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    1. Felix7heWolf 9 yrs ago


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... Rawr?

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@Rogue Colm Perfect, thank you, ^-^ And don't worry about the length of your replies. At least three sentences should be enough. Just say what there is to say, and if you're feeling creative add something random, like a thought or a memory. Don't get stressed. It's supposed to be enjoyable.
@Rogue Colm The grand foyer is pretty much the equivalent of a mud room in a typical house. It's an entry way. He was waiting for you at the door. Sorry for not being more clear. May I ask you to edit your reply?

Grand Foyer Ex:
Knock, or use a key that you would probably have. *Shrug* The door's always locked, so I suppose you would have key. It'd make sense. You're pretty much a part of a family, so you could just waltz right in.
@CandiBarr @RangingWolf Hope you two are still interested in this. I'm going to ask that you keep the Bios as non-personal as possible. I find that telling too much of the story in the bio takes away from the RP. To talk about your dead brother in your bio is to take away a touching moment between characters. Catch my drift?
"In a world where there is little to no hope the citizens of the supposed last habitable city left look to their government for guidance. "Don't venture beyond the walls of Zion!" they say. "It's not safe!" they say. Well, that's true actually. Down there the environment is less than hospitable. I mean an irradiated landscapes, unbreathable air, and a mist that almost seems to consume life itself isn't quite what I would call a holiday and the monsters always keep thing interesting."
The shady figure kicked a little pebble with his boot. The external steel tip clinked as it sent the pebble skipping down the crowded street. "But sometimes I prefer the outside to being up here on the inside. Sometimes I'd almost think that it was safer out there. I mean for example "To question the authority of the elders is heresy and is here by punishable by death." The elders really love that rule you know. To them another dead body is just another addition to the cities compost piles.
He shook his head and brushed past an old woman in rags. He could feel her hand slip into his black trench coat pocket. Even though the pockets where deep she managed to grab a rag which inside laid a stone. He quickly pulled his seemingly over sized pistol out from under his black trench coat and put it to the back of her head. "Ma'am?" She turned and held it out to the old man. He extended his hand allowing her to sheepishly drop it into his hand. "Thanks."
He slipped it back into his pocket and pulled out a silver coin that caught the light seemingly from every direction. He flipped it toward the lady who caught it shocked. "Have a nice day." He gave a slight bow and walked away.
The slums where always a depressing place to be. Everyone scrounging around in the dirt just trying to make it another day. They had it the worst out of the community. The system's broken as flip. It goes elders, nobles, higher class, servants, peasants, and then there's the trash that's below the peasants. Those people belong in the slums.
Where was I...? Oh yes, the punishable by death part. So this fella right here, the one trudging down this ally way. Yeah, he's a convict. He goes beyond the walls to find the treasures of a world long past. Claimed by the fog few dare deal with the risks. let along the risk of displeasing the elders, but we all need to survive somehow, and and often times putting lives on the line, whether they be ours or others, seems to be the best way to do that. Almost hypocritical if you ask me. The convict turned down an ally way. Steam came from a few ruptured pipes. After taking a few more turns he found himself in a large entry way to a small plaza. It wasn't to hard to see who was open for business. The black market seemed to be the safest way to sell most of the goods he would find.
He walked up to one of the booths and pulled out to stone. "How much will you give me for this one Jon?" He pulled out the stone wrapped in cloth and unwrapped it, holding it out for the shop keep to see. They started to barter and argue over a price, but little did they know they were soon going to have to run for their lives once again.

Concepts for the world below the mountain.

Concepts for the monsters in the mist.

Concepts for the city.



Dean began to grow tired of waiting when he saw the bottom of his wine glass. The old wicker chair creaked under his weight as he shifted. The old director used to sit here. He could never push himself to replace the old things. There where many fond memories of playing in this place as a child. The cliched sliding down the railing and throwing his bouncy ball around where the most vivid memories. Every now and then when the old man was feeling spunky he would slide down the railing like old times. He lightly shook his head at the thought.
He looked around the room and spotted the old Baldwin piano sitting under the stairs, in front of the window looking out onto the gardens. He stood, walked over to it and sat down on the bench. It to squeaked in the defining silence of the mansion. Outside the window it was dark, but the dim light of the moon was still casting shadows. He looked down at the piano recalling the cords to an old Russian song "When We Were at War." (( Listen here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wOTD2KaAVjc )) Feeling nostalgic he gently place his fingers on the keys and started to play. His 'father' would always play this when he was drunk. When Dean was of age the Director taught him how to play it. Dean started to hum and rock back and forth with the song. Soon he himself broke into song singing with all of the gusto he could muster.

@ArcaneUnit It is near a mountain near Jerusalem, yes. In fact Jerusalem itself has often been called Zion. The uses of the name Zion itself are a bit hazy, but today it's most often used to refer to a safe haven. I have often heard it used myself this way. For example a holy warriors cry for service, "I don't want peace in Zion!" or a philosopher not wanting to ignore the questions that everyone asks simply to have a peace of mind, or "peace in Zion". Here, I found this...

"The Jewish longing for Zion, starting with the deportation and enslavement of Jews during the Babylonian captivity, was adopted as a metaphor by Christian Black slaves in the United States, and after the Civil War by blacks who were still oppressed. Thus, Zion symbolizes a longing by wandering peoples for a safe homeland. This could be an actual place such as Ethiopia for Rastafari or Israel for some of the Igbos in Nigeria for example. For others, it has taken on a more spiritual meaning—a safe spiritual homeland, like in heaven, or a kind of peace of mind in one's present life."

No, this doesn't take place in Israel, but for all I care it could. The location doesn't really matter to me. The founders of the city on the mountain wanted it to be a safe place. A haven for the remnants of man. So, they thought the name was appropriate.

@CandiBarr I'll make sure to tag you in the RP when I post a legitimate page for it.
Well hello there.
@RangingWolf Awesome, if you want we can start with just the two of us, and... I just want to start out with one. We'll see how that goes. XD
@Rogue ColmWe can start with just the two of us if you would like. Their characters aren't really preventing the story from progressing at the moment. So, there is no need for me to move them out of the way. @Legion02 @Zhoren Just know that when you do decide to enter you have one week to reply.
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