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    1. Espional 10 yrs ago


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A whole load of people suddenly charged into the room, with words over their heads and bow and arrows and all sorts of crap. Simon glanced around at the group, bewildered. Where had all these people come from? How many other people were in this thing? What was going on here?

The guy by the wolf yelled some kind of instruction as the girl blasted the wolf and a third person threw out some green light. Simon looked back and forth, before looking back down at his sword. How was he supposed to use this? Did he have special abilities or was he just supposed to swing a big blade around and hope for the best? A menu popped up. Simon looked it over; it read he had two skills. He could draw aggro with attacks or charge things.

That sounded useful. He had more armor than anyone else so presumably if the wolf bit him he'd be less likely to get mangled. Also killing it might be helpful, so there wasn't much downside to attacking. So Simon hefted the sword, and decided to try this "Forward Charge" ability. With a loud yell, he propelled himself forward towards the wolf, bring the sword up to slam it onto the creature.
Simon didn't hear or see anyone else in that room, nor in the next room. This was getting ridiculous. Was he just supposed to find his way out before anything happened? Simon groaned as he opened the door to another empty hallway. He gave the sword an experimental swing. It was pretty heavy, but he was having an okay time carrying it, especially given he had on some kind of armor. Simon was pretty athletic, but still, this seemed a bit odd.

Which reminded him, did he have stats of some kind? He thought about it for a moment, and a little screen popped up. So the "menu" seemed to be thought-based. Helpful to know. Simon looked over the numbers. Resolve was his highest by far, followed by Strength. Then Spirit, then the rest were all comparatively low. Made sense; if he was a tank, defenses would be his highest.

Waving the screen away, Simon moved down the corridor. As he approached the door at the end, he thought he heard talking. He paused, weighing pros and cons. He'd not seen anyone else yet, so company and potential answers would be appreciated. But on the other hand, what if they were hostile? Still, he pushed open the door. If this was some kind of game, at least enemies might provide clues.

The high scream of a girl told him he made the right choice. A huge wolf-like creature stood in front two people with indistinct words over their heads; a boy and a girl, who appeared to be the screaming one. Simon hefted his sword instinctively; he wasn't sure what was going on, but wolves and people made for dangerous mixes. "Hey!" He shouted.
Simon staggered as he arrived in the temple.

If this was a dream, it certainly wasn't the most pleasant one. He'd thought he was sleeping when it asked to input a username in the dark "room"; he'd offhandedly put in the one he was used to, Justicar. Then it'd asked for a class. Simon generally played the mage, but something told him he should pick the tank. So he went with Knight. An unusual voice encouraged him, and Simon became convinced he was dreaming.

Then he arrived in the temple. The voice had warned him it might hurt, but he hadn't expected it to actually hurt. He'd never felt real pain in a dream before, so when the blinding pain behind his eyes began to subside he managed to croak, "What...what the hell?" Dreams didn't hurt. Ergo, this wasn't a dream. But what else could it be? What, was he kidnapped by government agents and forced into some strange simulator? That made no sense.

The website with the secret link. That nobody else saw. But what could it be? Was this the "closed beta"? Did he sign up for something he'd regret? That was rapidly seeming to be the case, Simon realized, as he gazed at his surroundings. He appeared to be alone in a small stone room. He was also wearing fairly heavy metal armor of some kind. Well at least that made sense with the "knight" selection. He wondered if he had a weapon...

A small, light blue screen popped up in front of him. Simon started in surprise, then gave it a closer inspection. It was labeled, "Inventory" and had a little picture of a hammer in it. He tapped it, and immediately it vanished and Simon found himself with a large sword of some kind in his left hand. He bit his lip; this was making less and less sense, or maybe too much sense. Was this some kind of game?

Also, this sword was pretty heavy. Simon thought it was a two-handed sword but had no clues outside of that.

Closed beta. If this was some kind of video game VR setup crap, Simon would eat his new sword. Hell, if this wasn't a dream he might as well do that. What was he going to do? Where was he? With a sigh, Simon moved across the room and pushed open the door.

Now he found himself in a much larger room. It was also empty. "Hello?" He called out. Surely if this was a game, there'd be someone else here, either an NPC or another player or a monster or something. He clung more tightly to the sword as he kept walking.
Elsewhere, Simon Hunter did a very similar thing.

The mysterious web page had intrigued him; he'd always been fond of MMOs, and anytime a new one was unveiled it gave him a thrill of anticipation. But this was different; it wasn't just an ordinary MMO, but a mystery to be solved. No buildup, no public unveiling, just a mysterious website with a mysterious message. To further add to it, a couple of weeks later a closed beta was announced.

Simon wanted in, if only out of curiosity for this strange unknown game. But no offers ever went up. There was nowhere to apply. He began to doubt the likelihood of the game actually existing. A hoax, it seemed, was the general explanation, to Simon's disappointment. Mysteries were a personal fascination with him, and the revelation of trickery never failed to frustrate him.

Tonight, though, he discovered a mysterious new message whilst checking the site for the last time of the night. When someone pointed out the hidden link in a chat room, he'd checked it of course. Everyone said it was just an error, but Simon held out a little hope. What he got was another mystery, though. This wasn't what they'd talked about. He hadn't signed up for a closed beta; after all, as far as he'd seen there was nothing to sign up for!

Oddly though, nobody else seemed to find the message he'd encountered. Simon checked all over the page for the next ten minutes, trying to find another secret, another clue, something to explain this. But nothing came up. It was so annoying; Simon hated things without solutions. It was just annoying that he wasn't smart enough to figure this whole thing out, especially since he'd kind of wanted to try that mysterious new MMO sometime.

Finally, tired and frustrated, Simon went to bed.

He didn't get up the next morning.
All done!
Name: Simon Hunter
Username: Justicar
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Location: Albany, New York, USA
Personality: Simon is a good-natured, level-headed young man. Calm and mild-mannered, Simon tends to be laid-back and polite. He’s a bit of a slacker, and tends to be a bit lazy. Simon doesn’t lose his temper easily, and has a good sense of humor. He’s very loyal as well, and one of the few things that can make him lose his temper is a betrayal of trust.
History: Simon’s life has been normal for the most part. He and his twin sister Kiera grew up in a middle-class home. His father was a teacher and his mom was a stay-at-home mom; the two were in a stable, healthy relationship. His sister Kiera was always a bit shy and nervous, leading Simon to be more protective of her, having to deal with those who’d pick on her. He used to be much more hot-headed, but as he’s grown up he’s mellowed out quite a bit, and grown much more mature with age. Simon’s relatively new to gaming; Kiera introduced him to the JRPG genre and he’s become more and more fascinated with gaming ever since. He still favors JRPGs but also enjoys MMOs and the occasional fighting game.
Class Type: Defensive
In Hello! 10 yrs ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
Hi, I'm Espional (you can call me Espi if you want) and I'm new here! I'm fairly new to serious RPs but I greatly enjoy writing and hopefully I'll get a chance to do that here! Nice to meet you all.
I'm interested.
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