Avatar of Father Dagon
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    1. Father Dagon 9 yrs ago


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9 yrs ago
Current Sacrifice, debauchery, and general chaos in honor of the Ruinous Powers and the Great Old Ones.


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Things are getting slightly complicated. I hadn't heard from you, so I just remade the post acting like it was The Society that young Haixun was chasing after. I don't know if it would be best if I try to stitch it together that Haixun was tracking both of you, or if you would rather pretend that it never happened. What would be your ideal solution to this situation?
The Night-Walkers, Population 30 (18 in Khlin, 12 in Imlona)

Age of Rising Shadow, Morning After Night of Hidden Light (New Moon)

Techs: Inter-Species Communication Method (1/4)

The holy waters of darkness fades, the sky is once again illuminated by the unholy fire. Haixun mutters to himself about how he hates having to find these creatures in this revealing light, but he knows that it is the only way. These mole-men are normally consistent in their path to the river, and could be tracked easily. With the morning sun rising over the sky, Haixun gathered his necessary supplies and set out.

These creatures were easily located, their lack of experience leaving an obvious path. Haxiun followed from treetops, being careful about where he is climbing as to not be seen. As he was traveling above these creatures, Haxiun was trying to make sense of what these strange creatures were talking about. What is a "minister"? Agrikultr? They keep mentioning something called "Illis". They seem to be debating something. What's this about another kind of person? Someone from beyond the eastern wastes, the end of the world? How is this possible? These creatures stopped in front of a low-lying branch with fruits growing off of it. Trying to understand what these creatures were doing, Haxiun began to climb down for a better view.

It took one wrong move, one foolish step and Haxiun began tumbling down the branches. Trying to grab onto nearby branches, he only succeeded in making more noise. Thankfully, the branches broke his fall enough that he could see that nothing was broken. Then, he realized what has happened. The sky-flame is bright, he is on the ground. They can see him. After the initial elation of realizing that he is alive and can move, he saw the wood-men. They bolted up in shock at this sudden appearance. The wood-men kept their distance, showing a look not of terror, but of profound curiosity and interest. Although they seemed not to be afraid, Haxiun felt a moment of pure terror. In shock of these strange creatures, Haxiun stood in place for several seconds. After noticing that he has legs, Haxiun sprinted away into the forest faster than he knew that he could. He needed to get back home.

(Shoggothought and I live in the same house so it was unnecessary to make multiple posts for his response to Haxiun's fall.)
There hasn't been any response from the guy so far, so I'll just move on and remake the post. I'll pretty much just act like I was talking about The Society and work from there. That way, I can actually start posting again. Again, sorry about the situation.
I just realized that the yellow people on the map are actually Yelb, not Herenthor. That is kind of embarrassing. I could continue on the current track of interaction with the Herenthor if they so wish, or I could take back the encounter. I'll wait until Joegreenbean is able to say whether he is in favor of this or otherwise before I make another post. Sorry about that, I'll make sure that my color-detection abilities are up to the task next time.

I believe that Shoggothought refers to his combined civilization as "The Society", so I don't think that you need to name all of his races.
I've made some documentation to help clarify Platta color meanings. They are on the newest IC post, and here if you want to see them:

After joining a little while ago, I have been simply amazed at the work and thought put into this RP. Case and point with the Platta making an actual diagram to explain their complicated color system. It is really quite amazing.
The Night-Walkers, Population 30 (18 in Khlin, 12 in Imlona)

Age of Rising Shadow, Morning After Night of Hidden Light (New Moon)

Techs: Inter-Species Communication Method (1/4)

The holy waters of darkness fades, the sky is once again illuminated by the unholy fire. Haixun mutters to himself about how he hates having to find these creatures in this revealing light, but he knows that it is the only way. These mole-men are normally consistent in their path to the river, and could be tracked easily. With the morning sun rising over the sky, Haixun gathered his necessary supplies and set out.

These creatures were easily located, their strange walking motion leaving a distinct path. Haxiun followed from treetops, being careful about where he is climbing as to not be seen. As he was traveling above these creatures, Haxiun was trying to make sense of these strange noises that they made. What could these things be saying? They keep mentioning something called "Hmph". They seem to be debating something. What is this "Hmph"? Finally they made it to the river, and began filling their strange containers with the sacred waters of the Homeland. Trying to understand what these creatures are saying, Haxiun began to look over the branch to see if there are any hints in their movements.

It took one wrong move, one foolish step and Haxiun began tumbling down the branches. Trying to grab onto nearby branches, he only succeeded in making more noise. Thankfully, the branches broke his fall enough that he could see that nothing is broken. Then, he realized what has happened, the sky-flame is bright, he is near the river. They can see him. He looked up and saw these strange creatures staring at him. Haxiun got his feet and sprinted away, jumping away from these giants. He climbed a nearby tree and ran to his home-tribe as fast as possible.

The Night-Walkers, Population 28 (17 in Khlin, 11 in Imlona)

Age of Rising Shadow, Night of Hidden Light (New Moon)

"For years, the Night-Walkers slept in the treetops of the Homelands, hiding from the world. Awaken, glorious shadows of night, awaken and face the world. Face the world and show it our worth!"

Night has fallen in the Homeland village of Khlin, the light that managed to sneak through the trees now gone. Now, those known as the Night-Walkers are awakening from their huts and nests in the trees. First to awaken is Bolach, chief and elder of these people, pleased to find that the gods have blessed them with a night of total darkness. Second to wake is Haixun, a younger Walker trained in the art of scouting, who has seen the strange intruders who travel into the Homelands when the accursed fire burns away the safety of darkness, taking water and meat.

The tribe stirs with the last of the vile flames being suffocated by the holy waters of darkness, in the sacred night where they may move in total safety from the servants of fire that they must hide from in the day. Now that the tribe has finally risen, Bolach climbs onto a nearby branch and gives the duties of the night. The people accept their responsibilities as they do almost every night, and now that total darkness is upon them in this sacred night, they may begin to debate about important decisions that the tribe must take. Haxiun begins the tribe meeting by speaking of the "Ravenwoods" (known to others as the Ferream) and "Molemen" (Herenthor) who have been reported crossing in and out of the Homelands (as they have for many, many years). He holds up his belief that it is necessary that we begin to interact with these creatures. They seem to have the ability to think and communicate. Others argue that they are dangerous and will destroy the tribe if they find us. This went on for a time until Bolach signaled for silence.

-"Both sides make good points, the moon seems to have gifted them with the waters of thought, as she has done for us. I will speak to the people of Imlona and see if they have any reports on these outsiders."

Bolach then signaled for the young Haxiun to approach

"You wish to have us reveal ourselves to these things from outside the Homelands. You will take the responsibility for tracking them and finding their homes. We need to know who we are dealing with before we start speaking with them."

Haxiun smiled with an air of assurance

"You can count on me, chief. I will have a report for you after the sky-flame is gone tomorrow."

Chief Bolach addressed the rest of the tribe, "I can understand your concerns for our safety, but we must become more connected to our world, for otherwise we will be burnt to ashes by the inferno of destruction that we call time. This council is finished, get to your duties and we will speak again after Haxiun has a report and I have heard the reports from Imlona. May the darkness guide us."

And with that, the council was over, and the people went about their duties for the night, knowing that this may be the beginning of a new era.
Name of Race: Nalusa Falaya (better known as the Night-Walkers)

Pic/Description (either one, but both is preferred): This isn't perfect, but its the best I could find without being corrupted by "that" part of the internet.

The "Night-Walkers" are a species of humanoid creatures that have, over time, evolved an obsidian-black skin tone as a camouflage for them in the dark forest area in which their society exists. They are of a relatively small size, most adults only amounting to 4 feet tall. A distinguishing characteristic is their ears, which are often larger and straighter than that of average humanoid species.

Racial Characteristics (things specific to the race): These creatures are nocturnal, often hunting and performing most important functions during the night. In this dark environment and acting at night, the Night-Walkers have developed enhanced hearing (hence the changes to the structure) which they depend upon more frequently than their eyes. The smaller structure of these creatures has made them quite agile, and their primitive tribes are often built high in the trees of their native forest. The average life of a Night-Walker ranges anywhere from 40-50 years depending on class, luck, and health (based upon chimpanzees, which live around 45 years in the wild according to the Chimpanzee Sanctuary Northwest).

Race Bio (personality, etc.): The Night-Walkers are characterized by their prideful, strangely optimistic, and perhaps even narcissistic outlook on society, contrasting with their foreboding architecture and environment. These creatures are often quite protective of their claimed territory, though they rarely expand. That being said, typically, Night-Walkers find it difficult to communicate with outsiders due to their natural physical weakness and their reclusive behavior when faced with direct confrontation of this sort. The only outside interaction on a major scale is the Choir's yearly tribute given to the Night-Walkers due to their belief that they are the reanimated corpses of Illis, decomposed to the point where they have gained sentience that they lacked in life. Rich merchants in "The Society" will sacrifice a small group of Illis and place their corpses in the forest, believing that it will grant them their favor.

Location on Map:

Techs (specifically those not already given): Basic bows and archery (the Night Walkers take great pride in their preferred style of combat, archery), tactics/basic communication (necessary development to deter much stronger and fiercer predators), and construction (huts and basic wooden platforms in the trees, the home of the Night-Walkers).

Developed Techs (for future reference when I inevitably lose track)- Inter-Species Communication Method, Map Making, and Trapping

Characters (will be updated as more are added)-
Haixun- Advocate for exploration and outside interaction, also son of Bolach. First Chief of Chiefs
Estrella- Female child, twin to Lunas.
Lunas- Male child, twin to Estrella.
Kiebal- Architect in charge of constructing the new village of Kaaba.
Zamaxar- New Chief of Imlona.

Bolach- chief of the village, Khlin. Killed by Snisir
Trixarch- chief of the village, Imlona. Killed by Bolach.

Locations- Khlin, tree-village and capital of the Night-Walkers
Imlona, tree-village on the other side of the homeland forests
The Homelands, the walker name for the forest in which they make their home.
Kaaba- New village in construction on the Heart Tree

Moon Phases:
Note- All of these are "The Night of-"
New Moon- The Hidden Light
Waxing Crescent Moon- Hilal
Half Moon- The Great Balance
Waxing Gibbous- The Final Siege
Full Moon- The Second Flame
Waning Gibbous- The Lost Fire
Half-Moon- The Great Balance
Waning Crescent- Kafa
Name of Race: Nalusa Falaya (better known as the Night-Walkers)

Pic/Description (either one, but both is preferred): This isn't perfect, but its the best I could find without being corrupted by "that" part of the internet.

The "Night-Walkers" are a species of humanoid creatures that have, over time, evolved an obsidian-black skin tone as a camouflage for them in the dark forest area in which their society exists. They are of a relatively small size, most adults only amounting to 4 feet tall. A distinguishing characteristic is their ears, which are often larger and straighter than that of average humanoid species.

Racial Characteristics (things specific to the race): These creatures are nocturnal, often hunting and performing most important functions during the night. In this dark environment and acting at night, the Night-Walkers have developed enhanced hearing (hence the changes to the structure) which they depend upon more frequently than their eyes. The smaller structure of these creatures has made them quite agile, and their primitive tribes are often built high in the trees of their native forest. The average life of a Night-Walker ranges anywhere from 40-50 years depending on class, luck, and health (based upon chimpanzees, which live around 45 years in the wild according to the Chimpanzee Sanctuary Northwest).

Race Bio (personality, etc.): The Night-Walkers are characterized by their prideful, strangely optimistic, and perhaps even narcissistic outlook on society, contrasting with their foreboding architecture and environment. These creatures are often quite protective of their claimed territory, though they rarely expand. That being said, typically, Night-Walkers find it difficult to communicate with outsiders due to their natural physical weakness and their reclusive behavior when faced with direct confrontation of this sort. The only outside interaction on a major scale is the Choir's yearly tribute given to the Night-Walkers due to their belief that they are the reanimated corpses of Illis, decomposed to the point where they have gained sentience that they lacked in life. Rich merchants in "The Society" will sacrifice a small group of Illis and place their corpses in the forest, believing that it will grant them their favor.

Location on Map:

Techs (specifically those not already given): Basic bows and archery (the Night Walkers take great pride in their preferred style of combat, archery), tactics/basic communication (necessary development to deter much stronger and fiercer predators), and construction (huts and basic wooden platforms in the trees, the home of the Night-Walkers).
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