giant turned his chin in their direction and delivered a short but decidedly reverent nod at Voana, Itones Wife replying in kind before the being turned his attention to Thirianna. Intrigued by the beings sturdy armour and weapon, and impressed by his show of respect towards her Wife, Itone tugged on Voanas wrist for her attention and asked, "Who is that?" with a tilt of her chin in the giants direction. Voana looked between her Wife and the being before answering with the slightest fond twist on her lips, "That is Dom, a great warrior, some of your people might refer to him as the God of-" The Ancients explanation suddenly cut off in alarm at the appearance of the portal that Thirianna had summoned, apparently taking Doms arrival as an indication to proceed. Itones grasp on her Wifes wrist tightened, Voanas grip on her waist squeezing in reply before leaving her and coming to rest again on the hilt of her sheathed sword. Itone watched in fascination as Thirianna disappeared through the portal, several others within the gathering following in succession, including the quiet Sohena who gave the two of them a pointed look before stepping through. "Where does that go Voana?" Itone asked of her Wife, tugging again on her wrist, her eyes snapped back to Voana, taking in the distrustful expression of her face. "It goes to Aett, the realm that Thirianna shares with her closer kin...it exists above Ceyr..." Voana explained, face hardening further when a frown appeared on her lips, "...I've only been once, I didn't like it much." Itone regarded her Wife carefully before sweeping her eyes around the quickly emptying room, everyone else apparently as lead by the undying itch of curiosity as she. It was what had led her here, what had made her refuse Voana persistent shielding and insisted on answering the summons alongside her. When a booming voice called through the room, Itone turning to her left and witnessing, beyond all things, a dragon enter the room, Itone could not stop a loud bark of laughter escaping her lips at the bizarreness of it all. "Oh come on you fool..." Itone sang back at her Wife,her head shaking a slight to herself, tugging again at Voanas wrist until she followed her dutifully towards the portal, the two stepping through into a blinding light.
When the Smith Gods eyes cast an unsavoury gaze at Itone, Voana felt her Wife stiffen at her side and delivered a livid glare at the Ancient, stepping part-way to the side and pointedly covering most of Itone from his view. At Vauls pointed rebuttal and dismissal, Voana felt her body stiffen and bristle, her pride quickly convincing her resolve as her hand resting on Iron-Spines hilt tightened. Taking a step forward, a snarl on her lips, Voana suddenly heard the cool voice of her Sister mutter at her shoulder, "Not now Sister..." before Sohena slunk out from behind Voanas broad form, gliding forward and recognising Vauls greeting with a slight tilt of her head towards him. Voana watched Sohena offer her silent greetings to the Smith God and tensed further, her snarl melting into a frown and her brow still deeply burrowed. At her side Itone suddenly grabbed Voanas arm halting Voanas movements as the warrior strove to step forward once again, seemingly following Sohenas steed and attempting to placate her Wife to prevent conflict at this early stage, Itone gave a small and insistent tug, pulling Voana further back into her. Turning to face her Wife and argue her restraints, Voana instead found that Itones attentions were not focused on her but rather across the room, her eyes narrowing and glinting with calculation. A questioning arch appeared on her brow as Voana followed her Wifes gaze to just behind where the Angel Thirianna stood, her own eyes narrowing as she saw the red tear open and the beastly Guardian of Hades pull himself from it, hauling its large inhuman body into the room. Voana had met Kyras only once before, and his monstrous form was still as remarkable, grotesque and worthy of fear as she remembered. When Kyras called for Sohenas affirmation, Voana watched her Sisters slim shoulders stiffen a slight whilst her face, from what Voana could see of it, remained placid, though Voana could swear that Sohenas features took on a considering, almost hesitant look. Following the Guardians rejection of Thiriannas claims, Sohenas form relaxed once more, and she dismissed herself from Voana and Itone wordlessly, her hands clasping in-front of her as she made to pace around the outside of the room, head bowed as if she intended to space herself from the others in deep thought. Her head lifted only once to regard Neveras as the dilapidated Ancient addressed the gathered once more, before she bowed it once more, silent and gliding in her rounds. Voana shared in her Sisters silence, the warrior had taken to casting her gaze around the room properly, registering who had attended, keen and accusatory eyes had been flitting from Kyras, to Thirianna, to the animorphic form of Hiraga, who she noticed had pointedly taken a blockading stance between the warrior and Vaul. When Neveras explicitly addressed Voana, she fixed him with a cautionary glare before recognising the contrite nature of his words. "Especially now, since you have someone to share your existence with." As the Guardian spoke, Voana considered his words, her Wife still a solid, familiar weight behind her. Neveras' words seemed to have pleased Itone, as Voana felt her Wifes clutch on her arm relax, giving Voanas bicep a squeeze before softening entirely, stroking her thumb comfortably on Voanas skin. Voana lessened her grip on the hilt of Iron-Spine and turned her eyes away from Neveras, taking her arm away from Itone and instead using it to bring her Wife forward, again having her stood next to her, and bringing her hand to rest in the small of Itones back. Itone leaned into Voana, tilting her chin up, Voana leaned down to compensate for their difference in height and listened as her Wife whispered, "You grew up with this lot, no wonder you've got a stick up your ass half the time..." giving a small grin up at Voana as the warrior chuckled shortly in reply, her limbs relaxing.
It took some time, Voana slowing her usual quick pace, ever concious of Itones recent exhaustion and illness, but soon enough the two Ancients and the Upstart approached then top of the stairs. As they neared the top, the faint and aloof chatter that had echoed down to them during the climb, suddenly erupted into a sharper tirade, seemingly just from one person. As Voana fought to place the familiar voice to a name and face in her head, she noticed that Sohena, two steps ahead of them, froze, one foot poised upon the next step up but her form stiff and suddenly unwilling to move. Voana strode up the steps towards her, laying a large hand carefully on her Sisters elbow, "Sister?" she questioned, her face taking on an expression of concern. Sohena did not lift her gaze to meet her Sisters, instead keeping her eyes trained on the step in-front of her, her face still a beautiful picture of serenity and coolness, a contrast to the rigid set of her body that Voana could now feel distinctly, having a firmer grip on Sohenas elbow. "It's nothing..." Sohena whispered to Voana, eyes still pointed at the stairs, after a few seconds she continued, in a louder and more authoritative tone, "You both, go on, I'll follow behind..." Voana did not relinquish her grasp on Sohenas elbow immediately, her face still trained on her Sisters face and only growing more concerned and frustrated by the second. Itone, sensing the mood keenly, climbed up the few steps between them and clutched a small, calloused hand on Voanas arm, digging in her fingers and pulling her hand away from Sohena, giving her Wife a pointed look when Voana turned to look at her. Voana frowned slightly but surrendered, giving Sohena one last short look before she continued up the stairs, her Wife a comforting presence beside her. As they reached the top of the stairs, they found themselves suddenly freed from the dimness of the stairwell and instead drowning in the rays of Aun, as the stairs opened up into a large space, built somewhat like an amphitheatre and containing a small group of beings, none of whom Voana had deigned to meet willingly even before the Great War. "Be silent. We come here with open hands, but you ready a clenched fist. Sheathe your sword." was the order she heard echo around the room, boomed with an authoritative voice that she had heard several times on the battlefield, and more times on the training grounds growing up. Voana felt her eyes roll before they came to rest on the finely-armoured form of Vaul, who stood in the centre of the group, his admonishing stance aimed at the winged being that stood a small ways off from the others. Voana took in the battered and indignant form of Neveras with no small measure of surprise, though the expression quickly melted into one of matched ire when the Ancient noticed her arrival first and faced her with a look of distaste. Bringing her hand down to rest on the hilt of Iron-Spine, Voana released a hard breath she hadn't realised she'd been holding and turned her head to look down at Itone, regarding her Wife with a cautionary glance, Itone responding with a silent nod and a solidifying of her stance. Suddenly but quietly, Voana felt the presence of her Sister at her back, having quietly found resolve and crept up the rest of the stairs behind them. Her appearance burgeoned more confidence in Voana, and the ancient chose to pull herself into her advantageous height, striding properly into the room, her shoulders back and her steps heavy and loud. "Never thought I'd hear you tell someone to put their sword away Vaul-" Voana called as she approached the group, Itone marching at her side and Sohena gliding along behind them, "- war has made you softer."
yikes I'm gonna stop doing these super-long responses unless the rp calls for them, tiring as hell. anyone already present at the top can describe the motley crew of Voana, Itone and Sohena climbing the steps and entering the room, otherwise I'll just write more drivel before I even get to the room.
They began descending the dune at a daunting and tremulous pace, Voana pulling on the reins tightly and provoking a throaty groan from the mouth of the sand-horse, the beast tossing its head in obvious irritation. Itone slumped forward with a quiet oomf, the scarf wrapped around her head slipping down to cover her eyes as a result. Gritting her teeth, the Shield-Maiden wrenched the hem of the scarf up away from her eyes with a huff of indignation, leaning forward and delivering a kick between her Wifes shoulder blades. When Voana halted in her punishing stride and turned to look up at her Wife, Itone made to pull the reins from her, "I'll do it you fool, lest you tumble this poor creature as well as your Wife in your haste-" she stated, her voice clipped and firm, but her face softening as she looked down at Voana, "-go on." Voana gave a short, grateful squeeze to the small hand laid upon her own before slipping the reins from her grip and turning back downwards, racing off down the dune, kicking up sand behind her. Letting loose a short song of laughter as she approached Sohena, Voanas lips twisted into a wide easy grin as she looked upon her Sister for the first time in years. Sohena herself, as serene in face as ever, received her with a slow, small smile, turning her tall and slender form fully to face Voana as the warrior charged up to her. Standing before her, Voana looked her Sister up and down, and reached out and grasped each of Sohenas slim shoulders, regarding her with a wholly fond and faintly disbelieving look. "Sister..." Voana murmured, her voice soft and holding the same small measure of disbelief as her face, with that she pulled Sohena forward, and pressed her forehead against her Sisters. Voanas eyes slipped closed for several long seconds, comforted when Sohena didn't throw off the gesture and instead brought her hands up to clutch at Voanas elbows, squeezing shortly before letting go. Pulling back, Voana turned her head to look behind her when she heard the sand-horse grunt once more, and saw that her Wife had successfully brought the beast to rest at the bottom of the dune, rewarding it with several calming strokes to the side of its long neck whilst she watched them both patiently. Voana released her Sisters shoulders and smiled up at Itone, "Itone, you remember my Body-Sister, Sohena?" motioning to Sohena with a wave of her hand. Recognition flooded Itones face, her hand ceasing patting the sand-horses mane as she sat up in her seat, offering a thin smile down at Sohena, "Of course, though..." her brow furrowed somewhat as she spoke "...it has been a while." Sohena brought her hands to clasp together in-front of her, bowing her head in greeting at Itone before speaking, "It has indeed, I believe last we met you graced me with a wonderful feast at your home-" here she lifted her head, "-my apologies that I did not repay your kindness, I became quite indisposed afterwards..." her voice trailing off as she gazed up at Itone. The Shield-Maiden met Sohenas gaze and regarded her with a wary air for a few seconds, before bowing her head in return. "There are no apologies required save from myself," Itone replied shuffling in her seat atop the sand-horse, "I forget my courtesies, would you like to take my place and rest your feet as we travel?" Sohena shook her head, "My thanks, but I will be just fine, though we should continue walking if we wish to reach the Tower before the meeting begins." Sohena relayed, turning away but not before sending her Sister a pointed look. As Sohena began to move in the direction of the Tower, Voana turned to look at her Wife, her eyes firm and cautionary, Itone responding with a silent shrug of her shoulders before clicking her tongue and giving a soft kick to the side of the sand-horse, spurring it on to follow after Sohena. Voana turned and strode forward, catching up to Sohenas gliding steps quickly, and came to walk a steady pace beside her Sister, letting the silence reign for four short seconds before beginning her enquires. "You travelled alone?" "It is my preference, as it has always been. Did only your Wife accompany you?" Voana shook her head, "Across the desert yes, but from the North a retinue of my pupils insisted on following us. We left them behind in Nursia-" a considering frown appeared on her lips, "-it was surprising enough that the summons had called for Upstarts to attend, I didn't want to push my luck by bringing mortals to the Tower." Sohena gave a small hum of agreement and replied, "Indeed, wise you are sometimes Sister, though I thought you wouldn't risk bringing Itone to an audience of our kin...". Voanas frown deepened, her voice lowering to a mutter, "I was against it of course, but my Wife has come to dislike the entirety of my protection." she glanced back at Itone before leaning closer to Sohena, "She has not been well,and she believes that the knowledge of our kin could help." She leaned back at Sohenas slow nod, and gave her Sister a goading stare, "Besides, you're one to talk of wisdom with these events, I honestly didn't believe you would attend despite the summons requesting all of us. Last I recall the 'Angels' did not regard you with much love." she pointed out. "And, if I know what I know, they regard you much the same, Sister..." Sohena shot back smoothly before turning to Voana with a thin, knowing smile, "and yet here we are." They began to climb the dune that lay before them, Voana looking behind her to supervise her Wifes ascent on the sand-horse, "Aye, we are here-" she muttered to Sohena, "-and I wonder if we truly need to be...whether the reasons to be here are true..." her voice trailing off as she turned her face to her Sister again, an unspoken question in her voice. The two Sisters came to stand atop the dune, the Tower of Broken Dreams now again visible in the distance, Sohena quiet all the while as Voana looked at her, unmoving and expectant. The silence prevailing, Voana sighed and pressed the subject once more, "Sohena...Thiriannas claims should be impossible, I scarce believed them when I read her summons but..." she paused, hands clenching and her eyes imploring, "...if it's true, I rarely ask this of you Sister but-" Sohena, who had been silent and avoiding of her Sisters eyes, raised a hand to silence Voana, lifting a cool and firm gaze to Voanas face. "I appreciate that you rarely ask Voana, as I have appreciated such in the past...and I ask that you do the same now." Lowering her hand, she returned it to clasp the other in-front of her and turned to begin the descent down the dune, murmuring, "What will come to pass will pass, that is how it must be." Voana watched as her Sister travelled on, a frown deepening on her lips before it settled with a deep exhale of air. Hearing the plodding approach of the sand-horse behind her, Voana turned to receive her Wifes questioning stare. Before Itone could ask, Voana stated "It's fine...come we're nearly there." and reached up to take the reins from Itones hands, the Shield-Maiden relinquishing them with a slow nod but a hard stare that promised they would speak of this later. The three women moved onwards in silence towards the Tower, Sohena and her shadow leading the way, until, in no time at all, the group beheld the splendour and enormity of the structure up-close, and crossed the threshold of the two heavy doors into the foyer of the Tower. The steps of Voanas heavy boots and the hooves of the sand-horse echoed deftly on the decorative but worn tiles of the foyer, whilst Sohena, as always, seemed to glide silently and weightlessly. Sohena gazed back at her Sister and directed a pointed look at the winding staircase that disappeared off up into the heights, making towards it after what seemed a moment of hesitation. Voana gave the stairs a brief glance before moving to attend to her Wife, reaching up to help her off the sand-horse, Itone grasping onto her arms before finding her footing and moving away, her eyes curious and distracted by the inside of the structure. Voana looked back at the staircase, and saw Sohena still stood at the bottom of it, her eyes gazing upwards before glancing at her Sister with an expectant look. Voana gave a short sigh and relieved herself of the heavy robe that had hid her over the trek across the desert, revealing her armour, fine and aged and arousing the memories of a thousand battles. Throwing the robe to rest over the sand-horses saddle, Voana brought her hand back to rest on her scabbard, Iron-Spine a welcome and familiar weight against her hip. Looking over to her Wife, Voana saw that Itone had followed her steed, happily stripping herself of the various scarves as well as the woollen shift, standing small but solid in her cloth tunic, chain-mail vest and leather vambraces, her short-sword strapped to her hip. She offered her a small, reassuring smile and Voana felt a great measure of ill-thought melt from her, her muscles relaxing from stiffness into her easy confidence. She returned the smile and made to move towards the stairs, hearing Itone follow behind her with sure quick steps. Voana turned her gaze upwards, towards the heights of the Tower and the events that surely lurked at the top, the faint sound of conversation bouncing off the marble walls of the interior and drifting down to them. Voana gave another short sigh, hand still resting on Iron-Spines hilt, "Right then." she murmured decisively to herself, and began to ascend the steps.
quality ic already I think, I've posted and for the purpose of continuity, just wanted to let the ooc know that at this point any characters at the tower can maybe faintly see Voana and Itone in the distance steadily making their way to the tower. However they won't arrive until the next post.
As adaptable a traveller as she considered herself to be, and as practically bound to the notion that so long as you can lead an legion of foot soldiers across it, Voana had no strict terrain preference. Nonetheless, she did not like a desert in any shape or form, for despite her own experience telling her that a legion could charge across it, Voana did not trust a desert, too wary of the unnatural and unpredictable way any path you might fight to claim, would seep and change beneath your feet at the slightest fell of foot. As she continued her stride forwards, the leather reins clutched in her right hand and pulling along the sand-horse behind her, Voanas mind saw fit to summon memories of the Battle of Roqagh, a mortal skirmish over a Citadel on the Sands of the East. Truthfully, Voana had thought it a petty conflict, Roqagh certainly a pretty monument to Elven architecture but not of any importance to a Ancient like Voana, nonetheless it promised to be a fun enough war and Voana had slipped within the ranks of the invaders with no small measure of anticipation. Following months of toiling siege, the army Voana belonged to had broken through the outer walls guarding the great plain of desert that lay before the Citadel and, in their battle-born arrogance had charged towards the city almost instantly. Voana had considered that such a war between Humans and Elves would have attracted the participation of others of her kin, and she had been right. A Sister, Oena, who had the talent of shifting all matter itself into any shape she desired, had met them, stood atop a parapet of the Citadel in the distance, tiny and unseen by all but Voanas keen eyes, the sight had stopped her in her tracks. Those in the army who had raced past her and on towards the city had experienced the earth fall out from under them, Oena commanding the sands and sweeping them into a wave that encompassed half of the plain, blotting out the redness of Aun and sending thousands into a deep dark pit where no man could gain footing against the seamless granules of the sand walls. Those that survived the fall, were suffocated and crushed as Oena released her wave and sent the great mass of sand to descend on them, their cries for mercy melting into the earth as the desert again settled into a smooth plain. In the midst of her recollection, as swept up by the remembered emotions of shock and horror, Voana gave a calculating glare at the desert around her, her steps faltering and her hands clenching at the sudden panicking surety that the sands would seize up once again and turn and envelope them in a red deluge. From her seat atop the sand-horse, Itone called out a questioning and raspy "Voana?", concerned as to why their small caravan had ceased movement. Piercing through her like a cool, fresh and entirely welcome breeze, the voice of her Wife shook Voana from her thoughts and paranoia and she re-adjusted herself, tsking quietly at her foolishness. There was no need to fear Oena and her sand, the Ancients smirking face had been cleaved from her shoulders by Voana herself not an hour after her sand tricks. "It's nothing to worry over..." she called back to Itone, turning to the side and moving her eyes away from the sands and up towards what could be seen of her Wifes face through the thick scarf wrapped around her shoulders and head. Itone as stubborn and unyielding as she was, was a true Northerner in body, and had no head for such harsh, unforgiving heat. The Shield-Maiden had suffered one of her flashes a mere day after arriving in the ramshackle port-town Nursia where they had sailed from the North after receiving the summons. Voana had refused to continue until she deemed her Wife fit to travel onwards across the dunes to their destination, and even then had insisted on Itone taking residence atop the sand-horse ('camel' the merchant had called it) for the duration of the two-day trek across the desert. Itone peered down at Voana, her eyes glinting suspiciously for several short seconds before she relinquished the concern with a pointed, "If you say so...", her voice again raspy and dry enough to provoke concern in Voana instead. Voanas brow furrowed, her left hand dropping to the pack at her waist, fetching her water-skin and holding it up towards Itone, who regarded it with a chastising air and the bundle of scarves that helmeted her head tilting to the side. Voana presented her Wife with an admonishing look of her own, "You should drink my love, you need not worry of wasting it-" Voana asserted firmly, tilting her chin upwards at the tall dune they stood at the bottom of, "-we're almost there." With a slow sigh, Itone leaned down and took the water-skin from Voanas hand, seizing back up into her perch before pulling down the hem of her scarf, exposing her mouth. After taking a long gulp, she sighed again, this time with an air of appreciation, and sat back in her seat, looking up in the direction Voana indicated. "It'll be nice to get out of this heat." Itone admitted, Voana releasing a grunt in agreement before turning back to her task, pulling on the reins to make the sand-horse approach the dune. As they began the climb, Voana called back to her Wife again, "It's a shame my Brother Hotar is not here to give you relief-" she stifled a smile at the look of confusion she imagined would be on her Wifes face. "He had a fine ability of changing the weather, nothing large mind, there were plenty who prayed for him to reverse a famine for a whole nation only to be dismayed to find he had no such power..." Voana continued, pushing the brunt of her strength into forcing the sand-horse further up the dune, "but the immediate area, yes...I imagine he could have made it rain for us, or at least just a little cooler." She cast a spurning gaze up at the cloudless sky, but upon hearing her Wife release a considering sound she turned to look over her shoulder. Itone peered down at her again, a thin line across her visible lips, "You refer to this Brother of yours in the past tense...so I'm assuming he's dead." Voanas nodded slightly, "Aye, he fell during the great war..." she explained, turning her face back towards her task, a smile twisting onto her lips as she finished, "...under my sword of course." Her smile morphed into a grin at Itones short bark of laughter. "See that's really it, that sort of thing tells me so much about you" Itone alleged in a half-amused drawl, "of the few stories you DO tell me of your kin, more than half of them end with" she wove a hand in the air "'and I killed them.'" "Well it seems I'm becoming repetitive, You must be getting tired of me." Voana chuckled. "Getting close to it." Itone sang swiftly in reply, helping to alleviate some weight on the upwards climb, leaning forward in her seat and pulling up the pack tied onto the back of the camel behind her. Soon enough, they crested the dune and found themselves looking out across a wide landscape not wholly dissimilar to that they had travelled across for two days now. What was different about the view was the great monument in the distance, towering and magnificent even from where they stood, maybe half a league away. Itone felt her brow raise and heard her voice take on an faintly impressed tone as she asked, "Is that it?", thinking of all the scattered scraps of ruins buried in the sands they had ambled past the last two days, surely this structure that captured the light of Aun so beautifully could not be counted among them? Voana brought them to a steady halt atop the dune, breathing in shortly before releasing the breath in a slow sigh, "Aye...That's it." The Tower of Broken Dreams was as opulent and imposing as she remembered, glittering and splendid in the rays of Aun as if it still stood as an indication of present power and glory, and not as a monument that had withstood a thousand deaths and conflicts, surviving as a testament to a lost greatness. So gripped by the hazy but pleasing recollections of true power that the sight of the tower summoned was Voana that she didn't register her Wife calling her name, hearing but a muffled shout before receiving a sharp prod between her shoulders that snapped her attention back to the present once more, turning to look up at Itone with a furrowed brow and a questioning expression. Itone gave her Wife a narrowed glance before pointing down below them, "Someone's there." Voana snapped her head to follow the direction of Itones gesture, understanding her Wifes caution and inching her free hand to rest on the scabbard strapped to her hip on instinct. Taking a small step forward, Voana leaned over to glimpse down into the small valley that formed between the hill of their dune and the dune following it, and rested her sharp gaze on the lone figure that stood at the bottom of it. The being, tall and slender and accompanying a shadow that stretched behind her before melting away into the sand, looked up at Voana, their face still and calm and overall expectant, was instantly recognisable to her. Sohena
I fleshed out connections for both Voana and Sohena in the character sub so there's something for everyone. I am pretty damn hype.
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