Avatar of ExplosiveCrate
  • Last Seen: 8 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 44 (0.01 / day)
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    1. ExplosiveCrate 10 yrs ago


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Oh wow, I can't believe I haven't heard of this comic before. Time to add yet another one to my backlog.
It certainly seems like a very interesting setting. What's the overall technological level here? It seems that modern weapons are used, are these manufactured or scavenged from the ruins of the old world?
Hey, unnamed hero! I'm very interested in a Dark Souls RP, do you have anything specific in mind, like the time it would take place? During the events of the first game, second game, or one of the many ages that have passed since the two games?
I'm very much interested in GEAR, always liked the idea and implications of true AIs. There's a lot of potential in playing AIs, and the concept seems sweet. How advanced would the AIs be in that setting, and would they be under any restrictions (Asimov's three laws, certain protocols, restraining bolts, etc.?).

Though if that's unavailable for some reason, I like the idea of Digimon adventures.
...You know, I just realized that we were never told where this takes place. I'm guessing it's the same Japanese HS setting as Persona, or am I wrong?

Also, might take a bit for me to get anything done. Laptop screen died so I'm having to use a television for a monitor. It's a bit uncomfortable, to say the least.
I'm definitely interested in this now. Are you still accepting players?

And another question. You said that injuries heal very quickly while Awake, does this also apply to injuries or physical disabilities that were present before ingesting the Magatama?
Nem said
I have dibs on all names using the alphabet. Kthxbai.

Which alphabet, though? For all we know, you could be stuck with Cyrillic script!
Wish I could have had a chance to do anything this week. I'll be free starting Sunday. That being said, I'm fine with a timeskip.
Eugh, I never liked the sound of auototmize. You're shedding unnecessary parts of your body so you can go faster.
This was it. This is how his life was going to end. It had been a short and unfulfilling experience, and Monaghan was not ready to let go of it, but he had no choice in the matter. He could barely lift his head and utter a feeble "Yes, sir." towards Kulero before averting his gaze away from the seer.

He had sealed his own fate by eavesdropping on this group of things. If the seer was correct, they weren't Pokemon. The thought of standing next to these otherworldly creatures frightened and... in a way, excited him. He had left the underground for a reason: to broaden his horizons, to venture out of the inky darkness and into the blinding stun and open up new opportunities for commerce, and these aliens just oozed business opportunities. They didn't have any knowledge of the world beyond the most basic of things. They couldn't know any better than to trust the only actual Pokemon of the group, so he could get away with outlandish claims about the products he offered! The possibilities were nearly endless with these blank slates! He could even use this odd "quest" to expand his business into the Dawn and increase the variety of his goods. He'd only ventured out into the Dusk, he hadn't even been to the grand cities of the midlands, but the chance had finally presented itself to him.

As these thoughts passed through his head, Monaghan's morale began returning, bringing the toothy grin along with it. The smile was an involuntary action, much like blinking when sneezing. He turned to face the Alakazam's "friends" and quickly studied them, his sapphire eyes and unwavering smile made it impossible top discern what he was thinking. Out of all the "pokemon" in the clearing, those he had been grouped with seemed to be the most normal. They hadn't broken down into tears or threatened anyone with violence. One was a small Noibat. He'd seen Noibats and Noiverns gracefully flying around in complete darkness before as if they could see without eyes, with the swarms being accompanied by a horrible cacophony of barely audible sound. Though looking at the Noibat, he was hard pressed to believe that something so small could cause such a painful sound. The second companion was a Vulpix. He didn't know to much about them, as they usually stayed in the desert. He recalled their evolved forms being infamous for tricking travelers and occasionally acting as oracles and doomsayers.

Eager to begin their "friendship", he strolled towards the two without making an effort to conceal his sinister smile. Making an exaggerated bowing motion, the Sableye began introducing himself to his new... adventuring group. "Greetings, I believe the seer has chosen to group us together. My name is Monaghan, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance." He extended a clawed hand at his two team members and waited for their response. Perhaps someone with a good ear could pick up the false sincerity in Monaghan's voice.
About time the guild starts working. If there's anything weird about the post, it's either because it was all written on the phone and swype sometimes misinterprets gestures, or because it was written while laying down on the back seat of a car at 4 in the morning.
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