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The conversation was interrupted a few moments by the President's kid. Petra shot a glance his way as he continued. She wondered why he was lying, but her expression stayed flat.

In the mean time, the little girl had taken Petra's hand and held it firmly as she choked out a fast introduction. “I'm Mari. It's short for Marianne. I don't know why I'm here.” Petra looked down at her and returned the grasp. She nodded in approval.

And then Jon's response to her questions. She glared back at him with the same calm demeanor as he did so. Petra started to shake her head at his response, but then Harris spoke up and she stopped herself a shake in. She felt it more logical to see what supplies were in the control room and armory before packing up everything else. Perhaps unlike the others, she didn't have a bag in her room. No one had intended her to leave. Not wanting to cause any obvious protest in front of everyone between herself and Jon, she turned toward her room without giving him any acknowledgement. Any debate with the man might have cast her in a negative light. Clearly, there was something off about the guy, but she couldn't do anything except watch out for herself and the others, if she could.

As the two walked passed Mari's room, Petra dropped her off with a smile. “Go ahead and pack up. Only the most important stuff, ok? And change into your warmest clothing.” The little one looked up at her and nodded before doing as told. Petra gave one last look around the hallway before returning to her room.

Her room was an absolute mess from the thrashing she'd been giving it the past five days. Petra grabbed a moderate amount of non-perishables from the cabinets and a couple of bottles of water. She threw them all onto the middle of her bed. Next, she stripped and changed into clean clothes and began layering. Underwear and bra, shorts and tank, t-shirt and long underwear, long sleeved shirt and sweat pants, sweatshirt, two pairs of socks, and finally, her trainers. These were the only kinds of clothes she had in her room. No warm coats or boots. She packed a few changes of clothes, more specifically of the bottom layer type which would spoil the quickest.

Petra yanked the top sheet free on all corners and then tied it in a bundle around her belongings to form her 'bag.' She hoped there'd be another back pack somewhere else in the facility she could use. Or perhaps one of the others had an extra for her. Lastly, she grabbed a black cotton beanie she had never used from the chest at the foot of her bed and pulled it down over her ears. She walked out with her knapsack in hand and walked back to Mari's room. In the days to come, she knew she'd be happy she'd kept up a fitness regimen, depending on how long she'd have to lug all of that around.

“Can you stay put and watch our stuff until it's time to go?” She set the bag next to the little girls and waited briefly for a reply before walking over to the covered body. She uncovered the feet, unlaced the boots and pulled them off. She set them on top of the bodies stomach. For the time being, she left them there for anyone else that might have wanted them, as they weren't quite her size. Perhaps there were others more suitable elsewhere. Maybe even other bodies that needed to be stripped. All actions were taken matter-of-factly and without emotion.

Finally, Petra walked over to Jon to finish up their conversation. She crossed her arms over the chest and leaned in a bit. “I don't feel great about you and the... senator's... son being the only ones with weapons... so how about we get that armory open now?” She pulled back and looked into his eyes for a few moments. In a way, she was testing him, just as she would do with the others. As far as anyone knew, Petra was a non-threat. She began walking toward the rooms to get a better look at the maps, but continued to speak. “Plus... who knows what else we'll find behind these doors. And on the other floors too. I'm positive there are medical stores in addition to this food storage. Just have to find it. Would be helpful to have in case of... emergency.” She adjusted her cap and leaned her back against the wall as she waited for him to open the doors. The quicker they got through this, the sooner she could focus on getting to know everyone better.
Azseth said
Hi all. Two things, one minor, one not totally minor:1. The post with Terry/Fuad. I am not sure if you all are aware, but that post was done 7 days ago, on the FIRST day of this month which happens to be APRIL. So. The FIRST DAY OF APRIL.... 2. Anriu is bowing out of the RP. I am not sure what this means for any of you who may have tied RPs together with him, but I know offhand that Darkraven was in the middle of scenes with him. Dark, let me know if you need help of want help. If anyone has issues or whatever, let me know.AzMST, lemme know if you need anything.Az

Since Petra was going to be involved with Marianne, I can take her over as npc until she dies? Like Dark was saying about Dylan and Val, it might be nice development for Petra if she sticks around for a little while. And then dies or something. But I'll let you decide all of that. Simply hand it all off to me if you wish. I know you're busy.
I'm just going to go ahead and make this my main 1x1 SL listing. :p

Please note, ALL of my SLs are 18+ and more often than not include tons of violence and everything else. I like dark themes. In regards to smut, I will not play it. All scenes of that nature, when required by the plot, “fade to black,” as they say. That being said, all of these SLs are meant to be played male/female, the male being you, the female being me. I do expect strong friendships to form and perhaps a modicum of romance as the story progresses, in most cases. When doubling, I'll play male when required and you can play female if you wish.

When I say committed, I'm hoping for at least 1-2 posts a day. I myself, could post a lot more.

I play only advanced. I expect the same from you and that your English and grammar skills rival my own. My posts are always minimum 2-4 substantive paragraphs and are more often than not 5+, except when there is a lot of action/dialogue and shorter posts are required for quick progression.

All of that being said, I'm pretty nice and love to collaborate, so reply or shoot me a message if you're interested in partnering-up!

More to come!

Even if you'd like to play with me, but aren't interested in my SLs, you can run ideas by me and I'll bite if I like them. :)

For me there's like this strange issue where one of my characters story can't progress until I hear from/collab with these other players in his story?

Strange, I know. That like never, ever happens. You know? I've tried to fix it with this strange PM system. Maybe I'm not doing it right.

I have to like... type in who I want to see the message... then, like, send it, right? Really confusing stuff.
Anima said
God, sorry that took so long to get up. I had writer's block until today :(!

I like it. :) Seems like Sam's going to turn out dirtier than I thought she would.
drummer-dan said
Really enjoying everyones situations at the moment.looking forward to the big meet.

Fo sho!
Don't know if you're still looking or not, but if you are, try the link in my signature.
Would like to post a link to this SL from the Advanced Interest Check section.


Or feel free to go straight to the website I've created for it http://www.thebitterendrp.blogspot.com/.

Very excited about this SL, but not sure it's getting the attention it needs.

Hopefully if you haven't seen it before, this will catch your eye.
Trinity Episcopal Church, Southwest Missouri
Approximately five months after the Rising

Part II

Daniel convulsed and moaned throughout his restless sleep that night. It would be the first of many nights filled with nightmares.

When he awoke he shot straight up, drenched in sweat and breathing heavily. Daniel lurched his shoulders forward and groaned in pain. It was pitch black. Either it was a new moon outside or the clouds had covered up any remains of the waning light. He guessed he had only been asleep about four hours judging on the light when the others had shown up and how long it took the other... events... to transpire. Must have been around three or four in the morning.

The priest put his palms to the ground and began feeling around him. Eventually one landed on something wet and squishy. He shuddered. The big man. After recalling the scuffle took place near the altar and that he had fallen asleep between it and the dead man, he crawled toward it until he felt the base, then reached up to grab its edge. He slowly pulled himself up and braced himself against it for balance. The next step was getting the two altar candles lit so he could see.

Daniel lifted himself up onto the altar itself and propped himself on his knees. He pulled a pack of matches from his pocket and lit one on the sole of his shoe. Easier than trying to find the black strip on the packet.

“MMMMaaaaaa.... MMMM. Aaaaghhhh.” The dead moans bounced through the dark off the walls of the sanctuary. It had great acoustics.

“Who's there?!” Daniel extended his arm and match in the direction of the sound. It was coming from somehwere in the middle of the church. There was no answer, only the sound of movement. One shuffle on the carpet, pause. Two shuffles, pause. The priests widened eyes watched the outskirts of the light provided by the tiny flame until it finally burned out. “Shit.” The shuffling sound continued. This time after lighting the second match, he immediately lit the two altar candles, hoping it would give him more light.

Just as the second was lit, there was a loud thunk. The priest's eyes followed the light on the floor once more until he finally saw it. The zombie had fallen on the first of the five steps to the altar, but was clawing to try and get itself up again. “Of fucking course!” How had he forgotten?

Destroy the brain, or the person remains.

A clever phrase he'd heard from one of his visitors.

Zombie Cole continued to totter toward Daniel, succumbing to yet another of the stairs. The priest took this as his chance to kill it before it could advance any further. He hopped down from the altar and began searching around for the knife before he realized he had left it buried in the larger man's chest. He gripped the handle tight and grimaced at the sound it made as it was being pulled from the dead flesh.

The zombie had its arms stretched out toward him. He approached it carefully and kept his distance until he was behind it. It was slow to turn on him. He pounced on its back, struggled with it for a few seconds, but then rapidly stuck the tip of the knife in at the base of its skull and gave it a sharp thrust up and in. It stopped struggling beneath him.

He let out a long sigh of relief and wiped the accumulating sweat from his brow.

Will this madness ever end? Why have you forsaken us?

The larger body started to wiggle. The priest wouldn't give it a chance to completely re-animate. As he had done hours before, he settled himself on top of the man and shoved the blade in through it's right eye.

And then more tears.

Daniel had already bashed the females head in, so there was nothing more to worry about, at least in terms of bodily harm. He decided to go back asleep until daylight.


When the priest opened his eyes later that day, he sincerely hoped it had all been a dream. He forced himself to his feet and looked around at the place. He focused in on the bloodstains and bullet holes... all the evidence that would show others what had transpired... all the evidence that proved he was a filthy murderer before himself and his Lord. He decided then that no one could know. He went to the closet near the church entrance and took from it a chain and padlock. He used them to further secure the threshold. Dan made the decision then that no one could see. No one would see the dirty sanctuary. If they couldn't see it, then they couldn't see him either. How stained he'd become.

From there, it was all about the cover up... all about creating the facade, even if only for himself. He figured it was the only way to protect himself from the man he'd become.

First were the bodies. He lugged each outside into a pile about ten yards out from one of the side entrances then set them ablaze. He stripped naked and threw his clothes into the fire as well.

Second were the stains. The priest scrubbed at them until his fingers bled. Much of it he was able to get rid of with water and cloth, but what he couldn't inevitably dried and turned brown.

Third was himself. Daniel walked to the vesting sacristy and looked at himself in the full length mirror on the back of the door. What he saw, he couldn't comprehend. He propped himself up with one hand to the door and leaned in close to examine further.

“Who... are... you?” He was covered in red. Much of his face and body was swollen and bruised. The back of his head pulsated in pain as the blood was pumped through it. He put his left hand there and felt a sizeable knot. When he pulled it back there was red on his fingers.

Daniel dunked a large container in the sink and filled it with water. He then carried it to the vesting sacristy bathroom and gathered some towels. He proceeded to wipe himself down from head to toe. He finished with his face, gently patting it down. When he was done he looked back into the mirror. “There you are. Daniel. Son of Patricia and Jacob. Little brother of Lillith.” His mind was slowly rebuilding and reforming the jigsaw. He smiled at himself before finally dressing.

When he made his way to the working sacristy later that night to get some food, he paused in front of the altar and stared at the brown stain for a good five minutes.

“Shoot. Must have spilled some wine there last night.” He laughed. “Clumsy goof.” Then continued on.

You do what you have to do to survive.
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