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Kara begins to believe Bay is a man of few words. His tension is still as present as it was when she first entered the room and it was obvious to her it was due to Genevieve. She then watches Roxy and Jason's exchange in wonder. How are they walking through the shadows? She has never met anyone else with a gift like her. The excitement starts to bubble in her stomach.

Sensing Ash's rising anxiety, Kara turns her attention her way. "Wanna see what I can do?" Kara reaches in her bag and pulls out a half full bottle of water. She unscrews the top and tips it upside down over her open palm. As the water spills out of the spout it morphs into a ball above her hand. She expands the water until it resembles a large bubble. "I can controls elements. Like water, air, earth and fire. How about you?" She closes her palm and directs the water back in to the bottle with a poetic motion. She's hoping the smooth flow of the water and her unthreatening example of power eases Ash a bit.
"Kara. I'm aquamarine." Her voice is smaller then normal and the serious tone seems unfamiliar. She holds up her hand showing the ring. Roxy seems a bit tense. Great, a stranger holding weapons. She straightens her back and glances towards the girl hugging her knees. Ash's body posture reads introvert and her timidness helps Kara's mind find some ease. She walks to a window, props herself up against the sill and studies the others while the sun warms her back.
Kara looks around the room as she enters. The others file in ahead of her and she notices another boy come in behind her. 7 people so far. Where are the rest? She can feel the tension between the two strangers on the couch so, naturally, she becomes inclined to break it. Her bag thuds against the floor and she finds a space next to the boy with dirty blonde hair. She leans forward and looks down the couch. 'Anyone know what's going on here?'
She needs to absorb the energy from the sun to manifest her abilities which leaves her manipulation extremely weak at night.
Alrighty, I'll use element manipulation (Air, earth, fire and water) instead. (:
Name: Kara Deveraux

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Gemstone: Aquamarine


Personality: Kara is upfront and honest. She always looks for the best in people but will not hesitate to point out their flaws or tell them the brutal truth. Although her intentions tend to be good she does cross the line sometimes. She is very passionate about those she loves and will sacrifice near anything to keep them safe and happy. She loves to day dream, is called a night owl and free spirit by those close to her and has a bad case of wanderlust. Authority and Kara tend to clash as she believes she knows the right way all things should go and cannot stand oppression by an opposing force.

Gifts (Limited to Three): Element Manipulation (Air, earth, fire and water)

Bio: Kara grew up in a traditional household outside of Denver, Colorado. She was the only child of a loving couple. Her childhood memories were filled with nothing but laughter and love. She looked up to her parents as if they were super heroes. At the age of 8 her parents went out for a date night but never returned. A drunk driver had caused their car to swerve off the road and into a lake, killing them both. This destroyed Kara's world but also brought her powers to light. Soon after the death of her parents she realized that she was gifted and the extreme emotions she had been feeling somehow unlocked it. She was placed in several foster homes throughout her life but could not find stability due to her unusual gift of element manipulation, which is most powerful during the day but extremely weak at night. Kara vividly remembers being called a monster, demon and devil child by her foster parents when she would display her power in an effort to become accepted for who she really was. At the age of 16 she ran away from her placement home, started working a minimum wage job and saving up for a car so she could travel west and, in her words, 'live life as a beach bum' in sunny California. She bought her trusty old clunker as a 17th birthday gift for herself and was setting head out until she received an anonymous letter.
I just realized we had to do this! Feel free to delete my post! -.-
Kara pulls up the driveway, clunking and squeeling to a stop behind a pick up. She gathers her bag off the passenger seat and steps out, turning towards the old house. Reaching in her back pocket she pulls out a crumpled piece of paper and glances at the address. 'Well, this is the place.' She looks at the ring, which holds an aquamarine stone, then back at the house. A shiver runs down her spine and she cannot tell if it is excitement or fear behind it. The worn look of the house appeals to her curiosity but the anonymity of the letter causes her anxiety to spike. 'Deep breath, you've been through weirder things than this.'

As she approaches she makes out the end of a conversation. Before her are two girls and one boy, but none with a familiar face. They seemed to have not noticed her approaching. With three bounces she is up the steps and catches the door before it can close. 'Hey, wait up!'
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