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i would really liek to get this one going if ppl are curious, even to just ask qquestiosn plz do :D
Skylar said
Okay then. Give me a character sheet and I'll get right to concepting a nation then.

currently im waiting on a few more people that are interested, once thats done i'll get to setting up the game, i'll PM once i start and give updates on the game design progress, then we go from there. :)
Skylar said
Quite interesting. I'm in. Will this be primarily stat or narrative based?

it will be stat, but narrative is also aloud, you run your nation as you want, diplomacy can be huge narritive in discussions at times from other games i have done.

also to add i forgot to say you can move your island or islands around, and even use them as siege weapons and ram others :D but this is not somethign you want to do allt he time cause you'll destroy your islands :D
i wont be playing, as a neutral party for mod decisions, 3 people just wont be enough, as i said i know this from running these sorts of games else were, need at least 4 people to be playing to make it interesting.

An old man lights a candel, on the table in front of him and sits down, across from him on the other side of the table is a Stranger, not from this place, but from below, the old man coughs and speaks.

"AH, my dear boy, you came from Miratahs island right?"
"Yes i did" The Young man replys
"WELL then, you will not know of the happenings of use up here then, so let me tell you about our world"

The old man reaches under the table and pulls out an old cloth rolled up, and places it on the table, unrolling it, reveling a map.

"You see this map, this is of our known world" The old man points to a spot ont he map with a small little black line on it

"This is were you are from, this is the map of the world, our massive world, Its mostly ocean with a few scaterd islands on the surface, but in the skys, it is a wonderous place of exploration, the amazing magnetic fields we experiance on this world gives us the wandering islands, even someas large as a continent, rich with resources and amazing wonders"

The old man grabs another cloth from under the table and lays it over the other map, with pictures and delactly drawn maps of islands, connected by bridges, some of fortresses, and others with what appears to be sails or engines.

"This is some of the Islands we know off, some rulled by Dictarors others by the people, some are industrious, others scientific, some look for military glory, others commercial gain, all with thier own amazing wonders that have to be seen, All because of a Mineral Called the Anti-Magntite Or Float Stone, You will find Massive Flying Fleets, and or Citys, but were you end up is up to you because This is the World of the Wandering Islands"

-The Game-

This is a Nation RP, were you control your own little Island, you maintain its Resources, Industry, Government, Economy, Military, Research, and build wonders of glory.

You have the ability to Capture other Floating Islands, and conect them to yours, or buld them into Fortresses, your able to Anchor these Islands off fromt he planet to prevent thier Wandering, and gain from trade because of it.

You Develope your own research onto Flying machines, Either Giant Ballon Fortresses, or Floating Steam Machines, its of your own Design.and imagination, and much much more available.

all i need is at least up to 5 People Interested so i can get started, so if you liek the idea, say your interested and we will go from there, I'll even go as far to give updates of the games progress for launch if i have enough interests.

So i leave it to you.

An old man lights a candel, on the table in front of him and sits down, across from him on the other side of the table is a Stranger, not from this place, but from below, the old man coughs and speaks.

"AH, my dear boy, you came from Miratahs island right?"
"Yes i did" The Young man replys
"WELL then, you will not know of the happenings of use up here then, so let me tell you about our world"

The old man reaches under the table and pulls out an old cloth rolled up, and places it on the table, unrolling it, reveling a map.

"You see this map, this is of our known world" The old man points to a spot ont he map with a small little black line on it

"This is were you are from, this is the map of the world, our massive world, Its mostly ocean with a few scaterd islands on the surface, but in the skys, it is a wonderous place of exploration, the amazing magnetic fields we experiance on this world gives us the wandering islands, even someas large as a continent, rich with resources and amazing wonders"

The old man grabs another cloth from under the table and lays it over the other map, with pictures and delactly drawn maps of islands, connected by bridges, some of fortresses, and others with what appears to be sails or engines.

"This is some of the Islands we know off, some rulled by Dictarors others by the people, some are industrious, others scientific, some look for military glory, others commercial gain, all with thier own amazing wonders that have to be seen, All because of a Mineral Called the Anti-Magntite Or Float Stone, You will find Massive Flying Fleets, and or Citys, but were you end up is up to you because This is the World of the Wandering Islands"

-The Game-

This is a Nation RP, were you control your own little Island, you maintain its Resources, Industry, Government, Economy, Military, Research, and build wonders of glory.

You have the ability to Capture other Floating Islands, and conect them to yours, or buld them into Fortresses, your able to Anchor these Islands off fromt he planet to prevent thier Wandering, and gain from trade because of it.

You Develope your own research onto Flying machines, Either Giant Ballon Fortresses, or Floating Steam Machines, its of your own Design.and imagination, and much much more available.

all i need is at least up to 5 People Interested so i can get started, so if you liek the idea, say your interested and we will go from there, I'll even go as far to give updates of the games progress for launch if i have enough interests.

So i leave it to you.
Aristocles said
Is this like that Civ V scenario?

the civ 5 thing, sort of, but not really, this is pretty different in my opinion
need 2 more people to be interested before i even bother doing anything further with this, need at least 4 people who are interested :)
rush99999 said
I'm in.Quick question though: Why can't we just play until the thread dies instead of ending the RP when we hit 1920?

well we can, but in my experience with the other games like this from other forums it always died before we even hit the end, but i'm quiet happy to let it roll on after the end game time :)
Empires of the smokey skies, In the Year 1776, Thomas Watts, made a astounding Break through with the first Steam Engine, which was the spark that ignited a rush to produce the "Steam Engine Wars" Which Ended in 1827 not long after the fall of Napoleon who was the first to use steam powered equipment which caused the realization of its future uses, with the first of its kind 4 cylinder, 120HP inline Steam engine, This lead to a Industrial Revolution that would change the world, Many Inventors, building massive tractor equipment, to massive steam boilers for industrial estates, to the massive war machines that plague the battlefields, but the world has been silent for to long, and the powder keg that has been brewing is ready to spark, WHO WILL WIN? Who will reign supreme at the table or the battlefield? WHO will be an Industrial empire or a Trading giant, WHO WILL BE AN EMPIRE OF THE SMOKEY SKIES?

This is a RP nation Game were you command a nation in the Alternate universe of the world, were Steam powers the world, you have to manage your Economy, industry, production, military, politics, trade, and Production.

You have full control over what your nation does, The game starts in 1870 and ends on 1920, the posting system works with 2 threads, one for nation status posts, and the other as the general chat, war, and diplomacy thread, you get to design all your own machines of war, this is one thing that makes this unique, you want to build a monstrous land battleship SURE go ahead, its all up to your imagination.

I need at least 4 people that are interested in this game for me to even think of working on it, it will use pieces of my other game http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/71394/posts/ooc how ever it will have totally different setup and game mechanics and rules, this is a game i had on my mind for a long time, but never really bothered to put it into action.

Any Questions just ask :)

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